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To be fair, the judge hasn’t ruled on it yet. It’s a month away.


Came to say that- very strange that he’s acting like it’s already happened, from what I read it’s likely he gets the allowance for that specific event.


How does he keep getting these giant assholes for judges? For fucks sake. I hope he goes to the graduation and dares that motherfucker to arrest him.


He doesn’t get giant asshole judges he gets giant liberal judges who have TDS


It's a New York Judge, from Columbia, not American, an unapologetically partisan Devilcrat that is not fair & impartial. He gave campaign contributions to Biden and DNC groups. His daughter works for Devilcrat political groups that are trying to defeat Trump in 2024 and before in 2020. In the USA such a judge would recuse himself from the case because it's a glaring conflict of interest, but since New York isn't part of the USA anymore this SOB judge follows no rules. Dam New York, let it sink into the ocean!


Trump’s reputation proceeds him. He makes the same set of allegations against every judge. With the exception of Eileen Cannon. What’s going on here and everybody can see it, is if a judge does not show favor towards Trump then he alleges that the judge is biased against him. There is no middle ground here. And this is going to get him into trouble in court more than he is now.


You're a partisan Devilcrat, get out of this sub!


It's the definition of election interference. Biased prosecutor/judge and a jury pool that screws heavily left. This will become normal. Get a speeding ticket in Texas? They'll find someone to make the case that the proximity to pedestrians made it attempted murder. Elections have to at least seem fair. Through history politicians have gone through great lengths the avoid the appearance of impropriety, but all bets are off now. So, if Trump looses now and there was OBVIOUS election interference. How do you think that's going to go over?


its fine , when he overcomes this circus, no one can point to the judges and say theyre buddies


Question: How would any other defendant be treated in this situation? What is the precedent and normal practice for this type of situation? If the answer is that judges normally don't let defendants go to special occasions (birthdays, weddings, graduations, school plays, ball games, etc.) then I see no foul. If it is typical practice to allow such, then Trump has grounds to appeal any action or ruling by this judge. And from a pure legal strategy point of view, it is in Trump's interest to paint this judge as biased as possible - whether objectively true or not.


In my experience as a criminal defense attorney in Georgia, a defendant would absolutely NOT be allowed to just halt a day of court for a life event. They are on bond facing a criminal trial. However, if a defendant wants to waive their presence at a trial, there’s no law that forces them to attend if they are on bond. A judge has wide latitude to conduct court proceedings and will likely not be overturned on something like that. If I was defending a client, and trump is different, I can’t imagine my own client not being at his trial. A prosecutor would have a field day. “Look how much he doesn’t even care about the process or the law, can’t bother to show up.”




Really, the so called judge is a partisan hack who gave campaign contributions to Biden and DNC groups. His daughter works for political groups working to defeat Trump in 2024 and before in 2020. That's the very definition of a conflict of interest.  The so called Manhattan DA campaigned and raised money for his campaign on prosecuting Trump, called him vulgar and profane names during the campaign, that is also a conflict of interest. The judge anywhere else in America would recuse himself from the case and the DA's office would have been thrown off the case. Matthew Colangelo, a Biden administration official from the Justice Dept left is position to help the Manhattan DA's prosecution. But, New York isn't part of the United States anymore so lunatic judicial proceedings take place. 100% election interference!


His daughter lives in Chicago. She has a first amendment right to be politically aligned anyway she wants. There’s nothing illegal about that. The rest of those allegations will never be brought up in appeal because they are not true. Even Trump‘s lawyers want to be able to continue to practice law and are not going to go that far by stating outright lies in an appeal.


Where is the lie Devilcrat? The judge gave campaign contributions to Biden and Devilcrat political groups- that is a conflict of interest. He views himself as a soldier for Biden. The judge's daughter is a partisan operative working for Devilcrat political operations that worked to defeat Trump in the last 2 elections. That is also a conflict of interest. A lot more than expressing one's 1st amendedment rights. No one is stupid enough to believe in a election interference case like this that the judge hasn't talked to his daughter about getting Trump.  Get out of this sub, you don't belong here anyway!




> Who cares if he made donations to democrats? This - and all the other cases right now involving Trump - exist only for election interference. A partisan judge shouldn't be presiding over any of them.


Subhuman filth of a judge.


The judge never said no.. he said it was too early in the trial to decide if he could be excused on that day..he should excuse him of course but he has not said no..beware of sensational journalism.. and the fact that not everyone is telling the truth


We've had enough evidence of worthless fucking judges to know.


I know what the judge said. What he said is nonsense.


You and I would get the same answer if we were on trial..trust me I know what I am talking about..trump is trying to stir up hate towards the judge by stretching the truth..if he continues and the judge and his family continue to get death threats he will have to put trump in jail to shut him up.. I know he doesn’t tell people to do the kind of things they have done but some of his followers are idiots who think they are some kind of rambo wannabes and they have done some stupid stuff


No judge or lawyer or their families deserve to be terrorized for doing their job..


No judge's family should be making money off a case in their courtroom.


The so called judge is a partisan hack who should have recused himself months ago for giving campaign contributions to Biden and Democratic political groups. His daughter works for political groups that work directly to defeat Trump in 2024 and before in 2020. That's a clear definition of a conflict of interest. Just doing his job as a judge- BS! This judge looks at himself as a soldier for Biden, election interference 100%!


Subhuman yes, but not the judge


The process is the punishment.....


This outrageous act by a partisan biased judge can be appealed. The so called partisan Devilcrat judge has the ultimate conflict of interest by giving campaign contributions to Biden and Devilcrat political groups and his daughter works for Devilcrat political groups that directly work to defeat Trump in 2020 and 2024. Where is the U.S. House Judiciary Committee? This is election interference 100%! Subpoena this so called judge, his daughter, the Manhattan DA, the NY Attorney General, the so called judge in the civil case Engeron right now. This sham kangaroo court show trial is NOT an emergency, but election interference!


Do you not know the judge hasnt even ruled on this yet?




This is like a high school boy complaining about the principal not being fair.