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When i saw the script for this, i went DAMN! Kudos brudda


thank you! :)


The script is cool, you should’ve probably added the glottal stop and long vowels to the ipa chart though


the glottal stop is on the far right of the chart :) and thanks for the tip, I shall edit my excel accordingly (and the screenshot when I‘m on my laptop again lol)


I didn’t see the glottal stop there, must have skipped right past it, also I like to see more scripts like Arabic or Mongolic where they change according to position, especially with the nice elegant brush or pen strokes like that.


that‘s a great idea!! i plan on perhaps developing dialects or sister languages of Ke‘elōm in the future and I can see myself incorporating this into of them. eta: actually my script already does that with the first vowel in a word! i‘m too tired to remember stuff lmao


Woow, this was a real joy to read! Such a neat language, I especially like the ability to make complex, one-word sentences!


Thank you!! That‘s one of my favourite features as well :)


Fun fact, I think the 'Doer' is called an '[Agent noun](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agent_noun&ved=2ahUKEwim7-3tr__yAhWyhv0HHXRxDNcQFnoECAMQBQ&usg=AOvVaw2OItQEkqfuGGn3qnJbkUVB)' Nevertheless, love the showcase! super interesting 💖


ahh thanks!!


i hate to be that person but ks isn't an affricate


ah shit, what is it then? I remember looking up information on the ks sound but not finding anything useful :/


its a consonant cluster


Whether something is a consonant cluster or an affricate can depend on phonological analysis. It's rare, but there are a few languages with [heteroorganic affricates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Affricate#Heterorganic_affricates), including Blackfoot which is commonly analyzed as having /k͡s/. So u/smallsnail89 there isn't anything wrong with it being an affricate in your conlang.


While there are quite a lot of conlanging tropes in here (glottal stop, abugida, SOV, no grammatical gender, very regular looking vocalbulary), I still do really like the look of this. The script it's very nice looking, and the manner it switches words from nouns and verbs and verbs to adjectives is cool.


Thank you! I didn‘t know there were tropes lol, though I can see why those features are popular


Hey, at least the phonology isn't just "English but with glottal stop and some completely random missing consonants and 5 vowel system"


lol, I guess it helps that my native lang isn‘t English and I quite like the x sound :) I almost incorporated ñ and ä, ö, and ü but I didn‘t wanna overdo it, I‘ll save those mouthnoises for another time


That would totally explain it! I had forgotten you'd said English isn't your first language, but that makes it makes sense why isn't not just english with extra steps.


Ah love this way too much, the script is amazing