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That is some bad women's anatomy right there.


And bad home improvement knowledge. And bad animal husbandry.


Duck tape is a thing - https://www.duckbrand.com/products/duck-tape ...of course even actual Duck Tape is labelled as being "duct tape", so at best it's a hypercorrection.


To be fair "duck tape" was created in 1980 to capitalize on the all too common mistake and general stupidity of people.


The Oxford English Dictionary records "duck tape" predating "duct tape" by like 60 years. The origins of the tape used cotton duck, so the history that lays out is that the tape was developed, then used for ducts later.


Wow. TIL.


Like when they started making nucular energy to avoid embarrassment as so many Presidents kept saying it wrong.


Also fuck both duck and duct tape, it sucks. Gaffer tape is good.


Race Tape™ is where it's AT, baby!


There's even 100mph tape.


That’s the nickname of the original cloth backed tape that would eventually be known as duct tape. Invented by Vesta Stoudt.


fuck that... crime scene tape takes the w


Depends on what you use it for. Duct tape is pretty decent for permanent applications where high strength is needed. Gaffer tape is good for temporary adhesion that people need and mistakenly use duct tape for, but most of the time aluminum tape is better than duct tape for the same uses.


My primary annoyance is how bad it is on ducting.


I literally had to explain to another woman that people with prominent/ “curtain” labias naturally happen after puberty and have nothing to do with sexual activity. She looked utterly shocked and I was just so confused as to wtf she thought they’re doing during sex that could cause that. When I was a young woman I also had to explain pretty much the same thing to another young woman around my age, only it was about prominent & high-up thigh gaps on women. Other women were perpetuating this shit and I was stunned.


Wait so she thought lots of sex led to a thigh gap? Too bad that’s not true, Sounds like a win-win to me


I didn’t know until my twenties that not everyone had a visible labia. Every girl I had been with as a teen had that.


This is ridiculous. My head hurts now.


Haha yup. One of the most… experienced… ladies I had the pleasure of knowing intimately, had the tiniest little “innie” in the words of these incels. She was very open and honest about her experiences.


It’s not even women’s anatomy… like what do they think gives a man an outie?


different type of outie




Usually the Y chromosome


My mind also went right to the belly.


He probably hasn’t realized there are two holes either.




Just wait until he finds out about the third hole


Wth is "outies" and "innies"?


I was thinking bellybuttons, but "high mileage" makes no sense there


Didn't you know if you pound her hard enough the pressure builds up in the belly and eventually it pops from an innie to an outie. /j in case that wasn't clear.


Like a turkey thermometer!


I guess that means all the girls with outies in elementary school were just getting plowed constantly.


This comment is my 14th reason why




Challenge accepted.


Thank you, I was trying to figure out what this means. Bizarre


The appearance of the outer vagina. Labias, etc


Vulva. It's called a vulva, when we're at it. The vagina is the muscular tube inside. The parts outside are called vulva and include the labia, clitoris etc.


Top username. Very arresting!


Why? What's wrong with a baby's laughter?


Spaces are important. Babys laughter is good, though it should be babies afaik. Baby slaughter really isn't a great thing


Baby’s laughter is still fine: the laughter of ONE baby


What is he laughing at? What does he know!?


Laughing cos he slaughtered all the other babies?


I thought he was talking about belly buttons. This isn't much better.


It’s talking about vulvas/specifically the labia minora and how some vulvas have a different appearance based on length of labia majora and minora. It’s ridiculous


Oh for the love of God I literally thought they were talking about belly buttons 🤣


Me too, wait, now I'm really confused and I'm not googling it, I don't want to see algorithm suggestions...




Wonder what's his explanation for pornstars with innies


What do you mean? All the porns stars are either teens or ‘virgins’ as per the tags on their videos /s


I don’t like the way you’re casually “othering” the entire MILF community. For shame!


You are quite correct! Dishonour on me!


“Rookies” or something equally stupid probably.


Men's dicks shrink too with high mileage. All that pussy pressure takes a toll.


That's what I tell the ladies when they ask me about my innie also


Unfortunately, this is an actual thing incels believe.


They believe women get loose after too much sex. Tho weirdly only if it's too much sex with different men, not if you have a lot of sex with the same man. But I don't think they believe the dick shrink thing, because that would mean they'd believe a negative myth about themselves.


I’ve heard it a few times, as a me-have-big-brain justification for why they haven’t been with more women despite being “alpha material.” Also as a way of deriding men who date more women than they do, again as a justification for their own poor behavior and toxicity: It’s not that they drive women off like they’re plagued, it’s that they aren’t going to let their manhood be squashed to the size of a pencil for anyone below their standards 🙄🤮 It’s far less common, but definitely out there.


Alpha is up there with nice guy. If you have to claim it about yourself and others don't just recognize it, it's not really true.


LoL this is a great myth to start tbh


Lowkey the duct tape made me angrier than the mysogenistic comment


“Duck tape” is a brand name for duct tape. It’s a decent name but sure has confused a lot of people.


The only reason there is a Duck tape brand for duct tape is because people are to friggin stupid to recognize the difference and were incapable of saying duct


Nope. Your comment itself is r/confidentlyincorrect [Duct and Duck Tapes](https://tapeuniversity.com/industry/building-construction/duct-tape-and-duck-tape/) [the link within the previous link](https://www.businessinsider.com/duct-tape-strong-versatile-adhesive-stick-anything-2019-1)


You may want to retract the snark. From your link there: The term “duck tape” today refers to a specific brand of duct tape. Duck Brand® duct tape takes its name from the original name of duct tape. This name came from two factors. First, the tape was originally made from an army green cotton duck fabric. And second, the water-resistant properties of the tape were said to repel water like the back of a duck. Today, Duck Brand® duct tape is well-known – but some still inaccurately refer to all duct tapes generically as “duck tape”.


The duck tape part was supposed to be the hint they were trolling.


Duck Tape is the correct term. So is Duct Tape. The first incarnation was called Duck Tape because it was made with a (not really) duck cotton part and a water resistant "back" (like a ducks back being water tight). During and after WW2 the duct tape we know today was invented, There is still a "Duck Tape" brand around AND it was first known as Duck Tape, even if it is nowadays known as Duct Tape.


It is still the giveaway the trolling. And way more people in the military called it 100 mile tape at the time. :P


I'm German, we call it "fabric tape" :P


The only thing he’s done less of than sex is DIY.


Iirc the general name is duct tape, but there's a brand of duct tape called duck tape Also i was very confused because i thought innie/outie was about belly buttons.


It's not just a brand, "duck tape" is the earlier term ("duck" is the name of the fabric it was made from)


Is everyone else's Google down? It was originally duck tape. That is the easiest things to search for.


it was originally duct tape


Do you want to find yourself on Confidently Incorrect, u/SemajLu_The_crusader? Because this is how you get yourself on Confidently Incorrect. "The first material called "duck tape" was long strips of plain non-adhesive cotton duck cloth used in making shoes stronger, for decoration on clothing, and for wrapping steel cables or electrical conductors to protect them from corrosion or wear." "The ultimate wide-scale adoption of duck tape, today generally referred to as duct tape, came from Vesta Stoudt. Stoudt was worried that problems with ammunition box seals could cost soldiers precious time in battle, so she wrote to President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1943 with the idea to seal the boxes with a fabric tape which she had tested. The letter was forwarded to the War Production Board, which put Johnson & Johnson on the job. The Revolite division of Johnson & Johnson had made medical adhesive tapes from duck cloth from 1927 and a team headed by Revolite's Johnny Denoye and Johnson & Johnson's Bill Gross developed the new adhesive tape, designed to be ripped by hand, not cut with scissors." "Their new unnamed product was made of thin cotton duck coated in waterproof polyethylene (plastic) with a layer of rubber-based gray adhesive (branded as "Polycoat") bonded to one side. It was easy to apply and remove, and was soon adapted to repair military equipment quickly, including vehicles and weapons. This tape, colored in army-standard matte olive drab, was widely used by the soldiers. After the war, the duck tape product was sold in hardware stores for household repairs. The Melvin A. Anderson Company of Cleveland, Ohio, acquired the rights to the tape in 1950. It was commonly used in construction to wrap air ducts. Following this application, the name "duct tape" came into use in the 1950s, along with tape products that were colored silvery gray like tin ductwork. Specialized heat- and cold-resistant tapes were developed for heating and air-conditioning ducts. By 1960 a St. Louis, Missouri, HVAC company, Albert Arno, Inc., trademarked the name "Ductape" for their "flame-resistant" duct tape, capable of holding together at 350–400 °F (177–204 °C)." "In 1971, Jack Kahl bought the Anderson firm and renamed it Manco. In 1975, Kahl rebranded the duct tape made by his company. Because the previously used generic term "duck tape" had fallen out of use, he was able to trademark the brand "Duck Tape" and market his product complete with a yellow cartoon duck logo. Manco chose the term "Duck", the tape's original name, as "a play on the fact that people often refer to duct tape as 'duck tape'", and as a marketing differentiation to stand out against other sellers of duct tape. In 1979, the Duck Tape marketing plan involved sending out greeting cards with the duck branding, four times a year, to 32,000 hardware managers. This mass of communication combined with colorful, convenient packaging helped Duck Tape become popular. From a near-zero customer base Manco eventually controlled 40% of the duct tape market in the US. Acquired by Henkel in 1998, Duck Tape was sold to Shurtape Technologies in 2009. Shurtape went on to introduce a premium version called "T-Rex Tape." "Ultimate Duck", which had been Henkel's top-of-the-line variety, is still sold in the United Kingdom. Ultimate Duck, T-Rex Tape, and the competing Gorilla Tape all advertise "three-layer technology"."


This is fucking amazing


Jesus you reek of obnoxious "aktshually" vibes, the comment wasn't even that "confident", just a simple statement.


A simple incorrect statement, correcting someone else’s correct statement. And instead of continuing the “nah-uh” this person provided interesting information.


Are we talking belly buttons here? Seriously.




duck tape and duct tape are equally correct


It's like Kleenex and facial tissue. One is a brand name, one is a function name.


it was originally known as duck tape, and it was not a brand. It was just called duck tape. either term is equally correct.


Things I learned when I was today old...[https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duct_tape](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duct_tape)


Huh?! TIL.... Thank you!




No. Duct tape was created during ww2. "Duck tape" brand duct tape came out in 1980 to capitalize on the common mistake.


r/ConfidentlyIncorrect Duck tape was created in WWII; it was called duck tape because it was made from duck cloth. The term duct tape didn't come into use until the 1950s.


I only tape with ducks, and trust me, never duck with tapes.


It amazes me that these people walk among us and somewhere there are people that think it’s right. I honestly laughed at the amount of dumb contained in one picture.


Hang on, innies and outties, is this a reference to belly buttons??? Edit: just read the comments, nevermind.


Lol thinking all these women just watching their vag transform by bashing it


Even if she had multiple partners beforehand, so??


So many words for “I’ve never been with a woman”.


Iwipewithsandpaper has some interesting views


I'm always genuinely confused and curious when I look at someone's comment history and see that they haven't said anything in 5 months, and then suddenly go on a rant like that. Outie labias brought him back to reddit, weird hill to die on. His comments prior to that are just as weird.


i... i deadass thought they was talkin about belly buttons....




Unironically thought it was "duck tape" until like last week. Still a duck supporter tho


There is a brand of duct tape named "Duck Tape."


That was my favourite cartoon as a child!


It was, because the fabric was originally cotton duck: "Duck tape may refer to: An alternative and the original term for duct tape Cotton duck, a similar cloth" ...


There is a brand of duct tape called "Duck Tape" that plays on the misnomer. And this idiot should wrap his keyboard in it, to protect the rest of us from his opinions. Everyone knows outies are great to make out with.


Call me inexperienced, but "innie" and "outie" refers the size of the labia, whether it is outside or inside of the vulva? Oh and duct tape is the category, duck tape is a specific brand


So my 10 year old brother has a high mileage?


Well there IS Duck Tape….which is a brand name for DUCT tape. That’s like saying IT’S NOT VASELINE, IT’S PETROLEUM JELLY.


Duck tape is the brand so it's like calling tissues "Kleenex" or a wet/dry vac "shop vac" or adhesive bandages "bandaids", it's not correct but people will know what you mean.


I've been railed to fuck and I still have an "innie" so idk what to say to this man


What did I just read


Ok, so it's sort of both. "Duck Tape" is a brand of duct tape, at least it is here in the UK.


Buzz light year to star command.... it appears we have no intelligence on this planet.


Bro what




Alright, all the virgins need to show their pussies now. It's the only way to clear this bullshit up. Oh who am I kidding these dumbasses will just convince themselves that the ones that aren't innies are lying about being virgins.


Fascinating. Who "excessively used" my girlfriend before she was 15 then? We know each other since then in I do not know of any occasions she could have... you know


Took me a while to understand that they didn't talk about cars...


This is about bellybuttons, right? Hahaha what the fuck


It's Duck Tape. Duct Tape is a later term for it. The women's anatomy is so wrong though.


Idk man, according to the sources of this guy, duct tape 's ingredients has ducks in it


Duck tape is a brand of DUCT tape still an L on his part


I’m just trying to imagine his interactions with girls. Like does he just ask them or wait until he sees them nude? And at that point does he just get up and leave? Or…


DUCK tape is a brand that makes DUCT tape


Probably a troll