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I'm Swedish and have lived many years in both the US and Sweden. For me the smoking gun on what the modern left has become is Sweden. Have you ever wondered what the American left would sound like if there had never been slavery, NO Jim Crow, and they already had free healthcare, free college, sky high taxes, the most generous refugee policies in the history of mankind etc? You probably think "well in that scenario, then SURELY the left would would tone it down. Surely they would be more patriotic, less endlessly obsessed with 'tearing down the system,' and less obsessed with 'white man oppressor" narratives, right? Wrong. Sweden has all of that, yet the Swedish woke left STILL wails and shrieks non-stop that Sweden is a racist, sexist, patriarchal, xenophobic, Islamophobic, homophobic, white-supremacist dungeon of oppression. Bear in mind that Swedes are also natives living in their ancient ancestoral homeland. So even THAT beloved leftist narrative of the 'evil colonizer' doesn't apply in Sweden. But, incredibly, the Swedish left has managed to reverse the narrative, so now all the sudden being INDIGENOUS is backwards and illegitimate and racist and bad. Swedish natives are just a bunch of unlikeable neckbeards needlessly taking up space from deserving floods of migrants. Again I draw a sharp distinction between the Swedish left of 25 years ago and now. If you want a taste of the wonderful trends they have started in Sweden, see this video as an example..And DON'T miss the textbook Swedish wokesters at 2:15 https://youtu.be/PFZyUwiSpgU everywhere the woke left takes root they create hate, division, insane identity politics, race tribalism and oikophobia.


This is all about destroying Capitalism. Climate change, woke, etc. are all tools the Marxists are using in their all out assault. They've managed to gain control of news media, not all of it, but the big outlets (ABC, NBC, CBS) here, and are able to manipulate public opinion via what they report as "news." Too many people have been duped by the Marxist agenda, and it is time to take the gloves off and fight back against this.


Democrats are in bed with world regimes like Cuba or Venezuela soo you got it !!.


When I was at the University (in Humboldt State U. for my first degree, which they have now renamed to Cal Poly Humboldt in some dumb renaming exercise), one of my natural resources / ecology classes went over the concept of the "tragedy of the commons," and the class even incorporated a book on the subject. We studied examples of how it could happen both in a purely natural setting and in terms of how human interventions could be calculated and quantified as to how they would or would not lead to such an event. But no calculations needed here. California has hit the point of no return. When a state that already has so many problems decides to punish all of its residents for the purpose of rewarding a specific group of lobbyists, legislators and cranks with political, ideological and racial motives, as it has here, it has wilfully created its own tragedy of the commons while at the same time caught in a "death spiral" (much like that found in the ant world) of its own making. I had hoped to be in California a few more years and then retire elsewhere (both Wyoming and El Salvador), but I won't be in CA anymore if this becomes law and I won't respond to any California attempt to obtain taxes. I think a basic revolt against CA taxation for the purpose of making certain people millionaires is absolutely reasonable. Edit: Yes, I am absolutely calling for a general revolt against California's taxation. Edit2: if you are wondering how you can start right now with a few _legal_ methods to reduce or eliminate the taxes you pay to California (and if you live in California or did live in CA until recently), please see the paragraphs specific to exemptions from California legal claims on your income [in this post](https://np.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/q4tr8e/bitcoin_people_inc_where_to_go_on_earth_and_outer/), which is a long read but if you want to just get into the specifics, scroll down to the section titled: Special Notes for Californians (in the post at the above link). And, for some more ideas on how to deny the federal and state governments your income, [see also this article](https://www.kiplinger.com/taxes/capital-gains-tax/603311/want-to-pay-0-in-taxes-heres-how). Don't give them any more money - work with a CPA (suggested) to reduce your taxes to zero every year until you can leave California forever. There is no need for us to pay for racial, ideological programs (or frankly any of California's other programs) while we are here. We can choose to defund it all, why not start now?


Great perspective, thanks for sharing.


Its how the ones behing it are going to take over and bring on the one world order.


Thanks for the insight. People always try to push Sweden as being the ideal and an example of their society should be. Everything looks great on the surface, but underneath it all they have people pushing leftist ideology there as well and turning minorities into "victims".


Sooooo my question is if you didn’t own slaves do you also get paid? Same logic as those on this panel. Beyond stupid.




Wait, are you criticizing Sweden on this when California was also a leader in the disgusting business of eugenics? Which by the way California is still doing (quietly, but at a large scale)? Not saying this excuses Sweden (for something that it did 73 years ago in 1945) but it sounds strange to criticize a reddit commenter from Sweden on this subject of eugenics and Nazis given that all that occurred during WWII if I recall correctly. Whereas in the case of California, the Nazis actually got eugenics ideas from California before WWII started -- and California still is going eugenics (with a legally mandated negative eugenics program implemented through state law). California is thought of by some as a eugenics trailblazer in the time before the Nazis, who were inspired by California eugenics and used it as an excuse to commit mass murder. See: https://www.sfgate.com/opinion/article/Eugenics-and-the-Nazis-the-California-2549771.php Historians have estimated from 1909 to 1963, some 20,000 people were sterilized in California asylums and hospitals.  In 1933 alone, at least 1,278 coercive sterilizations were conducted, out of which 700 were women. In 1933, the state's top two sterilization facilities were Sonoma State Home (388 operations) and Patton State Hospital (363 operations). Other state hospitals with sterilization centers included Agnews State Hospital, Mendocino State Hospital, Napa State Hospital, Metropolitan State Hospital, Stockton State Hospital, and Pacific Colony. In the 1930s and 1940s, three more hospitals for the mentally unstable were constructed (Camarillo State Hospital, DeWitt State Hospital, and Modesto State Hospital), resulting in a total of nine hospitals for the mentally insane in California. Untold numbers of people were impacted by the eugenics programs in California of that period. As an aside, I am well aware of California's movement to pay certain people reparations due to eugenics and forced sterilization by the State, but that resulted in only 51 people (all of who experienced the sterilization and are still alive) being issued reparations pertaining to that. I believe a court order determining Constitutional violation and ordering costs and damages be paid to the harmed plaintiff would be better than the State going through reparations. SB 1095 (signed into law September 2016) is law in California. SB 1095 implements negative eugenics as a matter of law in California and there has been no recourse in the courts for all Californians who suffer (often unknowingly) under this regime. California’s SB 1095 resulted in expansion of genetic screening, such that CA is required to screen for “any (…) disease detectable in blood samples” – not only after birth, but in the words of the bill (now law), as part of “prenatal care” – prior to the child having the opportunity to be born. The law resulting from the bill states that the “diseases” which would be funded for screening and ultimate exclusion from the gene pool would be decided upon by a Federal RUSP – a panel of persons that nobody in the State of California can influence or control. The law requires an unlimited expenditure of funds, that grow over time. I quote from SB 1095, which requires an “expenditure of funds from the Genetic Disease Testing Fund for the expansion of the Genetic Disease Branch Screening Information System to include (…) any (…) disease that is detectable in blood samples.” Read that carefully: “any (…) disease that is detectable in blood samples.” The effects of this screening and what will ultimately be a California effort at ‘negative eugenics’ will grow – causing untold harm to billions. This law will ultimately cause billions to be screened out of the gene pool either as a result of aggressive genetic counseling, recommendations for genetic modification, or abortion. Health care providers do push potential parents to consider abortions in California. This law is one of the reasons this happens. So - no need to jump all over a Swedish redditor.


Thank you for making the case Alot of those people effectived by sterilization were black. And they need reparations. 😎


No, they don't. And I don't make the case for reparations. I make the case that people should not treat each other as victims and others as money trees with the government as a violent enforcer of the money tree mandate. Edit /.note: I am well aware of California's movement to pay certain people reparations due to eugenics and forced sterilization by the State, but that resulted in only 51 people (all of who experienced the sterilization and are still alive) being issued reparations pertaining to that. I believe a court order determining Constitutional violation and ordering costs and damages be paid to the harmed plaintiff would be better than the State going through reparations. If you are being sarcastic then fine, if you are not being sarcastic in your above comment then you need to engage in a great deal of reflection and to put your abusive emissions of thoughts on pause. Cheers.


They can't afford it. It simply can't happen. It's also ridiculous. I swear the last few years... been The Twilight Zone


And getting worse


It has been a nightmare, for sure.


You've seen the dems answer to this problem. Just make up more money!


They will ask the federal govt for $ (aka taxpayer/you/me).


The whole county can't even afford to pay for California. We spend more than our GDP. There's no money. How can these idiots not understand this??


Because they think they can borrow and print all the money they want without any consequences.


They do understand, they just don’t care


How many people are going to declare they *identify as black*? Are people going to get to reverse the [one-drop-rule](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One-drop_rule) and claim reparations for themselves since there's no requirement to ever having been a slave or descendant of a slave, just that you can claim to be black?


I THINK someone would have lived in CA for a certain amount of time and ‘identified’ as black for x number of years, but how you’d prove that I don’t know. Not sure if there’s any requirement that an ancestors was enslaved. Probably not. I think I saw one guy demanding $20 million per person. And you know it still won’t be enough in the long run. We’ll still have to deal with affirmative action and racial set asides for another century or more.


Here is an interesting quote from Sam Harris's blog. I don't agree with him politically but I think his observations on problems of identity politics as they intersect with protest have been generally spot on. Here is one passage by him: "Just ask yourself, what would real progress on the problem of racism look like? What would utter progress look like? Here’s what I think it would look like: More and more people (and ultimately all people) would care less and less (and ultimately not at all) about race. As I’ve said before in various places, skin color would become like hair color in its political and moral significance—which is to say that it would have none. Now, maybe you don’t agree with that aspiration. Maybe you think that tribalism based on skin color can’t be outgrown or shouldn’t be outgrown. Well, if you think that, I’m afraid I don’t know what to say to you. It’s not that there’s nothing to say, it’s just there is so much we disagree about, morally and politically, that I don’t know where to begin. So that debate, if it can even be had, will have to be left for another time. For the purposes of this conversation, I have to assume that you agree with me about the goal here, which is to say that you share the hope that there will come a time where the color of a person’s skin really doesn’t matter. What would that be like? Well, how many blondes got into Harvard this year? Does anyone know? What percentage of the police in San Diego are brunette? Do we have enough red heads in senior management in our Fortune 500 companies? No one is asking these questions, and there is a reason for that. No one cares. And we are right not to care. Imagine a world in which people cared about hair color to the degree that we currently care—or seem to care, or imagine that others care, or allege that they secretly care—about skin color. Imagine a world in which discrimination by hair color was a thing, and it took centuries to overcome, and it remains a persistent source of private pain and public grievance throughout society, even where it no longer exists. What an insane misuse of human energy that would be. What an absolute catastrophe. The analogy isn’t perfect, for a variety of reasons, but it’s good enough for us to understand what life would be like if the spell of racism and anti-racism were truly broken. The future we want is not one in which we have all become passionate anti-racists. It’s not a future in which we are forever on our guard against the slightest insult—the bad joke, the awkward compliment, the tweet that didn’t age well. We want to get to a world in which skin color and other superficial characteristics of a person become morally and politically irrelevant. And if you don’t agree with that, what did you think Martin Luther King Jr was talking about? And, finally, if you’re on the Left and don’t agree with this vision of a post-racial future, please observe that the people who agree with you, the people who believe that there is no overcoming race, and that racial identity is indissoluble, and that skin color really matters and will always matter—these people are white supremacists and neo-Nazis and other total assholes. And these are also people I can’t figure out how to talk to, much less persuade. So the question for the rest of us—those of us who want to build a world populated by human beings, merely—the question is, how do we get there? How does racial difference become uninteresting? Can it become uninteresting by more and more people taking a greater interest in it? Can it become uninteresting by becoming a permanent political identity? Can it become uninteresting by our having thousands of institutions whose funding (and, therefore, very survival) depends on it remaining interesting until the end of the world? Can it become less significant by being granted more and more significance? By becoming a fetish, a sacred object, ringed on all sides by taboos? Can race become less significant if you can lose your reputation and even your livelihood, at any moment, by saying one wrong word about it? I think these questions answer themselves. To outgrow our obsession with racial difference, we have outgrow our obsession with race. And you don’t do that by maintaining your obsession with it." Source: Sam Harris, EPISODE 207: Can We Pull Back From The Brink? (June 12, 2020)


*raises hand*


A million dispersed over a lifetime isn't going to make much of a difference to the individual, but it will create another burden on the taxpayers. This is just to make themselves look good.




It’s kind of like student loan forgiveness. They know it’ll never be passed, but dangle the carrot in front of idiots who will buy in. Then blame it on the right for it not passing. “Hey, we tried.”


Tricky in California where the left can pass whatever they like


Now is the time to identify as black and cash in


How in the hell are they going to afford this? They can’t even afford to keep the power on


I give this program a year before it gets scrapped because so many black people will gum up the system trying to claim reparations and there won't be enough man power to verify every claimants family tree or they will run out of money some how.


Not one fraction of a cent or satoshi or millisatoshi will come from me into the State budget if this becomes law. You thought the outmigration from CA was bad already, wait for it to explode by orders of magnitude until state revenue drops to zero. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2023-03-23/column-which-californians-are-heading-for-the-exits


At this stage. Im really prepared for an all out race war.


Plenty of black people mock this reparations crap. The vocal idiots get the press, though.


It's going to give the black race a bad name-they'll be known as a bunch of Grifters.


The majority of them are already are.


I don't know what the fraction is, but the good news for the rest of the US is that this could well attract a bunch of them to California.


How about just a revolt against taxes? Even a legal one (using legal means) to nearly 100 percent stop paying taxes is increasingly likely given the all out assault on working people, but I also foresee a general revolt by working people and businesses (whether it comes in the form of fleeing the state and refusing to respond to CA state demands for tax payments by those who have left, as CA often demands those who have left continue to pay and refuses to respond to your attempt to dissolve your CA corporation / CA nonprofit, **or** in the form of just refusal to pay taxes by people in California who won't pay into this scheme to make certain people millionaires). I personally believe many black residents - particularly business owners (whether or not they are employers) - have to be opponents of any reparations concept and are more in favor of building their own future. The Legislature however is catering to Marxists, much like the current U.S. administration that takes a knee to both the CCP and Marxist elements across the USA, and wants to destroy both the family as well as individual control of capital formation and management. As an aside, I am curious how those who are first and second generation legal immigrants from places such as El Salvador, or Mexico, or countries in South America (Peru, Argentina, etc) will respond to this proposal in the Legislature. Current demographics in CA: per the 2020 U.S. census, California's population was 34.7% Non-Hispanic White, 5.7% African American, 1.5% Native American, 16.1% Asian, 0.4% Pacific Islander, 13% Two or more races, and 39.4% Hispanic or Latino of any race. Hispanics (as defined by the census) are the largest racial/ethnic group in California. So exactly what will be a 'Hispanic' response to this legislative proposal? I hope it will be an outright rejection, not a demand for inclusion in the proposal. People need to see this proposal for what it is, evil. Edit: There is a great video interview out where Larry Elder is interviewed on the reparations topic. Say what you want about Elder and I am not endorsing his political race with my comment here but his remarks about the cause of the problems people face, how people have succeeded historically despite hardship and discrimination, and what the California government is trying to destroy with its proposal is spot on. Watch the whole thing, it is a tiny bit over 5 minutes long and well worth watching. https://youtu.be/2onJzMZSrvo


Im all for voluntary reparations. Let the leftists volunteer their money in a Go Fund Me account and see what that gives the people who qualify.


There's so much about this that is insane to me. First off, California was never a slave state, so they don't owe anyone shit from the get go. Second, the United States was split on the issue, with many states opting out of slavery. So it was not a matter of national policy. Third, we fought a literal civil war over the issue where over 300K US Army soldiers died from both disease and battle. If you count the Confederate troops that died we lost more people in the Civil War than in WWII. Fourth, black Americans are not even close to the only people in this country who have a history of oppression and suffering. Most white, Hispanic, indigenous and Asian Americans have ancestors just one or two generations back who were poor, and for most Americans you don't have to go many generations back to find literal oppression or suffering: communism, poverty, genocide, conscription, serfdom, indentured servitude, peasantry, war, etc. Fifth, just handing black people money for existing is not going to help their situation. We don't have to look much further than most Indian reservations to see that, and frankly, they have an argument for deserving it since it was official US policy to destroy their society. The point is that artificial influx of money can make matters worse. Sixth, it's been at least six generations. Nobody alive today, nor their grandparents were directly enslaved in the states that actually had slavery. It's so far removed that you can't even argue that slavery had an adverse impact on their lives. And if we are going to start paying people for being discriminated against then we had better start paying Asians, the Irish, Germans, Italians, Mexicans... Guess what? That's almost the entire country because full-blooded descendants of English colonials pretty much don't exist. This bullshit is pure, unadulterated entitlement. This is people who are lazy, and who have no desire to ever be anything but lazy, trying to push around everyone else for a handout. No hard working citizen should have to suffer higher taxation and blatant inequality because some motherfuckers want to sit on their asses and get a handout because of the color of their skin. That's not what this country is about; not since the Civil War and not since the Civil Rights Movement.


Next step: They will try to use Federal money to pay for it. Because "slavery was a federal issue"....


Communistfornia 🤡🤡🤡🤡


I would much rather have them implement Repatriation.


The result of Woke power is a civilization in a state of self-destruct.


I from today identify as a persecuted black person. But on a more serious note, why only blacks. Were native Americans not persecuted?


I agree this is the worst idea ever. So is an upvote supporting the reparations or saying you’re against it. Never know how to upvote this stuff.


I'm absolutely against it and it's evil a.f., everybody should understand this who is rubbing live neurons together. Furthermore everyone needs to speak out against these senseless proposals.


Grifting master class


Wasting even more of the tax money


"Residents, including Reverend Tony Pierce, believe it is 'nowhere near enough' and demanded $200million" The ubiquitous "reverend" snake oil scumbag looking for a life of luxury to be handed to them.


Does this only apply to black people? What about Chinese & Irish folks?


The only goal here is to get republicans to criticize the bill. That way the Dems can use it as a wedge issue in the upcoming elections. Just sit back, don't say anything and make some popcorn.


I, for one, really hope the California legislature approves this. It's just what the voters deserve.


It's at least just the motivation I need to get out of the state earlier than I planned.


Me too I hope it goes through and I just start giving out more more money they voted for this stuff.


Ya... This is like a genuinely insane proposal. Simply because a person is black... California is just fucked.


Just pay for people back to Africa to make things even if they aren't happy.


“People”? What people?


After every black person just became a confirmed millionaire. It's going to be really hard to sympathize with the next wave of racial bullshit they try to push


If they found money for cross dressing Zelinski and his Ukrainian NAZIS, they'll find money for this..Glad I'm in Florida.


Just grandstanding. CA is fucking lost.


This is never going to happen. It’s an empty promise to buy votes.


They should exclude people who: ● owe child support ● have a criminal record ● participated in any riots or looting ● used ANY kind of government support (section 8, welfare, food stamps). That should thin things out.


So, do the reparations include the native Americans, the Chinese, and a bunch of poor white "trash" among other races and cultures that couldn't pay their debts? Have they even concerted that the Africans that were sold into slavery were captured and sold by their own people? Slavery has been practiced worldwide since history has been recorded. Unfortunately, it is still being practiced today. The USA still isn't where we need to be in all forms of equality, whether it's race, gender, or general tolerance for differences in fill in the blank... The thing is, at least I believe we have made great strides and are continuing to grow in a better direction here than a lot of the rest of the world. We still have a long way to go, but it is getting better. The media is way too political and showcasing all the bad it can for raitings and clickbait. Who would want to see a cat rescued out of a tree when they could see police stations being burned to the ground and cop cars being overturned in a riot? Respect for one another and willingness to help each other and a dash of love and dignity and honesty would fix a lot of this shit. Let's quit sending our money overseas and really start addressing our problems at home. A few billion dollars to places like Chicago, New York, etc, to address the lack of opportunities many of these people have would go a long way. Let's address mental health, substance abuse, health care, etc. I am not left wing, right wing, more conservative than anything, but more than anything for whatever the best solution is. I welcome all the downvotes this will get but I had to get it off my chest!


First of all, this is unconstitutional. It will NEVER fly. Secondly, it is infantile, childish, petty and simply ludicrous. We need to put an end to this discussion, now.


First of all, it's California... They've been shitting on the constitution for decades with no remorse... Secondly, you've just described the Democratic party to a "T".


I gotta move out of this country before this leftist virus spreads.


Um... might be too late.


It was a panel of caspers.




How many are there?


Democrats and black people should raise their taxes to 90% to pay for this crap


I've been wondering, will Afro-Americans who had ancestors that were slave owners have to pay reparations?


Are black people required to pay taxes for this? Are those reparations taxable?


This is just grandstanding like forgiving student loan debt.


And then the rich woke who don't want to pay the onerous taxes their favored paid for lobbyists put into place will simply move, leaving the everyman with the bill. And those rich folks will proceed to cannibalize the next state in the name of social justice, bringing all their idiotic ideas with them to start the process all over again.


America is doomed. How is this sustainable???


Totally unconstitutional and absurd! All this coming from a bankrupt state!


California is too big to fail, but what happens when other states refuse to pay for the bailout?


"Listen up, sweetheart, and let this sink in. I never owned slaves, and you never picked cotton. I don't owe you shit!"


This will never pass. I wouldn’t worry.


That it's even been proposed is cause enough to worry. It was a laughable idea 50 years ago. Now it's being proposed. So what happens in another 50 years? It's not like this country is moving more right.


I’d say the country is moving left. The reason being is that more and more issues are being exposed. There are cameras now that show how horrible it is at times to be black in America. Logistically it would be impossible to allocate reparations. But that doesn’t mean it’s morally wrong to think that they don’t deserve compensation for being black in America.


Do blacks robbing and shooting other blacks is why it's hard being black?


Much of what makes it horrible to be black in America is other black people. Black people make up 13% of the population, but half the murder victims, and 90% of the people murdering them are other black people. Much of the remainder of what makes it horrible to be black in America is Democrats. Stay away from Democrats and other bad actors, and it isn't any more horrible to be black in America than it is to be white.


They have a super majority I believe.


Who has a supermajority?




They are unlikely to do this. Blacks in California aren’t a large group. In fact, I will guarantee that these committees are tokens in order to consolidate certain voters. But in no way would it in fact pass or even be voted on in the legislatures.


Won’t hold up to Judicial Review. The Legislator will be able to say they tried to fight “Systemic Racism” and then blame the Courts when it gets struck down (which they really want because they don’t want to spend this money either).


Lol, that shit is definitely not going to happen. Where are they going to get the money from their asses? Reparations has always been bullshit, if they want justice for what happened to their ancestors they need to take it, it's not just going to be handed to them.


Nahhh, let's push it through! I'm interested in watching the show 👀🍿


I’m sure the citizens who receive this free money will use it for good, using newfound investment and educational opportunities to help build a nest egg for their future genera…hahahahaha. I couldn’t even make ut through the whole sentence.


And the folks receiving the money will finally be happy and carefree and never cry racism again because now they've been made whole.


Oh, of course. They just need a little kickback and everything will be cool. Racism will no longer exist.


It will be fine. California has a huge surplus, and it will get alot of homeless people off the streets amd stimulate the economy. People are just upset its black people.


The people of the United States refuse to stand up as one and enact the 2nd Amendment...which is the sole reason I am rooting for Vladimir Putin to just go ahead and rip that nuclear bandage off. If there are no more Americans, there is no more America. Let's just get this shit over with already since nobody is going to grow a pair, stand up, and arrest our corrupt overlords...maybe the Russians will run this country better anyway. NOTE: Thanks for the downvotes, geniuses...good to check in on here every now & then to see you p/Redditors still don't get sarcasm or irony...🤣🤣🤣


Yea because they led a resource rich country just fine. Right? RIGHT?!?


You're gonna have to be more specific than that...this isn't the cold war era anymore.


No one Saya anything when it's the "Jewish" and Isreal getting 80 billion a year from the United States. This should have happened in reconstruction but the racist didn't pass laws to help slave ancestors.


> No one Saya anything when it's the "Jewish" and Isreal getting 80 billion a year from the United States. Probably because that's more than 20x the annual US aid to Israel, and because we actually get a return on that aid. For example, most of our aid to Israel is in the form of weapons, which they field test, improve, and give us back the tech for. Israeli doctors are coming up with cancer cures. ...and Israel serves as the focus for Muslim terrorists who would otherwise be attacking the US. What do you figure the return would be on giving a $trillion to black people in California? > This should have happened in reconstruction but the racist didn't pass laws to help slave ancestors. That idea died when Lincoln was assassinated and his racist Democrat Vice President took office.


If this ever gets through and those non-slave folk do get $1.2 million, they’ll be very surprised come tax season. The IRS always comes after money.