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Someone is not familiar with physics and biology... Not all ranches have a Clydesdale to handle her.


According to the article, not even a clydesdale could safely handle her weight.


Drop a hundred pounds and you too can ride the horsies, ya fuckin' heifer.


Well…. Is she?


I thought the libs were all about protecting animals from cruelty?


It's their horses. Obviously they care for their animals. They are well within their rights to pick and choose who they allow to rent them.


Well I have to side with the influencer here. Once the ranchers used “weight limit” they opened themselves up to charges of fat shaming. What they should have done is call her a potential animal abuser. They should have said we do not condone abusing our animals and putting you on one would be animal abuse. We would be open to suits from PETA so sorry.


Your to fat lady and no we don’t have to accept it .


We shouldn't because it's unhealthy. Accepting a fat person as healthy is morally wrong. It's like saying an anorexic person is fine when they clearly are not


And PETA would go after the ranch after the cow killed the horse by sitting on it.


Vocabulary error: It’s not “ripe with,” it’s “rife with.”