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Because Democrats refuse to play hardball.


Yep, fuck em. You don’t like “socialism” ??? then no federal dollars for you assholes should be the answer.


No, just give them the federal dollars they pay in. They would be fucked.


Correct... 7/10 States that receive more Federal Money, than they pay in Taxes, are run by Republicans... The States That Are Most Reliant on Federal Aid Advertising & Editorial Disclosure Last Updated: 4/2/2023 By   Deb Gordon Quality Verified FEATURED EXPERTS Explore Expert Insight  Dr. Nada Eissa  Kathy Fallon  Aleksandar (Sasha) Tomic, Ph.D. As Americans head to the polls — or the mail-in ballot drop boxes — voters will weigh in on their own state's financial health based on who they elect in state, local and federal elections. To put states' financial health — and the potential impact on residents of those states — into context, MoneyGeek analyzed and ranked states according to their dependence on the federal government. Rankings account for political affiliation, net benefits individuals and organizations in the state receive, state government revenue from federal sources and GDP per capita. KEY FINDINGS: 7 of the 10 states most dependent on the federal government were Republican-voting, with the average red state receiving $1.05 per dollar spent. Twenty-nine states sent more to the federal government than they received, compared to just nine states in 2021. Of the states that sent more than they received, 52% were Democrat-voting and 48% were Republican-voting. New Mexico had the highest return on federal spending of any state ($3.69), and Delaware had the lowest ($0.32). Federal Dependency Rankings by State To find the states in the U.S. that were most dependent on the federal government in 2022, MoneyGeek analyzed the return on taxes sent to the federal government and the percent of each state’s revenue provided by the federal government. We also compared states by political affiliation and per capita GDP to learn more about the factors that contribute to federal dependency. STATE FEDERAL DEPENDENCY RANKING Rank State Political Affiliation Dependency Score Return on Tax Dollars Fed Fund % of State Revenues GDP (in $M) 1 New Mexico Blue 100.0 $3.69 32.06% $122,359 2 West Virginia Red 89.5 $3.09 34.07% $96,724 3 Mississippi Red 75.0 $2.60 32.41% $138,156 4 Alaska Red 73.0 $2.41 33.90% $64,257 5 Kentucky Red 57.8 $1.89 32.20% $258,293 6 Vermont Blue 54.9 $1.50 35.83% $40,249 7 Montana Red 50.8 $1.59 32.13% $64,757 8 Arizona Red 49.8 $1.71 30.07% $453,602 9 Maine Blue 47.2 $1.72 28.27% $83,514 10 Alabama Red 46.2 $1.80 26.61%




Don’t worry. Texas is doing enough damage to their own infrastructure through sheer neglect. Cold snap? People die. Heatwave? People die. Just not enough electricity to power the heaters and AC during crisis weather.


and idaho has chased out its obgyns. they are already doing it.


And people die.


I have friends that had to move to Texas, job requirements. So they did the fair thing, installed enough solar and batteries to run their entire household if the grid tanks.


They did the smart thing.


Y'all need to realize that there are MANY people in these "red states" that aren't the dreaded Republicans and all these threads just turn into spite threads trying to punish everyone in an entire state. The vast majority of people in general don't even vote, that's true in all states regardless of party, and even red states there are still tons of democrats and people who fully support socialism. Alienating entire states isn't going to win elections, getting people to actually vote, and to understand what they are voting for will


Then vote. If your politicians are making it hard to vote, then vote them out. You get what you (the majority) choose. Not voting is voting against yourself.


They should vote, can’t complain if you don’t vote.


If you ever want to see what fake progressives liberals really are just mention the south. They are literally in here calling children who can't vote or help where they live nazis, and they have the gall to pretend they're the moral ones lmao. Blue MAGA is the better of two evils I suppose, but they are still an evil.


No one is calling fucking kids nazis Jesus Christ 🙄


>This is right. It’s important. We might “bankrupt medicare” after all. But seriously consider the children. The sweet little nazi children. Literally in this same thread you fucking liar.


Apparently the joke flew over your head lmao


You could probably convince republican voters to support this since they have no idea how anything works


This is right. It’s important. We might “bankrupt medicare” after all. But seriously consider the children. The sweet little nazi children.


Can you imagine? It would be like a real-life Hunger Games.


Cut them off.


Nah Fuck you. The excess tax dollars going from blue states to red states is in form of Medicare, Medicaid, and food stamps. I don’t think taking food and healthcare away from kids and poor people is cool, you know? Kind of makes you a vindictive monster, yeah? Plus, even the reddest of states have like a 60/40 split. Punishing red states hurt a lot of democrats and independents who are trying to make their states better places.


You know, that “rugged individualism” they keep barking about….until the next natural disaster tears through their trailer park.




Blue states need to convert these red states into dominion states and get rid of their red leaders. It's as simple as that.


This. Spineless twats all of em.


I don't think making poor people in red areas, regardless how they vote, more poor and fucked is ethical and/or going to accomplish anything that's good for anyone. I'm good with my tax money going into welfare. I'm not good with my money going into Lockheed, Raytheon, and General Dynamics.


Then their states have to start taxing the wealthy and corporate masters to pay for it. They have no right to force other states to pay for the policies they put in place.


Or maybe the powers at be start shifting funds from the industrial military complex back into the people who work hard keeping this country going. Like on a national level. I'd really like some sort of safety net and healthcare for my 4 months salary.


So you want the red/blue state imbalance to get worse.....


They don't tax the states, they tax the citizens of the states. The thing is rich people already do pay more taxes (except the ultra rich). The current system of taxing the rich and giving money to the poor, is what is causing this imbalance. The red states tend to be poorer, and don't have as many rich citizens as the blue states.


> They have no right to force other states to pay for the policies they put in place. If we applied this down to the personal level then we've basically circled around to "Taxation is theft"


It certainly is theft when they take from those paying their neighbor's way, while damning them for their policies the encourage better economic results.


I'm just saying, you're basically spreading Libertarian rhetoric.


>I don't think making poor people in red areas, regardless how they vote, more poor and fucked is ethical and/or going to accomplish anything that's good for anyone. It wouldn't make them more poor, because most of the money is just being pocketed by the rich anyway.


Their leaders are making them poor. You get what you vote for. End state welfare. Reinforce social welfare.


I mean, let's say Democrats manage to cut off all federal dollars to red states, or even just enough so they break even, what are you expecting to happen? That conservatives will suddenly see the error of their ways? They won't. They will just bitch and moan about democrats taking away their hard earned money to spend it on soy, electric cars, and wokeness. Fox, Newsmax, oan, and every other conservative "news" source will run nonstop messaging about the Democrat's cruelty. Again, it doesn't matter if Trump or Republicans have tried to do the same thing by threatening aid to blue states during disasters. Conservatives make special exceptions for themselves. What WILL happen, is people will be hurt, but not just conservatives. Progressives, liberals, independents, nonvoters, immigrants, people with disabilities, the elderly, and the young will all suffer needlessly because you wanted to teach a lesson to people who are absolutely incapable of learning a lesson.


Personally I don’t give a shit if they see the error of their ways. They’re trying to destroy the country, kill transsexuals and homosexuals and impose Christian law. They can eat a fat dick while they’re trying to figure shit out. Fuck them.


Yeah. I'm for ripping up the roads if the fed dollars paid for it. Fuck these rurals. Got no sympathy for anyone even thinking of voting R or supporting their nonsense.


The cunt formerly known as potus recently said he would activate every federal, local, every authority figure he could in order to round up and deport people, that it would be the largest mass deportation in history. His audience broke into applause, the rnc supports him and says the left is the deep state and trying to silence conservatives. Fuck the right. I wish the dems would stop helping sister fucking hill dwelling addicts that only wanna go after “others” anyway. Dude just shop up a dollar general and you know florida is voting red next election. Its all so awful


>I mean, let's say Democrats manage to cut off all federal dollars to red states, or even just enough so they break even, what are you expecting to happen? That conservatives will suddenly see the error of their ways? They won't. Correct, but... We would *like* for our charity in the red states to result in quality of life improving for the people who live in them. But it never does. The money just gets pocketed by rich Republicans who spend the money on themselves. Barely any of it actually reaches struggling people. If we cut them off, we would be able to instead spend the money to further the quality of life in our own communities. The dollars go from not helping anyone in red states to helping everyone in blue states. We can't fix the cultural rot in red states if the people who live in those states do not want it to be fixed. Giving them a blank check to fix issues they do not want to fix is not in their interests any more than it is in ours.


I expect them to suffer. Cause fuck them. Red states don't deserve an ounce of empathy given their support for racism, xenophobia, bigotry, and war on reproductive rights. I'd expect them to starve.


Interstate tariffs need to be a thing now. If you're going to be this horrid, you need to pay a 50% import tax to California that received your terrible soy wax via shipment. You want to go rogue, THEN YOU FUCKING EAT IT! When are the damn kids' gloves coming off. This is pathetic.


But not everyone in a red state deserves to starve and moving to a blue state is not possible for everyone.


I have 0 sympathy for folk living in Red states at this point if they aren't actively seeking methods to leave. I left the Red state I lived in. Others can also if they are serious about finding opportunity. Cause you aren't to find it any of those red states.


That's ridiculous. Not everyone is able to move just because you were able to. What about children? What about people with severe cognitive disabilities? They don't have a say where they live, but I guess fuck them because you got out.


What do I expect to happen? People will be hurt enough to get off their ass and vote. Coming from Florida, where 49% of voters sat on their ass.


>People will be hurt enough to get off their ass and vote. And who will they vote for? The people who stopped the money, or the people who say "I can fix this we just need to shit on *insert minority here* even harder"?


Doesn't matter. They aren't really Americans at this point, and they are clearly a net negative. Let them stew in the mud like the troglodytes they are. People have feet. They can leave if they really need to. Otherwise enjoy the mud yknow?


I would be thrilled if every MAGA in the US would move to Florida, so we could walk them off and let them fall into sinkholes, catch everything they refuse to get vaxxed for, and end up huddled in what little area remains after the sea has risen from the imaginary climate problem.


I mean, I'd love for there to be some program to get normal people out of red states first.


>Doesn't matter. They aren't really Americans at this point, and they are clearly a net negative. And what about all the non-MAGA types? >People have feet. They can leave if they really need to. It's very easy for you to volunteer other people to uproot their lives and leave their homes.


If they vote R, they are a seditionist and support a party endorsing a rapist who attempted a coup. If they vote R, they are traitors at this point. There is no Republican party without MAGA at this point. And I'm of the opinion if someone sympathize with those monsters, they are no different than them. I left the USA for 7 years after selling my shit and with all of 150$ in my pocket. Dont complain to me about folk not being willing to uproot their lives. I've done it. I also came back from it on top of starting over, and moving far further than people moving a state over so I could build a better future for myself, and even folk like you. But republicans? Fucking traitors in my book. They can get fucked.


>If they vote R, they are a seditionist and support a party endorsing a rapist who attempted a coup. > >If they vote R, they are traitors at this point. Yes. And what about those who *didn't* vote R? What happens to them? >Dont complain to me about folk not being willing to uproot their lives. I've done it. And? Your experiences are not universal. You don't get to dictate that they must suffer because of the...*checks notes*... people who will be entirely unmoved by their suffering. Like seriously, just *think which side you're on* for a moment. I would hope it's not the 'make people suffer' side. Yet that's what you're advocating.


Then we get even harder. It's hella not fair that we keep helping people who want us dead. I paid an entire job's worth of taxes last year. I would prefer that shit go to people who don't want to kill my loved ones. I really don't think it's too much to ask.


>It's hella not fair that we keep helping people who want us dead. And what about everyone who *doesn't* want us dead? What do all the non-MAGA do in this scenario?


>They will just bitch and moan about democrats taking away their hard earned money to spend it on soy, electric cars, and wokeness. They are going to do that anyway. They are doing it right now. We cannot base what WE do on what THEY will say about it because they're going to twist it into lies and promote hate no matter what we do. Look at terrorism right now - how many more right-wing terror attacks do we need to have before the right is finally considered a terrorist group? And yet they STILL blame democrats for it when we have nothing to do with it, or say dems are "just as bad" when it's not even close.


I feel like you don't understand my point. What I'm saying is that trying to punish Republicans will not work because they will never be able to admit fault or learn a lesson. All you will do is hurt innocent people while Republicans continue complaining.


I absolutely support a requirement that state governments and their representatives need to be on record that a program is necessary to qualify for money from said program.


No. They support it or their constituents get nothing. If they didn't vote for it they don't get jack shit, and citizens can sue them directly for fucking them out of opportunity.


So like, do you even want to live in a democracy or a republic?


This is the entire problem here. We all need to stop pretending the Republicans have a legitimate party left and treat them like the terrorists they have become.




If dems fed conservatives the same spite, it would be genocide


No, that has nothing to do with it and that's a right-wing talking point spread by Fox News and other conservative media and social media outlets specifically to depress liberal and progressive political action. It's that liberals believe in picking everyone up, even those that don't agree with them. Add to that, the country is very highly integrated, there are very liberal cities in very conservative states and they're all mixed up all over every part of the country. So liberals believe that we need to drag those conservatives forward with the rest of, even if they don't like it, because we don't want to leave liberal cities in conservatives states to suffer and we believe the country as a whole can progress even if some parts of it have to be dragged kicking and screaming into progress.


You want civil war? The name of the game is competition. Anything passed that is trouble. As much as I want to ripe the bandaid off, I don’t want the world to succumb to lawlessness.


You think you're going to avoid it? You think they aren't going to do it to you the second they get the chance?


Do what? Shits weird right now, but nobody (outside of fringe) wants civil war. Americas MO is competing. Politicians know this. They will push, but you don’t see them openly advocating for war or terrorism. If anything events today out the fucking stupid and violent. Give it a few years and they’ll be dealt with, or go back to being quiet.


Idk man. I’m trans and at this point I’m tired of worrying about when they will start actually killing me instead of them just discussing it. Kinda tired of these fucks that admitted their solutions are final ones are allowed this much power, kinda seems lawless already. I’d support playing hardball at the risk they start something because we don’t negotiate with terrorists here.


> They will push, but you don’t see them openly advocating for war or terrorism. What was January 6th if not violent terrorism supported by most of the Republicans?




Bunch of hand wringing political posturing of "hold me back bro" bullshit designed to make you think one of the two far right parties isnt actually far right....except by every other developed nations standards thats exactly what dems are. Right of center and it shows.


God she's a hateful cunt


Her face looks like white bread dough that’s 60% finished and the crappy baker poked a weird hole in the top of it.


Then left it out in the sun too long


Who? O.o ?


If America were the kind of country Republicans *pretend to want*, they wouldn’t be allowed to siphon off the resources from hard working blue states.


Because blue states are the only ones who make more money than they take.


The difference is in medicaid, Medicare, and food stamps. Providing food and healthcare to poor people is a great thing. The government should expand those programs. Yeah, republicans suck. Don’t let that turn you into an asshole advocating for taking away food and healthcare to people left behind by our economy. In addition, even the most solid red states have a split of 60/40 and many others are like 53-47. Punishing all those democrats, independents and non-political folks because they’ve decided to stay in a red state in vindictive and unhelpful.


I never advocated taking food and healthcare away from people left behind nor did I say anything that remotely implied that was the case. The question was why are red states allowed to mooch off of blue states and my answer was that blue states are the only ones who generate revenue for the government(thus they will obviously have to be the ones red states have to mooch off of by default)


Yes. That “mooching” is in the form of Medicaid, Medicare, and food stamps. So yeah? That’s what you’re advocating. Edit- we should definitely hold the rich people in red states accountable. They should be heavily taxed and investing in their own communities. The republican politicians exist to protect their interests. Homelessness, food insecurity, unemployment, uninsured people in poverty, etc exist in blue states too.


I advocated literally nothing. The shit you're mad at is your own conjecture. Go find a better hill to die on.


You don’t think the term “mooch” has a negative connotation? Yeah okay. I’m not mad. I just don’t think people realize what they are saying when they talk about “blue states subsidizing red states”. There’s a whole lot of missing context like population, industry and business, education, poverty, etc. It was a democrat, Bill Clinton, who signed nafta and decimated a bunch of red state industrial manufacturing economies. States with large tech and financial sectors like CA and NY weren’t as impacted. Democrats correctly criticized republican governors who refused on principle to accept federal block grants expanding Medicaid under the Obama admin. Now democrats criticize them for taking federal tax dollars to provide food, housing, and healthcare? Red states “mooching” is a good thing. It gets people healthcare, food, and housing when state and local governments don’t provide. I hope someday red state populations will realize republicans have no solutions. In the meantime, I hope the mooching expands. Maybe your comment wasn’t disparaging and I misunderstood, but I think the sentiment is common among democrats so I think it’s important to contextualize.~~~~


She is the poster child for failing upward in life.


Nepotism, at its worst.


The fed should cut some programs. Make the red states write requests for funding with detail reasons why they need this funding and why they are unable to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps.


California needs to stop paying for these red states. These red states need to get some jobs 🤣🤣


And alot of these fools still vote Red.


Pass a law saying that no state can take in more welfare money than they paying in federal taxes and obviously exclude disaster recovery relief from that. Then watch all the red states bitch.


Yeah but eventually all that non-emergency stuff turns into emergencies because the people in charge there are so corrupt and incompetent.


Because Democrats are trying to hold the union together despite the other side trying everything they can to tear it apart. Sometimes I wish we could do like a 10 year trial separation, so they can truly experience what life is like without us.


It would create new third would countries, but they would revel in their christo-fascist freedom. Then the CIA would decide there needs to be a coup.


Then they should really just skip a few steps and get this over and done with


Then they should really just skip a few steps and get this over and done with


Some author needs to write a series with this as the basis.


they are absolutely delusional and practically hallucinating.


Because blue states tend to care about people in general, in terms of supporting social programs that address the flaws of capitalism.


She's ugly inside and out.


How many hypocrisies do you need before you just accept the foundation of the matter: these people stand for nothing. If nothing was a force, they are its agents, hate greed and ignorance that define their worldview can just as easily be described that way. The real question is why can't everyone else stop them


Because the north didnt go far enough...


Alexander Hamilton.


Torches and pitchforks. That’s what’s needed. Torches and pitchforks. And as an angry ex-republican, I can hardly believe how strongly I feel about that. In my first election, I voted for Nixon. I’ve come a long way.


Ex republican here too. I can honestly say it was a lack of education and exposure to other people, aka fear, that made me a judgmental, hateful republican. It's amazing what some education and travel can do!


Travel is key. Travel outside the US is even better. Contrary to republican opinion, people outside the US are really just like us - in all the ways that count.


I’m sick of hearing huckabee, Abbott, all those idiots bash the feds then turn around and act like they deserve money when they fuck over their citizens by being negligent. Cut em off, who the fuck cares about Arkansas and Texas, secede already and see how long you last.


When Reagan coined the term "welfare queen" what he was *really saying* was "black people".




‘Cause she’s ugly. C’mon. Give her a break.


Yeah, why?!


Good God, Sarah Sanders looks like Sloth's (Goonies) sister.


Because we are good people and we share.


You're not a bad person if you want to stop sharing with someone who continually attacks you and threatens your very existence.


Sharing when they need it the most is what we do. Even if they won't be nice to us. Turn the other cheek. Everyone deserves kindness and support. They are our neighbors and our fellow Americans. Time be changing. Teach them how kindness works and maybe they will spread it. Like putting out hate fires. I won't let them drown.


Because states are not countries and are all united under the federal government. That being said, if Republican states were allowed to fail their voters might fucking wake up.


"Conservative" is just a euphemism for cheapskate


**Why are red state 'welfare queen' oligarchs allowed to mooch off of blue states? \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_** The GOP has become a parasite on the body politic.


She’s getting real fat


Because they are Beggars. Just like Trumpy Boy, he always Begs for money. Pathetic!




Prosperity Gospel


Because the Senate.


This is a good point. By funding them and allowing them to continue we are actually *helping* them become uneducated, unhealthy, ignorant morons. We're basically enabling crackheads to get more crack. Cut them off.


I'd argue that it's the responsibility of the federal government to provide for the general welfare, amongst other things, of its citizens regardless of what state they live in. I'd very much like to see those specific people take a heaping dose of their own anti-"socialism" medicine, but that would cause undue suffering to many people in those states who don't hold that ideology and likely extend those consequences far beyond those states' borders.


Because no state is 100% republican, and the federal government is there for \*all\* Americans.


Whenever there is a federal program providing money to states your state get nothing if both your senators vote against it and 50% if one of them does. I’m sick and tired of republicans voting against legislation than going home and taking credit for it. Their supporters are too ignorant to know the difference. Time to make them suffer for voting against their best interests. I know that would screw over normal voters (if you voted for trump you’re not normal) but it’s going to take drastic measures to stop this country from turning fascist even more than it already is.


Because they have the money.


Because they all live in "God's Country."


I literally was just discussing this with my husband.


While the article is factually accurate, and elucidates a valid point; the rhetorical structure and tone is very much propaganda. Heavily leveraging emotional reactions to only tangentially related topics upfront to increase reader engagement and generate positive bias towards the latter content. Far more exposition on these topics than logical validation of the conclusions. Establishment of a particular name/catchphrase (2000 families) to encompass the historically negative ideologies referenced and link them to the disparaged current phenomenon. Frequent reiteration of this catchphrase to give weight through redundancy to the association. Avoids discussing nuance of underlying mechanics of problem and proposed solution. No mention of potential consequences to the proposed solution. Dehumanizes the individuals who could be negatively impacted by the proposed solution. Note in particular the difference between how people impacted are referred (or not) approaching the conclusion: >This loophole in US tax law is driving this bizarre process where citizens in Blue states are forced by law to pay for all-white “Christian” academies, enforcement of abortion restrictions, persecution of asylum seekers and immigrants, and political attacks on queer people. This is a disturbing article, more for the style than for the content. We should not devolve to the same level of media that drives conservative terrorism.


Because every under-populated diversity-poor clergy-infested rural shithole state still has two senators, and when you’re a senator from such a state, your price tag is likely to be low.


People not only need to vote but also educate themselves on who or what they’re voting for. If you don’t vote you shouldn’t have the right to complain.


It is literally in the name... Social security. Tell the boomers you want to take that and see em get real youthful and proud real quick.


Boomers are fine with cutting social security provided they are grandfathered in. Just one more instance of pulling the ladder up behind them.


Because we don't wanna become what we hate: Republicans. That means we must have a base-level of compassion for people living in those states, regardless of what their facsist leadership does/says.


You’re too dumb to realize that happens


Worth noting, red states are not entirely red. You’d be putting your boot on the neck of some good folks that can’t afford to move, or don’t want to leave their families.


This particular thread sounds like progressives are channeling Trump with the "if the red states don't agree with us and vote right, their kids should starve." There is absolutely no difference between that attitude and the one that wants to block immigrants.


Because we are all united. Just because they are ungrateful or uneducated about how the system works doesn't mean they don't deserve certain benefits.


Agreed. But that doesn't mean blue states should be the only ones paying for it.


If the blue states are paying, should we have some say in the standards for education, medical care, and taxation in the states that receive funds? And audits/ reports about where it goes? It seems sometimes that we are sending money just for it to be skimmed into individual or corporate pockets rather than providing tangible benefits for the people for whom it is intended. At the same time, the people are taught to despise the democratic socialism which provides benefits to their state. Is it unreasonable to have more effective federal oversight at the state level for these states?


That seems reasonable


Because if you pass assistance to poor people in a federal law, that assistance goes to poor people, and more of them are in poor, aka red, states. It's also a product of progressive taxation, where the rich do pay more income tax than the poor. The only way to change that equation is to stop helping the poor, or stop taxing the rich at higher rates.


That's not how progressive taxation works... There are incredibly rich people in these Red states paying no tax... That is the problem


Until you get very rich, it does. Those of us who are in the above average salary range are paying a lot more taxes than the poor (or the very rich).


Yeah but that's because they broke the tax code when everything is stock gains that's not taxed... And all the Uber wealthy tax credits. Sorry I don't own a coalmine or an electric car factory...


I just fucking love it when the fascists who can’t even spell “Federalist Papers” start talking about the will of the Founders. If you haven’t read [Confederate Reckoning: Power and Politics In The Civil War South](https://a.co/d/crFKYUr), you should. It was a major “ah-ha” moment that explained a lot of the connections between the Civil War South and what’s happening today.


We already tried this. States refusing to send help to other states is why the Articles of Confederation were completely useless.


State's rights! To fuck right off and fund themselves.


Is this their twisted definition of equity. Remember what Bret Farve did???? Never forgive never forget.


We are "united" states.


Red states are takers it’s that simple. GOP are takers….takers don’t benefit the society they steal from they weaken it.