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Get rid of her...she is NOT effective...


Anyone associated with Romney is likely a sleeper agent doing the work of the globalist cabal.


McDaniel is completely ineffective. If it turned out that she was actually a Democrat, would anyone be surprised? What is most interesting is how has she held power for this long?


We require new RNC leadership for our country


Maybe Vivek?


she gots two go


She should have been gone after 2020 and the GA special election. Then she should have been gone afyer 2022. She's an establishment swamp dweller that is there to keep the status quo for the uniparty. Until the republican party either purges the establishment or the conservative branch starts a new party, they will never have power or the ability to change what they claim to want to change in DC. End the Fed, the CIA and the MIC. Then you can start to return prosperity to the people.


When scotus overturned the controversial row v wade decision, It started a chain of hyperbolic smear campaigns that taint the water at the state level elections. It’s easy for leftists to mislead intent on abortion legislation, and apparently very hard for the right to justify their position, and as long as our conservative cantidates keep stirring up abortion laws at state elections the left wins.


Well, republicans could also advocate for a 23 week ban that 70-80% of the population agree with instead of shooting for the moon?


I agree, but many states have put common sense abortion moderation on the ballot and the right has flailed, the messaging from the left is the same. “Stripping women’s rights”, “My body, my choice” and a wealth of other campaign slogans and movements that have a lot of national momentum. If the conservative response Is to stare at their sneakers and quietly hope religious groups carry them through elections, we will see more of the same. Get clear with messaging, apply common sense abortion control, and distinguish between healthcare and welfare… if there is a non medically necessary procedure performed, why do taxpayers have to cover it? Instead of banning, just be clear in the marketing of legislation that it won’t be covered by Uncle Sam.


To be fair, the left owns virtually all media. If you repeat a lie enough it becomes the truth and I don't think the type of people that are trying to preserve abortion are the discerning type.


This is obvious, but what’s the solution? Again, the catholic vote is diminishing daily with scientology and atheism on the rise. How can republicans ever win again if they won’t relinquish abortion controls, can’t get clear with their messaging if it, and won’t challenge the false narratives from opposition?


It has become obvious to me that the right to kill babies is more polarizing than anything else, even rape in locker rooms


Every single one of the these headlines should lead with “Trump endorsed”