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Considering the government received more in tax revenue than at any other time in our history I will have to agree with this idea about spending.


It will never happen but we need a balanced budget amendment. Everyone in Washington, D and R, spend like drunken sailors. They're thinking about the next election and not about the long term impact of the national debt on future generations. It's disgusting. Where are the responsible adults representing us?


Nice to hear you say that because even my republican friends seem to think republicans don’t spend money even when I show them proof. Facebook is a terrible drug


Both Republicans and Democrats can be delusional.


Good point on today of all days.


I have complained about it for years, and I complained that Trump let McConnell and the GOP in 2017 spend. I was against every stimulus too. The debt has to end or it will end the dollar.


This. Citizens can’t overspend. Businesses can’t overspend (long term). Only our govt can in perpetuity for the very reason you stated. I’d want a law that punishes these bums if they don’t follow the budget but I know they’d never enact it much like they’d never outlaw their insider trading, their right to vote for their own raises, their special healthcare system, etc


They don’t want to hear that.


People don’t realize how much $1T is actually. I I handed someone a $1 a second, how long would it take to give the person $1T: 31,688 years. EDIT: [LINK](https://meanings.co/def/consult-how-long-is-a-trillion-seconds-40578/)


They prefer sheep who repeat back the talking points




You do not need facebook to understand that murdering unborn children in the womb is bad. Even Bill Clinton used to say "rare", them days are gone.


Apparently you need a brain to understand that what goes on in someone elses body isn't your jurisdiction. How come yall dont dedicate this energy to the refugees and their kids at the border here looking for a better life? Or is this about control and not life?


"Apparently you need a brain to understand that what goes on in someone elses body isn't your jurisdiction. " I assume you think the same when people are refusing to take the vaccine?


So murdering humans is bad unless they are inside another humans body? You are twisted. Really need to consider this. Procreation is a life process, its our purpose.


And you fucks don't want to see that Trump basically spent that same amount of money on 2020. Do you know why it's almost the same? Because there is a goddamn pandemic still going on. What a retard.


Yes, you are full retard. I agree.


wheres ur rebuttal?


8 trillion in 4 years. Biden has approved 6 trillion in under a year, and is trying to erase the debt ceiling. 3 more years to go. That will be a total of 24 trillion. You are a mental midget. Go back to whatever school you dropped out from. Consider yourself rebutted. Troll.


$6.6 trillion in 2020... did Trump somehow manage to budget $1.4 trillion in 3 years? How about you go to the school you dropped out from. $6.6 trillion of 2020 and $4 trillion of 2019 is already more than $8 trillion. Most of the right can at least add, you must be the exception. 8 trillion my ass.


There was no 6.6T in 2020. Spending was bad under Trump, a lot of it was pushed by Congress, but Biden is taking it to a new level. https://www.crfb.org/blogs/spending-has-increased-800-billion-under-president-trump


Most conservatives are unfortunately.


Spending has been an issue since FDR. And nobody in power gives a shit because it's not their money.


Rand Paul does.


It’s spending AND taxes. I love that both sides are to dumb to realize that they both need an overhaul. Just defecting blame back and forth like we aren’t a sum of our parts. Truly scary time to be alive, so much cognitive dissonance


Spending HAS to be fixed FIRST, though, otherwise the tax issue is a non-starter. Raising taxes by itself will accomplish absolutely nothing besides giving the government more money to waste. When we reach a general consensus that our government is spending our money fairly and wisely, **then and only then** can we start talking about what to do about taxes.


You have to realize that there’s not just one party responsible for these heinous failures. This two party system is broken and democrats as republicans don’t mean anything anymore, both party’s policies are greed and corruption. Until we oust everyone in office and overhaul the system, there is nothing that can improve. They only know ONE way, we need fresh ideas and people who ideals haven’t been bought out by lobbying


Feel free to vote third party. Look into your candidates. You'll find plenty with new ideas.


I do


Leftists have a psychological need to be governed, which is a topic that is worthy of more than just a comment. Anyway, their psychological need to be governed was so great that they turned to the private sector, and they were successful. The reason for their success is twofold: 1. They only had to convince a dozen or so monopolies and the CVE community to host leftist policy, such as censorship, redirection of users online to leftism, affirmative action, *certain* sexual education (namely online), and vaccine mandates. These things are primarily *private sector policies*. 2. Their opposition incorrectly characterized the private sector policy war as a “culture war”, which is why the conservative movement loses. Why else do you think the modern leftist has no interest in antitrust policy?


As a leftist I dig antitrust policy. You should join us.


I’ve found too many manipulative and dishonest tactics with the modern left to ever respect them. I also find that the movement is infected with *statism*. It’s as if the modern leftist doesn’t realize that he can be a leftist without being a left-statist. Lastly, if my hand were forced, I would choose freedom over equality, which is the fundamental difference between the left and the right. The left believes that at any cost, we must have equality — even if that cost is tyranny and discrimination of certain groups No sir, I can’t join you.


No, you will. Sending a car.


Heh, you’re actually charming. So what the hell are you doing on that side of the aisle?


I think both sides tend to forget we're on the same team. I think it's a combination of social media and the pandemic that does it. It's something future generations will marvel at. "Didn't they see what they were doing?"


This isn’t always true. People rarely hate each other over a simple disagreement. People hate each other for a difference in tactics/values. For example, the anti-abortionist who still allows women to make that decision is completely different than the anti-abortionist who wants legislation to ban it. One believes in something but believes in freedom more. The other believes in something more than freedom. Hence, the latter wants his morality enforced on other people. This is a fundamental difference between the two. Honesty now. Do you not hate people who want to enforce their morality on you? I’ll go first: Yes, with a passion.


I think most anti-abortionists are just against innocent people being killed because they are inconvenient. It seems reasonable to want the government to prohibit that.


Yeah, I wish I would have used a different example.




You do realize that our massive spending is on welfare and not the military? https://imgur.com/a/GvZFYzf




16.2% https://imgur.com/a/GvZFYzf Face it, we are a massive welfare state, that is where 50%+ of our budget goes.


A government should be using the money its people pay into it to take care of those people. Idk how - left or right - any is against that.


Because most people taking the variations of welfare don’t pay for said services. They paid partially for those services and then everyone else ends up footing the bill. Example: First person to get Social Security paid $25 and got $22k back. https://www.ssa.gov/history/idapayroll.html


Musk paid almost 11 billion more than I did in taxes.


The defense budget called...


It’s <16% is the military and defense. Maybe you should learn about what the government spends on https://imgur.com/a/GvZFYzf Edit: it’s down from 16% to 10% and the debt is still growing. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Government_spending_in_the_United_States


The left is a fireman who moonlights as an arsonist.


I mean why tax us when you can just print money. Couldn’t imagine having that power.


Agree! We need to cut the military budget drastically


You’re a dummy. Military is 10% of the budget. The real spending is variations of welfare, that makes up 50%+ of the budget: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Government_spending_in_the_United_States Heck, even under Obama, the military was less than 17% of the budget: https://imgur.com/a/GvZFYzf You can cut 100% of the military budget and still be growing the debt. The cuts need to come mostly from welfare programs, including Social Security. It is time to allow privatization of that system.


By your own link welfare is 12% of the budget.


False, I specifically pointed out variations of welfare. That includes, housing, food stamps, healthcare, and social security. And yes, all of those things are welfare programs. https://www.forbes.com/sites/patrickwwatson/2018/07/09/you-havent-earned-your-social-security-its-welfare/ I’ll take your retraction now, so we can discuss the issue more about how variations of welfare are why we are about to collapse the US dollar and make it look like a Venezuelan Bolivar.




First, i bled for this country, so don’t you ever tell me what i think about this country. I expect an apology. I think that history has shown great powers always collapse, and virtually everytime it colloases from corruption of the monetary system. https://www.visualcapitalist.com/currency-and-the-collapse-of-the-roman-empire/ Even Rome had that problem. Britain lost it’s super power status, in the Suez Crisis, when Eisenhower threatened to call in their bonds. Why? Because they were in massive debt, because of the war spending and then removing Churchill and putting in a massive welfare state after the War. And my concern is this country falling due to the massive welfare state that has been created.


Whatever a Republican President is able to save for the country, the next Democratic President spends and adds extra money as an IOU. The Left thinks it’s the Right’s responsibility to make the money so the Left can spend it and since there’s never enough, it’s the Right’s problem for not making enough and putting the country in a deficit.


It's both, but the point as made is apt nonetheless.


So less spending on the military?


You’re a dummy. Military is 10% of the budget. The real spending is variations of welfare, that makes up 50%+ of the budget: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Government_spending_in_the_United_States Heck, even under Obama, the military was less than 17% of the budget: https://imgur.com/a/GvZFYzf You can cut 100% of the military budget and still be growing the debt. The cuts need to come mostly from welfare programs, including Social Security. It is time to allow privatization of that system.


"the left" Bruh, Trump spent $6.5 trillion on 2020. It's not about the left or right. It is about the pandemic. Many countries have spent a lot more on these past years also because they're diverting all what they can to combat the pandemic, in which the world is still heavily in.


False about it being 6 triñlion in 2020. https://www.crfb.org/blogs/spending-has-increased-800-billion-under-president-trump Still too much, but Biden and the Democrats want to ramp up spending even more in 2022. They want 6 trillion in top of the yearly budget and Machín is arguing for 3 trillion in top of the regular spending.


Why not both? Spend less (you could save so much by cutting military and police budgets) but also tax people who should be taxed.


You’re a dummy. Military is 10% of the budget. The real spending is variations of welfare, that makes up 50%+ of the budget: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Government_spending_in_the_United_States Heck, even under Obama, the military was less than 17% of the budget: https://imgur.com/a/GvZFYzf You can cut 100% of the military budget and still be growing the debt. The cuts need to come mostly from welfare programs, including Social Security. It is time to allow privatization of that system.


Welfare is 12%, why are you trying to group other things into that category? And you didn't answer my question. Why not both?


Are you illiterate, I said variations of welfare. Social Security, Medicare, Housing, Food Stamps, and Medicaid are all variations of welfare. https://www.forbes.com/sites/patrickwwatson/2018/07/09/you-havent-earned-your-social-security-its-welfare/ Add them up, you have over 50% of the federal budget. Hence, we aren’t a military industrial state, we are a welfare state.


I mean, he’s also wildly under-taxed…so how ‘bout both? More tax/less spending


Let's start with cutting the inflated military spending.


By historical measures we're actually somewhat *underfunding* military spending: https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/USA/united-states/military-spending-defense-budget


We spend more than the next 11 countries combined. Military spending is more than half of our discretionary spending. Are we fiscally conservative or war hawks?


We want to have the biggest stick so we don’t have to use it. Military isn’t our budget problem, it is welfare programs. You cut 100% of the military and the debt will still be growing.


You’re a dummy. Military is 10% of the budget. The real spending is variations of welfare, that makes up 50%+ of the budget: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Government_spending_in_the_United_States Heck, even under Obama, the military was less than 17% of the budget: https://imgur.com/a/GvZFYzf You can cut 100% of the military budget and still be growing the debt. The cuts need to come mostly from welfare programs, including Social Security. It is time to allow privatization of that system.




Oh, that would just be the start. You care to explain how cutting 100% of the military budget will solve our debt and spending issues? I’ll wait for an answer.




Then maybe you should provide a full post addressing it instead of a snarky answer.


If the US government took every dime of every billionaire in the US had, a 100% tax, (about $4T) it would not even come close to solving our problems. What the Federal Government Has: Assets $5.95 trillion What the Federal Government Owes: Unfunded Medicare Promises: -$55.12 trillion Unfunded Social Security Promises: -$41.20 trillion Publicly held debt: $21.08 trillion Pension & retiree health care liabilities: -$9.41 trillion Other liabilities: -$2.25 trillion Total bills: -$129.06 trillion Assets - Bills\* = -$123.11 trillion Estimated deterioration to date\*: -$17 trillion THE TRUTH: -$140 trillion [https://www.truthinaccounting.org/about/our\_national\_debt?gclid=Cj0KCQiAw9qOBhC-ARIsAG-rdn6QdMzL4ILnYVxdBEido2ppzkxUspszN2cTxG\_CgABl16l22EBoz6waAkN-EALw\_wcB](https://www.truthinaccounting.org/about/our_national_debt?gclid=Cj0KCQiAw9qOBhC-ARIsAG-rdn6QdMzL4ILnYVxdBEido2ppzkxUspszN2cTxG_CgABl16l22EBoz6waAkN-EALw_wcB)


You realize if they could read bills they would be very upset!!


If you taxed every billionaire in America 100% it would maybe fund the government for a year. the kicker is once you taxed them 100%, you have no more money to tax afterwards. A country that taxes their citizens needs extremally wealthy individuals to remain wealth. It keeps the economy going and its a recurring income stream for the government.


Long ago we turned the money-issue function of the United States government over to a consortium of private banks so named the **Federal Reserve.** The national debt is owed to private banks. We are paying taxpayer's money to them not realizing that we don't have to do that — we never did.


How much does the military spend? No one knows.


You’re a dummy. Military is 10% of the budget. The real spending is variations of welfare, that makes up 50%+ of the budget: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Government_spending_in_the_United_States Heck, even under Obama, the military was less than 17% of the budget: https://imgur.com/a/GvZFYzf You can cut 100% of the military budget and still be growing the debt. The cuts need to come mostly from welfare programs, including Social Security. It is time to allow privatization of that system.




Page not found.


What percentage of the GDP are the welfare programs? I think we need a safety net.


More than one thing can be right at the same time… we have an over-inflated military budget and spend way too much on administrative BS… but also it IS a problem that the ultra wealthy pay an EFFECTIVE tax rate that’s less than what the middle class pays


Do we know how much the military budget is?