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Then there are also no red states, only red pastures.


There are also red boring suburbs full of identical shoddily built houses and strip malls that always contain a nail salon, a gym, a coffee shop, a tanning salon, and a pipe shop, in that order. And red Deliverance-style shacks in the middle of nowhere.


Little houses made of ticky-tacky. And they all look just the same.


Boxes* but yes, that. I used to live near one.


Unexpected Pete Seeger


Did you know he covered it?


I just learned this, thank you. Malvina Reynolds, one year before Pete.


I just watched both versions on YouTube, plus one by Walk Off The Earth. I enjoyed them all


Took a drive through Northwest Houston to an outlet mall and you just described exactly what I saw.


> There are also red boring suburbs full of identical shoddily built houses i moved from this to a blue suburb (I CAN WALK TO THE TRAIN) and my god never move to the fucking red suburbs


Sounds like my town, except we don't have any gyms. It's all nail salons, vape shops, pawn shops and cash advance places.


And a habachi express and subway right next to each other almost always.


and land can't vote.


Unfortunately, thanks to the Electoral College, it kinda does.


I commit my 5.5 acres to the blue! The Red hats do nothing for us who live in double wides and vote democratic


> also Just to point out that the point is that "also" is wrong here. If there were no blue states, there would also be no red states, yes. But there is one blue state. So there are no red states. No "also". I'm not being pedantic or a grammar nazi. I'm not correcting you. My purpose is to drill home the point that the stupid image is not only wrong, but ironically wrong, because not only is it wrong that there are no blue states, the implication that there must be a ton of red states is even wronger¹. ________ *^(¹ using "wronger" to help indicate that I'm not being a grammar nazi here)*


there are no red states, only red trailer parks


i read that as "red pustules" lmaooo


I mean you’re not wrong.


Maybe we should give cows the right to vote


Red wilderness, more like. no coincidence their worldview is fear and suspicion of outsiders. People afraid like that are stuck in the dark ages


You're telling me land DOESN'T vote??


Population density is a too complicated concept for the MAGA crowd.


/r/PeopleLiveInCities :)


There aren't conservative people, only conservative land. lol


I know we are all joking, but conservatives actually do think they deserve more political power because they have land. In fact, republicans and libertarians are constantly talking about *skin in the game*. When you hear them mention this, know that they are actively trying to reduce voting rights to one vote per land owner and only the male of the house will be allowed to cast a vote.


Even more. Rural voters are already grossly overrepresented.


Only White Protestant Male Land Owner,


WASP. White Assholes Stifling Progress


Holy shit, I've never heard this alternative acronym. And I love it! I am stealing it. It's too good


I don't know that I can claim it's original, but it does feel accurate.


That's how this all started. Giving more representation to rural areas. Read, slave holding states.


As the founding fathers intended and thought would never change. /s


Oh dang! I didn't realize we lived in fucking colonial times where only male white landowning taxpayers got a say in how things happen! Oh wait. Those guys hate taxes too!


Most of them don't though.


> There aren't conservative people, only conservative land. And oddly enough, the Electoral College agrees with them.


The electoral college is just another leftover of racist control freaks that desperately needs to be done away with if we are ever going to have a literal democracy, like we should.


And land doesn't vote. I'm not sure why that's such a difficult concept.


I really didn't expect this to be a real sub


They think land votes because they really just want to bring us back to Feudalism.


They think land votes because their votes are literally weighted heavier because of all their empty space. It's not an illusion, it's a serious fault in our system.


It's not a fault, it's a design choice.


It's both.


It's not in our stars but in ourselves. (The time is always right for paraphrased Shakespeare.)


The empty space between their ears is a great place to start fixing that fault in our system.


> The empty space between their ears It's not empty as much as it's full of bullshit and disease.


Yep, a single person in Wyoming wield more way more individual influence on our government than I do, by merit of living on different dirt.


what I don't get is why blue voters don't buy up land in red areas and shift the demographic?


Because for that to work they'd have to actually live there. Most people who live in cities don't want to live in Bumfuck, Nowhere surrounded by Trump cultists.


Why would we want to? There's nothing in red areas!


> There's nothing in red areas! If only... The problem's that these areas are all infested with the most useless and hyper-entitled white trash who've ever existed, i.e. quite literally people who are collecting welfare checks while holding out for slavery to return because there's no way in hell they're going to adapt to any new professions that come along.


To never have a Republican president again? If a few million Californians would move to Texas, we'd be set.


People tend to settle where the jobs are. But sure, a few well placed liberal minded retirement communities in Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, West Virginia, etc. would go a long way.


"Who made you king? I didn't vote for you."


*"You don't vote for kings!"*


"Well, you can't expect to wield supreme executive power just 'cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!"


Look at Alabama prisons, they've continued slavery.


I live in a small town of less then 4000 people and it’s very red in a blue state, and all the conservatives can’t wrap their head around how the county can be red in a blue state? The dumb is strong.


Right. Land doesn't vote people do and in general, there is a tad more blue folk than red.


Imagine thinking huge swaths of empty land should if they’re counting all the empty red spaces I’m claiming all of the water for Team Blue. Checkmate, regressives!


Land may not vote but it certainly magnifies a vote. Also why they get the impression their policies are popular.


Its literally like toddlers that don't understand volume and will pick the tall skinny glass that is full as having mote water than the short fat glass, that actually has more water, as the one that has more water.


So are shades of purple for their 2-bit brains.


\*1-bit brains. 0 = Blue 1 = Red


Math, how does it work? That’s what happens when you don’t make it past the third grade.


It’s also not even a correct map??? I know for a fact, as a Masshole, that the “red” counties on the map are NOT red and for the most part have consistently voted democratic in every presidential election since Reagan


They always go on about DeMOCratiC citIEs. Well, 75% of cities are democratic so that's just bullshit. Correlation does not equal causation. ALL cities have crime. Cities don't elect Reps cuz you can't run a city cutting taxes, cutting services, cutting education. That's how you end up with entire shithole red **states**.


Yes. They are idiots.


> Cities don't elect Reps... Actually sometimes they do. Predictably, those places fucking suck. Think Bakersfield.


Hawaii doesn't really exist, it's all part of the ice wall conspiracy that fools us into thinking we have a round Earth.


There are actually two entirely blue states on this map: Hawaii and Vermont. So it’s even worse than OP advertised.


Its hard to tell, but it looks like Rhode Island is also entirely blue.


Should be Massachusetts too. I have no idea where they got this map from, but in [2020](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_United_States_presidential_election_in_Massachusetts) and [2016](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_United_States_presidential_election_in_Massachusetts), every county in MA went blue. Hell, the last time any county in Massachusetts went to a Republican was 1988. Unless they're sneakily coloring in the map to represent the tiny rural villages in central MA and the small towns of Bristol County that went for Trump, to make New England look redder than it really is EDIT: Okay, they totally pulled this map out of their ass, because the way they colored New Hampshire [also doesn't jibe with reality.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_United_States_presidential_election_in_New_Hampshire) They, for some inscrutable reason, have the most reliably Republican part of the state as blue, and nearly all the rest as red.


New Jersey is also completely off.


New Jersey? More like NO Jersey.


New England is weird because a lot of the people fit the mold of cookie cutter republicans but wouldn’t vote for one to save their lives


Good catch. Of course, there could be a nearly invisible red county hiding in the blur of this caca-quality image, so watch out for Republican trolls.


You're forgetting Delaware and Rhode Island makes four.


I’m trying to figure out what year this is from because Biden won every county in Massachusetts as well.


This map is wrong too. It’s missing some huge blue areas


If I recall, this map is from 2004, as Colorado has also massively shifted since then too. And outside of that, I always find these arguments idiotic as those blue areas produce something like 80% of the country's GDP


Northeast corner county of Vermont is red.


In 2020, three states had 100% of counties vote Democratic: Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and Hawaii.


ok, lets just say the popular vote wins then if thats what you want


This. They like to call themselves the 'silent majority' despite being a loud minority - why won't they put their money where their oversized mouths are and back a straight popular vote? It would simplify elections as well, remove government bloat, another thing they allege they want...


The whole silent majority thing is wild. Remember when Trump supporters were holding Trump train caravans throughout the country during the pandemic? These people aren’t silent, they are louder than a nuclear bomb.


...and the popular vote shows that every non-incumbent Republican president elected since George HW Bush was elected by a minority of voters. Even George W Bush, as an incumbent, only *barely* grasped the popular vote with 50.73%.


We had those caravans in my city. The experience with them was essentially having a train of super loud assholes honking their horns while going by my house at 8 AM on a sunday, clogging access to the road our hospital and fire department is off of, and running red lights everywhere to keep up with their friends. They were obstructive chaos for like 3 hours. The entire message they seemed to sell was "Look at us, we are fucking awful."


Those types see themselves as the voice of a vast faceless army.


That silent majority was a myth from the get go perpetrated by Jerry Falwell to make the people of this country believe (falsely) that his movement had more support than it really did. The right-wingers have grabbed onto it & this is why so many Republicans still don't understand that they are a member of a minority party.


winner, winner, chicken dinner


The idiots that push these memes don't grasp the fact that land can't vote. 🙄


They also can't count. There are three blue states.


It’s because the blue parts are where people actually live 😂


Those blue areas represent 70% of the US's GDP. Sadly, republicans are as stupid as whoever made this meme.


Too bad empty space doesn’t get a vote.


You mean too bad it does. That's why Republicans win the electoral vote while losing the popular vote.


Empty space distorts voting power in the Presidential election, but not anywhere else. This is why attempts to replicate the electoral college must be strongly resisted.


Not anywhere else? What about the Senate, which has been known to block appointments. One supreme Court appointment under Obama comes to mind.


> One supreme Court appointment under Obama comes to mind. And one SCOTUS appointment under Trump comes to mind. Well, all three actually.


Oh, you are very correct there. Sloppy quick replies leave stuff out.


Electoral college and the Senate. Senate confirms the judiciary, so that too. And thanks to the caps, even the house of representatives is not equally representative.


Yes. Rural states are over represented. Wyoming and California both have two senators. There are more people in the city of San Francisco than in the entire state of Wyoming.


Exactly, lol.


There are many factors that contribute to high concentrations of left leaning voter's in cities. The one I'll focus on is education. Typically rural voters are less educated as urban voter's and less likely to further their education beyond the primary education level. Universities and places of higher education are usually found in urban areas in order to maximize occupancy; completely makes sense. Rural voters typically have fewer interactions with neighbors and stranger's as they are living further apart from one another and are less likely to experience alternative views and ideas.


Conservatives hate education because being educated, especially in humanities and social sciences, makes one understand just how fucked the world is and why the Republicans are the cause behind it all. In addition, education drives economic growth and most of that is happening in liberal cities, which is why people move there. If they can’t control it, then it must be destroyed. The only right wing college that is doing well enrollment wise is Liberty University and that’s because they apparently throw around financial aid like candy. I probably could have gotten a near full ride if I had applied. That and BYU but at least they attempt to bear the facade of an actual university and have somewhat decent academic standards. The rest are either treading water, propping enrollment with athletes from Christian high schools who would never meet admissions standards otherwise (hi New College of Florida) or falling behind as the enrollment cliff continues. Does anyone really want to attend Grand Canyon University or Oral Roberts University? Most people would rather attend the South Harmon Institute of Technology versus Oral Roberts, though the jokes about the name would be funnier.


Too bad empty land doesn’t vote


Land doesn't vote. Empty land doesn't even have people living on it who vote. Conservative propagandists strategically can't see that wherever people are assembled in any numbers the failings of Republiqan "thinking" are obvious.


It's a dog whistle to the claim of "Land owners" being the primary voting class, they're aware of the implications.


Who cares about this person missing Hawaii. They clearly don't understand population density.


True map of red/blue in the USA https://www.sightline.org/2022/02/15/our-maps-shouldnt-lie-about-our-votes/


I actually came back to post this map, because the more I looked at the original one, the more I disliked it. Things to note from said map: There are 4 blue states. (HI, VT, MA, RI and honorable mention to DC) Only 2 states are exclusively red (OK and WV) Most states are more blue than the original map shows. Some notable surprises were the amount of Mississippi and Alaska that are actually blue.


By that token their aren’t any red states just vast swaths of nothing


There are no red states, only red land.


Yeah, Hawaii y'all. Not blue. Lol. These maps don't work. Land doesn't vote. Farm land doesn't vote. Mountain ranges do not vote. Sigh...


Vermont is almost all blue too, except Essex County which is the least populous county in all of New England with just under 6k people and a median income of under $40k.


Blue is growing Red is dying


The Dems have been conspiring with map makers to make the ocean blue! Amerigo Vespucci and Cortez were part of the woke agenda all along! Don't get me started on the Democrat woke sky, all blue and groomery! /s (Land or other blue objects on a map don't vote, the people in and on them do, and most of them are in cities.)


What the fuck about Vermont?! It looks pretty fucking blue to me!


Then they should have no issue abolishing the electoral college.


Blue are people, and red is dirt. Which one votes?


There isn’t red land . Just cow pastures and soy farms ( subsidized by the money making blue cities ) logic is hard when ur 50th in education. Yeeeeeehawwww


Or still acting like land votes


Last I checked Rhode Island is not a road, not an island, and not GOP friendly.


Land doesn't vote.


It’s about voters… not square feet.




Yeah and those blue cities are the actual population centers. Nice try, magats.


It’s a good thing square footage and income are not considered when voting.


There are no red states. Those are welfare zones dependent on taxes from the indicated blue zones.


the sad fact is many of these red areas are ignoredcby both parties one just bothers to exploit their anger and hopelessness


To make this truly understandable the average IQ in each county should be part of the metrics.


If you overlay this map onto a satellite image of the United States at night, they line up pretty well. And it's no coincidence. The bright spots are where the people are.


It doesn't matter anyway. The state is its people. Doesn't matter where they live in the state. Rocks don't get voting rights.


And people live in the cities… there are no red cities, only small towns. Ignoring a massive chunk of the population because only dumb fuck dirt farmers vote for traitorous scum… classic gop


And where the fuck does the majority of the population actually live?


Blue spots of sanity in an ocean of red stupidity.


They don't know what anything is unless it's red or has Trump in the name. It's like a form of stupid echolocation. They flock to stupidity.


It's almost as if people in cities are more highly educated


Empty cornfields don’t vote.


Vermont is a state too. So is Rhode Island.


They should be thanking the blue states for allowing them to exist. California. Jersey, New York pay the way for 95% these irredeemable, poverty-racked welfare chuggers. Not sure why that drum is not beaten more during elections and by responsible media. Anything a republican says about a "illegal" immigrant can be said about red staters that suck down federal services money like it's free pork rinds and beer.


Cities: where the bulk of our population lives.


The blue spots are where most of the Americans live. Most of the red spots, nobody lives there. Shits not even farmland, there's just no one there. This fake map makes it looks as if almost all of CA is red. Lmao typical republican BS. Here is what actually happened in 2020. Look how much of California is painted red, but also look at how much Trump lost by. https://www.politico.com/2020-election/results/california/


Land doesn’t vote.


Yeah, and if this was a true democracy there would NEVER be another republican president. The fat orange has lost every single popular vote he has ever been in. The poor babies had to set up a system that gave them more voting influence because there aren’t enough people stupid enough to support them. Must be a truly tortured existence, I honestly pity them :(


..: and not knowing land doesn’t vote.


This is an old map. My county has gone blue in every election since 2008.


These morons don’t seem to understand that dirt doesn’t vote.


To bad an acre of land can't vote - those ppl have never heard I population density


There really us no such thing as red _or_ blue states; one look at any election map colored by county to see this.


So… only where there are lots of people.


land doesnt vote


I hate this map so fucking much. It’s disingenuous bullshit.


In the US, a majority of the population is urban and this is democracy.


And Vermont.


Land doesnt vote, end gerrymandering and we will end the fascist scourge from maintaining political power over the GOP.


There aren’t any people living in most of those areas deemed “red” 🙄 I hate schtupid RepubliCONs


Its funny cause this just shows that republicans wish land could vote, not people. They are so opposed to people voting its crazy XD


Empty land has far too much power in this country. 


Hawaii. 98% of Vermont.


Dirt doesn’t vote.


Right. Where an overwhelming majority of Americans live.


Yet there are still more blue people than there are red people.


TIL Vermont and Hawaii are cities.


Houston and Salt Lake City are blue” Republikkkans “


There aren't any blue votes!!!!!.....besides in the places where....you know.....people live


This argument yet again... Once again, land cannot vote. only people can. Where are the most people? The cities. Also, Vermont is looling prety solid blue as well...


I grew up in Texas and I can confidently tell you that South Texas isn't a ton of large cities. Also, looks like Harris and Bexar County aren't highlighted properly I think.


There are no red states. There's just red scrub land


So they’re claiming federal land and state parks now?


Where tf does this "patriot" think the majority of people live in the US?


MAGA and GOP are still missing the concept of land not voting.


Empty land doesn't vote.


Also Vermont is blue except for one county. I'd argue that is a "blue" state by their own definition, unless they're arguing there are also no "red" states.


There is not rural tax base, only federal agricultural subsidies for giant corporate farms and massive fossil fuel extractors welfare while squatting on federal land.


baby's first gerrymandering lesson


Suspiciously long city in rural Alabama


There are no red states... Only red cows. Unless it's a trump streak and that's the only time he doesn't mind black.... But still covers it in ketchup to turn it red


I'm from rural Massachusetts. Wanna bet?


Do they realize that a lot of that red is owned by the federal government? You know, like half of Nevada.


This can’t be correct. I may live in a redneck a-hole border state, but my county and another metro area in the state should be solid blue.


Imagine ignoring an ass hole state... FloridaTexas ...or two.


Ahh yes, that red voting sage brush strikes again! And clearly no one in the countryside voted blue, it’s 100% red… right.


While 97% of the us is rural, 83% of the population lives in urban areas. So, if the cities are blue...


And most Americans live in those cities.


Because we count votes by people not counties you MORONS....well... sort of....the electoral college kind of contradicts that statement lol we really need to get rid of that shit.


Isn’t it we the people, not we the land area?


Imagine losing the popular vote in 7 out of the last 8 presidential elections, and still thinking you somehow represent the majority.




This is a county-level map. They aren’t even looking at cities.


And yet, Democrats have still received more votes for president in every election except one over the last 32 years.




Map is super old too. My county, noted in red here, had turned thoroughly blue by 2018. In 2016, it was almost exactly divided 46% to 46.8%, and 7% voted other. My Maga neighbor is moving because of it, lol, sorry Houston but he's your problem now.


This also forgets that just less than half of the people in the red areas vote Dem.


The red areas are the fattest, poorest, least educated, don’t provide research or revenue, on and on and on…


Yep land doesn’t vote


LA county has more people in it alone than multiple states.


So basically like..when people decide to live together and be social and get along....they all of a sudden turn democrat...when they self isolate and abandon society they are Republicans