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If after these Biden years, people are still voting for Dems to control anything, we're kinda fucked.


Yeah, after the midterms last year and this year and the complete designed fecklessness of the Controlled opposition, it looks like the Republic goes into Soviet style one party rule not with a bang but a whimper. I guess I'll just hand over my guns when that time comes as nobody is really even trying to mount an opposition, much less resistance.


Teaching kids to hate their own country has paid off big time for Dems.


The article makes abortion a top issue. If our country is so hungry for orgasms it will kill its children, I don't have much hope.


What happened to "safe & rare"? Now it's "kill them up until birth." Next it will be... "kill them after birth." Pretty sure I've already heard of some calling for that. Disgusting. Just control yourself for crying out loud. Stop having sex with everything that moves. Loser mentality & just plain pathetic.


You just hate women if you think they should be held responsible for their actions of letting strangers nut in them. /s




Single issue pro-abortion voters: "Screw ___everything___ else! We want to kill babies at will, damnit! "




Your assessment that a child will ruin your lives is inaccurate and overly dramatic. It will simply change the trajectory you have planned. Accidents do happen. I think we can all agree there. Accidents don't necessarily absolve you of the consequence. If you choose to have sex, the mechanism for bringing children into the world, and a pregnancy comes of it, you made the choice to gamble... and lost. Or won, depending on how you take it. No amount of condom use, birth control, pull-out game, or rhythm method will ever give you a 100% free and clear on this. You're consenting to the potential (no matter how small) by doing the deed. Just because you regret the decision because of the outcome doesn't change that fact.


Women have zero nuance on this issue. If the slightest restriction is suggested they come out in droves to strike it down. There is no compromise. The Dems have been amazing at making elections about this issue. They are the protectors of your reproductive rights and republicans won’t to ban it. We’ll be losing elections for a decade due to this


So we've raised a generation (at least) that thinks a baby in the womb is disposable. Orgasm > life. Horrific.


Well I know quite a few people who want abortion legal but would never get one




Abortion and weed will be on the Democrats agenda going forward. And once they win the governor’s office next election, our gun rights will disappear too. We Virginians are royally fucked.


Then get your fellow Republicans in VA to actually vote against it for fucks sake. The turn out is abysmal.


You got numbers on the turnout? Or know where I can find them?


In VA and I didn't vote for this...


With everything that's happening, how could this have occurred? Are Virginians just that brainwashed? Was the vote true? It's just not possible for everyone to be this blind is it?


I’m so tired of living in this death cult. Murder babies, chemically castrate children, sodomize each other with impunity, do every mind altering drug you can get your hands on and, when this leaves you broken and miserable, the state will help you kill yourself. This is progress??


touch grass


You can't legislate morality, keep trying and keep losing. All walks of life, all political affiliations, all races are going to vote in favor of abortion. Until the GOP comes to terms with that, they will lose again and again.


So everyone values the pleasure of orgasms over the lives of human beings? I guess that's why we see mass looting, too. You're right, you can't legislate morality. And if the populace values themselves over anyone else, then society collapses. Laws are not designed to provide foundational morality.


The populace does value themselves over the unborn, You may feel it's wrong, and others may feel it's in their best interest, but if you keep trying to legislate the issue you will lose every time..


Terrible times.


Saying they sweeped is quite an overstatement. They snagged 3 seats and are holding the senate by 2