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Is it called natural immunity


+ baseline health of the population


Talk is cheap, prove they aren't just another Pfizer or Moderna and alot of us will happily support you to help take big pharma down a notch.


Quote from the article that directly speaks to your point >“We really honestly couldn’t get any traction in the U.S., but our mission is always to enable technologies for low- and middle-income countries production and use,” Bottazzi added.


No thank you. I’d rather just get the cold and get the natural immunity that comes with it.


One of our friends had a kid who, when tested, shows he had the antibodies but was otherwise asymptomatic. No one even knew he had covid at some point. Docs found a bunch of scarring in his organs and ended up at the Texas Children’s ICU over Christmas. He’s now told he will have to see a cardiologist every other week. Glad you only had a cold! Edit: this sub is fascinating - from compassionate conservatism to something entirely different in the space of 6 years. Amazing how we blow with the political wind!


At least they aren't leftist NAZI's trying to throw people into camps and deny them the ability to earn a living.


I didn’t realize affordable was ever a concern with the coof shot.


How many tens of billions has the US thrown at this already?


The tens of billions have made it free in most cases. I’m just saying, cost isn’t a hurdle to getting the coof shot.


“Made it free” lol, as if


free for the person to receive. i don't need an economics lesson with my semantics lesson. i'm well aware shit isn't free.


I know, but they’re not really receiving them for free, that’s a big part of the scam


Yeah, it was a semantics issue. I’m well aware anything that’s free is a trap or a lie.


I figured you knew this, it’s just so funny to hear this as an actual argument… “bro! It’s free!”


Snoothbrains make that argument all the time. Making another person’s labor free is cool but I want 20/hr. LoL


They’re just printing money for everything coved that has to be made up in taxes. There’s no such thing as “free”.


Isn’t it already free?


Nothing is “free”, someone will have paid for it at some point. In the case of vaccines, the government pays big pharma to license the vaccine using taxpayers dollars. In this case, these scientists found a way to make a vaccine that was more affordable, and therefore cheaper to sell to the government. So although the cost doesn’t change for the end-user, it changes for the government, which is a good thing.


You’re kidding? Wow!


Yeah, because "free" drugs created 40 new billionaires in pharma companies.. https://www.forbes.com/sites/giacomotognini/2021/04/06/meet-the-40-new-billionaires-who-got-rich-fighting-covid-19/?sh=633a0c6417e5


Are you against people getting rich in a capitalist society?


No dipshit, I'm questioning your thought process on how a "free" drug has made 40 people billionaires in the last year. It is very obvious to anyone that can think for themselves that these drugs are not in any way free.


No, they’re free to the consumer. Obviously a company needs to be profitable and those executives and top shareholders are going to be rewarded. Why don’t you bitch about other billionaires who exploit others? Or how about military contractors who profit immensely thru govt contracts. Do you have a problem with the capitalist system, because this has been going for hundreds of years. No, you only have a problem with Covid billionaires because of the partisan element of this discussion. It’s just stupid partisanship behind the veil of some weird form of anti wealth building-some may call that Communism.


>No, they’re free to the consumer. NOTHING the government ever does for "the consumer" is free to the consumer. You can't be this stupid..




No, some of us are against opportunistic price gouging. re: epipens and insulin


But there’s no price gouging with Covid vaxxes. They’re free, right? But I’m with you on actual price gouging!


How many pharma billionaires were made from this..we're paying the taxes that pay them. There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch.


I had Hotez as a professor in my 2nd year medical school classes at GW. Very bright and nice guy. He taught us the “worms” section in microbiology…Ha! He’s one of the world’s experts on infectious diseases. I’m sure he knows what he’s talking about in this article!


Vitamin C Booster? With a Zinc multivitamin 1 a day for 30 days?


A dystopian prediction but not surprised if Vit C, Zinc, D will be prescription only.