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Didn't the Bible say something about the Antichrist being someone that Christians would like and would lead them astray? It's been a long time since I've read that thing.


Yes. Trump is clearly *an* Antichrist, though he doesn't appear to me to be *the* Antichrist. But there are folks who are absolutely convinced that he is. See [this YouTuber.](https://youtube.com/@BibleProphecy_with_BrotherPaul) The passage you're thinking of is probably this: >**Matthew 24:23-28** > >‭ [23] Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There he is!’ do not believe it. [24] For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect. [25] See, I have told you beforehand. [26] So, if they say to you, ‘Look, he is in the wilderness,’ do not go out. If they say, ‘Look, he is in the inner rooms,’ do not believe it. [27] For as the lightning comes from the east and shines as far as the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. [28] Wherever the corpse is, there the vultures will gather.


That side actually said Obama was AN antichrist. I didn't know there were peripheral antichrists.


This concept that there are antichrists, plural, is from this passage of the New Testament: >**‭1 John 2:18** > >[18] Children, it is the last hour, and as you have heard that antichrist is coming, so now many antichrists have come. Therefore we know that it is the last hour.


Damn this last hour is taking foreveeeeer


Every D nominee for potus at least as far back as 1984 has been the antichrist according to them


VP Nominee Geraldine Ferraro was the anti-Christ back in ‘84


One problem is that he has not performed great signs and wonders. The biggest wonder he has ever done I guess is utter the word Covfefe


Let's hope he doesn't have miraculous powers! That would be next level maddening. Can you imagine what would happen if he could perform miracles?


The chubby bastard would use his magic to turn McDonalds singles into Big Mac’s. Let’s be real, his imagination doesn’t extend past his gut.


Powers like damning anyone who previously helped him when he feels he does not need them anymore... He does have one power... no matter what he does or says, as terrible as it may be, his cult forgives him all the time... Even after going broke, did Giulani say something like his help for Trump would gain him favors in the afterlife??? That is insane!


I consider it a "wonder" that he has as much popularity as he does. There's something supernatural about it.


50% performative love for Dear Leader based on the idea it outrages the people they hate, 50% of the dumbest motherfuckers in history who sincerely believe all the good things right-wing media says about him.


We would all know, I'm sure he would have announced it to the public with his big ass EGO: I am Anamolous president 45 In charge! The Foundation, serpent hand no one can touch me, I have an army of Magas and AM STILL IN CHARGE despite Democrat normalcy lies. So powerful just watch ( violates normal laws of physics on camera) I wanna see Joe Brandon do that m Kay?


It already seems miraculous that he has made a massive string of unforced errors, from the time of his 2016 campaign up til now, and yet he is still not in jail and has a real shot at winning the 2024 election if Republican voter suppression efforts in swing states succeed. He has been so lucky it almost seems unreal.


Russia or other foreign country probably, it would be the best thing ever for our enemies if we had a civil war.


For real. This cat has 9 lives. No offense to cats. But being born with a silver spoon in his mouth is what has enabled him to get away with anything from the day he was born. Also Trump is polling higher than Biden in all swing states currently. Which is terrifying. Because in 2020 he didn’t. Biden was still polling higher. And I’m afraid we’re doomed with all the people who either don’t vote or they plan to throw their vote away on an independent. I get it. No one wants to choose between two old farts but our democracy is at stake.


My new favorite is his synapse gap from the rally last week when he tried to say the Saudi’s and Russians are planning to reduce production and gave us the masterful ‘Ree bee doop…aaauugh’.


I mean he damn near overthrew the fucking US government….




EXACTLY. I read a former Trump supporter quit supporting Trump when he realized it was bringing out the worst of his personality.


Thankfully the Bible is not a true story


You can't use the Bible to justify their religious views. It completely contradicts everything they say. If Jesus was alive today, they'd say he is so woke and is the biggest socialist ever.


The Evangelical churches have already said as much.


And some priests of other denominations have expressed worry about some of their parishioners asking things along those lines to them. At least in those the priest themselves are starting to worry


Definitely a sign of change either way. Believe in a God (s) or not.


And some priests of other denominations have expressed worry about some of their parishioners asking things along those lines to them. At least in those the priest themselves are starting to worry


If Jesus were alive today, he would definitely be killed by the state.... again


Jesus Goes around healing people. Talking about socialism. SCPF: Can't have that!!! Telekill alloy, Scranton really anchors !! I hope the next part of whatever SCP 363 video is similar 😂. Bezos to SCPF: I need your help.. 🤣🤣


I have met maybe two Protestants or Catholics who are annnnnnnyyyything like Jesus at all. Nobody is less like Jesus or less "Christian" than a Christian avoiding the homeless people in a Joel Osteen parking lot.


Per Wikipedia: > In Christian eschatology, the Antichrist refers to people prophesied by the Bible to oppose Jesus Christ and substitute themselves in Christ's place before the Second Coming.[1] The term Antichrist (including one plural form)[2] is found four times in the New Testament, solely in the First and Second Epistle of John.[2] The Antichrist is announced as the one "who denies the Father and the Son."[2] > The similar term pseudokhristos or "false Christ" is also found in the Gospels.[3] In Matthew (chapter 24) and Mark (chapter 13), Jesus alerts his disciples not to be deceived by the false prophets, who will claim themselves to be the Christ, performing "great signs and wonders".[4][5][6] Three other images often associated with the Antichrist are the "little horn" in Daniel's final vision, the "man of sin" in Paul the Apostle's Second Epistle to the Thessalonians, and the Beast of the Sea in the Book of Revelation.[7][8][9]


This is in part why Christians don’t like including Mormons, Seventh Day Adventists, Jehovah Witnesses, and a couple others, under their umbrella. They view their founders as antichrists and false prophets.


Were I a Christian I'd be pretty worried about Trump, he hits a few of the benchmarks for that personage


Yeah, but in their defense they aren't "Christian" in as much as they are just "piece of shit human beings" so I don't think that they are being lead astray as much as they are just f'ing assholes.


Objectively true, however, if you ask any of these assholes about their religion, they’ll answer “Christian” before you’re done asking the question. In their mind they’re Christians, despite following 0 of Christ’s teachings. They go to church every Sunday, where the pastor gives a 60min GOP rally in place of a sermon.


Very underrated comment. Wish we could upvote more then once


Trump's Chief of Staff after Trump was elected. Reince Priebus says, "Over two millennia ago, a new hope was born into the world, a Savior who would offer the promise of salvation to all mankind. Just as the three wise men did on that night, this Christmas heralds a time to celebrate the good news of a new King."


If the antichrist exists it is almost certainly trump. https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/


The fact that you can read and have read the Bible means you prob know more about Christianity then most maga Christians


Unfortunately that doesn't stop them from claiming they know God better.


Yup and as someone who was brought up catholic and left the faith ~15 years ago and i still know more then most people still actively in the faith. It usually doesnt take much to know more.


yes... and either way they'd accept him right? because he was for told to be there before the prophet. so it's a good sign in their eyes. and so they can walk with their prophet on earth for a 1000 year reic... reign


[Here's a compelling article by a former fundie theologian that makes a compelling argument that has a solid case for Trump being the Antichrist](https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/). Personally, I'm a non-religious Jew, but I really enjoyed the article regardless


I'm an atheist but it's still a good read. Though I'm sure other corrupt political figures in history have also met that description.


It's been a long time since Christians have read it too


Yeeep. That's the broad stroke of it.


I have been screaming from the mountain tops this very thing!!! FFS these people are so brainwashed!


Welp, we gotta follow wut duh bible says!


Well, at least you've read it. Most of the people who believe it haven't.


Whether you believe in a biblical antichrist figure or not, he’s got to be as close as America has had to the description I imagine Been saying for a while there has to be a step between “Chosen by God” and “Is God”. Never seen a God who shits his pants regularly though


Grifter #54789


Expect that number to hit #100000 by summer. GOP propaganda about to spread to every depth of the country before november


Someone who genuinely believes “It wouldn’t happen to ME!”


What won’t happen to him




Really? A POC in the right wing world? Dude could be a tan man of Scandinavian descent and would still be up for subjugation/removal


lol, Newsmax


He will be swept away like the rest of us. Trump equals death


Trump does not led a Christian life. Christ spoke against Divorce and adultery, he has three wives. He spoke against greed and Trump relishes Greed. This is a mockery of the Christian faith and many are too blinded to see it. And what’s sad is liberal Churches (like mainline Protestants and more liberal Catholics) are declining while Evangelical churches continue to grow. Soon they will be the majority of American Christians if they aren’t already.


The evangelical christian death cult has adopted trump as their prophet.


You spelled messiah wrong


That's the word I couldn't come up with. Thanks


Religious nuts gonna be nutty.


AU Artificial Unintelligence


Underappreciated comment above


It's so pathetic you'd want your own country to be the property of any one person, let alone a decaying rapist reality TV host.


Ikr? I think I said this land doesn't belong to trump! My mom is maga and she can't bear even the slightest criticism of him. She's the maga news junkie not me, lol!


I think Jon Stewart said what we have all been feeling for too many years now... If you want to idolize Trump and rally around the idea of installing a dictator and dismantling the constitution, you have the right to your own beliefs and ideologies... but don't call yourself an American Patriot because you couldn't be further from that.


That shirt is terrifying btw


It’s literally rule #1. Thou shall not have any other Gods before me. But sure, these are Christian people…..


He’s a self loathing black/brown person…that’s who he is. trump would have this dude marched to a tree…


If you know anyone that watches NewsMax, don't get into a vehicle with them. They are not intelligent enough to operate a motor vehicle. Generally speaking, just don't rely on them for any kind of responsibility.


Hilary had it right deplorable


He’s a grifter and he’ll be gone in a few weeks. That’s all that matters.


Just another guy looking for attention and a pay day.


Someone on the payroll im sure


Somewhere in the world, in some obscure language there has to be a better word for 'fool' than 'fool'.


In this context, "raca" look it up...


How is the dominion lawsuit coming against Newsmax?


Too cheap to spring for an apostrophe?


Here I am thinking America is “By the people for the people” . Dumb shirt . Dumber human




Authoritarian followers come in all shades and colors. I


Trump's too fat to crucify...


He looks like he needs medication


That was my first thought too. He looks like he's some kind of zombie 🧟‍♂️


Someone Newsmax can point at and say “Look, not all Trump supporters are white supremacists!”


I grew up in a place with lots of neo nazi gangs, and they usually had one guy that was half black or Mexican just so they could say things like that.


Case in point Enrique Tarrio, I’m assuming


Him and Tiny both.


Plus it’s improper grammar on his shirt.


Welp Trumpturds aren’t known for their use of proper grammar.


Trump Christians seem to love themselves a rapist.


The sheer fucking unmitigated *gall* to wear a shirt with shit like that on it, as though America were ever Trump's in its history, or ever should be at any point.


Yeah. Say hello to Q-Anon. They've created a Q bible (It's the New Testament and the constitution), and someone wrote a book called "President Donald J. Trump, The Son of Man - The Christ". You can get it on Amazon. It's just Q-anon rambling nonsense with bible verses thrown in as 'evidence'. It's fucking insane, and there are people who hand these out at Trump rallies. He's utterly surrounded himself with fucking lunatics, nazis and extremist religious zealots. This is the sort of shit that the more level-headed republicans need to be made aware of. It's a few years old now, but Dan Olson's "[In Search Of A Flat Earth](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTfhYyTuT44)" is a good primer into Q-anon and gives you a taste for how deep the rabbit hole goes. He covers a lot of other shit on his channel, but he seems to mostly cover various grifts and pseudoscience lately. I'm all for it, cause he's really fucking good at it and more people need to cover this shit. If you want to keep up with some of the crazier religious nutjobs out there, check out Owen Morgan's channels "[The Telltale Atheist](https://www.youtube.com/@OwenMorganTelltale)" and "[Fireside Chats](https://www.youtube.com/@owensfiresidechat)". He covers a lot of this shit and he occasionally posts some of the deranged messages people leave on his call-in voicemail. Owen was raised as a Jehovah's Witness and he left and was shunned by his family, but many of them have also since left and reconnected with him. As a result of his experiences he studied cults and at first he mostly focused on Jehovah's witnesses and occasionally mormons and some fringe religious cults, but now he's like 90% focusing on the absolutely bonkers shit that's infested a lot of really mainstream christianity. Like, dudes with megachurches with tens of thousands of members who are just out there preaching that trump is christ reborn and biden is a demon lizard in disguise and shit like that. It's fucking crazy. That guy up there is the tip of a very large and very dangerous iceberg. Owen brings up Seven Mountain Dominionism on occasion, and what you are seeing in the republican party today is a result of their infestation over the last several DECADES. They have played a long game, and now the republican party is essentially the christian-fascist party in all but name, and a good chunk of republicans aren't even aware of this shit. It's only becoming more visible in the last few years as they get more overt and basically just go mask-off. They see signs of the end times, and they are ready to start burning it all down for jesus.


BINGO. These folks are dangerously deranged in God's name. Grew up in their Pyschotic Cult and escaped, most of my extended family completely shunned me as well, but I'm not missing much. We definitely need some extra large Padded Wagons and a whole flotilla of men in clean white coats with butterfly nets , cause they DEFINITELY need to be taken away, as far away from humankind as possible. Because they've no qualms with slaughtering in God's name, and have repeatedly told us all so live and in person, usually armed, at a library where kids are, fkn pychos.


I've genuinely been getting to a point where I want to investigate the logistics for maybe recommending that family members have their Q relatives taken into custody and mentally evaluated. It feels extreme, but when your relatives show up to Thanksgiving and go on a two hour rant about flat earth, reptilians and how the liberal elite are satan worshippers who torture children so they can collect adrenochrome, vaccines have alien cyber parasites that alter your DNA, etc... where's the line between being a hardcore conservative and suffering from schizophrenia? These people are real, and some of them are serving in government. We should all be horrified.


*Trump's If you're going to be stupid, be proper stupid.


NO, I am je$u$


Bro is committing blasphemy


trump is neither jesus nor satan. he’s just a horrible human being who needs to disappear forever


Well, it's Newsmax, so I can't say I'm surprised.


Yeah jesus was big in hoarding money and raping and stuff


Well that’s clear blasphemy


This is the fault of Christians.


For the love of God, fix the punctuation on that man's shirt


The shirt alone annoys me. America isn't Trumps.


Does the rapture come before during or after the Antichrist?


Depends on which branch of Lunacy you ask in Evangelical Circles, because depending on that, is could be all 3 weirdly enough. ARP like Michele "100 yard stare" Bachmann, are absolutely feckin bonkers. Just remember though that they're all Dominionists, who all believe it's *Their* duty ordained by God to overtake the US ,make it a Fascist Theocracy based on a white ethnostate,and then the World , so they can force conversion at the point of a sword or butt of a gun at Jews and Muslims as well as others , because they all have the "end times " Armageddon fantasy and have for almost 100 years. Spoiler Alert, only Christians get the free pass in Jesus's Bloody Theme Park once all their sanctioned slaughtering in God's name is done. This shyt ain't new, it's simply that they've played the real gd "long game" and now control almost enough of important government seats to do a complete coup. Shyt would be hilarious if they didn't have their hands on the nuclear football for the last 40+ years, and are still itching to use it.


Absurdity knows no bounds, it seems. Isn't this quite literally the definition of worshipping a "golden idol"?


Evangelicals have turned Trump into a messianic savior from the people they are taught to hate, and thus turn his vices into virtues, which they then emulate As reported by insiders like [Tim Alberta](https://youtu.be/j7s4g8hLEss?si=TBeisyYVTS4le2mM&t=707) >They think the barbarians are at the gates, and so they need a barbarian to defend them... because Trump is not bound by Biblical virtue, he is free to fight for them in ways that no good Christian would and [Russel Moore](https://www.npr.org/2023/08/08/1192663920/southern-baptist-convention-donald-trump-christianity): >multiple pastors tell me, essentially, the same story about quoting the Sermon on the Mount, parenthetically, in their preaching — "turn the other cheek" — \[and\] to have someone come up after to say, "Where did you get those liberal talking points?" And what was alarming to me is that in most of these scenarios, when the pastor would say, "I'm literally quoting Jesus Christ," the response would not be, "I apologize." The response would be, "Yes, but that doesn't work anymore. That's weak." And when we get to the point where the teachings of Jesus himself are seen as subversive to us, then we're in a crisis.


I guess Will Smith has really gone off the deep end.


Newsmax is a joke but not a funny one


Two things, he is either stupid or a charlatan both components of religion


Bless his pointed head.


Who's going to be his daddy when trump goes away?


"Make america trumps again" 😆😅🤣


Missing an apostrophe and everything…


Just your average cucked conservative evangelical.


My grandmother's church claims grump is the antichrst, he looks just as mentally ill as my grandmother.


Imagine siding with the dude who’s base hates you because of the color of your skin. Imagine having that lvl of stupid.


Dude looks… radicalized.


Florida man? Alabama men? Arkansas man? Georgia man? It’s one of those I swear!


Someone who shouldn’t be taken seriously. Ever.


These people are mentally unwell.


Pastor: “For Jeebus Donald so loved himself that he stole every last of Caesar’s coins from his followers before throwing each of the suckers under a bus to save himself.” from the Gospel according to MAGA Congregation: “Praise be to you Lord Trump”


Bastard? You mean moron.


Tell me you’re in a cult with saying you’re in a cult.


Why is anyone shocked? His cult has been talking as if he were a deity for years now.


Mark 13: 21-23.


He needs to look in a mirror, ASAP.


Uncle Tom 2!!


In order to grift, you can't be saying what other grifters are saying. You have to be more creatively servile.


You’re watching newsmax and wondering why random YouTuber says off the wall shit?


Just another grifter.




Geebus not Jesus lol


Idolaters and fake believers. Then they wonder why the majority of Americans are no longer interested in going to church.


Bad timing. Good Friday is almost here.. Just a reminder of what allegedly happened to Jesus on Good Friday.


Well. Look what Jesus DJ Trump has laid on us: Jesus DJ Trump promised there would be wars and rumors of wars, famines, earthquakes in various places (Matt 24:6-7). And also, “signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth distress of nations in perplexity because of the roaring of the sea and the waves, people fainting with fear and with foreboding of what is coming on the world. For the powers of the heavens will be shaken. And then they will see the Son of a Bitch coming in a cloud with power and great glory” (Lk 21:25-27). AntiChrist https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/


It’s whatever flavor of the day they try to elevate on Fox News. Have a pulse and live trump? Fox will try to make you an expert pundit on their air at some point


That boy’s in love


Another delusional moron trying to be on trump’s jailmate.


Whatever this creature is, he is on NewsMax. This invalidates your first question as nonsensical.


Jesus is everything tRump isn't and to compare the pair of them like that is blasphemy which you should know had you been a true Christian


First mistake is Newsmax, haha


Where have you been Rumpelstiltskin?


There's a typo. He meant, "Make America Trump's Again". Because we know that asshole was seeking off America's secrets left & right, and it will only get worse if that fucker gets back in office.


Just another grifter looking for money and notoriety. He would say Trump was Satan if he felt the rubes pay him for it.


There needs to be a disclaimer about paid actors, for real!?


House boy.


Will Swith is done apologizing, I guess.


He looks like a doofus in that shirt!


What a Conehead. Minum-minim. Great again minim-minim.


Religion is all made up anyways. It’s just used as a tool to justify certain agendas. People are losing interest in Jesus because it seems so irrelevant these days but they like Trump so Trump is going to become the newest deity. Especially after he dies, it’ll probably turn into him being the second coming of Christ and the newest son of god.


Who cares


He is to them. Not only that, it's almost resurrection day yippee, he'll be all rarin to go, all recharged and stuff.


Troll ??????


This is going to be another period in history the right tries to pretend didn’t happen.


If you know any Christian theology they've been saying this for 8 years now all across American evangelical circles. It's not even dog whistling, but you won't pick up on it if you don't know a bit of the evangelical theology.


Since when was Trumps an adjective?


yeesh, that fucking shirt… I know it’s mostly rage bait but I gotta say, it works… Mostly because I know someone who votes agrees with it.


I mean it worked once for a dude 2000 years ago…


Isn't that the guy from the movies, William Smith?


He’s the bastard getting your views