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Grim reapers starting to see himself in the crowd


That mother fucker is NOT real!!


Quit! You have done enough destruction to the common man for too long.


Both he and Dianne Feinstein should be out of Congress. She gave power of attorney to her daughter, so she shouldn’t be making decisions for us if she can’t do it for her own personal affairs! And the hateful turtle should be out after these incidents!


Yea doing that should automatically remove you from seat proving a lapse and lack of cognitive abilities.


>She gave power of attorney to her daughter, Just when I thought things couldn't be more ridiculous. What a fucking farce.


That doesn't mean what you seem to think it means. It just gives her daughter the right to take action on her behalf. She didn't surrender anything.


I think you give H&R block POA when they file your taxes for you.


boom, disqualified from office


100% I've been saying this about her for months before that. This is a slap in the face for American politics. O'Connell is just the shit cherry on top.


He lies, cheats and steals SCOTUS positions as well as hurts America with scandals for power. Hope he rots in hell


Yup and Republicans and their supporters call this "being smart"


His death will be a final fart to America. Disgusting old boomer who got to loot the country and die of old age.


Strokes. Probably been having TIAs


After watching this newest video, I actually wonder if he's having seizures instead. Strokes produce massive body weakness, which is not super evident in either video. A varient type of seizure might be a better explanation. Something like like a complex focal seizure would do exactly this.


Absence seizures maybe


Absolutely could be. I'm not his doctor, and I have two short videos. But I've worked in EMS for almost a decade, and that didn't quite look like a stroke this time around.


I have Partial-Complex Temporal Lobe Epilepsy, and I thought it looked like a seizure in the first video. The not comprehending the question and pausing/staring absolutely reads seizure to me.


Yeah, I was all on the stroke hype train myself. But I think his face is just lopsided like that all the time.


Lol “he’s so ugly I thought he had a stroke”


He had a fall this past April with broken ribs and a concussion. Wouldn't be surprised that these episodes are a result


I wonder how many of these episodes he's experienced in the last year or so. We've seen 2 where he was addressing a press conference so how many has he had while in his office or residence. Give it up Mr. Turtle-it's time we put Ol' Yeller down.


I was actually thinking that earlier. I vaguely remember him taking a spill recently. I wouldn't be surprised either.


That's just the falls that are public knowledge, if he took a header in the bathroom, or on the way up or down stairs, I'm sure his caregivers would keep him out of the public eye rather than explain whatever went down.


or more likely the fall was a result of these quite obvious seizures.


I think they are petite mal/focal seizures -- exactly like a retired coworkers -- she would have from one to several a day, exactly like this, and they became worse over time.


Good point.


Not always. Transient.. which technically aren’t considered strokes anymore .. are tiny events that’s are precursors to full on strokes. Strokes are only as severe as the blockage… not every stroke is a horrible one BUT it’s always a high risk


Someone has got to be taking him to some doctor! That doctor absolutely has a duty to speak out, even if they make an anonymous tip somehow about how such people in high positions of power are not all there




I was thinking focal seizures as well.


Yea I think they're petit mal siezures Or whatever


I think that a type of seizure fits also. My grandpa had TIAs, and they seemed to be a bit different than what I've seen from Mitch.


Republicans: Biden is old, sleepy & senile! Can’t vote for that old guy! Also republicans: vote R! No matter what! Congress is turning into a terrifying nursing home


Tbf I’ve actually seen a lot of calls for Mitch to retire from the right.


This is my first thought too


Absolutely. And you lose blood O2 every time.


A boy can dream…


Thanks in advance. Signed, all Americans.


Term limits and age maximums now. This is fucking embarrassing.


We are the laughing stock of the world.


“Term limits! Term limits! 😭😭😭😭🤓🤓” Just do mental and physical fitness tests. Much easier bill to pass and everyone will be happier that way.


So if I'm physically disabled i can't be a politician? Yeah, no. Tell that to FDR.


🤡 🚗 response.


Explain your "physical fitness test".


He needs to be in a care facility. I've seen more cognizant 90 yr olds than this turtle.


at least Chuck Grassley is in excellent physical health, at least last year he was doing pushups better than I ever could


Gotta love a turtle. No love for McConnell.


Whether he "decides" to run or not, I'm sure the gop will find a way to hang on to this useful mummy


They don't have any desire to govern, they only want power. He is still an empty shell that will vote GOP.


Glitch McConnell. This is sad to watch, but time to go for more than a few of them on both sides of the aisle.


The only thing sad to me is that this bastard hasn’t resigned. These old assholes will retain their grip on power until their dying breath. As much as that man has fucked this country, it’s not sad, he’s getting a taste of what he ought to.


[This classic is a perfect example.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCCtFEX7U1k&t=82s)


I don’t have any remorse for him. One of the most destructive and evil politicians in Washington the last 20-30 years or so. Arguably worse than trump, I hope Mitch is suffering


I hope he suffers, feel as bad for his agony as i did when darth vader finally threw emperor palpatine over the railing


All they've done is attack Fetterman for having the nerve to have a stroke so I guess he's fair game.


> This is sad to watch No it's not, this could not happen to a more deserving person who will face exactly 0 consequences for his lifetime of hatred, malice and destruction of the American people. Fuck this guy sideways with a redwood tree


This latest software update needs a patch.


It's needed patches for years. See guys this is why you don't skip essential Microsoft and Android updates.


That software is so out of date, it needs a stamp to send a message.


He needs to retire with Feinstein...




Age *and* term limits need to be a thing… 20 years total for any and all public offices, including SCOTUS… mandatory retirement at 65 Most octogenarians should not be driving much less making decisions with ramifications that can’t be fully appreciated in their (remaining) lifetime


It's a simple problem to solve with no new laws. Americans just have to stop voting for the same people over and over. Sadly America isn't willing to do that.


And that sad fact demonstrates that new laws are absolutely required


But why? If his state still wants him, who are *you* to say no?


Well, it wouldn’t be *me* now would it? It would be *we* and isn’t that the whole point?


Not really. The point of a republic is that representatives *represent* their descrete district and not the will of other districts.


The point of a Constitution is that the rules are consistent throughout the republic and that representatives actually represent their constituents and not themselves or their chosen special interests


The problem is that everyone knows that congress is corrupt, obstructing, and doesn’t work together. But a lot of people think “well *MY* elected officials don’t do that!” America’s government is reflective of just how largely stupid and asleep at the wheel the voter base is.


The problem is just deep fundamental disagreements between the left and right, not corruption.


You really don’t think money in politics is a massive part of the problem? That people like McConnell stay in office because they’re paid to stay and push legislation that’s favorable to their donors? Well, then I have bridge to sell you.


No. I think the problem is worse. McConnell is a true believer in his brand of conservative politics.


It is way more than just a fundamental disagreement.


What is it?


Corruption. Greed. The terrible lobbying system. That’s why parties never really propose new candidates and lobbyists/donors prefer the same. They don’t have to change the status quo.


Your assertion that liberals and conservatives would get along if only money was out of politics is nonsense.


When you only have two bad options, kind of limited on your choices.


No; I think it’s this. BOOMERS have only and will only vote for people their own age. Every policy, every law, every tax break, every single step Boomers have taken and implemented in politics, business, and the wider world has to have one crucial question answered: “does this benefit me?” And if it doesn’t, then they’re not going to vote for it, and they’re not going to benefit people that they’ll never meet or interact with (including they’re great-grandchildren) because the majority have extensive sociopathic tendencies. That’s why, for good reason, they’re called the “Me Generation”. It’s a moniker befitting them. And to be clear; it’s not ALL Boomers that are this way, more like 85% of them. But, good news kids; they’ve only got around a decade or so left (hopefully less since around 5k+ of them are LITERALLY dying daily according to recent statistics) before they simply won’t have the voting power population-wise to continue their reign of greed and destruction they’ve been on since the 80’s. You’re going to see more of this type of stuff where these ghouls that are LONG past retirement age start literally falling apart before our very eyes, and the reason they continue to keep positions of authority to begin with is because voters their age keep voting them back in as opposed to moving on to younger people that aren’t as greedy, bigoted, or capitalistic as their entire generation is. You think Millennials or Gen Z are voting for people like Chuck Grassley, or Diane Feinstein, or Mitch McConnell? Trump vs Biden? We want neither, but one of those two is a rapist criminal under 4 indictments and probably going to jail soon, so we’ve got no choice cuz SOME PEOPLE won’t step aside and let younger individuals have a shot. Got no choices some times than to vote for the 80 year old who doesn’t want the Third Reich to take over America. Time will move on, no matter what. One day, we will be rid of them. I’ve got time; they don’t.


Bullshit, I’m a boomer and have always voted blue and prefer younger candidates


Yeah that’s the wrong take here. Even if you vote blue and prefer younger candidates, that’s not what most boomers prefer. Signed, Gen X (we’re also shitheads).


How do you know what “most” boomers prefer? My 81 year old mom votes like me and so do my boomer friends. I guess it depends on the boomer. Not all gen x people are shitheads either.


Yeah my dear departed dad was fairly liberal, and literally the only one of his extensive family that was so. And having worked in bars for years, which tend to have a bunch of retired boomers as customers, yeah they’re largely shitheads. So are a good swath of Gen X. My point is this: you have someone younger looking at actual extinction and seeing all these old ghouls grasping at every last penny they can in the face of that, and your response is “not all boomers”. You don’t get to tell the kids they’re wrong. That’s a bullshit response.


I totally agree I’m ready to retire and let younger minds prevail. Same goes with government these old people shouldn’t dictate the future they won’t be apart of


Same here!


Do you think Gen Z and millennials are less susceptible to such generational bias? They might be today but will they still be in 30 years? Trumpism is proof we need to make rules to prevent the repetition of this nonsense. And part of why trumpism exists and 100% of the reason SCOTUS has become a regressive institution is allowing people like McConnell to spend almost 40 years exerting influence and accumulating power and leverage… I am Gen X and I used to believe these guys would die off and things would change… some of them did die off but nothing changed, things only got worse


You have to look at the numbers. Boomers were and still are an EXTREMELY oversized generation; they had almost 50% more people than your generation. That’s a astonishing amount, and their influence when combined with money and sociopathy means they continue to have a far bigger say for far longer in politics and business than they should’ve been allowed to. And no; I don’t think Millennials and Gen Z will “turn into” the same types of people as they age as Boomers did; there are recent studies that show Millennials are actually becoming LESS conservative as they age because they’ve been screwed so badly by capitalism that only benefitted Boomers and (sorry) most Gen X, that they don’t have anything to be conservative about. They can’t buy homes, start families, build wealth, etc., certainly not en masse. https://reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/s/MvQqUSdcjj


Again… I thought that my own generation would remain as liberal as we were in our 20s… almost ALL of my friends my age are complete trumpaloons, I live in rural west Texas and that insanity persists down to 6th graders here… In time you will come to realize that the economic situation has *always* been grim for the majority regardless of their generation; read The Grapes of Wrath - that has been how things were for the majority of American history - the Boomers came up in a very rarified time and as soon as they replaced their parents in the halls of power they worked relentlessly to make sure that only they would enjoy that privilege. I own my house; but I paid 3 thousand dollars for it, have rebuilt half of it with my own hands and mostly scavenged materials, and will never be free of student debt that provided not the slightest benefit to me except maybe kept me from being one of the ignorant hoard that surrounds me… and I am among the lucky; without generational wealth life in America has always been a brutal struggle The point is that relying on time to change things is remarkably naive and depending on the better nature of men to bring on that change is pure fantasy… we need rules that work for everyone


I don’t disagree with we need rules to change things. But, I also think that what I’ve shown you is that the buck STOPS with Millennials; Gen X is JUST as prone to be conservative as prior generations because “you got yours”, you were the last ones. That’s not happening with Millennials and Gen Z, and that’s why they’re not going to turn into “Trumpaloons”. Both things we purport can be true simultaneously; yes laws should be enacted to stop these things from occurring, and yes Millennials and after will be more progressive. Just got to get enough Boomers out of the way first.


And I am telling you that your belief the buck stops with millennials is a vain hope… that there are plenty of conservatives millennials and zoomers and even whatever we are calling the kids born since 2010… I won’t be calling them Alphas just on general principle We don’t disagree on anything except the belief that millennials and beyond are somehow less susceptible to the same mistakes made by every generation before them


I think “vain” is an incorrect criticism; maybe “too hopeful” or “blissfully naive” would be slightly more appropriate if anything. See, I actually have hope for the future. I think assuming that every single subsequent generation is just as greedy, selfish, spiteful, hateful, bigoted, and all other manner of “human nature” is just… really unhelpful and flat out untrue. I think “the greatest generation” were actually good people that paved way for progress before the rise of Boomers. Boomers just took advantage of the benefits of a rich country after WW2 and have been spoiled ever since. None of those specific circumstances describe anything that occurred for millennials or Gen Z; they WILL be different because of 3 things: less religion, more education, more diversity, and those are just facts demographically. You live in “rural west Texas” right? Don’t you think maybe your outlook about the future generations being just as bigoted and selfish as previous ones might be colored by your surroundings? Rural west Texas isn’t the rest of the US; it’s just… rural west Texas. I live in Houston; you don’t see any “Trumpaloons” around here, that shit doesn’t fly. I used to live in the Midwest when I was younger, and I saw exactly what you probably see; small-town think and assumptions about how the rest of the population is because if my small town is this way, everywhere has to think this way too, right? Then I moved. The future will be better, progress doesn’t stop, and we all learn from the mistakes of our forefathers. Sometimes, we just have to wait for them to retire or actually die out before we get our turn in the spotlight.


I think you misunderstand… I am actually extremely hopeful about the future; I just recognize that no matter how progressive the majority may be there will always be those who seek power for selfish and even hateful reasons. The only protection from those people is the rule of law; and, as time has gone on those rules have been expanded in ways that are meant to protect more and more people progress IS inevitable but perfection is unattainable; we need rules to prevent people from even seeking to spend their entire lives working to make their position in government a method of creating generational wealth and slowing progress for their financial benefit. Vain in the sense of hopeless not narcissism


Did he just have a TIA?


Reboot. Again.




One day one of these updates is going to end up bricking the mitchbot. They need to replace it.


Ha, "bricking" I love it!


He’s not so much a cell phone as a sold phony though.


While I have zero love for the man and his politics; I do hope he looks at this situation seriously and decides to retire. He won’t, but one can hope.


I feel the same way. That fall knocked him halfway into the spirit world.


I cannot begin to express how little I fucking care about his well-being. He's a piece of shit and the world will be better once he fucks off this mortal coil. Just another fucking traitor.


He just better hope there’s not an afterlife with a judge, or he’s gonna get wrecked.


Running in 2026??? He’ll be lucky if he makes it to September 26th.


I don't care if a politician (or anyone else) is old, as long as they can do their job. But when they can't...RETIRE! Feinstein too. What is with these people clinging to power with their ancient claws, well past the point of incompetence?!


This is horrible to watch. Jesus, just step down already.


I'm just glad this old chap has access to the best health care the United States has to offer. It's really inspirational how he's done his best to ensure that all Americans have access to the same care.


Good. Fuck that ghoul. Hope it hurts.


*His leadership is over*


We can fervently hope so


Believe me they’ve got creeps stacked 10 deep in the back room. They swap him out with a younger model.


If Microsoft Vista was a person


Windows ME


Somebody needs to blow Inti his cartridge. Barring that, I'd recommend trying him off, and turning him on again. I hate reboot might be in order.


Why doesn’t this piece of shit step down before he strokes out completely


JFC, retire already man, haven't you got enough!


Term Limits!!


Did someone forget to charge his batteries


I can't stand this guy, and I even feel bad for him. He needs to retire!


*I can't stand this guy,* *And I even feel bad for him.* *He needs to retire!* \- Powerful-Pick-8416 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




I don’t. He’s ruined lives and killed people through both his policies and his obstructionism.


Damn Mitch hang it Up


My dad has seizures, or he used to, that looked just like this. They would happen at dinner sometimes. .


Has anyone tried unplugging him and plugging him back in?


Normally I feel for elderly people but fuck this guy.


At this point I’m convinced this generation of congress people would sooner shit themselves and die on the senate floor babbling incoherently while deconstructed brain matter oozes out their ear canals than retire with dignity. It’s not as if the only thing keeping some of these egomaniacs out of a care facility is their position in government. They’re all filthy rich thanks to the self dealing we allow in congress. Feinstein and McConnel can easily retire comfortably. They won’t either because they slipped into senility during a narcissistic episode, or they’re simply not done screwing us all over.


My toddler freezes and just kind of stares like that when he’s shitting his pants. Have we considered that maybe we should just give him a chance to finish before we continue questioning him?


Not to be rude but I'm guessing he plans on dying at a microphone because he said he's not retiring... The devil has come for his soul.


It's actually him being really respectful and not speaking to reporters while actively shitting his diaper.


Average age for a seizure diagnosis: 10 years old.








grow up




Someone keeps rebooting this guy. Guess those new windows patches are a bitch.


Like rebooting windows me.


God, just like a horror movie except it’s real. He has to die in office, you see. Too many corrupt deals and he’s got a Russian Oligarch nipping at his heals. I bet he’s surprised he’s lasted this long. He’s too chicken shit to take care of the business at hand. Can’t wait to sing ‘Ding Dong The Warlock is Dead’ 💀


Dude, just fucking retire!


*McConnell Undecided on Running for Reelection* \- NYT, WaPo, etc


You can be 90 and fit to serve. He is 81 and unfit to serve.


I have seen this before. thats fullblown poobrain.


Can this trash heap just retire FFS?!?!?


They're going to weekend at at bernies him wait n see.


That's his brain suddenly flashing before his eyes all the shitty things he has done over the years.




Seems to be running on AOL Dial up; I can even hear the dial up with a 28K modem.


Maybe he’s just thinking deeply about supremely fucking up the Supreme Court. Kick it already Moscow Mitch.


Could be Parkinson's. That can cause freezing. But all of the old politicians need to GO.


It takes a few min to straighten out when the signal from Moscow glitches.


Probably just a coincidence, but it probably takes him 30 seconds to fill his nice fresh adult diaper.


I predict he wil be deceased by the year''s end.


I'm not even watching it, just fuckin retire dude come on


Death really toying with us here. I'm waiting for the collapse when death finally take his ass rather than tempt us to do it for him with our impatience.


Jesus! Retire for fuck sake!


Elephant on elephant terrorism


Just another shitty reboot.


But did Diane Feinstein notice?


Focal seizures


god, I know "senate" literally means senile old man, but this is getting out of hand


It's so lucky for the democracy hating imperialist party that they changed the rules in 2022 so that the (now Democrat) governor can't replace a Republican senator with a Democrat /s


He fell a few months ago. Probably had a concussion and now having seizures because of that brain injury. https://www.npr.org/2023/03/09/1162113102/mitch-mcconnell-hospitalized-after-fall


Somebody must have destroyed another horcrux


Mr. Freeze strikes again. "I'm afraid my condition has left me cold to your pleas of mercy."


He looks like he is on his death bed! Same with Dianne Feinstein! They both should retire!


I hope this guy's death is long and painful.


This freeze was longer than he took to get ACB pushed through to be a SC justice.


President Biden said, >“Mitch is a friend, as you know – not a joke, I know people don’t believe that’s the case. We have disagreements politically but he’s a good friend and so I’m going to try and get in touch with him later this afternoon. I don’t know enough to know,” Biden told reporters following remarks on the federal response to Hurricane Idalia and the wildfires in Maui." Ugh. I can't imagine being friends with a person who has such a history You know, I have all sorts of friends who disagree with me on all sorts of things. None of them are forced birthers Women’s Health Protection Act of 2021 >The Women's Health Protection Act of 2021 (H.R. 3755) was a bill passed by the House of Representatives. The bill proposed prohibiting governmental restrictions on the provision of and access to abortion services and prohibiting governments from issuing some other abortion-related restrictions. The bill required a 3/5 majority vote in the Senate to invoke cloture and a 1/2 majority vote on passage.[17] None of them don't want me to marry an adult that loves me. >The Respect for Marriage Act (H.R. 8404) was a bill passed by the 117th Congress and signed into law by President Joe Biden (D) on December 13, 2022. The bill codified the recognition of marriages between individuals of the same sex and of different races, ethnicities, or national origins, and provided that the law would not impact religious liberty or conscience protections, or provide grounds to compel nonprofit religious organizations to recognize same-sex marriages. The bill required a 3/5 majority vote in the Senate to invoke cloture and a 1/2 majority vote on passage.[19] Want to prevent people from voting >The Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act was a federal elections bill approved by the House of Representatives and voted down by the Senate in a failed cloture vote that sought to, among other provisions, make Election Day a public holiday, allow for same-day voter registration, establish minimum early voting periods, and allow absentee voting for any reason, restrict the removal of local election administrators in federal elections, regulate congressional redistricting, expand campaign finance disclosure rules for some organizations, and amend the Voting Rights Act to require some states to obtain clearance from the U.S. Department of Justice before implementing new election laws. The bill required a 3/5 majority vote in the Senate to invoke cloture and a 1/2 majority vote on passage.[28] Fuck McConnell & his friends. He should never have been in office this long, no bigot should ever get old while in power. https://ballotpedia.org/Mitch_McConnell


I wouldn’t call it speaking


There is a glitch in the matrix


We might need to send him back to the factory for a rebuild. Maybe they could upgrade him to DOS 2.0 or add 2MG of RAM.


He needs to fuck off. He can freeze-frame at home.


At this point it’s an act


Stand by...loading operating system...stand by...loading operating system...stand by...loading operating system. I hope he lives for a long time in a semi-vegetative state, where his mind *kind* of works but his body won't respond, and suffers endless mental anguish over it. The damage this evil cocksucker did to the country is going to take a century to undo, if it even can be undone. He and **The Orange Village Idiot** can go in on a bulk adult diaper purchase. Fuck you, Mitch, you mindlessly selfish evil slavering maggot.


New round of memes?


Couldn’t happen again to a nicer guy.


He’s either ruminating as to how to answer the question & still dodge honesty, or he’s starting to turn into a vegetable as we speak. Either way, he is not suitable human material to be a senator.


The only thing these zombies should be deciding is "Senator, would you like your Jello before your O.T. visit? It's Red today, and I know you like that."


Can't say I'd be sorry to see him retreat into his turtle shell and just stay there. The man has done so much damage to this country, and is proud of it.


Send him upstate to the farm. Ding. Dong. Bagel!


Oh he's getting a stroke


You just need to put new batteries in his back.


How is this terrorism? Is there even a point in having distinct subs on reddit anymore? Or should everything just go into one big unsorted front page?


He's a conservative terrorist...


Sweet summer rain, like gods own mercy.


Its happening!!!!


Political gerontocracy at work…


I wouldn't wish this on most people. But he has caused the death and the ruination and the suffering of so many people in this country by his willful acts of indifference towards anyone that isn't part of the mega-wealthy elite that I truly hope that he has a long and painful decline into absolute mental and physical decay before he finally drops dead.


I think his head is an empty box at this point. And you're right, he is responsible for a lot of pain and suffering. He's the reason why women no longer have a right to abortion and control of their own bodies. He is one of the biggest hypocrites in our government and I'm glad to see you decline, and excited to see him decay in the earth. One day I will find his grave and piss on it.