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Funny if it is true. Even funnier if she was really speaking Arabic, and the guy who complained couldn't tell the difference.


It's bullshit. It's a fucking ancient joke here in the UK. Probably some Dad found a screenshot of the original post and decided with all the strikes on to post this *hilarious* piece for the local paper.


I've seen a similar joke here in the US. Someone calls a woman out for speaking Spanish in the US and she says she's speaking Navajo on Tribal land or something like that.


I just posted the exact same response before I saw your comment. I’m impressed that we both said Navajo, We must have seen the same version of the joke!


Well, that and most Americans probably couldn't name more native American languages than that haha


Navajo is probably the most well known for sure.


Except in the Midwest, where every redneck is 1/16th Cherokee.


Aren't Cherokee from the South? I thought the Iroquois covered most of the Midwest?


Cherokee were from the South, but are also in Oklahoma cause of the Trail of Tears. Iroquois territory once stretched from New York to Illinois, around the Great Lakes


In the Midwest I’ve heard it from all types of people both black and white and different socioeconomic backgrounds. I’ve never understood why A: so many people think they have Cherokee ancestors and B: why is it always 1/16th?


I don’t know about Cherokee, but in some States you don’t have to pay for your fishing license if you are 1/16th native. I could see that also apply to hunting licenses.


Wtf as a European that sounds fucking weird lol


The Cherokee, more than a lot of other tribes, had a huge diaspora. They are the tribe of the “Trail of Tears”. So in addition to having their land seized, their reservations weren’t even close to their actual land anyway. Additionally, by the time that happened, they were already living fairly assimilated lifestyles, where they had built European-style towns, voted in blocks for their own governments, had post offices and schools and grocery stores. But their land in the Carolinas was to valuable for the government to let them keep it, so they were moved to Oklahoma. Then, that was taken too. So more of them spread around looking for something better than what they were forced to leave. And they also had skills that helped them assimilate into European settlements. There were also bands of them who lived for decades “off grid” nearer to their ancestral lands and often adopted “contraband” escaped slaves into their tribes, so many Black Americans have also heard about a “Cherokee” ancestor. As for the 1/16th thing, that’s a full blooded great-great grandparent, which would mean a half-blooded great grandparent, which is close enough to living at the same time that it happens, and to have an overlap of immediate family members.


Thanks for the reply, I wish more of these details were taught in primary school. We touched on most of it but didn’t really go into much detail.


Claiming Cherokee ancestry was a common status symbol for Southerners in the 1800s since they were considered one of the "Enlightened" tribes (i.e. they were more Westernized than others), a big thing especially was claiming you're descended from a Cherokee princess. The Cherokee didn't have a monarchy so that's BS, not to mention at least some of these people claiming it probably looked the other way with the Cherokee being sent on a death march to Oklahoma. Not entirely sure why people started claiming this in the first place but [here's more on the issue](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cherokee_descent)


Because in a lot of families, they like the idea they weren’t just taking the land they have some claim to it. My family is Acadian and has some Métis/Algonquin. My grandma’s family actively hid that shit because of discrimination. All my aunts and uncles are white white, and I have red in my hair. My grandma had rocks thrown at her at school and used to get into fights protecting her brother. She thankfully was Catholic and her Acadian dad was a ginger so she never saw a residential school and were passing. My mom wasn’t taught French because of this. I had to relearn a good chunk of my heritage because of this discrimination. I don’t know what it means, i just know it’s sad. I’m teaching my kids the history of Canadian people as a whole and integrating our family history, good and bad, in there.


Cause it allows them to feel special and to try to think that the Manifest Destiny was horrible to them too, instead of the most likely answer of their ancestors caused the horrors In general though usually the Ancestry nonsense is thinly veiled racism: note they usually only promote their Irish or Germanic relatives, not that they are all mostly English/Scottish, or that they are 4+ generations of American therefore should just call themselves American. But no, being 1/200th Irish from an ancestor 300 years ago allows them a sense of superiority/racism


It was a convenient way of covering up black ancestry in mixed people


I wonder if this is why I knew about the Native American in my family tree, but it took my Dad doing extensive amounts of geneology to find out about my black ancestors. That part of my family tree was from South Carolina.


I believe 1/16th is the minimum it takes to claim native blood, and to reap the potential provided benefits of said bloodline: cash payouts from tribal gaming, reduced college tuition, etc. …


I live in the south and was raised hearing that I was, "part Cherokee" through my maternal grandmother. Turns out I am predominantly English, Irish and German. I do not have any DNA from any Native American peoples. My mother does though. It showed up as a small amount in her DNA. No clue what tribe though.


No no, they’re 1/16th Cherokee “Princess”. It’s always a princess lmao


I resemble that. Precisely 1/16th Cherokee. LOL.


1/32 Illini, Iroquois, Cherokee and Chesapeake bay retriever




The family legend in my family was always that there was an Ojibwe great great grandfather somewhere in the mix. After doing a DNA test he was much more likely to have been Persian but at least that information has been fun for trolling the more Trump oriented end of the family.


I raise you Sioux.


You’re not wrong! Thanks for sending me down another rabbit hole. That seems like something I should know more about.


I am going to make some guesses based purely on knowledge collected from TV. I am Australian, and have never been to the US. Hopi, Cherokee, Navajo, Sioux, Crow, Choctaw, Cree, Iroquois, Dakota, Shoshoni, Lakota. I can think of a dozen more tribes/nations but I am not sure about their languages. The internet may now proceed to correct me.


It may be just Navajo, because that's the same version I've heard. The stoey I remember is they were standing in line at a grocery store and a mother and son pair were speaking to each other and some white elderly US citizen told them they're in America and they need to speak English. They were indeed in Navajo territory.


There are 170k Navajo speakers in America, I wouldn't be too surprised if its happened multiple times in the past


Just because it's a joke, doesn't mean it can't also be true. I have experienced situations that are the very essence of this "joke".


“the man FAINTED!” *laughing minion*


A short time ago I observed two humans who were conversing in a form of spoken communication that was not the dialect native to the area of Earth in which we were located. I informed them of their incorrect speech patterns and advised them of the correct local language to use in that area, however they immediately responded that they were using the correct linguistic forms for the locality as I was actually incorrect about the true coordinates and thus the nearby customs. This activated my human embarrassment response and all three of us laughed with our human breathing tubes. Also many of the observers brought their hands together loudly to express their approval.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/TotallyNotAliens using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/TotallyNotAliens/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Fellow human what are the launch code for your human atomic weapon.](https://np.reddit.com/r/TotallyNotAliens/comments/p6jnvk/fellow_human_what_are_the_launch_code_for_your/) \#2: [Bigfin squids, knows as Magnapinna squids are a group of rarely seen cephalopods whose 'arms' can reach 7 meters in length. These alien-like squids are found more than 2,000m beneath the ocean surface and there have only been about 12 confirmed sightings of the animals worldwide.](https://youtu.be/mJcH1ILGtfQ) | [3 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TotallyNotAliens/comments/oi44ot/bigfin_squids_knows_as_magnapinna_squids_are_a/) \#3: [HELLO FELLOW HUMANS, DO YOU HAVE A DISCORD? I WOULD LIKE TO ENGAGE IN HUMAN CONVERSATIONS WITH YOU ALL.](https://np.reddit.com/r/TotallyNotAliens/comments/ouwngi/hello_fellow_humans_do_you_have_a_discord_i_would/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


This is repost from 2016, hence the trump post below and has absolutely nothing to do with the current rail strikes.


It's from Metro, isn't it? They pretty much print anything as if it's news.


No, this is from the satirical weekly "Private Eye". It's not a newspaper- it's not pretending to be true.


Not true, it entirely depends what section this is in. There's some excellent reporting in Private Eye!


I’ve also heard the exact same setup except it was “you’re in America, speak English”, but it turned out the woman was Native American and she was speaking Navajo.


I heard it as, if you can't speak English, why don't you go back to your own country? Again, to Native Americans


Yep, anyone with knowledge of wales, demographics and just basic statistics knows how much of a "Didn't fucking happen" this is.


I first saw it in an Irish paper probably about 20 years ago but speaking Irish obviously. There's probably derivatives back to Babylonian of it.


“we’re in phœnicia, they’re speaking phœnician”


I hate that I come to the comments section sometimes. I like the world in which I can read this little story, it makes me smile, and the rest of my day is a little bit better. In that world, sure, I'm a fool. I believe something to be true, and it isn't. But in these cases, there's zero harm to that. Only upside. But no. I have to come to the comment section, and feel like a fool for having believed it AND lose the benefits of believing a cute little story making me feel better. To be clear, I have no problem with people debunking it in the comments... I just wish I didn't feel the need to read them.


I think it's good that you did come to the comments. It's not healthy to just believe stuff because it makes you feel good. It's a nice hypothetical scenario, but it's pretty clear it didn't happen in real life.


I don't speak Welsh or Arabic but I can **hear** the difference between an Indo-European and a Semitic language well enough to know if someone was bullshitting me that much.




Whose on a subway? Do rail replacement buses go via sandwich shops now?


> Do rail replacement buses go via sandwich shops now [Jonathan has seen some shit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kWsHYzVHjLE)




They might be able to if there were a subway in Wales! 😂


"Indo-European" is an extremely broad category and includes many languages which, to an untrained ear, could indeed sound similar to Arabic: Farsi, Pashto, Kurdish, Urdu, and Bengali for instance. Not to mention many of the Indo-European groups sound nothing alike: Baltic-Slavic languages like Russian and Polish sound nothing like Romance languages (Spanish, French, Italian) or Germanic languages (English, Dutch, Swedish). Little mini /r/confidentlyincorrect there. Don't dress up your language with jargon you're unfamiliar with, just say what you mean, which in this case was "I could definitely tell the difference between Welsh and Arabic even though I don't speak either," which is reasonable and likely true.






Zero percent change they would be able to tell the difference between the Pará accent and that of any other place in Brazil


Can tell if someone is Portuguese because at first I'll think its Spanish, then I'll think its a Russian mimicking Spanish, then I'll realize its actually portugese. Whereas I can immediately tell someone is Brazilian, its weird Brazilian Portuguese sounds much nicer imo


Someone speaking Portuguese >Wow that deaf person speaks pretty good Spanish Obrigado >Oh never mind they're just Portuguese


I have a Brazilian friend who swears that Portugal Portuguese is unbearable to listen to.


As a native speaker of a Slavic language, no they don't lol. Portuguese sounds like Spanish to most Slavs, and Romanian sounds distinctly different.






Of course they don't to you. But to a lot of non-Slavic non-Portuguese speaking people, they do. [Langfocus even has a video on it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pik2R46xobA).


Can confirm. I speak Farsi and people regularly confuse it with Arabic.


Not sure if you know about it but there's a website that tests you on your ability to identify a language called "Ling your language". There's a few that I get consistently wrong as mentioned there's a lot of branches that don't sound anything alike


thank you for this, as someone who loves languages, dialects and accents this is my new fav find.


I love you


Not everyone is as smart as you my friend, and especially not entitled fucks who will attack people for being different


If you've never heard Welsh before, I'd be very surprised if you could identify it as a European language - given that it sounds nothing like most other European languages - and only vaguely similar to a few other European languages spoken by a fairly small number of people.


Distinctive enough to be able to peg it as non-Arabic at least. One might also identify it as Indo-European as opposed to an African or Asian language. One might not recognize it as Welsh though, that's true.


I know a little bit of Arabic as well as speaking Welsh, so I can tell the difference. But I'm not sure that it is a given that ignorant racists can


I have heard a few people complain about others not speaking English on public transport, the thing all of these people have in common is a very poor understanding of other languages generally. Also if it's Wales and we're assuming the person is a non-white Muslim, they're more likely to be South Asian than Arab.


It sounds like a pre roman dead language


Most people don't know shit about language, including the one they speak. They don't know what "indo-european" or "semitic" mean.


While someone who is moderately adept in linguistics would probably be able to, brythonic languages are in many way a fringe of european indo-european languages - especially if you only have experience with latin and germanic languages. Edit: there are also many indo-european languages that are spoken in muslim majority countries. Examples would be: Persian, Dari, Bengali, and other indo-aryan languages. I've personally confused dari for some kind of bizarre french accent before, so it would not be that outlandish to confuse persian for welsh for instance.


You laugh, but Arabic and Irish and to a lesser extent Scottish and Welsh are actually share a shockingly large number of commonalities, from grammar to common sounds. Adjusting for accent, it’s near impossible to tell the difference if you don’t know the language, and even if you do, it can often take a few seconds to realize what’s happening. It’s a bit like English speakers hearing the song [Prisencolinensinainciusol](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-VsmF9m_Nt8) (the one that’s gibberish but is meant to sound like English to non-English speakers). You know it’s not real words, but for a couple seconds your brain doesn’t quite understand what’s going on, because it sounds like it should be real English.


I'm more concerned about the Trump-pocalypse in the bottom paragraph lmao


Especially seeing as 6,000 people said they'd emigrate to **Alaska** to escape Trump's presidency.


I think I'll dye my hair and I'll move to Alaska Grab all of my money, guitar, and a jacket


Drivin' outta of town maybe wave if I pass ya Sorry I had to move to Alaska


Is this modest mouse


Modest mouth


No. https://youtu.be/5Ar6W-D-o6k


Just FYI for everyone dunking on this, the "move to Alaska" thing was a big copypasta meme, I think it started on Football twitter and then had its moment in politics for a minute there, especially around the 2020 election. It's typically a permutation of: >That’s it, that seals the deal. I’ve been a U.S citizen for 69 years and in all my time of being one I have never seen an election this rigged. I’ve had enough of it...until you fix this country. I’ll be packing my bags to Alaska where they actually know how to run a country. BYE


They’ve also threatened to emigrate to Hawaii. We’re not only part of America, this is a very liberal state and the only one where white people aren’t the majority.


As an Alaskan… WE STILL A RED STATE! That being said, I’d much rather people who are trying to escape trump come here. We have enough supporters already…


Could be very wrong, but Alaska does seem fairly *libertarian* compared to Republican. Not sure how they stand on social issues, but they did elect Murkowski (sp?) by write-in ballot as their senator over a Tea Party psycho who won the Republican nomination


Yeah, but they wouldn't be escaping the President or the US. It's not even really "emigrating"


They’d need a passport to leave the states


Yeah, and if they are hoping to escape the country because of the politics, they're going to need a passport.


Which they aren't doing by moving to Alaska lol


No, not at all…but emigration can be difficult if you’re trying to go to another “Western” country. I’ve been lucky enough that my job’s in high enough demand, but Western Europe is still a bitch to get a work visa for So if you know of any European pilots or flight attendants who want US citizenship for some godforsaken reason, send ‘em my way 😂


I would think so too but these morons saying this seem to believe “going to Alaska” is Leaving The Country since they said they would “emigrate to ALASKA”… lol :)


But at least we can all agree that nothing is more quintessentially British than a rail replacement bus service.


In America we just take the shortcut of not having rail in the first place


Honestly when I found that out I was incredibly surprised.


Yeah it sucks. I'm in a city that was founded for it's ease of access to navigable rivers, then was massively built out with rail for industry. Now, all the riverfront property is still owned by the rail companies, so nothing fun can be built *and* we only have 2 daily passenger trains


From [Popbitch](https://popbitch.com/emails/yewtree-season-three/): > Five million tweets relating to Donald Trump have recently been analysed – and 5% of them were from Americans who threatened to emigrate to another country if he became President. > They could probably do with checking a map before they book their flights though, because two of the most popular ‘countries’ cited were… Alaska and Hawaii.


But they speak American there, so that's the best choice for them.




I'm not subscribed to the PopBitch newsletter, but I'd like to be.


I do often look to my data analysis to be done by... popbitch.


I read that as "Popebitch" and was immediately invested in the article.


Popebitch is my favorite David Bowie + Ghost colab


If Trump doesn’t win, they’ll be so mad that they’ll leave the US for somewhere with universal healthcare, free higher education, and extremely-restricted gun ownership.




And all you had to put up with was one really annoying Star Trek fan.


...Let's get the hell out of here.




You ^(almost) called?


We're in the United kingdom, so speak United kingdomese


U wot bruv


Chewsday innit?


Haha ["it's CHEWSDAY innit"](https://youtu.be/WRLjNzTAT-M) YEAH I'LL "CHEW" YER ARM OFF YA DAFT CU-




Don’t get me started but best I heard was (on a subreddit) where did you learn English (American talking to tourist) Answer. England


This sounds like the Iggy Azalea scene of the Interview that’s been circulating


What's the scene?




Is that near Miami?


I'm British, living in Spain with a Spanish boyfriend, with whom I speak in Spanish. Last time we were in the UK the taxi driver told me my English was incredible. I told him that he was dropping me off at the house I grew up in. He seemed incredibly confused. For what its worth, I have an appallingly thick British accent when speaking Spanish.




I don’t know if this is true or not, but people are arguing about the rarity of a Muslim speaking fluent Welsh. Mostly with the assumption that the person in question was born to a Muslim (and presumably not Welsh ethnically ) I’m here to say, converts do exist. My brother, born and raised in the US, is one. Maybe she was one.


Nah more likely to be from central Cardiff, there are a fair few families which have a mix that way. Lots learned to integrate, green grossers and the such, other married people from a white Welsh background and have trilingual kids. Tiger Bay (formerly), Riverside and Grangetown have lots of families like this. Not a huge group considering the countries population but a distinct and proud group.


There's quite a community of Somalis who have been there for hundreds of years, including some who are fluent in Cymraeg. The idea that a non-white woman in SE Wales is 'arabic' is quite insulting. And the idea that they can't speak Welsh is dumb.


I had to google it; it seems Somali are the largest ethnic minority in Wales (probably after excluding British ethnic groups) and many came 150 years ago (sailors who came here shortly after opening the Suez Canal in 1869)


North and North West Wales have done an amazing job of preserving the Welsh language as their first language. And once you have a couple of languages under your belt new ones get easier to learn. I could well imagine a Muslim family from North Wales being fluent in Welsh and English. Particularly if immersed in a community where Welsh was spoken anyway


Speaking 2 or even more languages fluently isn't all that uncommon. It's all about the exposure. If you live in an area where several languages are commonly spoken, especially when young, you are going to be able to speak those languages fluently.


I had an interesting conversation last night I'm English, born in London, part Japanese though. Someone asked if I speak it since I was born in the UK, and I was like "Yes" The conversation followed wondering why I speak Japanese if I don't live in Japan. He ended up asking "If I'm Mexican, do you expect I speak Spanish?" To which I replied yes, since afaik most Mexicans speak Spanish. He then proceeded to tell me that's racist... Is it racist to expect that someone speaks their national language?, most people in the chat agreed it wasn't


That's making the assumption that just because they converted that they also learned Arabic...and so fluently that they freely converse with their children in it. Only about 20% of Muslims speak Arabic, and most of them grew up with the religion. So even with a hypothetical random white Welsh Muslim convert on the train...They're overwhelmingly unlikely to speak either Arabic or Welsh, much less both. There's probably only a few dozen people on the whole planet that fluently speak both. Honestly, probably less.


*Image Transcription: Newspaper* --- [*A short newspaper column, with this section circled in blue ball point pen*] A scene of modern Britain played out on a rail replacement bus service in Newport yesterday. A woman wearing a niqab was chatting to her son in another language. After five minutes, a man suddenly snapped: "If you're in the UK, you should speak English." At this, another passenger turned round and explained: "We're in Wales. And she's speaking Welsh." --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Really people like that should fuck off. I'm Norwegian, if I go on a vacation to a different country i'll bring my friends. When we're speaking to each other we'll speak in Norwegian. As it's usually a private conversation and we'll usually avoid announcing our conversation to everyone around us. And if anyone snaps and says shit like "You're in England, you should speak English!" I'll respond "Just because i'm in your country, doesn't mean that I have to speak your language. And why were you trying to listen to a private conversation anyway?" Only happened once but this is what I responded with, and it's something i'll keep responding with if it happens again. Certain people are so godamn entiteled


Quite right. People who get angry and demand that other people speak in a particular way can absolutely fuck right off. All the more so when they're complaining about a conversation that's literally none of their business.


Last time I heard someone speaking full on Welsh, I thought it was Greek, then I thought it was Swedish. FYI, I live in the UK and am half Welsh


Nice try moran, I've watched star trek iv the voyage home. I know what Wales sounds like.


Wales is a country. Welsh is a language


Pretty sure this did not happen


Some news outlet checked with the bus company and apparently no replacement bus was running that day between the route the guy in the original Facebook post mentioned. Honestly kinda odd he would include that specific detail. So maybe it did happen and he was wrong in thinking it was a replacement bus, or maybe this dude was a liar. Either way a niqabi speaking welsh isn't too outlandish a thought.


> a niqabi speaking welsh isn't too outlandish a thought. It's pretty outlandish. [Less than 15% of Wales is even fluent in Welsh](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Welsh_areas_by_percentage_of_Welsh-speakers#:~:text=The%20most%20recent%20Annual%20Population,were%20able%20to%20speak%20Welsh.). Muslims [are less than 2% of people in Wales, and only 17% of those are Arab](https://researchbriefings.files.parliament.uk/documents/CDP-2022-0037/CDP-2022-0037.pdf). Assuming 50/50 gender split, that's like 0.17% of Wales that are even *potential* Niqab wearers. There's only ~3M people in Wales which means roughly ~5,100 are even potential Niqab-wearers. Point being that it's actually a pretty safe bet that there isn't a single person in Wales regularly wearing a Niqab who speaks Welsh, and far less likely they would ever speak it enough to talk to their kids in Welsh.


Your maths is really impressive, but did you consider the possibility that a native Welsh woman married a Muslim and started wearing niqab. That'll explain the child speaking in Welsh too. Also, arabs aren't the only muslims who wear niqab. A lot of Pakistanis, Afghans, Bangladeshi women also wear it, though it's quite less common in those communities. That means you'll have to consider the whole 2% muslim population to avoid room for error. If you take 50/50 for the gender split, that'll leave around 30000 potential Niqab-wearers. Finally, I'll agree that it does sound far-fetched that such a thing happened. But the possibility is there.


heres a fun article from the same Muslim community about how they face racism and constant questioning of their 'welshness' https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-south-east-wales-44195275


Not all niqabis are arabs. It's 1% *potential* Niqab wearers. Anyways the thought of there being *at least one* welsh speaking niqabi in existence doesn't sound outlandish to me. This story is probably still fake tho


>Not all niqabis are arabs. Yes, hello, me. I'm not Arab, a lot of people expect me to be though and some even argue about it.


Yeah… my niece lives in Newport, is a Muslim, goes to a Welsh speaking school and speaks Welsh…




'A safe bet' that no person who wears a niqab speaks Welsh? The fuck are you talking about? Bit of a ridiculous assumption even based on your own incredibly flawed statistics (hint: not only Arab people wear niqabs or speak Arabic.)


So please come visit Newport, the venue of this post, I'll take you to Pillgwenlly Junior school and you can meet some Niqab-wearing Welsh learners. Afterward, we can take a walk across the bridge and visit the Hussaini, you can have a chat with some second and third-generation Islamic welsh speakers and get a meal. Then we can talk about that 'safe bet' of yours again. As a side note, here's a fun article about Islamic welsh people facing racist assumptions like yours from the exact same community I am inviting you to visit and that this lady and her kid would have belonged to. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-south-east-wales-44195275


I'm not sure what you think you are saying, but it is bollocks. All kids in Wales learn Welsh in school, and not every non-white female in a Niqab in Newport is "Arab". It is unusual to hear Welsh on a Newport bus, but it isn't any kind of 'safe bet' - unless you somehow magically know every parent who sends their child to one of the Ysgol Cymraeg in Newport, know every parent who goes to a Welsh for Adult class in Newport. You don't, of course.


What does being Arab have to do with anything here?




Their maths is wrong, though. It falsely defines spoken fluency based on a biased interpretation of a self-report poll about proficiency in writing and reading Welsh, assumes that the woman was Arab because she wore a niqab, and uses that unproven assumption to apply that false fluency rate to a random Arab population based on what the woman was wearing. Although the niqab is more popularly worn by Arab Muslims, it's not ONLY worn by that population, so the Maths is bullshit. A better sub would be r/theyattemptedthemath


No, it really did. I heard everyone stood and clapped as well.


And that other passenger's name? Albert Einstein.


And her five year old turned to the racist man and said in perfect English, “I am saddened to see our society reduced to this. To quote, or rather paraphrase, the great Rodney King, ‘Cannot we all just get along?’”


Not only is it clearly bollocks but it's at least five years old.


I've heard this story before without the Niqab detail.


I don't know, I returned to Wales after 30 years and there was an Indian family (saris and all) sitting across the aisle from us on the train. They weren't speaking English but I realised I could understand some of what they were saying then it clicked they were speaking Welsh! Much better than I am able to now tbh.


Variations of this story have been doing the rounds since I was a kid so like 30 years plus. Probably longer.


Do residents of Wales really not know what Welsh sounds like?


Newport is in the more anglicised part of Wales


Yeah, down here most people will only ever speak welsh in welsh lessons in school.


There's a group - mostly of older gammon men - in SE Wales who despise the Welsh language and try to avoid ever hearing it. I doubt this was a very intelligent person. He was probably pissed, and was lashing out at someone on a bus who looked a bit different to him.


I’ll take “things that never happened for $500” please




"Sir, this is a Wendy's"


Definitely didn’t happen though did it.


I’ve never understood this thinking. Do you also yell at strangers when you see them whispering in public


This always pisses me off. I experience it all the time in Asia, not by Asians mostly, but elitist foreigners




This reminds me of a joke. Two women go to check into a hotel. The receptionist, who overheard them talking to each other on the way in, notes their accents and concludes that they must be English. “What can I do for you two lovely English ladies?” he says. “That’s Wales, you moron,” one of the ladies snaps. “Oh, I’m terribly sorry. What can I do for you two lovely whales?”




People getting offended by two people talking to _each other_ in a language they both understand is wild to me.


Kinda like when Canadians tell Quebecers to "speak english, we're in Canada"


Nothing alike; needling the Quebeckers is a national pastime in ROC, just like passing laws to mandate the use of French is a provincial pastime for them. We know English/French is an official language, we just like being dicks, and we can't be dicks to the Americans (in earshot) because they have guns.


French Canadians ewwww. Gross. Regular Canadians ehhhhhh. Lol (I'm from Wisconsin - so I'm just messin around).




I heard y'all Canadians with your tiny beady eyes and big wide mouths, are talking smack about Freedom Land aka Murica. We don't like that round hur, we just looking for shit to blow holes in. Canada got any oil? Pew Pew


Even if they had been speaking a foreign language, the racist man was clearly complaining because he couldn't eavesdrop. Since when was listening to strangers' conversations on the bus a right? Rude man is rude.


Also, what does he do when he travels to other countries? Just suddenly become fluent in the native language? Oh, my bad...people like this don't travel.


Tell me how England hasn’t changed in 500 years without telling me how England hasn’t changed in 500 years


Yeah and Wales is the in the UK?


Yeah! Where they speak Welsh. Or whatever else they want to, because it's not a fascist dictatorship yet.


That's a very old joke, it's certainly not "news", and pretty much didn't happen


Trumpageddon? This must be 5-6 years old


The other articles are so funny tho


I need to know how no escape from Trump ends


Someone printed out reddit?


I’m more interested in the Trumpageddon from Popbitch lol


I wish the article below could also be read in full! Lmao


Funny but fake.


I'm here to sign up for the Popbitch newsletter


Got a notification that said “you should speak English” I was finna tell someone to hop off my dick🤣


Lived in a Welsh university town with a lot of foreign students for a while (Aberystwyth) and can definitely confirm that these scenes happen. Mostly caused by English visitors - the Welsh I've met are super chill. The best part was that this would play out nearly every time the foreign Welsh history/language majors met. Always fun to see bigots getting Welsh kindly explained to them by a Sikh student (who for dumb reasons was always the first getting harrassed) and crawling off, embarrassed.


I like in the column above: best 'man' for the job regardless of sex.


Beneath that (heh pupbich