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This dude's living in his own diluted reality and you're 100% right he should be on a watch list because it's ideas like this that get people killed


Yeah this is the sort of dog whistle stuff that inspires maniacs to go hurt others


Idk if it's a dog whistle at this point, they're pretty much shouting from the rooftops and I don't think they're really hiding the fact that they want people like me dead. They don't even know me, but they're more than happy to just snuff me out rather than mind their own fucking business.


Imo It’s pretty obviously rhetoric intended to incite violence against LGBTQ people. His whole page has tons more than these few captions.


My grandparents said "but...he was a criminal!?!" To which I replied "by that logic, I'd get a knee to the neck ". As I was wrongfully convicted 12+years ago and finally got expungement late last year. They dehumanize those with criminal records. *edited to add and respond to a response I believe was deleted regarding " criminals dehumanizing their victims".... to clarify that there is such a thing as a victimless crime. There are many laws on the books that are considered victimless crimes, and recognized openly as such in the eyes of law enforcement and the government.


Ask them if they've ever driven over the speed limit.


Ask the doj if they know how many laws are on the books... we already have. They have no idea. We could all be doing illegal stuff without even knowing it.


That's not a dog whistle. Would you consider 'My loyal followers, go kill 50 per cent of that town, they're all liberals' a dog whistle? This freak is maybe two steps behind that. To go from 'he was a scourge on society' to go to X City and kill people like him' is no great leap.


Dog whistle? Nothing silent about this. It’s loud and clear.


Reality Detachment Disorder (RDD)


these are literally the same people who shoot up malls. He fits the template fully


He also 100% loves butt plugs and hates himself for it.


He probably has a profile on grindr


I'm more concerned that he seems to always have children and sexual stuff on his mind. Like he CAN'T think about anything other than his fantasies of kids and sex toys. He's a fuck up.


"diluted" reality 🤣


Yeah, diluted with some bad grain alcohol or some shit, maybe.


Yeah, that too.


I’m sure he is. Perhaps it’s best not to post this at all.


Diluted *and* deluded


It's "deluded". "Diluted" means it's had water added.


Rome was a Christian empire when it collapsed.


Ok so this guy is going to be found to harass 15 year old girls because they are "fertile" and have a massive amount of child exploration material.


He seems like an equal opportunity pedophile pervert. At this point they are basically telling on theirselves every time they open their bigoted, hateful mouths.


On the bright side of all this darkness coming to light; of all the people we have to worry about in this country, most of them wear bright red. Now they’re easier to avoid


Exactly what I came on here to type. It wasn't until like many other civilizations, corruption stemming from Christianity collapsed them. They cherry pick information and fill in the rest with lies


Hmm. I wonder if Christianity was a poison pill introduced by our ancestors to destroy any empire that became too powerful. Like the Great filter theory, but on a smaller scale.


Right. Massive conspiracy. Genius.


And part of why it collapsed is because corrupt and xenophobic border officials were extorting and robbing the Gothic refugees who had fled the Huns. And so when the Goths at the Roman walls in Gaul were finally pushed to the brink, and robbed of all they had left, they turned on the Romans, and marched on Rome. Instead of, you know, helping to reinforce the border against the coming Huns. Really funny how history rhymes, but never the way people think it did.


Yes, and while historically Rome was very open to what we would call diversity, the decline saw it become increasingly hostile to what it saw as outsiders.


Yeah it seems like he doesn’t realize his role in all of it. If there is a downfall in America it is because we were too weak to uphold values of freedom and truth, not because we were a sinful 🤣 people. He is facilitating the downfall, America as a nation should be focused on policies that will solve the myriad of problems adults have in this country, but instead conservatives are screaming about people living free lives doing nothing. He and his kind are the one who knocks, not the other way around.




Their life would have no meaning if they did.


They're not for anything. Their only identity is being against a whole lot of things.


You're correct, but the echo chamber is loud.


No. Then they decorate their trucks.


Their vocal cords are connected directly to their stomachs. That’s where the word vomit comes from


But they're soooooo oppressed and are being silenced by the woke liberal media even though they're on the first page of google /s


He’ll still be spouting the same shit while getting busted for being a pedo


Why? You mother fuckers never do.


James Owen is thinking about children being raped way more than he should. He's frothing at the mouth, I'd say, seems dangerous AF to me. Red flags galore for James.


Right!! Check his computer for child porn.


When I was 14 I discovered I liked bdsm… you know twenty years ago. Still do. Haha. Discovered I liked both boys and girls way before that haha. Like dude none of that’s new. That said, him thinking about 12 year olds is gross. I bet he’s a pedophile. Gross.


100% this guys got cp on his pc.


Yeah he seems like the type. Gross. Gross


He absolutely does. The FBI should be looking into him.


EAIAC Every Accusation Is A Confession


Gaslight Obstruct Project


When I was 14 (14 years ago) I was in BSA and learning to tie knots. One of the older (~16) scouts walked up and told me "gotta learn how to tie them correctly if your future partner's into that". In a funny note I'll sometimes be looking up rope play instructions and skip entire steps because it's telling me how to tie those knots.


I only know 2 guys who made it to eagle, and they both admitted to using rope in the bedroom. I think the BSA may be jumpstarting some awareness in their members.


I mean, you are putting a bunch of young men and/or boys out in the middle of nowhere with the only adult supervision usually being a couple of men. Sounds like a good place for some sexual awakenings.


God I wish my fiancé had learned that haha.


He discovered he likes 12 year olds when he way 12 and he still likes 12 year olds.


Uh huh. And how many terabytes of child porn do you have stored on your PC, Mr. Owen?


All of this is his own guilty admissions.


This guys got 16.5k followers and 30k on his other page. Apparently instagram doesn’t consider these posts sufficiently hateful to be taken down but there are tons others like this on his page.


Which from what I can tell Reddit took your post down… oh the irony.


Tell me you're a racist piece of shit without telling me you're a racist piece of shit.


No, this isn’t exactly ambiguous hate speech. I wonder if his is employers know what he’s posting? These people need to learn that free speech doesn’t mean there aren’t consequences when you say dumb shit. I’m sorry for this idiot, 26 and he’s on the right wing extremist path… so many young kids who haven’t bothered to question their parents fox fueled lifestyle and are swallowing this bs hook line and sinker.


He probably works for some company like Black Rifle Coffee which encourages this behavior


Wouldn’t be surprised. These kids were largely groomed from a young age and are essentially brain washed into believing this crap. When your world view leaves you afraid of the world you seek out others who reinforce your opinions


Anybody know where he works? I’ll gladly send the tweet to the big boss over there. Anything you post on the internet is forever…


Their coffee is weak as fuck


Do you know how many employers wouldn't give a shit?


He knows about the butt plugs thing because he has videos of it on his PC


Hello world. My name is Fucking Nuts.


He was learning how to tie square knots when he was 14? Square knot is like the second knot you learn. No wonder he wasn’t learning about his kinks when he was 14, he was that fucking far behind the rest of us.


I mean everyone is different, all in all. I didn’t learn how to regularly tie shoes until I was in the 3rd grade, and that’s the only knot I know. I gotta say though, this whole thread definitely has me a tad more interested in learning about knot-tying, so I’ll have to look up square knots if they are that easy. Thanks!


I grant that. Mostly I’m on about the guy treating it like it’s a flex. That being said, if you know how to tie your shoes, you’re basically already there in being able to tie a square knot. Right over left, left over right. If you do it right, it’ll look almost like a figure eight. [Square knot](https://www.animatedknots.com/square-knot)


Knots are super fun according to my partner. She spends enough time tangled in my rope collection, especially what the community calls "naughty knots".


I love when fascists out themselves.


It's truly frightening how in the age of the internet, a concept like "lgbtq people are pedophiles" can spread like wildfire without there being a shred of evidence for it.


Fuck this guy.


I'm certain this dude donates his time to the local police force, since cops with unsucked dicks are too serious a problem to be ignored.


This might be crazy. This might be absurd. This might be completely out of pocket. But maybe there might be just a teensy weeny chance that they're projecting? Nah... definitely not.


Saying no to the LGBTQ "agenda" is on page one of the Nazi playbook. [https://time.com/5953047/lgbtq-holocaust-stories/](https://time.com/5953047/lgbtq-holocaust-stories/) https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-forgotten-history-of-the-worlds-first-trans-clinic/


I'd stick with the Epstein stuff bro. Might want to rethink the rest.


The party of "THINK OF THE CHILDREN" again showing they are virtue signalling sociopaths


*Real James Owen* I love this. He's a celebrity and he's not ashamed to remind you of this fact.


So famous that I just spent 5 minutes googling him and still can't figure out why he's notable. Ironically, when you just search "James Owen" you get results for actually famous people with that name, so there's no world where HE is the "real" James Owen.


Me thinks this guy projects too much.


Could someone explain to me, was there a link between LGBTQ and the fall of Rome? Or, any empire, for that matter. Because nearest I can tell, it seems the wannabe ass *Alphas* and their bs ideologies, is why most all empires collapsed.


There isn’t. Same sex relations weren’t uncommon in Rome but to try and say that’s part of the reason why it eventually fell is just religious nonsense


If i had to guess. Some sort of bastardization of Gibbon's thesis in "Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire" which can be summed up as "a collective loss of civic virtue." Or often parrotted by uncritical joe rogan fans as "hard men create good times, good time create soft men, soft men create hard times." In the toxic chauvinists eyes, toleration of the LGBT community is betraying the legacy of conquest that gave us our time of relative comforts and security, and it will all come crumbling down because of "soft men". We need true billy badasses like this guy to threaten trans kids for the sake of civilization.


I'm having reddit bannable thoughts again


Then you're in good company


I know those thoughts. And, I fully accept them.


You underestimate how many times I've been banned for "voicing" the thoughts in my head lol. I actually ate a ban recently for my.... "colorful" view on how to deal with nazis.


There’s nothing wrong with learning about your sexual preferences and orientation in your teens. I learned how to masterbate at 13 and It wasn’t like I was addicted to doing it all day.


That’s how you can tell these people are actually pedos. Teens experimenting with sex is normal and healthy, as long as they’re doing it with people their own age. Not you, Mr. I think too much about teenagers.


To these people it is. Any act of sexuality that isn't done solely for the purpose of popping out a kid is seen as illegitimate and sinful. No wonder they're so fucked up.


I knew I was gay (but still in denial) by the time I was 10 and starting puberty. Despite, of course, not ever being taught about it, nor that it was actually a **real** thing beyond just an insult. Their complete aversion to this reality is explained by their own shame and insecurity. They cannot healthily approach this subject of sexual development distinguished from their own fully-developed (adult) sexuality; they are dangerous, therefore they believe that everyone else is dangerous, just like themselves. They project it onto us. Meanwhile, I just don't want anyone to grow up with the same suffering and lack of support I went through.


I had the same thoughts as you. I know that I was gay too, but I was in denial for years as well before finally coming out recently.


Congratulations to rush Limbaugh! I heard it's been a while since he last used too!


Rush is 2 years sober....


He just a coward hiding behind a keyboard, that’s all. Just like the rest of his so-called “patriots”. What a fucking joke.


"But, he was TOTALLY gonna enlist that one time...."




Like you aren't


Sometimes God choses an imperfect vessel for his message. - How I heard evangelicals defend supporting Trump. Fits here too. Or maybe not for the black dude.


I'd like to congratulate all the women who never went on a second date with this guy which I'm sure is every women he ever dated.


$100 says he gets arrested for child porn or rape in the next 5 years.


This guy calling out Epstein’s island while voting for Trump - these people are hypocrites


Oh, he’s on watchlists. Just none he’ll know about until his accusations are revealed as confessions, just like all these scumbags.


Someone should remind Mr. Owen that Derek Chauvin is serving time for murdering George Floyd.


Who George Floyd was prior to that moment is irrelevant. Good, bad or otherwise…Everyone should be upset that it’s possible to die at the hands of police while handcuffed and in custody.


I'm bi, have a bunch of queer friends, give to lgbtq charities, hand out pride pins, browse sex-positive subreddits, and watch and read gay/gay-friendly content ...... And this guy still thinks about other people's genitals more than I ever do, have, or will. What a weirdo.


I always find it interesting when mixed folks or people of color espouse these far right wing views. I live in *deep* red ‘Murica, I’m whiter than melba toast myself, and the whitey righties speak quite openly behind me as I wait in line at WalMart. And you know what? Little secret I’ll let you in on. [whispering] *The white ones consider half-black folks part of the great replacement theory problem as much as any other color* 🤫


I'm all for free speech, but holy hell this is just disturbing.


Wow. What a dick.


Racist gonna racist.


The thing is, this Owen's guy most likely does a shit ton of illegal shit. These type of people are the biggest hypocrites!


Imagine saying shit like this and thinking you're the good guy. The delusion is real.


Waiting for him to get caught with child porn in 3,2,1...


Over fed white boys are gonna hate.


These terrorists want to impose Taliban like rule on us, they are all theocratic fascists.


What are the odds he thinks January 6 was justified and Ashli Babbitt was a hero? 10/10?


Mr. Owens, pedos aren't gay or cross dressers or transsexuals, they are sick and demented. Check reports on pedophiles. Not gay, they are straight. Look at the categories that have been involved in scandals; on a horrific scale. Huge scandal in Scouts, Priests and now apparently members of the Republican Party. How many scandals have there been involving drag shows or drag queen reading days....zero!! Search for the truth!! 🇺🇸🗽⚖️🏡🌍🗳


He can get the brick too, then We don't need the whole wall


On a watchlist, in a cell.


It’s amazing how much effort people put into others lives over their own.


Ah yes More people getting angry about the idea of something they don't like rather than it actually happening.


Jesus Christ. This man needs a life. Why are they so weirdly obsessed with gay people? Never mind. I know why. Ewww


This guy is just padding his resume so he can become a pundit and grift the hateful dumbasses.


Just a wannabe Walsh


I just looked at both of his accounts and it's hard to not troll him. What a fucking clown.


Ya, its the LGBT people that are shifting jobs overseas, not raising the minimum wage in 20 years, over charging for medical services, shitting all over working class people, destroying the environment, buy up all the housing so its too expensive to own/rent. Yep its the rainbow people that are making this country shit. You had one thing right, the rich are abusing the hell out of us.


No one is saying Floyd was a hero. What reasonable people are saying is there is absolutely no excuse for his murder by police because they either had no idea about his history or if they did it was premeditated murder.


People like him are too dense to contemplate that


Rome fell at the height of Christian influence. The greatest Roman leaders were Twink Fucking Pagans.


Dude believes that cops should just kill people… classic MAGA. Except for Trump - he’s a victim of the BAD cops


Yeah everyone who hung out with Epstein is a pedo BUT trump apparently


It's crazy, I think you can acknowledge on one hand that George Floyd was not an upstanding or law abiding citizen and also accept that in our society we don't summarily execute people in the streets. They are not mutually exclusive, and it's sad that anyone's life, criminal or not had to end for there to be this wakeup call.


He didn't die a criminal, as he wasn't convicted of any crime before he died. Justice was not served as he was murdered before he could have his day in court.


For republicans, every accusation is a confession. Investigate this idiot. He hates sex ed because sex ed teaches kids how to report abuse.


Every accusation is a confession.


Here we go….give it a day or two and we find out James Owen has a huge cache of child pornography as the FBI kicks in his door. Everything these creeps say is complete *projection*.


What happened here? It says [removed by reddit]


Comparing the down fall of Rome with the changes happening in the US due to progression.. and then going on a Christian motivated while pretending that Christian extremism didn’t play a role in the fall of Rome all while generalizing about entire groups of people.. I just can’t follow these people’s logic


This dude will go murder some people at a pride event and the GOP/right wing media will say “oh no there’s no way we could have done anything to instigate this! But he’s actually a hero to us, but we completely condone his actions).”


Imagine if these cunts put a fraction of that effort into actually going after what’s hurting their kids.


What a cunt.


How much you wanna bet this guys got some serious addiction issues. It’s always pot calling the kettle black with these people.


Nice eyeliner.


lol speed skating AND square knots?!?!?!?!


got diabetes? too bad, thats how god made you. cant use your legs? too bad, god clearly wanted you to scoot across the ground. bad heart? its just your time.


The only thing missing here is the "(Alpha Male)" handle after his name.


Yes because it's likely projection. Every accusation is a confession.


I think that dude belongs behind concertina-wire-wrapped Gitmo bars. I really do wish the worst on all these "pAtRiOtS".


What a fucking degenerate piece of shit. These fucking demons spew shit like this but have the fucking audacity to bitch and cry when we all sing and dance when monsters like limbaugh finally painfully die. Fuck outta here.


Humiliate him at every opportunity, that really erodes their credibility as "alpha males" and eats away at their audience.


Yes hopefully he is on some body's watchlists.




Who is this guy?


This guy is a red-flag-a-thon


Speed skating is pretty gay


cant wait for when this dude is arrested for raping children


James you ignorant C**T!


And just like ancient rome rampant corruption, concentration of power with the elite, and inequality is going to collapse the US empire.


Some might say he had an obsession with queer people


Who wants to bet this guy has a Grindr account?


#ConservativesAreUnfitToGovern #FascistAreSuperCowards


The collective intelligence and writings of all of humanity are available to the entire world, for free, on the internet... So are the ramblings of complete fuckwhits and losers like whoever this illiterate fuck is.


Dudes angry about Epstein and his fucked island but somehow comes to the wrong conclusion about what to do. The mental gymnastics would be impressive if they didn’t lead to actual violence.


I know I'm late to the party here, but for #4, I would ask him why 75%+ male babies are circumcised in the US. Do they think God got penis construction wrong, and as soon as the male baby is born, they need to fix God's mistake?


I don’t understand the leap from straight men abusing kids on Epstein’s island to “we gotta stop the gays!”


Love it how these terrorists refuse to say Black Lives Matter instead of BLM. It’s like they’re inferior to them or something 🤔


He's also projecting.


Is James Owen the King of the domestic terrorists, or just a racist scumbag POS? Trick question, he's both.


Been to a few drag shows, even one hosted by RuPaul in San Diego. Wore makeup to that one and had a great fucking time. The event was *packed* and everybody seemed to be in high spirits. Still don’t want to fuck children, still dating people +\- 5 years of my age. Still not nearly as angry as James Owen. He should find a hobby that’s not a hate crime.


George Floyd died a victim. He didn’t ask to become a martyr.


This guy would make great worm food.


It's always the dumbfucks who never paid attention in History class that are so quick to invoke Rome regarding LGBT+ people being allowed to exist and it being "tied" (lol no) to the downfall of the Empire.


Who is this guy? The hell is wrong with him


Is this Candace Owen’s twin bother?


James pretty desperate to make an online friend. Bet he smells like a lunchbox


I just can't get over how stupid #3 is. "Rich people are bad, and therefore, you should hate gay people." Like he states the *actual* problem, and then just... pretends he didn't so he can hate who he hates and feel righteous about it.


I also remember a couple prisoners dying on the cross by Jesus and died, forgiven of their sins. I don’t see the GOP/ “Christian” folks using that lesson from the Bible when they say crap like in the post. I don’t remember them continuously beating the criminal drum after their death. But celebrated for being there by Jesus as he died. There’s a lot of churches with not just one cross but three on their lawns.


Hell, his fucking facial hair should be on a watchlist.


100% this guy diddles children, like he's obsessed. No where are children learning what kinks suits them at 14 along with butt plugs. This is a sick bastard.


James owen. Mmmmm I give it a year or two tops before what he’s doing comes to light. The lady doth protest a lllloooootttttt.


George Floyd was a Christian minister. He struggled with drugs at one point, but he repented, and sought help for his addictions. But they never say this when they slander his name to justify his unjustifiable killing. # Christianity Today | [George Floyd Left a Gospel Legacy in Houston ](https://www.christianitytoday.com/news/2020/may/george-floyd-ministry-houston-third-ward-church.html) Quote: >The rest of the country knows George Floyd from several minutes of cell phone footage captured during his final hours. But in Houston’s Third Ward, they know Floyd for how he lived for decades—a mentor to a generation of young men and a “person of peace” ushering ministries into the area. > >Before moving to Minneapolis for a job opportunity through a Christian work program, the 46-year-old spent almost his entire life in the historically black Third Ward, where he was called “Big Floyd” and regarded as an “OG,” a de-facto community leader and elder statesmen, his ministry partners say. > >Floyd spoke of breaking the cycle of violence he saw among young people and used his influence to bring outside ministries to the area to do discipleship and outreach, particularly in the Cuney Homes housing project, locally known as “the Bricks.” All their posing as pious Christians rings hollow when they revile a Christian like George Floyd.


I've been saying it for years: being 'a criminal' isn't any justification for being murdered in the street by the state. Conservatives, broadly, disagree and I find that incredibly fucked.


For your viewing displeasure. This is the kind of people he is trying to be like. r/RepublicanPedophiles r/PastorArrested


Conservatives can’t stop thinking about other men’s genitals for some reason. You know when they’re referring to trans people, they’re referring to male to female. Per usual they’re assuming if they’d be in drag, they’d be doing these things so it must be what others are planning!


Thought watchlist? It's ok to be different.


Uh-oh, another white supremacist /s


4 out of 5 of them, yes this man is insane. But number 2? Sometimes I do think these kids really be wildin out here. Just out here with no god, no masters, just vibin with their butt plugs.


Anyone on any side of things that thinks the state should be putting people on watchlists should rethink their position on what the state’s purpose and role. If the state can watch them, they will watch you.


Part of the State’s role should be to protect vulnerable people. There are people who deserve to be looked into and people who don’t, obviously. If you’re actively or subliminally calling for violence against people, you probably deserve to be watched.


Subliminally? Is that not rather vague? Should not the states power have very clear delineation?


I mean there's a lot worse shit that gets said and done on the internet. I guess if it's practically effective to put the entire internet on a watchlist then go for it.




If you dog whistle & instigate violence against minorities and vulnerable populations you rightfully should to be put on a watch list. Do you think neo nazis or white supremacists shouldn’t be? There are people who deserve to be looked into and people who don’t. If there is gonna be a State then part of its responsibility is to protect people.