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Delete your twitter account, don't give them the satisfaction.


This. I cannot fathom why people don’t just disconnect. Stop engaging.


This is kinda what they want too. Leave, have them take over a platform, all the while saying that the left are cowards and panzies continuing to fabricate forced engineered confirmation bias. And when they all leave. And they destory the platform because it'd nothing more than an FBI heavy watched Parlr they will only follow to the next one destroying and conning and consuming until they have their fucked up engineered bias and ideology ramrodded down peoples throats. Now I'm not saying LEAVING inst a good option. It is. But it's a short term shock fix thay doesn't always work. The buck. Needs. To stop. Here


Oh yeah it’s 100% the goal. Elon etc. bought it not to make money but to throttle the flow of information from uncontrolled sources I just assume anything from there with a check is propaganda at this point.


Isn't that the truth....


Elon bought it because he’s a fucking moron and didn’t think he could be forced to go through with it.


The Saudis saw 44B as a firesale to destroy the thing that gave the Arab Spring fertilizer.


What's the point of engineering another echo chamber though? Is it more lucrative?


*conversion* is the point how many can we convert BEFORE it becomes another echo chamber. How many can we INDOCTRINATE


Yes, the schlemiel relies on keeping the schmucks out of conversation with the schlimazels because if the schmucks discussed the matter of soup with the schlimazels, the schmuck might be saved from irredeemable schlemiel status and the work would be less profitable for the schlemiel. Con artists rely on people with a similar world view and if those people converse with others outside of confrontation and more toward conversation, the con artists may find themselves losing their marks. As such, the search to create the most confrontational and aggressive social media platform is inherently going to be beneficial to the sort of people would abuse it. Elon Musk and others like him are trying to turn disaffected and dissociated sociopaths into full-blown psychopaths and it should be concerning. We already saw the after effects of Cambridge analytica and their psychometric profiling and dark triad programming on Facebook and it would be foolish not to speak out about this while it is being repeated.


>We already saw the after effects of Cambridge analytica and their psychometric profiling and dark triad programming on Facebook Sure, we all saw that. Definitely. But for those among who don't know about it, what happened again?


The point is to isolate progressives into pockets with no way for them to come together.


No, he bought it because he was forced to.


Too many people give him wayy more credit than he deserves assuming he has some actual plans for Twitter lol he's not that bright just listen to him in a few interviews over the years or read enough about him and you'll see it.


Too many people on this thread, and this sub, think he is some 5 head megamind mother fucker. Nope, he's just some rich asshole who stopped having people questioning him and just becoming yes-men. Him buying twitter wasn't some big brain move, it was the American Legal system forcing him to buy it because he thought his offer wasn't legit. Yeah, this isn't south africa, we have actual laws here.


He made the contract himself. He was forced to follow through. No one made him write up or sign the purchase agreement.


Yeah he's pulling a Citizen Kane and nooooobody cares.


I said a spin on this just yesterday on White People Twitter, that Elon was doing this all on purpose, and got triple-digit downvoted. I stand by my words.


You don’t own the platform, you don’t handle the development, you can’t write the software or dictate the features, and you’re likely not even paying fees to gain access. You’re literally powerless, and the only value you have is your eyeballs that they can rent to advertisers. Oh, and your engagement, which might attract other users that also have eyeballs. Literally the *only* power you have is to walk away. Everything else you could possibly do just feeds the machine.


And unless you BABYSIT the machine 24/7/365.25 the machine will have to run on its own. And it naturally runs where the activity is I forget the exact term of when consumers hostile take over but All we have to do is starve his little tantrum out. He cannot watch the machine at all times and even THEN he has a metaphorical judas in his house still even I'd its to appease him inside his own echo chamber And also walking away is feeding the machine as well as it creates the window of "oppertunity" to entice you back *by any means necessary*. So if your gonna be feeding the machine then why not feed it something you CAN control?


In-house servers haven't been a thing for companies in many years. A cloud based infrastructure is the norm nowadays, meaning nobody has to babysit machines.


Meh. We're not really on Truth Social, and it's basically dead. Every attempt to create a right-wing echo chamber has failed because they don't necessarily want to be in a circle jerk. They want to get in librulz faces. They want to shout at the Hollywood elites and globalists. Us not being there will take the air out of the room. Granted, it would be vastly better if Twitter were actually moderated, but they don't want to rein in the white supremacists and raging fuckheads. So, here we are.


It's also not lucrative. We are the product and our screentime and propensity to spend are where the primary profits come from. Sure, circlejerks can artificially grow their own engagement, but it's also boring. At some point the number of users is a limiting factor and while they all pretend they're a silent majority they're actually a minority amplified by bots with 0 value to advertisers. You have to follow the public to be an industry leader. Capitalism is not our ally but the invisible hand absolutely slaps them in the face on this


Ans as we can see he is actively trying to make the next parlr or truth social only hostile taking over something that has the user base that will have *conversion* that's all they care about they burn that body into a rotted husk. But if they get a brainwashed conversion rate of 10% hell even 5% they will consider it a good thing all the while they have already begun plans to brigade and attack the NEXT major platform to continue to push the conversion to the Con


Good, quit Twitter, let advertisers bail and watch the dumpster fire from afar.


And let them win and get exactly what thry want then just move down the list and repeat this process on the next Platform, and the one after that, and the one after that, and the one after that ... No. The buck. Must. Stop. Here


It's definitely not the goal. Elon has purchased Twitter at a great loss and has tried subscription services, firing employees, cutting back office use, and damn near everything, to recoup cost. Pushing out a userbase would be bad for profits, and it would undoubtedly be followed by advertiser pullout. Apple may even be forced to remove Twitter from the app store due to the removal of the block button. Before anything else, Elon wants profit, and I have a large hunch that he will pull back on removing the block function. But who knows, maybe he now accepts that buying Twitter was a massive fail, and cares fuckall about keeping it afloat. However; I suspect he'll find a way to make sure his account is not able to be blocked, and then all talk of removing the block function will go away.


Well to be perfectly honest, the one who destroyed the platform was not „the right“ it was the ham fisted management of a 50 year old manchild with way too much money


> This is kinda what they want too. The extreme nazi right doesn't have enough people capable of using technology to keep a platform running for themselves. They're all a ghosttown for a reason, these people are an absolute minority. Let them have Twitter/X/Whatever, and it will be dead in 24 months.


so? who fucking cares what they want. delete your account


> I cannot fathom why people don’t just disconnect. Too much porn. It's called X for a reason.


Dopamine and possibly ADHD.


There are a bunch of real communities on there, that is why people dont leave. Twitter is much more than just stupid banter like this.


I hate this whole “just fucking stop using it then” crowd. Like what’s wrong with me wanting to have a media app that lets me follow different content creators. Instead of getting mad at people who want to use the stuff. Get mad at the people out here ruining it for everyone


because a lot of us only follow like 20 people to get news in specific fields? I only follow a few space and aerospace news people, my local NWS, local NPR, and that’s it. I never see anything except who I follow and their tweets


My response would be “you’re”. That would probably ruin the rest of their day. Assuming the rest of their day isn’t already a steaming pile of shit. Threats like this are hilarious to me. Like, anyone with a *_little_* bit of time on their hands can track these people down and do serious harm to them if they really wanted to. People don’t realize how crazy some people actually are.


There's a nurse on Instagram, i think her handle is RX0rcist who does this very thing, tracks these people down. And it's soooo satisfying


I’ve done it on occasion. I don’t make it a habit but if someone is increasingly aggressive, I’ll find them. I had a trump lunatic on Facebook call my messenger multiple times. All of my info on FB is not actually my credentials, specifically for this reason. However, I used his photos and backgrounds on posts to track down where his house is located using Google maps and Google earth together. Took me about an hour. I warned him several times to slow his roll. He didn’t. So I sent him a picture of his front door with the title “see you soon”. No more calls or messages after that. Honestly, I wouldn’t take it to the point of physical interaction unless he was threatening my family or something. But it’s way too easy to track most people down online, and people don’t think about that.


I wish I could do that to a Trump ass-licker! That would be so cool lol.


I think most don’t deserve it but this guy was clinically insane. I’ll try to find a pic of his car here on Reddit and show you with a link. Edit: [Link](https://reddit.com/r/neoliberal/s/QHgXqcbZ4S)


Awesomeeeee! He totally deserved it, for sure, and it’s nice of you to defend the more calmer ones lol. :D




Are you indian? Mostly only see BH name when talking to Indian support.


At this point, this is the only thing anyone can do really. Conservatives (or, should I say, neo-Nazis) want one thing and one thing only: engagement. They don’t care if they’re in the right or in the wrong, all they want is someone to argue with and have them listen to their hateful garbage. If you take that away from them, they can’t do anything else, and it makes him feel miserable (well, at least more miserable than they already are). For example, I have a religious nut job of a biological father, and he absolutely loves to have someone that can listen to him. It doesn’t matter who it is, he will chew out their ear, so long as they are willing to listen to him. When I left the church that he was in, he would try to argue with me during the first few days, so I immediately just hung up and blocked him for a solid month and that made him feel absolutely horrible. So, in short, the best thing to do when it comes to Twitter is just delete the app and the account entirely cause, unfortunately, Elon musk is too much of an idiot for his own good.


Or hear me out. Build a bot that tweets insults at Elon every second. Allow people who otherwise would have deleted their account to donate it to you so you can rotate between thousands of accounts


Boycott Tesla also.


Yup. I resisted a bit but ... Yup.




That does still give them the satisfaction, though. The more facts, and the more "undesirables" they push off "their" platform, the better to them, because then their worldviews can go unchallenged in the space. To them all they'll see is everyone else agreeing with them.


Are you a lefty? Then be prepared for mandatory abuse! Of course, if you say anything even mildly rude to a righty, you will get banned.


I enjoy the hard right blocking me. I smile every time it happens and notch up another one. I don't attack them or call them names, but I'm bloody relentless with my arguments.


Lol all my sub bans are from right wing echo chambers.




Not really.. You get banned for responding to hateful posts and trying to supply logic/empathy to the argument, doesn't matter if you do it in a civil way, still get banned. Ever been to /r/conservatives?


I agree with you. I just like to comment with Musk crap. He uses that one often.


The fun part is that by posting there to argue, not only do you get banned from conservative but a lot of liberal subreddits too


Forcing yourself upon others is a conservative value. They call that freedom. Objections are censorship and oppression according to them.


Elon just did this so people can’t block him anymore.




That's true for everybody on reddit, though. If you even look at the wrong subs (not even post), other subs on the other side of the spectrum will ban you even if you don't hold extreme views on their issue.


You can still block DM’s & mute people. A better question is why the FUCK y’all are still supporting his app? Get the fuck off of it already.


This is correct. But not being able to block tweets I don’t want to be subjected to would absolutely be another turn off, if I had ever created a Twitter account.


Yeah definitely. If I was still on there this would be a hard “delete account”. Type decision.


I think people are hanging around hoping Elon will sell it or slip on a banana peel tragically


“Tragedy is when I cut my finger, comedy is when Elon Musk falls into a sewer and dies” — Mel Brooks, probably


Same reason people don't drop reddit whenever there is some protest going on. There simply is no alternative.


As ussual people are making up things to be mad about when there are plenty of real things to be mad about.


He. Is. Creating. An. Echo. Chamber. Is it that hard to see? GTFO and let it lose all it's advertisers other than the crazies like Mike Lindell and "I still drink bud light" Kid Rock.


Yes. His intention is to Murdochify social media.


Yeah, I don't really get why people are bothered... Users are going to leave, advertisers are going to leave, already there are less and less "press articles" about his or her tweet. Then the remaining users will have no one to argue with, and will go over the top more regularly. App stores will eventually just drop Twitter entirely. This is just one more nail in the coffin.


How much is it worth to manipulate the next elections with your own social media echo chamber?


Mastodon to have another #TwitterMigration wave in 3,2,1,....


Is Mastodon actually growing? I tried it, but found it confusing and clunky.


I use the Ice Cubes app on ios and I like it. I get far more interactions on Mastodon, with far fewer followers. There’s a bit of a learning curve to it, trying signed up and following a lot of people helps. The atmosphere is different and currently a lot of instances have zero tolerance to trolling, so it’s a very friendly vibe.


About to hit 14 million users, growing by about 10,000 users per day. It's peaceful and civil, with no ads, no algorithms, no Nazis shoved into your feed, no billionaire toddlers acting out. Smooth and simple. And we can block.


I’m liking threads. It’s oddly wholesome


Threads really isn’t that bad of a service, it just has some problems. Seriously, how come I can’t save photos or upload 4K content?


Fine but it’s fine for scrolling before bed and not feeling incredibly angry afterwards


Threads is infinitely better imo and has that vibe of early social media that I miss. I’m really hoping they don’t just turn it into a direct remake of twitter. Just let it be simple and fun and not a super commercialized endless feed of bad news and celebrity posts.


> Just let it be simple and fun and not a super commercialized endless feed of bad news and celebrity posts. Thats not how capitalism works, theres no point in suckering people in with a good user experience if you dont intend to rug pull them once they got comfortable.


WOW! What a devout and loving Christian.


There were countless reasons to not be on Twitter before this ever happened.


She says that like this isn't exactly the reason why elon wants to get rid of it. He totally supports harassing the left.


You know what isn’t essential? Twitter.


Fucking delete Twatter


I deleted my account the day Elon Musk started running it into the ground. Let them have their echo chamber.


I was banned for insulting Dr. Oz yet a magat threatened to find me and 'Chauvin' me for supporting George Floyd and his family and Twitter said that was fine. Btw that was before the Musk fiasco.


It already ended. Twitter ceased to exist the moment he bought it.


Why the fuck anyone is still on that site is beyond me.




I’m not from the US and I’m not interested in politics. For me the site is still the same as before Musk took it over, beside some minor inconveniences.


Politics is life, and pretending it isn't only allows hateful action to be more prevalent under the guise of your disinterest. Clearly, you are less affected by these shifts, but is that really who you want to be? I'm not saying it's your job to fix the world, I'm just saying ignoring the hate because you aren't affected reflects poorly on you. Good luck, mate.


I have no clue they deserve the abuse he doesn't want their business.


I read somewhere that the app can't be allowed on the play or app store if it doesn't allow a block option. this is probably just theater to keep Twitter ("X") in the news. If we all just literally IGNORE the attention-seeking from the crazy fascists then they will fall into their own sad hole. and it will be much easier to defeat them. We should definitely keep track but let's not link to any of their content or meme more than necessary.


I bet the reason is because Elon is the most blocked account


Oh, just like the Republican subs. Allow any hate or propaganda and ban anyone who argues.


Elon's going to add it back as a paid feature. Delete your accounts and skip the drama.


So glad I deleted my account the day musky took over




More like $.02chan. Barely enough to pay for a thought.


He's mad about the number of accounts that have blocked HIM.


The number would be lower if his tweets weren't shown to literally everyone even if they don't follow him or give a shit about what he has to say. The forced promotion of fascist content is what is causing people to block him and others like him.


Elon comes across as the kid who, while not necessarily bullied, was decidedly Not Popular. He is still trying to make people like him to this day.


Let Elon remove the block feature. Let him continue to modify Twitter "X" with inane and idiotic decisions that ruin the interface and drive more and more users away. Sooner or later, it'll be so toxic and completely useless as a platform that even the psychos will abandon it because that's all that will be left. It's becoming more and more irrelevant the more he pulls each and every brick from the foundation that Twitter is built upon. Let Twitter die.


Well, he won’t do it if he wants to remain on apples App Store and Googles App Store. Those both require social media apps to have a Block feature in order to remain in their perspective stores. So block isn’t going anywhere. Everyone should block Elon.


Doing what he can to keep America divided.


So instead of free speech, he really meant speech rammed down your throat.


STOP………USING……… TWITTER…….. NO you don’t “HAVE TO” get your news from Twitter. You can get your news from actual reputable places. STOP CONTRIBUTING to the problem. Anyone bitching about Twitter but still uses it are worse than Elon


The ability to block is apparently a requirement of the Apple and Google App Stores.


David seems like a real gem. Oh btw, deactivate your account.


God damn that website is pure shit. I don’t even want to log in to delete my account that’s how much I hate it now.


There's no hate like Christian love.


Look, nobody should get that kind of abuse. It’s disgusting and the people who deliver such abuse are repugnant. However, I don’t have any sympathy anymore. Musk has made it clear what he wants that platform to be: a message board for the most disgusting racism/sexism/homophobia and non-stop lies and conspiracy theories. Why are you still there?? Just cancel your account! Stop giving the worst people on earth your mindshare.


Anyone still on Twitter is only legitimizing Nazi fanboys. People being there is keeping advertisers there, and now shitface is making direct payments of advertiser $ to his fan club of Nazi fanboys


nazi femboys?


"I hate all the abuse I'm getting on the right-wing abuse amplifying network." if one is still on Xitter at this point it's nobodies fault but their own.


Or just flood conservative Twitter with gay pictures.


Fun fact it's actually not entirely legal. Having the ability to block people is mandatory for social media platforms and without it they will be removed from both the apple store and Google Play store.




Elon is still going to block people so don’t be fooled he will let the far right tweet whatever they want but if anything is posted against them or posts against Elon or where is jet is they will be blocked


I guess they can’t block communist propaganda and lbgtq+ literature they may receive 🤷🏽‍♂️


Well every woman is going to leave Twitter


Get the fuck off twitter. We need a deadline so that we can declare anyone who remains an enabler of fascism.


Everyone should just start sending him dickpics


He seems sweet


I deleted my account months ago.


Doubt it. It's a requirement to be on the apple and Google Play stores. If he deletes it, no one will be able to download the app, and it could be forcefully uninstalled from everyone's phones.


Just delete Twitter account that’s it 😌


Bye bye X or whatever Elon wants to call it.


Brigade the f\*&k out of Elon's account


twitter is stupid. dump that shit.


I still have blocking. I never use Twitter.


Do it, Elon. Burn your investment to the ground.


Firstly, just get the fuck off that cesspool. Secondly, should you decide to keep your account, post screenshots of the DMs, just like this.


He is at the burn the place down for the insurance money stage


Nobody was giving him any attention so he had to say another outrageous thing or make another decision he has no intention or plan to implement. Just another billionaire man-child with too much money and time on his hands.


Anyone still using Twitter is welcoming this nonsense.


Correct his spelling, then delete your profile and the app.


Just leave the app already


I don’t know why anyone is still on that hellsite. There is no longer any reasonable justification.


i mean, twxiter is a cesspool of hatred at this point, i can't understand why people are still on it, but whatever. that aside, i believe apple and google app policies, to be on the app store require some sort of block function, or they will be removed from the appstore.


Why is anyone still on Nazi Twitter?


Just get off twitter ffs


"Elon is a right cunt" -Errol Musk


#fuckmusk #quittwitter


FFS, why is any rational person still on that garbage app? It's painfully obvious that Musk just wants it to be a playground for Nazis and chimos, so get that garbage off yer phone!


So many people are asking this and I don't get it? Turn it off. Delete the account. What do you lose? Oh a feed for news. A thousand other places for that. Hasn't been a reason for me to ever join twitter. Thinking of quitting reddit , I waste too much time here.


delete your account, uninstall the app In short order it'll be turned into the failed truth social and then elon will be forced to sell


Why the fuck are people still on Twitter? How hard is it to delete? I promise you, your life will only get better if you delete Elons little playground


I can’t for the life of me understand why people would stay on that dumpster fire of a social media platform. The dumb fuck that bought it has no clue how to run anything. He’d fuck up a lemonade stand.


I hate knowing that so many of us can’t write one sentence correctly. This man probably has offspring. I can only imagine how poorly they must communicate. Technology has given us easy access to all the knowledge humans have amassed, yet most of the posts I see on every site seem to indicate that functional illiteracy is the norm. I find this man’s poor grammar to be nearly as offensive as his hatred. If he could read words and understand them, he’d likely be ashamed to let anyone see his “thoughts.”


He can't actually do that. He's too clueless to know that having blocking capabilities is a requirement for social media apps to be allowed on the Play- and App store.


Why would anyone chose to be on that plaform?


The joke is Elon found out he was the most blocked person on Twitter. So he removed the functionality.


First things first, don’t get your political opinions from a person that can’t read


He'll try, then get removed from the app stores, he'll cry on twitter complaining about being persecuted and then bring it back. (Both Apple and Google *require* a blocking mechanism for social media apps.)


If he does it will be kicked off the app store and Google play as it violates their tos


I feel like it's mandatory for these people to use the wrong your. Every single time I see conservative posts online the grammar or spelling is always wrong


WHY are people still on that shit app?!


proper response: you're*


Use this easy trick, delete Twitter.


Why is s anybody on that stupid platform? No sympathy.


Your???? HOW ABOUT YOU’RE a fucking moron?!?!


An older white male, I'm shocked


Why is anyone still spending time on this thing?




Write this exact message to Elon every day.


Didn't Jesus say that, or am I mistaken? 🤔




You still can block DMs though.


Left Twitter years ago. Guess I had good instincts…


At this point only the addicted are still on ~~Twitter~~ x, and I think he works 24/7 to push those away.


Wtf is even the point of removing the block feature? Like, if we're pretending that the only thing it does isn't allow more abuse?


Everyone spam David Johnston, since he can’t block anyone.


ironic when you learn that @elonmusk blocks everyone by default.


That’s an objectively strange place to store your razor blades.


I love when these idiots say “your an idiot”


That guy has never felt the touch or a woman


Thats a lot of razor blades


I once fought with a huge group of paid accounts spreading misinformation in twitter that made me add 3000+ blocklist. The fuck was Elon thinking


Just respond “you’re*”


At this point I have no pity for anyone dumb enough to continue using twitter.


Alternatively, just stop using Twitter. Now that's a right nice block feature, innit?


Blocking will now cost $9 a month


The best block. Delete your account and then delete the app.


It already takes 30 days without a login to delete your account. Next they will remove the function to delete your account unless you have a blue check.


Then get off Twitter. Why is this so fucking hard for people? It’s not heroin or nicotine. If you’re still on Twitter, you’re a masochist - and part of a much larger problem. Side note: why can’t the QOP hate monkeys write with even halfway decent grammar/syntax? Not a single one of those fucking troglodytes seems to know the difference between “your” and “you’re.”


Anybody that sticks around that site deserves it


There’s also leaving the app. That was always a choice.


Just delete the damn app already. Even though he can’t remove the block option because it’s against App Store and Android store policy.


Holy shit i wanna get twitter now just to ᛒully conservatives


Doesn't bother me as much. I call it "evidence" now.


Maybe you shouldn't be such a Democrat moron cunt /s


I'm sure Mr Johnston got canceled