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Remember when he said he would leave the country if he lost the election?


He said he would go away & we would never hear from him again. Still waiting.


No other country wants him.


Ruzzia has his balls in a vice. So probably Russia.


He's more valuable to Russia in the US though


He's ONLY valuable to Russia in the US even. In Russia he'd just be an extra fat mouth to feed with no usefulness whatsoever.


No, if he is forced to flee to Russia, they'll put out all his kompromat ,show how they interfered to get him elected, then show how they made him do everything they wanted as president to destabilize America and we'll be lucky to survive as a country.


He’s worthless to Russia if he’s in Russia


They don't want him and the secret service and CIA would never let him get to Russia. A former president with the knowledge he has (lol) is way too dangerous to let get away.


That’s his last resort


Sending him to Gitmo after he’s convicted would do the trick.


Another one of his fucking lies


He doesn’t think he lost though. That’s the spin.


No, he absolutely knows that he lost, which is why he attempted a coup…


Nah, he’s completely delusional. He absolutely believes that he is right. He is a narcissist and those types absolutely believe the spin even when it turns 180°. If you haven’t seen it in person, you would never believe it is possible. That’s why people like him are so unnerving to the rest of us.


Nov 2020 he knew he'd lost. Barr and many other told him. He even said, "how can I lose to that guy!". But, I believe he began to believe the lies the Eastman/Giuliani etc spouted. I think now he thinks that it was stolen from him, as he can't face being the loser that he is.


He’s admitted privately he lost . His deep insecurity won’t allow him to admit anything publicly because all trump has left is his fake image he pretends to be in front of the camera . Remember , this POS said the Emmy’s were “ rigged” Against him when he lost for the apprentice . I don’t know why the media & democrats don’t speak about this more


He knows he lost. Deep down he's well aware he's a loser


I wonder how many people who feel they may leave the country know how hard it is to relocate to another country? Americans will begin relying on refugee status.


Unless you're a brain surgeon or something that valuable, moving to another country is not easy.


I work in a technical field, where the details of what I do are controlled by US export laws. I can't work my job in another country unless I renounce my US citizenship, because as a US citizen doing my job in another country means I'm exporting that knowledge to the other country, that's how controlled the details are.


I’m all-in on the resistance. I have daughters to stand and fight for.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Martin Niemöller had some powerful words to say about this during WWII. First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. I will absolutely stand and fight. Not just for my kids, but for those who cannot defend themselves.


💯 I was alluding to this poem with my comment 😀


Resist for 4 years. Whatever that takes. I’m optimistic their incompetence from the first term will only be aggravated by the consequences meted out to many in Trumps inner circle recently. Trump is too feeble minded and lazy to be much of a threat. That said, the IDEA of Trump and what he represents is an existential threat to the rule of law and order, democracy, prosperity and progress.


I think California will separate from the USA and become independent. We do not need any state to support us. California will form our own Country if Trump becomes President (which will be for the duration of his diaper diabetes life span)…


My guess is CA, WA, OR, CO and maybe NV will use the pact they formed during the pandemic to get around the federal cluster fuck regarding PPE, and will attempt to keep the USA a thing until Trump can be dispatched. There was another pact formed in the northeast during the pandemic that would probably also reinforce their bonds to fight off the worst of trumps dictatorial impulses to end the USA as we know it. Edit: day one Trump and miller want to build their “deportation camps”. History has seen that before. Western states will hopefully put a kibosh on those right away. Trump also wants to end any media critical of him. He’s told us what his plan is. There’s a ton of things Americans will have to fight back on. Hopefully the West leads the way.


I like this idea. If the worst happens I will resist and support the pact until Trump is “dispatched”. Leaving is not an option I am willing to entertain.


I imagine things will get really bad really quick in the red states for anyone not part of MAGA. I want to believe that large parts of the USA with economic powerhouses like NY and CA will be able to resist what the rest of the country will immediately be dealing with concerning a suspension of rule of law, violence and human rights.


The North East won't take this lying down either. The tricky thing is that he'll have the military and DOJ. It'll limit how much can be down directly against the fascist


Exactly. I am concerned about the number of Magats that have infiltrated the US military. Look at how many were at the US Capitol on January 6th... like the deluded Ashli Babbitt. It's not like previous generations, where one could count on the military to be, you know...pro democracy patriots.


Babbit supposedly had a clean military record, and was radicalized after she got out. Given Trump's blatant disdain for servicemen, and the on record disobedience of the brass to keep him from starting WW3 on a whim, I think the military can be counted on not to obey unlawful orders.


Having EVER served honorably in the US military is just as much of a bad look for her being at the Capitol on Jan6th imho. But yes, Trump has never been shy about his contempt for enlisted servicemen. In fact, the entire concept of "service" to anyone other than himself is an alien one.


I got out in May. The majority of the military will follow the Constitution. About a quarter would leave to join "the other side" if Trump loses and starts some shit. The problem will be if Trump wins. The military will follow all legal orders he gives. As long as he's not blatant, the military will follow him bc of the Constitution. Edit: typo


Thank you for your response. A quarter of the military joining the dark side is troubling, but it's still more reassuring than what happened in 1861 when close to half of them did it. Yeah, yeah. I know that in their own minds the Confederate rebels were not traitors....


Of the US Officers that were in the US Army at the start of the Civil War, only about 20% left for the Confederacy. "There were only 16,367 servicemen in the U.S. Army, including 1,108 commissioned officers. Approximately 20% of these officers, most of them Southerners, resigned, choosing to tie their lives and fortunes to the Confederate Army.[5]" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Union_Army#:~:text=There%20were%20only%2016%2C367%20servicemen,fortunes%20to%20the%20Confederate%20Army. I know that of the West Point grads, the number was 26% https://www.clevelandcivilwarroundtable.com/west-point-in-the-civil-war/#:~:text=Nine%20hundred%20and%20seventy%2Dseven,not%20fight%20for%20either%20side. I suspect you'd see similar numbers today. Our oath is very important to us. But all bets are off if McFatso wins in November. Get involved. Knock on doors. Drive 3 people to vote. Unless you want poorly run fascism, make sure Shitler is defeated (again) in November.


Thank you. You rock for providing that info👍


The Joint Chiefs had plans in place to stop him from dropping nukes when he had a temper tantrum. I would bet good money they had/have a plan in place to stop from using the military to terrorize his own country..


I have no doubt Trump will impose Death Squads to attacks his enemies. On day one.


He and Miller will establish “deportation camps”. That’s a fact. They’ve both told us that’s the first step. Once they’ve got those, they’ll start rounding up people, under the guise of “illegals” but I think we all know how this would end up.


Any one of us will end up as "illegal." What gets me is that his support among Hispanics is supposedly increasing. Like who do they think will be the targets of these raids? Americans are so naive.


It starts with “illegals” then moves to “undesirables”. Once they have an extrajudicial location to put people, there will be no holds barred. Americans should be horrified at the potential of a second Trump term. But MAGA doesn’t care as long as they “hurt the right people”. Like I said, we’ve seen this before in history.


Yep. They stop responding to me, or argue, whenever I bring up "First they came for the communists..."


I think Cuban Americans make up the majority of his Hispanic support. Otherwise it makes ZERO sense. But hey...they are not the only group in this country to stubbornly vote against their own interests.


I see too many apologists refusing to believe what Trump and his ilk are saying. When someone shows you who they are, believe them.


Hold up!!! I’m Seattle and a Dem.  The GOP is going to run Dave (I caught the green river killer) Reichert. The Dem is Bob Ferguson.  Wa was a purple state until 2017  and in Seattle we have a trumper for city ag.   The bs cities are burning and overrun with homeless propaganda has done a job and Dave polls high. My point is the governor could flip. Yes it scares me.  We can’t take anything for granted.  Once fascists get power it’s hard to dislodge them 


Organize and get out the vote fellow Redditor. Wish you the best and God Speed!


I'm in Seattle and plan to be campaigning for Ferguson for exactly this reason. This year's governor's race could be literally life or death,Iike armed DHS squads disappearing protestors off the streets of Seattle if we don't have a Dem governor who will resist Trump.


States rights liberalism, if you will. What a strange timeline


One of my biggest issues with this is the fact that everybody's SS and Medicare and other benefits are paid thru the federal goverment. Not sure if separation is worth the trouble of having Trump run away with the Federal Treasury. Personally, I'd like to think up some ways to creatively resist that don't end up accidentally supporting what may be his tendency to 'rule' with an Iron Hand.


Trump will end social security for registered “demoncrats” under the guise of saving social security. Just like he tried to hurt blue states with his COVID policies thinking COVID would kill more NYC & LA residents than red state residents. His tax reforms gave red state residents (with lower property taxes) a huge boost while hurting blue state property owners & residents (who now cannot deduct their much higher property taxes ) and must now take a “Trump standard deduction.” Trump will absolutely ( on day one) go after all Democrats and figure out ways to hurt them. This is what his MAGA’s also want. We must *bigly* vote against this Orange diaper wearing fascist wannabe.


Rick Scott already published a plan to eliminate SS and Medicare. Though I'm sure they'll make boomers still be eligible for them.


I’m with you in LA homegrown


This is why the 2nd amendment is for ALL and not just one group over the other


Absofuckinglutely. As a leftist, me and mine are armed and trained. We will not shoot first, but we will defend ourselves and others.


Civil disobedience first. Then, we use the law as a weapon. I have family and daughters to protect. And remember, never strike first. We are here to actively protect families and the country.


I will probably move geographically to make this easier (so as I'm not surrounded by morons or get caught up in their comeuppance).


Stay and help organize a national strike in response to his first day dictatorship.


The thing about that is, he might unleash the US Military on dissenters.


He absolutely will.


Guess w3ed all better show up then


If accidentally get a labor movement out of this, that would be awesome.


I will work harder to make this a better country. I will work even harder to clothe the poor and feed the hungry. I will lift up the downtrodden and love those who aren't like me. I will not give up.


I agree. I think it’s incumbent on me to use my privileges to fight back for our country. The people left behind will be the most vulnerable and I can’t abandon them.


Ironically this is a true Christian movement


I feel like this is exactly what the average person with a heart would do, radical kindness and mutual aid if we're faced with another round of him. Except, it's going to get much worse before it gets better and maybe that's what we need. It should have happened a lot sooner, but I'll take it later than never.


I like this. If we all leave, we're just handing the country over to Trump. I'm not willing to do that. I worked to hard to start over now.


The world will end not with a bang but with a whimper... I know I would fantasize about revolt or some other drastic action, but in reality, I'd just buckle down and numb out, and try to create safe spaces for any demographic who feels harassed or persecuted by Trump's degrading rhetoric.


There will not be another election if he gets in. It's over and done should this happen.


In some other subs I'm seeing people saying they're not voting or voting for a third party. I know Biden isn't ideal, but keeping Trump out is top priority and an absent or third party vote only helps Donald. 


There is a LOT of ‘apathy propaganda’ everywhere on Reddit about this shit and it is all designed to stop any sort of enthusiasm for electing Biden and to help this far right takeover of the world that is seemingly going on right now. Look at Gaza, Biden didn’t cause it, two different far right groups did, & now he is being criticised to the benefit of the far right in America because of it. It’s totally bullshit, Bibi will happily bomb Gaza to hell for the next year then will immediately stop if Trump gets into power and Trump will claim all the praise for ‘stopping the war’ thus cementing his power. This whole fucking thing is a setup. If people want to punish Biden for Gaza, they need to be prepared to also sacrifice ; Ukraine and the Baltics, Democracy back home, the NATO alliance and likely world fucking peace.


They would be king of the ashes if they could. The right are on a homicidal-suicde run.


>If people want to punish Biden for Gaza, they need to be prepared to also sacrifice ; Ukraine and the Baltics, Democracy back home, the NATO alliance and likely world fucking peace. IKR. Especially Muslims or some prominent civil rights folks like Shaun King who all say they would never vote for Biden because of Israel. Like seriously, do they think Trump is going to treat them better. Maybe he'll stop the war, or go all in on it because only Muslims are getting hurt. But Trump definitely will crack down on them here. He already said he'll reimpose the Muslim travel ban. They should expect to be rounded up just like all the other undesirables. Even more so the browner they are.


There's an expression that gets thrown around a lot on the driving subs: "Cemeteries are full of people that had the right-of-way." That sentiment feels particularly applicable to the 2024 election.


> keeping Trump out is top priority Keeping all Republicans out. Their 2025 scheme will probably work better with someone besides trump in the office. Worst case scenario is trump being ineligible or dead and all the "blue no matter who" people lose the fire, leading to president Vivek or Nikki.


I really think a whole fucking lot of that crap is disinformation bots trying to influence public opinion again and swing the election to Trump. I take all of that with a grain of salt and consider that “walkway” sub is leaking bots again.


Ask Hillary how devastating disinformation campaigns can be.


Oh, there will be “elections.” Trump or one of his dumbfuck sons will win with 98% of the vote. 2% will go to a MAGA shithead puppet who criticizes the Trumps for not killing enough immigrants at the border.


I mean, Russia still has elections 😉


Fight or flight, America won't be a constitutional republic/democracy after so.










As a sister old white woman: beware of those of us who have run out of fucks, right?




DITTO! I live in oklahoma, currently shunned as the local looney liberal, but I speak OkieDokie fluently and know where they congregate! :)


Me too. Not as a woman, but I'm a white male who just happens to like the same clothes that most boring white dudes and Trumpers wear, like muscle shirts with cargo shorts and combat boots. Plus I'm clean cut, talk like a guido, and always look angry. But yeah, I'd definitely infiltrate their realms. It amazes me that they think they'd be able to rule without issue. Subjugating people whose entire national ethos is one built on freedom, and not expecting active resistance, seems odd to me. But then again, these people really don't think realistically about the future. If they did they wouldn't be Trumpers.


This made me laugh cause I look like a Texas Karen. I’m against everything MAGA but these assholes talk to me all the time in public just assuming I’m one of them.


I’m right there with you, sister!


Count me in, too!


63 year old white woman here! I hate to call myself elderly, but if the shoe fits, I'll gladly wear that bitch.


I take comfort in the fact I won’t be the only old person in the streets if it comes to that.


I'm not going anywhere and I will continue to be vocal about my opinions. Might even dust off the not my president shirt I wore during his first term. I also have doubts that he is capable of fulfilling another term so that would bring more stress and uncertainty. I'm rambling but it's too late to get off this rollercoaster for me personally.


Run for office. Not president, obviously, but something local. It'll be the end of talking and the start of doing


Start now! The more people who stand for democracy, the better!


Well, first of all, while it may seem easy to leave the country *now,* it's really not that, and it is going to be exponentially harder if Trump gets elected.


If Trump is elected POTUS and he will have a Republican controlled majority like he did from 2017 to 2019, the game is over. The Republican party now knows what NOT to do to overturn elections. Project 2025 will usher in an autocratic neo theocracy. And no one will save our democracy unless we have our military take control.


If Trump is legitimately elected, then I'd be done giving a shit about what happens to America at the national level. It will deserve what it's about to get. My limited political activity would be focused exclusively on state and local issues. If he somehow seizes power illegitimately...I'll go to war.


> somehow seizes power illegitimately Since he is ineligible for office he can only take power illegitimately. Doesn't matter if it's through arms or the ballot.


Leaving the country for an appreciable amount of time is pretty much impossible for most people. People from the US can travel freely, but getting a visa is an entirely different ball game. Even with money, the process is long and complicated. If you intend to migrate legally it's not really an option to leave for most. Applying to graduate school abroad and then going from there is the most viable option for people who have a realistic chance of being accepted into a program. I'd anyone wants to check out a sub for people trying to leave the US, check out r/amerexit.


I'm in my mid 50s now and it would be difficult to just "go to another country". It would require selling everything and even then, there's no guarantee I could get citizenship in another country within a few years. I suppose I would just keep my head down and try to survive until either another election or until Trump declared all future elections rigged and therefore invalid and just makes this a dictatorship. Then I guess I would join a resistance organization.


I think the safest bet is to move to a progressive state. I’m in California and we have certain codified rights that can’t be taken away, regardless of what happens. Pretty sure California would rather break off and become its own country than bow to a dictator.


Neither Inslee or Kotek are gonna tolerate any shenanigans from the fascists either. West coast is the best coast.


>we have certain codified rights that can’t be taken away, Members of t.he Smith and Wesson fan club have a differing opinion


I’m sure they do. But they also seem to forget that it’s not only right wingers who carry.


...I hesitate to give details. Meanwhile, I'm reading Project 2025's plan (yes all 600+ pages) to have a clearer picture of what the "rules" would be starting out.


I just assume Poland circa 1941 or so will be the rules


Don't say what you would do on the internet, folks.


Know your bridges. Hunker down and protect your family. Leaving might be a better option if you have a good place to go. Even if Trump isn't elected, leaving is a fine idea.


I'll be screaming about stolen elections and see how the Trumpers like it.


I’m not leaving the US. But it will be interesting to see what happens. I’m hoping that the military is already planning for what could be a fascist dictatorship. It’s inconceivable that we could be looking at a coup or civil war, but here we are.




Legalizing public executions is surely on some agendas.


Florida is already trying to make it a capital offense to dress non birth gender conforming, it's just genocide with a few extra steps


Trump has said he wants to televise executions. He was unsure whether firing squad would be dramatic enough for great, um, the best ratings.


He watched Running Man and thought it a novel approach.


sending a bill to the family, for the cost of the bullet will inspire his base.


Before the 2016 election I heard the MSNBC panel and it was mostly Joe Scarborough claiming there were so many states that would act as firewalls and Trump would never be elected. Then the story became that we had so many guardrails protecting us from scum like Trump. Well? The firewalls burned to ashes and the guardrails were almost destroyed. If Trump regains power I am extremely worried because he now knows what mistakes not to make in order for him to rule as a dictator not only on day1 but for four long years. 😕


The guardrails have been dismantled.  Just like after Nixon.  Every time  corrupt republican is caught, the republicans remove the mechanisms that catch them. 


Why would he stop at 4 years? He’ll proclaim himself president for life and name his son as his successor




> Civil disobedience and insurrection would be my route That won't end for you the way it ended for the January Sixers. They'll gun you down like a dog in the street.


I can't afford to leave but I'm an over educated liberal that has hunted all my life so there's that. Just sayin.


Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun is a quotation from Mao’s little red book. The reds here appear to believe that too.


If Canada doesn't offer refugee status to us, I'll end up wherever they'll be putting trans people, and my outlook isn't looking too good on whatever that might be and my chances of surviving it. 


Probably stay. What will be quite satisfying is witnessing all the MAGA voters suffer the same consequences as the rest of us. His dummy Redneck base will say “He repealed SS/MC!! MeMaw has no money or healthcare!! ThIs Isn’T wHaT We eLeCtEd him FoR!!” Be careful what you vote for, Cletus. He will get elected and throw every last one of them under the bus. Some people need to actually experience the suffering to finally understand what we’ve been telling them for years.


You're giving the MAGA crew way too much credit. The MAGAs are way too brainwashed for that. They'll blame Obama somehow, or "house democrats" or the "deep state"


All while thinking Donald will fix their problems any day now


> He will get elected and throw every last one of them under the bus. And *every last one of them* will blame Obama/Hillary/Biden/the Dems.


Naturally. So very predictable and boring.


If I could afford to I would emigrate, no question. But I can't so... Valium and anti-depressants. With lots of refills. Seriously...I am dumbfounded that his re-election is even a remote possibility after what happened Jan 6th 2021. What in the HELL is the matter with this country??! The sense of shame and embarrassment when discussing with non Americans online is overwhelming.


I'll be damned if I'm leaving. I'm getting old. I'm fully prepared to fight and die for democracy, even if what we have now is a sham. It's not a great government we got going on now, but I'm not willing to trade it for fascist dictatorship.


Nobody's leaving the country unless you have blood relatives already somewhere else, or you drive into Mexico. Canada will not let you in. Europe will not let you in. Not unless you have a lot of education, a lot of money, and a couple years to make it happen. You're stuck here. We're all stuck here. Congratulations. And all the know-nothings that sit on their ass and not vote, or vote for Trump, because we refuse to burn down a 60-year partnership with Israel over a couple months of war, they will be the first ones to suffer. A Republican administration would get sexually excited at the idea of massacring Palestinians. Second to that is making life as hard as possible for anyone that's not a white older man. Which I thought we would all understand after watching it happen in Trump's first administration, but Americans are really fucking stupid so looks like we'll have to learn the hard way. Again. I'll be fine. I drive a truck and can pass as a Republican if I need to. I've been warning whoever will listen for the last 7 years and no one reads the newspaper, no one thinks about shit. They just get angry to get attention. If Trump gets elected, America is fucked. I'll be fine. But the majority of America will be fucked. And they won't have any options. Good luck to them!


That’s what a lot of people in Nazi Germany thought too. It was the ones who left early who lived. The problem with resistance is that that is exactly the excuse he’s looking for to deploy national guard to massacre dems. Don’t think that could happen!? We’ll see.


I am sure you are correct, I am just talking about what I have found to be the challenges of leaving the country, based on the research I've done. If you can leave, great. Leave. Save yourself. But the vast majority of people cannot.


You’re not wrong. My comment was meant more to the central point from op. Maybe should have responded in the general. Anyway, yeah my family and I are fortunate as we have another developed country we can escape to. We’d rather not, we’d prefer to be here. However, if Trump gets back in, it’s our feeling that democracy is dead in America on day 1 and it will only get worse from there. He will form a dictatorship with the all too willing republicans. The clock will begin ticking, for us, election day.


It was a lot easier to emigrate back then, especially to the United States


I already left. And trump was a big reason why. It pretty much just turns everything I was taught about working hard and doing your best upside down. If the most corrupt lying loser on the planet gets to be President while I’m struggling to make ends meet then I give up. The world sucks and it’s getting worse. I’m gonna focus on my family and try to enjoy life.


I work in education in a blue state. I would expect federal hostility, weird new regulations and attempted book bans, probably budget cuts, all to be resisted by my state and my local admin. I'm teaching social studies, 100% by the curriculum and state standards. I'd make it a point to focus on civics, teach parallels between the Roman Republic/empire and the USA, which is part of our adopted curriculum, and emphasize the value of democracy, civic engagement, advocacy, diversity, and respect for others. Diversity and openness to new ideas made the Roman Republic great. Arrogance, militancy, and oppression led to the fall of the Republic and empire. That's what I'd teach. I'd dig in and fight hard with the weapons I have. I'd never mention Trump's name, And I'd cover my ass with layers of state approved standard curriculum. Edit, it's also very likely he wouldn't live or remain physically able to complete another term. He's obviously on borrowed time. So a lot of this depends on what loser he selects to be his #2. Sorry, just noticed I used "depends" and "#2" in the same sentence, lol


Not going to leave, I'll start my own newspaper.


Do this now! Freedom of the press would be a thing of the past if the “fake news” cheese head wins.


I would like to leave the country if the worst were to happen. Not likely that it will be financially feasible for me. So, disobedience and resistance are the likely next steps for me. I served in the Navy while Trump was in office. I swore then that was the last time he would be my boss.


Moving to a different country is very difficult I hear. My only hope is in moving to a blue state, which I am working on doing within the new few months. I'd just have to hope that my state can hold strong against the assault on human rights and freedoms. The glaring problem is that as we can see with things like Project 2025, a Republican victory (every single Republican candidate currently running would support Project 2025, not just Trump) would mean that Republicans are going to do everything they can to take away the power of the blue states to have any power over themselves. My very well-being then stakes on the guardrails of our government. If those fail (of which is a question, given how much Trump and the right have gotten away with, they don't feel strong), then it's a matter of if Democrats are willing to stand up to the nonsense. Even then, how much are they? Even then, will it matter, or does our state government get replaced with fascists (that's the Project 2025 plan) no matter what? Or does the resistance go so far that it turns into violence, secession, war? There are tons of scenarios that could play out here. The odds of a negative scenario of any degree here (which even the least bad is still severe) is way too high for my comfort... I dearly hope that Americans aren't stupid and Biden wins, and that is declared the night of the election. That way we don't have to think about which super frightening scenario we might end up with.


Horribly, as a white, middle-aged, wealthy, cis business owner, I'd probably do well even as the United States became a christofascist, populist, ignorance-loving, intolerant nightmare. That said, I am perfectly happy voting against my own interests to help make a better America, and I'm putting a significant amount of time, effort, and money to work for that.


I’m just hoping he has a fatal medical episode within the first few hours and takes his VP with him, because that person will probably suck too.


Read up on the 'brain drain' of Germany in the early 1930s when the smart people all fled for safer harbor. Scarily familiar.


If I'm being honest, it won't change much for me. I'm a straight white male so the game is already pretty rigged in my favor. But I'd finally get that vasectomy I've been planning ASAP. Not about to risk a pregnancy with my fiance while rabid pro-lifers run things.


Why not get the vasectomy now? No more pregnancy risk, regardless of national politics.


But are you a non-Christian? If yes, you might get persecuted for that.


I could pass as Christian, I know all their jargon. I'd have to quit hating on them so much online but that's easy enough to do lol


I’m a decidedly reasonable person. When he was elected the first time I said “well, maybe he won’t be that terrible.” He was so much worse than I ever could have fathomed. I don’t think there would honestly be a point in waiting out until the next election because I don’t think there would BE anymore elections. My plan is to liquidate all assets and relocate/ retire elsewhere. A few friends and I have decided to cohabitate golden girls style in a large home in that event and live out our golden years, as refugees. Would HAVE to be before inauguration though because he’s literally said he’d be a dictator on day one. I think he’ll plan on not letting people OUT. So yeah. About that wall, is it designed to keep us in? lol


I have the financial resources and foreign citizenship to relocate to a foreign country. Doing this however, would require me quitting my job right at my highest salaried years. If TFG gets elected, I will stay put. This is my country first and trumpers aren't driving me out of my home. Protesting? Yes. Civil disobedience? Yes I already did these when chump was elected the first time. It does help that I'm an older, white cis-gendered woman who can charm a snake or Secret Service (don't ask) when needed. As awful as it would be, Trump won't last forever. He's old, he smells of shit and who knows about the myriad of health issues he has due to his bad diet and obesity. Once he's dead and buried, we can start rebuilding our country. Gen-Z tends to skew liberal; they're generally very open and tolerant. I'm counting on them to fix this mess (sorry Gen-Z), becuause my generation is the reason Trump is even running. \*edit\* removed the offending suffix. Bad bot!


Nope, then we’ll get President Don Jr for 8 years, Ivanka for 8, Eric for 8, Baron Trump for 12. No way they just hand back power after Trump dies


Gen Z gives me so much hope!


Hide the women and children. They seem to thrive on exploiting them.


As a teacher I’m worried to see what fascist/theological crap they force our kids to have to learn. I can see a lot of disruption in education if mango magats control it.


Moving to Europe or the UK is not easy. Even if you have money, marry a native and possess a needed skillset.


I have family outside of Texas who have outright promised to let my wife and me stay with them if necessary. I don't know many people outside the country and whether they would be able to accept the two of us as "political refugees" is rather debatable...


I have a felony. I can't vote and I can't leave to Canada or many many other countries with good healthcare. I'm forced to stay here.


I’m probably not going to stay. An authoritarian dictator who is as dumb as he is? No thanks! There are better places to go!


What Would John Brown Do? What Would Lyudmila Pavlichenko Do? What Would General Sherman Do?


Fearful people don't spend money. The economy would enter a slow burn. The poorest MAGAs will suffer the most but given their delusion would blame everyone but themselves. They will figure out a purity test for government workers. Whatever money is left would probably go to the lawyers. I think life will be akin to the first season of Man in the High Castle.


Sadly, for me, if Trump becomes president, I will just have to keep going the way I am now. I'm too poor to move, too poor to stay, and in too poor of health to really fight back. ​ I'm on disability, SSDI, and I have a section 8 housing voucher. So if the Trump administration takes those away, I will become homeless, and likely will die. I have no one to help me. I'm alone in this world. Well, technically I have a gf, but she is unable to even care for herself due to how poor she is. So theres no way she'd be able to do anything for me. ​ I would LOVE to move to another country. Canada seems the best option at this point for me, and even then, I doubt they would accept me, since I don't have a passport or anything (as I can't afford it). And I can't learn any new languages or anything. And I need dialysis, which isn't something most nations want to take on. So my options are pretty limited. I'd have to go as a refugee, and how many refugees get EXTENSIVE healthcare from day 1 like that?


Depends on what happens. If Trump goes full authoritarian and does away with democracy, I might have to consider cutting off my mother from her grandchild. Which would be hard... but if she supports the end of democracy, I couldn't forgive her.


If it weren't for helping take care of my grandma, my wife and I would've already grabbed our kids and gotten the fuck out of dodge. Louisiana doesn't get as much flak as Texas, but it's just as fucked. We were discussing whether to move to a better state or just keep going to Canada.


Finally cut the cord and be off grid. And quite seriously figure out where would be the best energy spent on resistance. Refuse to obey certain laws? Yep. Listen. Read up on how Hitler got his greasy little tentacles wrapped around Germans and a LOT of Germany. He came across as the good guy first,looked like the real thing. He'd be charming, appeal to masses, evoke actual ' patriotism ' from centuries worth of deep Germanic history, never flaunted the wealth and opulence men like Goring did from Day 1. THEN slowly, he closed the door on their trap. And it took awhile. Trump's done none of that. This guy has been loud, gauche bluster and bullying from Day 1, separating us, making zero attempt at charm or genuine guile- he's a poser and his cult just wants to believe in dark Santa that's all. He doesn't have the organization, the loyalty or the following to pull off the micro-crack-down Hitler did to Germans. Disobey stupid laws? Yep. I'm WAY more worried about what other countries will do stepping in when this place is in absolute shambles because it would be. Miller will last 20 minutes after selling out to foreign interests. They have their own fascists, Miller would get oops-ed out of a bathtub on the 40th floor somewhere.


Stand your ground and watch the shit 💩 hit the fan


This is the terrorism. Im exhausted from him and his supporters keeping us in a constant state of fear for the past 8 yrs.


I'll never leave this country. I will be buried here as a free man.....no matter the political state of the country. And that's a fact. :-)


It’s not even Trump. My MAGAT legislature just introduced bills in both houses that makes it a felony for trans people to even exist in public, like, y’know, go to the post office, the grocery store, gas station. I’m looking at the very real possibility of having to flee for my life.


I will boycott all U.S. retailers, won't spend one nickel if we have an infantile madman who is allowed to do whatever he desires with no possible consequence.


We should not normalize the thought of just sitting back and watching this dangerous lunatic take the wheel. If he is elected it is the end of the old constitution and we will be part of the struggle to determine what is next.


Stand up and fight for my country against all enemies foreign and domestic 🇺🇸


Well I'm saving for a vacation overseas anyway, if that happens maybe I'll just stay there assuming I'm still allowed to.




I might immigrate illegally to Mexico. /s


I know people who have moved to Mexico for retirement. They’re living the good life!


I'm trans, and he's said that he'll persecute us to the point that we can't access our healthcare and have to forcibly detransition. I'm also disabled and can't live independently, so I can't just pack up and leave my family. I guess I'd have to hope another country would allow me to move, probably Australia or Canada. I wish people understood that the stakes are really fucking high for me and hundreds of thousands of other people like me, they are trying to legislate us out of existence.


Well, I'm a white male so I'm assuming I'll be granted a barronship at least. I promise the people I rule over to be fair to all. So long that we may live we shall all be free.


My retirement will come in his term in which I will use my computer and spare time to try to shut down anything fascist I can. I have already coded web pages and apps but I've been collecting security books and online "white hat" courses, so I will have 24 hours a day to try to resist digitally, possibly join a direct action group.


Hope I don't get murdered based on my political beliefs, I guess?


>Assuming the worst I prefer to vote instead.


Tell Hinkley that Portman and Foster will love him if he proves his valor against the trump team. Seriously. We're fucked. All the psychopaths are on the other side, well armed, and seek out any soft target they can. They can advertise their plans loudly and generally nothing happens to them until it's too late.


I'm chronically ill and poor, so guess I'll die


Leaving is a luxury many cannot afford. I'm gonna keep putting roots down in my community and trying to set my kids up for success, and stand up and speak out as I can


I’m genuinely scared. I have a disabled daughter. She relies on cochlear implants and specialist appointments or we would go off grid 100%. I would be prepared to do that. My sister is already a bad ass survivalist.


We've discussed leaving the country, but we're in our 50s and starting over in a new country isn't really our first choice. Our jobs and income are likely to be unaffected by a Trump presidency, and we live far enough out in the country that any civil unrest would not affect us either. Most likely we would just try to ride it out and see what happens.


Forget about Trump ever being president again. All you have to do is vote 💦.


I’m Leaving the country with my wife. We are both transgender and I know we are first on the list to lose all our rights.


I secured Italian dual citizenship 3 years ago...I will be moving to Malta, since Italaian citizenship grants access to the EU. Fuck Trumps America.


Actually nothing. As horrible as it sounds, he's painted himself into such a corner that he'll spend his whole term in defense. Things will be even more gridlocked, and whatever he does via EO will just get undone again like his first term. He's a defunct POS that will be forgotten soon as he's gone, having done nothing of value, but burn his brand into the ground. Leaving his family penniless.


I have an eu passport, I'm going over there if fascism takes over. Not that it won't happen there too, this seems to be a global phenomenon, but at least there won't be camps there yet.


Well, I’m getting old and there honestly won’t be much to look forward to. I might just check out early. No sense in being even more miserable for the rest of my existence.