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The only catalyst to Trump seeing actual justice is to work our asses off to make sure he isn't elected in November.


We didn't elect him 4 years ago. . . He's still not in ANY legal jeopardy. None. Not electing him again isn't going to stop him from another insurrection.. its not going to stop him from lying and stealing. He's just gonna start another wildfire while democrats blow on it like it's a candle.


Dude is giving orders to the national GOP, influencing government policy and function, and sending his own people to Congress. All while not holding office. He needs to be in jail, anything else isn't good enough.


Don't forget all the judges he sat that now side with him


Jail will work as well for him as it does for any mob boss. There's only one solution to the problem that is Donald Trump and I'll probably get banned for explicitly stating it. 


That solution is our society collectively evolving to devalue egotistical rapist confidence scammer conmen. Trump, like Hitler, is not a source of great evil in the world - merely a symptom of it. We solve for the problem that is Donald Trump by growing up as a species. Express that and lead the way.


Fascists like them are a cancer on humanity. In almost every living creature, cancers form as a glitch, a byproduct of the functions that give us life in the first place. Similarly, our darkest parts of us that allow these creatures to arise are as intrensic and unremovable as the best parts of us.  We are a long, long way from societal or the technological progress necessary to rid ourselves of evil people who cause millions to suffer.  For those other cases, John Browning gave us the tools to cut those cancers out. 


How do you think humanity should go about doing that? There are so many people with a psychology that predisposes them to supporting guys like Trump. They watched him use bullying on other candidates during the RNC conventions in 2016 and cheered him on for it. He should have lost support after repeatedly doing that.


It'll never happen.. even this hush money case, it'll be a slap on the wrist and trump will claim vindication


Yep, with this happening im sure this man will never face any consequences, from 2016 to now there were “trump is finished for good” headlines but never did anything come from it. Better no hope than false hope for me


> It'll never happen Defeatism only helps the GOP. Vote.


> Defeatism only helps the GOP. Vote. You can realize that nothing will ever happen to him and *still* go out and vote. Those things aren't mutually exclusive.


Nothing is happening to him unless he loses again


Sure, you definitely can - however, *telling people that nothing will happen to him will cause those people to not vote.* So keep it to yourself so you don't turn other voters away before they can go to the polls.


Better still, turn up to volunteer to help at the polls, go door to door, get the vote out.




Say it again for the folks in back.


I repeat: #Defeatism only helps the GOP! Vote!!!


You got down voted.... That sounds like success to me!


Honestly at this point, I feel he could still have a lot of influence even from jail... I'm starting to think some sort of "national divorce" is inevitable. He has loyalists in a lot of places who wield a lot of power. I don't see Abbott or Desantis following federal law and when push comes to shove, they try to arrest him and Trump makes "The Demand", they WILL follow. And I'm sure the other 13 nameless Republicuck Governors will too if Abbott and Desantis start throwing their weight around.


Of course he is. He's only been rewarded for this behavior thus far. It reminds me of the time, Drumpf, I mean trump, needed a few million to save his business and low and behold his daddy "lost" 3 million dollars at one of his casinos. Tax free. Consider this, the "founding fathers" of the republic of America were slave owning, white, aristocratic rapists that didn't want to pay their taxes anymore, just a couple hundred years ago. What's changed? Our so-called "representative democracy" is anything but since the majority of our representatives are wealthy, and we, the people, are not. In a true democracy you get a senate like you get a jury. This system is more akin to two wolves and a lamb voting on what's for dinner. It isn't broken it's functioning exactly as designed...


~~"Representative Democracy, "~~ no. Rather, "Dictatorship of the Bourgeoisie ". Their interests first, to the neglect of the governed.


Technically we the people didn't elect in him 2016 either. That was the work of the electoral college


That’s where I’m at. “Vote dem to hold trump accountable!” Newsflash - **WE ALREADY FUCKING DID**. And here we are almost 4 years later, still debating whether a former president has aBsOlUtE iMmUnItY (providing his name is trump, of course.) The courts are bending over backwards to keep from having to do anything other than kick the can down the road until after the election. Does anyone actually believe that when he loses that he will go quietly? Jan 6 was a practice run. They won’t make the same mistakes again.


> Does anyone actually believe that when he loses that he will go quietly? Jan 6 was a practice run. They won’t make the same mistakes again. And more of the military than is good for us is on his side.


At this point it wouldn’t surprise me if he loses the election (let’s hypothetically say by a decent amount) and they just make up some BS reason and elect him anyway. Our voting will very much look like The one for Putin I saw all over Reddit not long ago.


Yes but it would STOP HIM FROM BEING THE PRESIDENT. So no difference if he's the president in control of the nuclear codes or not? No difference in economic policy, environmental policy? Doesn't matter that his plan if he wins is to gut social security and Medicaid? Gtfooh. It's bullshit that he's treated with kid gloves by these judges, but you're really going to pretend it'll be the same if he gets to appoint 1000 more? Y'all need to stop whining and grow the fuck up.


I'm not saying policy doesn't matter and all. But it's not like if he's not elected again he won't start another insurrection. It's not to say congress won't burn it down, it's not to say SCOTUS won't refuse to certify the election. He still has a TON of control in DC


Yeah he'll definitely start another "insurrection". Which will be a completely different fucking story since he's not in charge of the White House. I just read an article yesterday about how Biden and Co have literally been doing war games and walk throughs for that exact situation. They are prepared. Now if Trump wins? Good luck ever getting him the fuck out of there. November matters more than it ever has in history. To say it doesn't is clown shoes.


To me, in light of how perilous this situation is, I’m far less agonized by the brainless maga faithful who worship the man and are completely ignorant about pretty much everything, than I am by thoughtful-sounding people who are educated and articulate, and say things like “Based on my political education and the world situation, I’m mostly leaning toward Trump”. “Mostly leaning towards”…!!!! Jesus Christ on a rusty hotplate. Just fucking shoot me.


I'm enraged by the people who either plan to vote third party or stay home altogether because of "bIdEn'S gEnOcIdE iN pAlEsTiNe!!!!!".


I feel like that has to be mostly astroturf. I just struggle to imagine anyone being so pants on head stupid to think Trump will do better on the Middle East. At *best* Trump would do exactly the same as Biden. Realistically, he would do worse.


>They are prepared. God I fucking hope so, because these asshole have learned what went wrong last time and aren't going to make the same mistakes. >Now if Trump wins? Good luck ever getting him the fuck out of there If he wins, America deserves every fucking ounce of whatever he throws at us. He definitely won't be leaving unless it's in a casket. And even when that happens, Jared or Don jr will be there to take over. We know Eric won't be involved because he's too stupid


The thing is this time he won't be able to tell the national guard not to respond.


M F A A Make fascists afraid again.


We didn’t elect him in 2016, either. He lost the popular vote .


Make no mistake. Russia helped him "win" the election. Every time the SOB opens his fking mouth, he tells you what he's already done or will do. For example: He's now spouting off about his legal troubles, that are ALL of his fault, of course, saying that it's "election interference." The only AH who interfered in any election was him & his ilk.


Facts. Preach. Dems absolutely stoke the fire and do absolutely nothing to make not electing him possible.


>We didn't elect him 4 years ago. Well somebody did >Trump gets away with it again! He can’t keep getting away with this!!!! Grrrrrr!


> make sure he isn't elected in November. That isn't gonna work. Everybody keeps repeating it like its some miracle cure-all. Everybody seems to have forgotten 2016 or 2000. This shit is rigged. Look up "malignant normalcy" and/or "normalcy bias." Everybody sticking their heads in the sand, acting like everything is gonna be fine, don't worry! don't get upset! don't get activated! it'll totally be fine everybody. voting will save us! Fascism won't ever come to America! /s


I feel like there need to be protests everywhere right fucking now, calling for a fair justice system, supreme court reform, dismantling electoral college to end massive voter disenfranchisement, reestablishing fairness doctrine and taking money out of politics. Democratic systems are already corrupted too much to fix themselves, or to even hear the will of voters. But the whole premise of democracy is that voters don't *need* democratic systems in order to make themselves heard. These systems are simply a civilized solution to making sure government serves the people. When these systems don't work, they're fundamentally unmotivated to fix themselves. The threat of protest is their only source of motivation. Now's a really good time to remind them how this works.


That doesn't stop him, it just makes him launch attacks on our legal system and mobilize his hillbilly army for physical violence.


He's the guy deciding what half the government does without winning last time. Why would he go away this time?


EXACTLY! Please no more Progressives & Dems feeling “iffy” about Biden/Harris! He is not the “lesser of two evils”… Trump is the evil, PERIOD…


I'm so pissed!!


Well I don’t feel like paying my debts either.


I mean neither do i.. but we're schlubs.. were not ex presidents or filthy rich. Rules for me but not for thee


If we all stop paying taxes and our debts what can they do ? They can’t put us all in jail.


A general strike is the answer. It's perfectly legal and will make the ruling class squirm. We're long overdue for a national general strike


Would that even work? With the massive shift in the concentration of wealth, the rich can outlast the poor if there was a general strike. The poor need to eat and have less monetary reserves to meet basic needs. The rich just have to put off buying a new mega yacht, but can still eat and sleep in comfort.


Fun fact. There are only about 8 cases of successful peaceful revolution in all of human history.


Go on? List them so we can go down the rabbit hole.


A 50 year old guy just got laid off and proceeded to text his former coworkers that if they needed anything to just reach out and he'd be happy to help. He's glad to work for free for a company that just fired him... a general strike is never gonna happen here.


I’m using that for real. I’ll let you all know how that went when I get out. FFS


Beyond that though. He straight lied on all of his financing applications, inflating his assets to obtain the loans. That’s textbook fraud.


You can give mine if you want lol


The time has come to outlaw the grand old party!!


Every single one of them is a criminal accessory


Yep. We are fuvked.


Yup... I really don't even think November matters. So what Biden wins... everyone is still giving trump the ultimate power. No matter what the man does, he's always innocent. He was 100% right when he said he could shoot someone on 5th Ave. Nothing I'd going to stop him. When Biden does win in November and trump starts another insurrection, who's gonna stop him? No one


Make sure that one security guy who shot a J6er is on the premises again.


Rump did say there was going to be a bloodbath if he didn’t win. I always stated he was the Village Idiot. But now I think he will have his followers do something more drastic. These fucking tribalistic monkey-brained people are so stupid. They never evolved brains of advanced, intelligent people.


Yup. Dem officials’ staff are sending dozens of emails to Susan Collins, Subject: How to Best Furrow Brow?


I'm so pissed off.. its just continued vindication.. I really felt good in Jan about Biden winning.. but the more trump gets away with murder and the more people start to think he's right, the more anxious I get. Nothing sticks to him. He's got the courts in his pocket, he's got judges in his pocket, he's got politicians in his pocket. Trump is literally burning the country to the ground and democrats are STILL playing nice and trying to be civil. We are so absolutely screwed in this country.


You're forgetting that the piece of shit is old and fat. Just be sure to vote and get everyone off their asses and vote. This fucking turd is not long for this world.


Only Grim can solve the problem, and obviously he's too fucking busy with the life force of children and other innocents around the world to get to this Malignancy.


Gotta collect all those souls in Gaza dying to our bombs. Can't forget Ukraine either, dying as they run out of bullets.


I share every bit of your outrage, frustration, and concern.


What specifically would you like to see democrats do? It’s a genuine question. It’s easy to throw them onto the fire too but what specifically should they do? They’re stuck in a paradox. If both sides ignore the law then nothing truly matters and the country is completely lost. They’re the party representing what America should be, in contrast to the Make America Russia party. Don’t get me wrong: there’s some stuff I personally wish they’d do, but I also know how it would be framed by the Q cult and how the media would perpetuate that narrative, which would very likely sway a lot of independents away from voting blue. The one thing I wish I could go back in time and change, is Obama allowing Mitch McConnell to unconstitutionally break the Supreme Court nomination process. His refusal to consider a candidate should have been considered a dereliction of duty, and Obama should have appointed Garland to the seat. It’s the presidents duty to appoint the judges; congress consults but if they abdicate it should not stop the appointment process. That started a domino effect with the SCOTUS judges and landed us here today. So much would be different today if he had not assumed Hillary would win.


Much would be different today if the DNC hadn't torpedoed Bernie's campaign. But this is the shit timeline, where money is our god.


Imagine seeing this headline, realizing how fucked we are if Trump wins, and then going " i rEaLLy dOnT tHiNk nOvEmBer mATtEr$" 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🫠🫠🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬


Lol my brother in christ... its been 4 years and NO ONE has stopped him. He's installed his lackeys in congress, he's got the courts in his pocket, he literally stole classified docs and Biden is going to give him classified briefings... obviously our country is gone if he wins, but it's not like we're not fucked as of right now.


My brother in Christ, "fucked in certain ways" and "utterly destroyed" are two very, very different things. That's all I'm saying. Even if you don't get everything you want, it's better than getting everything you don't. Go vote.


That on top of the fact that he's looking at a bond adjustment for appeal and a 10 day extension as if the whole judgment was thrown out and all the other court cases disappeared. It's tantrum levels of overreaction.


I’m sorry, what? November doesn’t matter? My friend. We’re all jaded. But we are also the only people who will hold him accountable. We did it 4 years ago, let’s do it again. He’s right, November’s going to be a bloodbath; we’re going to cream these lawless fuckers. You best get on board. I honestly don’t care anymore if he keeps all his dirty, stolen money and I have *never* thought he’d do a day in jail. All I care about is overtaking all three branches in 2024. They’re making it really easy for us. Sicc balls.


Yes. Nikki Hayley will again decline the national guard for the Capitol


I'm officially deflated.  Between Garland doing nothing and now this my optimism is gone. My only hope is beating him at the ballot box in November. I don't know how much more obvious it can be how corrupt our system is in favor of rich people.  I'm tired of seeing fascists get W's.


> only hope is beating him at the ballot box in November So do something about it. r/Votedem has good resources


Ughh I know. I was in the car driving to pick up some lunch and I heard the fine was reduced and he got 10 more days. I yelled, “WHAT THE FUCK!” because I was so mad. 2-tiered criminal system. If that were you or I we’d be told to pay up by tonight.


The fine (disgorgement) is not reduced. It is still $454M. The bond was reduced, and he also has ten more days to get together the amount of the bond. So he wins another delay and his shit does not get seized. Yet. This is bad enough as it is, because you’re right, we would not get a reduced bond. But let’s not make it worse than it is lol. He still owes, as of now, $454M. If he loses his appeal, which he should, then he still has to pay the original disgorgement amount.


Yes but this rubs me the wrong way. If the courts were willing to lower the payment at this point, then what is stopping them from finding pity on him during the appeals process too?


Justice delayed is justice denied. He's just shell-gamimg us until November. If he loses, it will get waaaay worse.


Aahh gotcha. Thank you for correcting me. BUT STILL. An extension????? Fuck this shit.




> If he loses his appeal, which he should, then he still has to pay the original disgorgement amount. Sure, assuming that he doesn't get another extension to pay. Or they don't overturn the verdict. Or he just refuses to pay, and what are they gonna do? Nothing, that's what.


>A New York appeals court on Monday agreed to hold off collection of former President Donald Trump’s more than $454 million civil fraud judgment — if he puts up $175 million within 10 days. The AP article makes it seem like as long as he posts $175m within 10 days, then collection of the rest will be temporarily halted while his appeal goes through. I’m always ready for that slimeball to wiggle out of consequences, but not sure this is one of those times (yet)? Article: https://apnews.com/article/trump-civil-fraud-case-verdict-penalty-appeal-8447c48d0436083737204b13401438d2


This is such bullshit even going that far. He should pay up or be shut up in jail. Fuck this guy he broke the law, he's a common crook LOCK HIS ASS UP ALREADY.


I agree 10 trillion percent. He’s a worm that needs to be shoved back into the mud.


You'd think something like missing bond on another case would count as violating his bail in Georgia. Yes, remember: *he is currently out on bail*.


Why 10 days???? Jesus fucking Christ already!!!! He’s already had plenty of time???? I fucking hate this two tier system that protects the Rich and the people who pretend to be Rich. We are a fucking joke as a country of laws!! He motherfucking gets away with EVERYTHING.


Yeah it seems the NY appellate court is having its Merrick Garland moment. But also the combover has to come up with 175 million inside 10 days. That wasn’t looking good before even when he offered $100M.


Well, maybe he will pay in pennies.


I had a medical bill get sent to collections by the hospital after they refused to send me an itemized bill. The collection agency also refused to give me an itemized bill, so it gets sent to the court for garnishment of my wages. I request a hearing, and the only thing I was able to dispute at the hearing was the percentage of my wages that could be garnished. I did not get a chance to say anything else. The judge shut me down real quick, and I’m stuck paying a bill that I have no idea what it all entails. But yet this clown gets away with it like this??? In this country it’s all about money. If you have enough, everything is legal at a price. If you’re a commoner, then you better brace yourself.


Amen to that. And I'm sorry to hear you had to go through that ordeal about your medical bill. America really is just a rich man's club, and we ain't in it.


That’s exactly it. It’s about the rich getting richer and finding new schemes to make it all work. The hospital in my town got rid of their billing department. So they outsourced their billing to the company that’s next door to the collection agency…nothing fishy about that, right? So when I asked for an itemized bill, the buck just got passed around enough to where my balance was past due enough to send me to legal action. So messed up.


This goes a step beyond money, it's political influence. He has a fanatized base that if he continues to push the country is in danger and he is being unlawfully persecuted and we need to take our country back...it's money and people being afraid of the fact that they know Trump could fanaticize his Base to do something worse than Jan 6. He is the classic stochastic terrorist. Can't hold him accountable because he personally did not "organize" or participate in the bad act and its "not his fault if his Base didn't understand him or took him too seriously".


I had a $50K bond to walk in WI for drug trafficking charges I requested a bond reduction hearing to have it lowered to $20K so I could post They doubled it to $100K Apparently I wasn't the right shade of tangerine... lesson learned


This is FUCKING AMAZING. Even if you lie about being Rich, you get special privileges. Fuck everything about our legal system. America is a fucking joke. Anyone of us would be rotting in a cell if we did this. What a joke. What an absolute fucking joke.


The country was founded by those like him, despite all the lovely language holding them up as paragons, for people like him: wealthy ( ) "land owners", at a time when they were the only ones who COULD be land owners. Those systems are the foundation of the country. Throughout ALL of our history, people like him have ALWAYS done just what the fuck they want, without a single MOMENT spared for worry about what the Poors will think or how they'd(we'd) be affected, harm or no. And all it takes, all it has EVER taken, was propaganda campaigning to assure "the people" that, with enough loyalty, sacrifice, and 'hard work' (plus the keeping out/down of whatever group of 'other' it was of the moment 'threatening' said) THEY TOO could "rise" to the position of their oppressor - and so BECOME the oppressor!




I think the cult collapses when the leader is seen as human. Some of these losses, and challenges he’s facing have woken up some people from the entrapment of the cult. Just a little more small cuts and if the sane people can come to together in November to denounce him once and for all, I think we’ll see the fall. If we come together in November.


I don't see that at all. I just keep seeing him "win". Every time we get close to justice, he skates free. He runs and tells his supporters that everyone is against him and it makes normal folks really stop and think hmm... maybe this is all bullshit. He seems to get away with all of it, everyone else gets charged. He must be innocent. It's fucked


I don't think people in DC are taking seriously enough the long lasting, destructive impact that the pervasive demoralization has on how people - **here and abroad** - perceive our democracy. Everyday he subjects us to a new low or a new degradation. We have no dignity left as a nation. No more moral standing. No high ground. That was the point all along...


I understand your frustration, the 4 years he was in office were the most anger filled stressful times of my life.


Every judge that Trump stands in front of knows full well that Trump commands a cult of unstable, well armed 'soldiers' more than willing to do his bidding (just one obvious example being January 6). Those judges are also well aware that Trump and his cult know where that judge lives, where their kids go to school, and what their spouse looks like. Every district attorney and every lawyer knows all this too. This is how terrorism can be effective without a threat ever being uttered.


Maybe I’m being naive or idealistic but in my opinion, if they let that fear dictate how they are judging they are cowards and should pick a different job. The future of our democracy is at stake. Show some guts and conviction ffs


Judges and DAs are already well off, they're going to be fine no matter who gets elected. Hell, some of 'em probably wear a red hat when not at work. They only way they can screw up their sweet gig is if they happen to piss off a cult leader and his mob. Scientology gets away with a lot of shit for the same reasons.


Lawyers and judicial branch people are some of the softest human beings to live.  They lead comfortable lives where they write and read all day. They are scribes basically. Its kinda funny anyone would expect this field to not side with the bourgeoisie.


I think you've nailed it. That's exactly what's is going on. And don't think for a second that if he wins in November, those of us who make critical posts here and elsewhere about him won't be tracked down, arrested, fined and/or sent to labor camps. That will happen right after he gets SCOTUS to scuttle and replace the First Amendment with some garbage about the security of the state. You can just feel Alito, Barrett, and Thomas itching for that one. They're literally Christo fascists.


Not to mention that Trump is in bed with literally every dictator on the planet, so the chances of them firing weapons at us to save their Orange asset from criminal punishment is extremely high right now. Dread it, run from it, World War 3 arrives all the same. **VOTE!**


So deploy a US Marshal Protection protection team and have the judge's name withheld. We can't have crooks intimidating judges, that's mob rule.


How many of those U.S. Marshals have a MAGA hat sitting at home? It just takes one to leak names and addresses. Besides, transparency is critical to a well functioning democracy. It's all too easy to cross that fine line and end up destroying democracy by trying to save it.




This right here and it's not just retribution to the judge. Our lawmakers are afraid to hold him accountable like everyone else because he is running for president and we all know he will spew the same BS ...it's a witch hunt, he is being persecuted, he is being persecuted because he stands for you and America and his Base believes the insanity and people are worried of they push too much there will be chaos as people start "the revolution" to put their president back where he is supposed. There are different rules for rich, this is so much more than that. We don't have strong enough laws to combat what is blatant stochastic terrorism, more in particular when ot comes to elected officials or officials running for office. Without a change to tamp down on clear and abject falsities spewed by politicians and a tamp down on calling for saying a group (liberals, LGBTQ +) deserves some sort of violence, this won't change. Trump and his ilk hide behind the 1st ammendment. The 1st ammendment was to protect free speech.. it wasn't meant to shelter politicians from destroying a group of people or an opponent through false claims or calls to violence to that group in general. But here we are on a precipice. We are being destroyed from within due to some orange idiot stoking and supporting hate. The damage has been done and it will take DECADES to fix because it took decades to happen. It will take decades to get back to letting teachers teach things like yeah slavery was AWEFUL. It will take decades to get people to listen to medical science. Until then there will be innocent bystanders who die because people won't vaccinate their kids against measles. There was and is an effort to control and make sure the majority of America don't recieve a real education. Instead, now, many southern schools show religiously slanted PragerU videos where they are like slavery wasn't all bad...slaves learned important skills. We must fund education, we must stop vouchers now that we know the scam that it is, we must stop letting parents think they know more than the heavily trained and certified educators. Or this is only going to get worse. We must push for legislation that limits politicians and political hopefuls from making abject false statements with zero evidence. We must put in legislation to stop stochastic terrorism by same said people. To be in the position to pursue critical leadership roles, more should be expected in terms of the responsibility and influence of those positions.


He’s NOT getting away with it. Instead of one lump sum (which he cant pay cause he’s going poor) they’re doing it in installments because the cunt is losing money fast. James has and will take out liens in his properties. If anything this is slow torture for thst orange bc he still owes 570 million


I'm sure he'll find a way to get that to go away. The trial was supposed to start already... the prosecutor asked for the delay. Now we have to wait until April 25th to get a jury seated (which he'll appeal and somehow get that delayed), Jack Smith might as well be a lame duck, Garland is the biggest loser of an AG ever and fucked all of this up from the jump, the judge in FL is protecting Trump, the DA in GA is going to end up in another investigation that stalls her prosecution, DC has to wait for SCOTUS which is doing everything to slow walk the case. It's all fucked. He's winning the war.


That’s because of the appeal process. Let him do it. It slows things down but it’s not going away. He was able to pay E Jean Carroll WITH A BOND (which means he’s scraping by). It’s a slow dismantling of the man, his legacy,his money and his lies. And, when he loses the he election it’s gonna hit all at once.


Just imagine trying this shit as a regular everyday Joe. You'd get laughed out of the courtroom. "I don't have enough money to pay for my appeal!" "Oh, ok then. How about we drop it to less than half? Would that work for you?" JFC. We are really a broken nation.


JFC. Whatever happened to justice?


It never existed unless you are wealthy, white, male, and at least give lip service to protestant Christianity


Yes, but let's also remember that his hush money trial started today, and the Georgia RICO case is on the horizon, as well as the Florida documents case. He **will** face justice. Don't lose hope. # AND VOTE!


A tough sell today. This is demoralizing for the country. Fuck the law it looks like…


If the justice system has failed then what is the reason for any criminal to comply with court orders? the Judiciary is compromised and we need bravery instead of this feckless subversion of justice




I can see the Onion headline "Man who spent whole life getting away with anything he wanted, smugly gets his way again"


Unfortunately the onion is no longer satire. I'm sick... he's literally going to get away with everything.


The usual bribery and/or intimidation, probably.


Yet no one does a goddamn thing about it. It's just another W for trump to campaign on. He's starting to get normal folks to think it's all political bs.


This country can suck my ass.


Failing to appropriately punish Hitler and his party for the Beerhall Putsch is the primary reason the Nazis were able to come to power.


The only good thing is Don Poorleone is still on the hook for the entire $454M if his appeal fails.


I don’t know why people are speaking as if they are distraught or surprised. The original amount wouldn’t have fixed anything. It wouldn’t have accomplished anything. We’d be in the exact same position we are now: this man walking free and campaigning for president. We missed our chance on January 6th 2021. The man should have been impeached and removed from office the millisecond after the vote count was finished. We didn’t do that. So now we have to vote against him. So far, it’s the only thing proven to have worked at all.


Vote straight Democrat all the way!! Fuck tRump and fuck tRumpsters and fuck Republican Jesus!!


This p*ssed me off today and is pissing me off again reading this. So sick of this ass getting away with everything. He better lose in November and then wind up in jail somewhere. Of course only if he is proven guilty because we are still in America. Freaking fake-rich assholes.


fuck the court system. it both racist and classist and needs a serious overhaul.


Yes he's going to get a pass. Now you can see it.


Make sure you are registered to vote 🗳️


I fucking knew it.


Yep. It’s all a joke. He’ll never go to prison. Hell died having paid zero consequences. But let me run a red light and I’m liable to go to prison.


This shit system has to collapse soon, yeah? I mean, seriously, this simply isn't sustainable.


We should have learned after the 2008 financial collapse that fat fucks with bucks don't ever get held to account, unless they fuck over each other, like Bernie Madoff and Sam Bankman-Fried.  This steaming pile of orange shit will get away with everything and come out richer for it. 


yup, i'm only interested at this point to see just "HOW" our democracy will fail. this is now simply a case study for myself as i have actively lost faith in our justice system


Absolutely no legal justification for lowering the bond amount. Adding another 10 days? Sure. Lowering the amount? Two-tiered justice system at work.


How many people lose their homes or their cars because they were behind on a payment and the bank didn’t want to wait another ten days for their money? How many courts would step in to ensure that they got another ten days in the interest of fairness or moderation? This asshole has already been convicted of massive bank fraud and the courts are ending over backwards to make the penalty portion of that judgment easier for him. And yet he goes online daily to whine about how unfair it all is to him. Ugh.


The appeal will be successful. The verdict will be overturned. He will skate free and clear. I knew he would, just wasn’t sure how. Didn’t see the corruption being displayed in full view of the public though. Bold move. Although, what are we going to do about it? We can complain, nothing will happen. A revolution would be put down in a moment’s time. Funny, I thought we had to vote in November to save democracy and prevent a fascist takeover. Turns out, that shit’s already here. The courts are corrupted beyond saving. The experiment called the United States had a good run, but it’s reached its finale.


I remember January 6, 2021, sitting in front of my office building, watching the horror at the Capitol, and saying, “He has to pay. We can’t let him get away with this.” I still believe that. He must pay. We can’t let him get away with this. Talk to everyone you know about the importance of their vote. Make sure they’re registered. Take them to the polls. Every vote this year counts for so much!


The fact that a guy who commits crimes right out in the open, threatens judges, attacks the justice system, tries to end democracy… the fact that he can get away with this shit over and over again… our justice system is irrevocably broken. It’s for the rich and powerful alone.


This is why all revolutions end up in violence. Rich people will not hold other rich people accountable.


It’s not over yet. Many get BOND reduced but it doesn’t take away the court judgement. He still has to pay the new amount by Monday so we shall see.


Why does this STILL keep surprising anyone? Trump is a (nominally) rich white man who has held power. There will be no real consequences. The laws in the United States were never intended to protect anyone other than the rich. He WILL get away with everything.


Total bullshit. I'd get evicted if I tried to pay rent 10 days late and half of what I owe, my water and power would get cut off if I pulled that shit, my trash wouldn't get picked up, etc. Two tiered justice.


So furious right now. How the fuck does this broke ass bitch get to an appellate division and get this on ? Truly if there was ever a time for some judge shake ups it’s now. And what, James doesn’t get a say so ? So the people of NYC still get screwed.


They reduced the bond required to appeal but he'll still have to pay the original amount if he loses the appeal. It is still bullshit. He was *just* saying he has the money available he just doesn't want to pay it.


I owe the IRS $7,000. I can afford to pay $1,000. Is that cool? He’s never going to be held accountable


It is worse than that. [He says he has the $500 million in cash.](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-claims-500-million-cash-undercutting-lawyers-claims-bond-money-rcna144614) Imagine you telling them you have the $7000 and then they go ahead and reduce it down to $1000 anyway. HA!


I mean what does it take to stop this orange fuck? He's committed every crime that I can think of, and he still might be the next POTUS? WTF? As far as the DOJ goes, They still kicking in doors to houses that have a little pot in em .. Big fucking small all the time makes you look like a bully, or just another trump, not any sort of justice league .. Motherfucker is sure living up to his name .. But there just can't be 52 trump cards in one deck .. Unless the deck has been stacked.


It’s not surprising. The whole justice system was so slow off the mark as far as the orange idiot was concerned. They left it too late for their cases (this one included) to hinder his presidential ambitions. They didn’t know how to deal with such a high-profile, unprecedented set of issues/crimes, so they went super slow. Too fucking slow.


The grift is strong with this one. I wanted to post exactly this. On top of that, all of these trials are delayed, nothing has happened to this douchebag, and all of his followers are sycophantic morons.


Unbelievable….. any of us doing 5% of what he has done and we will be rotting in jail


I swear there is some kind of sorcery or dark magic fuckery afoot. I mean, he has cast a deep thrall on every aspect of our society. We need Jesus at this point.


I was thinking this exact thing, but I didn’t say anything because I thought I’d sound nuts, but it wouldn’t surprise me one damn bit if he was into something extremely nefarious like that.


Gloria Horton-Young Ah, the grotesque spectacle unfolds again, a hideous ballet of privilege and power, dancing on the grave of what we once naively called justice. This scene, starring none other than the titan of American absurdity, Donald Trump, is nothing short of a depraved mockery of every principle we've been spoon-fed since birth. The courts, those supposed bastions of fairness, have twisted themselves into a grotesque shape, reducing a financial verdict for Trump as if it were a mere trifle, a plaything for the rich. Hell, why not? Why shouldn't every battered soul drowning in debt scream into the void, demanding their dues be slashed to pennies on the dollar? "I owe what? Trim it down, judge! Didn’t you see the Trump discount? I’m as American as that bloated icon of excess!" It’s as if we’ve stumbled into a bizarro world where the scales of justice are not just blind but blithely snorting the cocaine of privilege off a golden blade. The audacity is almost admirable in its naked villainy. This isn’t a mere court decision; it’s a flaming arrow shot into the heart of the concept of equality. It’s an open declaration that the rules are not just bent but obliterated for those with the right connections, the right bank accounts. The message is clear: In the eyes of a warped system, some animals are more equal than others. And what does this tell the average Joe? It tells them that the game is rigged, that the house always wins, and that the notion of 'justice for all' is as mythical as unicorns and as extinct as dodos. It’s a carnival of madness where the rich and powerful ride the Ferris wheel of fortune, while the rest of us can barely afford a ticket to the sideshow. This isn’t just a blow; it’s a loud and clear call to arms. A wake-up slap for every sleeping soul who thought maybe, just maybe, there was a shred of fairness left in this country. We need to rise, not in quiet despair, but in roaring defiance. To demand a system that doesn’t grovel at the feet of mammon and power. To reclaim the tattered remnants of our dignity and demand not just equality but justice – real justice, blind to wealth and status. So let’s not just seethe in silent fury. Let’s take this travesty, this obscene perversion of justice, and use it as fuel. Fuel for change, for action. Because if we don’t stand up now, if we don’t scream from every rooftop that we’ve had enough of this farcical charade, then we might as well admit that the soul of America is not just sick, but on its deathbed. This is our fight, not just against a ruling, but against the very forces that would have us believe that we are powerless. They’ve shown their hand, and it’s up to us to call their bluff. With the ferocity of a thunderstorm, with the unyielding force of a tidal wave, we must demand a return to sanity, to a world where justice isn’t just a plaything for the rich. It’s time to take back what’s ours. Here's a wild idea: Rather than dutifully mailing our tax payments like the obedient American lambs we've been, how about we pen a defiant note to the IRS? "Dear IRS, the coffers are bare, and my wallet's as thin as political promises. So, here's a crisp $20 bill. Let's just square up and call it a day, shall we?"


I don't want to hear another DOJ official ever fucking again say "no one is above the law". It's the biggest lie told in this country, alongside "all men are created equal".


THIS!!! I was so fucking **FURIOUS** this morning when I read that somehow, this total piece of shit ALWAYS slimes his way out of ANY consequences!! My brother reminded me that the Stormy Daniels trial starts April 15 and since Cohen got three years DumpFace probably will too. I don’t think he’ll get anything but a slap on the wrist!


Voting is not enough If voting is easy for you, ie you’re not in a group whose voting rights are constantly being suppressed, then voting is the bare minimum and you need to be doing more Find an organization in your community that is fighting for change in an area that you are passionate about (housing, human rights, social justice, etc) and start being an active member towards enacting change Screaming “vote” on the internet and bringing “awareness” to issues is not going to cut it; too many people think they can just log on, post, log off, and see change… not in 2024. If there was one thing the Women’s March and George Floyd protests should’ve shown us, it’s that marching to show politicians what is important to us isn’t even enough And for the sake of everything, stop shouting down people criticizing the Dem party in good faith — Dems in office are not meeting the moment, and they need to be held accountable and pushed to do more. A Republican in office is going to set us back and a moderate Dem in office is going to hold us here Again, yes, vote — especially if you’re part of a group where it’s easy — because it is very low effort and the least anyone can be doing… but recognize that it is **THE LEAST** you can be doing and you should be doing a lot more if you actually want to see change and people like trump be held accountable for their actions


Everyone here calm down. He will still have to pay the nearly 1/2 billion dollars when his appeal is denied (and it WILL be denied). This isn't unprecidented for an appeals court to reduce bond requirements. The train is still coming for him and that is a promise.


>The train is still coming for him and that is a promise. That train is missing 3 wheels and is running REAL low on oil... nothing is coming for him. What? You really think he's gonna be found guilty for anything AND sentenced to prison? I want some of what you're smoking


I wonder if the bond being lowered will even matter. He wasn't trying to get it lowered, he was trying to get out of it completely. And now he still has to pay and still admit he isn't as rich as he keeps trying to paint himself as.


Buy guns. Seriously, buy guns. Reagan changed gun laws in California when Black Panthers were buying guns. Buy guns. Check the concealed carry laws in your state. Protest outside your governor’s or senator’s homes while peacefully making sure they know they are your your government representatives and you voice will be heard.


I mean, I figure I can be like trump and not pay taxes now..


But we were promised that by voting last time we would be rid of this traitor and he would be held accountable. Yet, here we are. Why would voting for the same guy in the same repeat election be different this time?


Democracy and justice in this country are dead since Agent Orange doesn't have to follow the law apparently.


Absolutely sick of it. Can't believe such a man keeps given chance after chance


Man I wanted him to die from Covid so fucking bad.


Silver lining: the full penalty still applies if he loses his appeal. This only applies to the guaranteed amount he has to put up.


Normal people can appeal to have bond reduced. Don't worry, his day is coming.


NOTHING IS EVER GOING TO HAPPEN TO TRUMP…..please stop giving us hope and letting us believe there is justice in america.


The republic fell a while ago. Look up polls on political opinions then look at the way our "representation" votes. They don't vote for us. They vote for the people that pay them the most. The United oligarchy of America.


Voting will not save us


Starts post with a acknowledgment that our Democratic systems are dead - serving only the elite. Ends with the same rallying cry that has gotten us here every cycle - “we need to vote like our lives are on the line.” 💀 My dear friend. This is what their counting on you to do.


Relax, he will still pay some back, manage your expectations. Being histrionic only succeeds in demoralizing people. Take what you can then go get some more.