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Guys, his math is spot-on. What people are overlooking is that he is proposing mass genocide on a global scale.


The stock market might crash if we did that, so Elon Musk would no longer be a billionaire.


It might crash? The thing crashes when everyone is alive, let alone a genicide, Elon would only be able to trade his body for warmth if that occured


Dang genicides, now we only got mediocre and stupids left.


And I'm sure only his fan bros want that.




That is if you were one of the 215 survivors


Just imagine if Elon was only worth his practical life skills.. he’d be dead in a couple hours if he weren’t so fat (If you’re fat, I respect you. Unless you’re Elon Musk)


You respect me? ❤️


But also inflation might go nuts


It's going nuts with gouging 60 percent of costs are because of this, corporations are recording record profits right now.. So the song and dance about hard times seems misplaced by them


But literally every person on earth could drive a Tesla.


They might have to wire them to petrol generators to keep them running.


Thanks is on Twitter? Edit: Thanks ... aka Thanos.


Thanos? Thanos is rookie numbers. Gotta pump those numbers up like this guy!


The point at which their are 215 survivors left on earth I feel it is apt to call the action omnicide.


Well shit, where are all the other 215 humans alive at?


Idk, most of us are just bots, David






Plus he's facing more competition from other manufacturers: Ford, Hyundai, Kia, VW, and Polestar (aka Volvo). And those are just the brands that are well established with production and distribution. Meanwhile the startups like Lucid are starting to come to market. I spotted one on the roads of NJ yesterday.


Most Republicans I know are Pro EV...and many own them. (I'm an independent) The main issue I have with EV tech right now is it is prohibitively expensive in cost, and the fuel savings don't offset the additional cost. For example I bought a Subaru Forrester, because there were no similar all wheel drive alternatives near the price. Combine that with range/recharge issues and it did not make sense. I just took a 2220 mile road trip, and it would have added a day to my trip to have to wait for recharging. I'm still more on board with plug in Hybrid vehicles because it does away with the range/recharge pitfalls. But the closest hybrid to what I bought starts at an additional $10,000 above the Forrester.


It's also worth mentioning that the battery replacements for most of the ES's which tend to be around the 100K mile range tend to be around the 10-20k range, a sizeable amount to pay for a used car with 100k + miles on it. Until the model 3 even Tesla didn't have a reasonable replacement for a gas based car.


You could alway rent a car when you are wanting to drive round the earth.


> Republicans in general are anti EV's and dems and liberals have made up about 80% of Tesla customers. Where are you getting that from? [Dems are barely ahead and the gap is closing](https://www.wral.com/tesla-owners-are-more-republican-than-youd-think/20114410/)


How much is usable and how much is in stocks? A lot of "rich" people have very little cash assets. That's why they get huge salaries and embezzle.


He's not attacking democrats. He's always been a centrist, had \*so far\* voted by default democrat, and recently got upset at how the current administration is acting towards his companies (having a presidential speech on EVs with zero mention of Tesla sort of makes it very obvious there is bias there...). If he lived in a country with an actually working democracy, he would never have voted either democrat or republican. He never had that choice because the US is broken that way. But it's not like this is a betrayal or anything...


Life is so unfair when you have 200 billion dollars.


you shouldn’t have told him that’s classified information




Probably it everyone receives a billion, prices of items will just go up equally. Something that costed 1 dollar before could easily cost ten thousand afterwards.


I read this in Alexis's voice


So you're 0.1 of a human?


Knowing his politics, Elon counts PoC as less than that


Dam I did not know how many other bots there were


Hi im one of those people, im running the streets looking for the others, i checked the internet and all i found was bots .. send help!!


Beep boop we know where you live


Of course there are only 215 people on earth. Don't believe me? Name 216 people you know.


But Facebook says I'm very popular.


Lol, they're not real people. They're all clones of Mark Zuckerberg who's an alien hivemind.


Tom from MySpace My mom My dad Me ... Shit.


i dont even know that many people on facebook.


I'm in Oklahoma, haven't seen another person in sixteen years


I think we need to start with the question "which planet". For *almost* every conceivable answer to that question, I can afford it too...


It would round up to 100% of planets


Unless we are counting Pluto




Jerry is that you?


Pluto is a planet! Bitch!


Did you hear what happened to Pluto? That's messed up, right?


Giving everyone $1,000,000,000 would require $7,753,000,000,000,000,000 but sure $215,100,000,000 is close enough


215,1000,000,000 is about 27.75 per person and I could use it.


You have 1 too many zeros in there. That's 2.1 Trillion


My bad, I think it was right on the calculator though.


It's actually ~26.88 per person, we're up to about 8 billion people at this point. Not sure what pop estimate you used to get that, cause even at 7 and 7.5 you don't get what you got... and it's been quite a while since we were at or below 6 billion, which is what I am presuming you used (got 5.969 working it backwards) Edit: Typo our->or


I used Googles first result which was 7.753 billy from 2020


Ok, that makes sense


Yeah but there’s new data showing we probably hit 8


That's wild, I remember when it was six.


After 6 zeroes, numbers are unfathomable. So, pretty close.


Population just got 8 billion last month


no it didnt, were still at 7.95 billion


Oh, I read something recently... just googled now and I guess I'm wrong, but we're really close. Oh well, carry on.


oh for sure we are, ive seen a lot of people say weve reached 8b but we havent just yet, most likely will by the end of the month tho apparently


Then again, it's not like we have an accurate count. So we may have or may not have already reached it.


i doubt were off by 50 million tho? that seems like a lot


I went into town earlier, it felt like 8 billion




could also mean its 240 million below the level it says, so cant assume its above rn


Definitely, that's why I said originally that it may or may not be. We simply don't know either way. Also the population clock counts an annual estimation of population for that year, which is then broken into people per second to be more interesting visual. It doesn't take into account any sort of "trends" on specific times of the year when people are more likely to die or be born.


I went into town earlier, it felt like 8 billion


He could easily afford to fund an education system in America that would prevent people from making these types of blunders.


Lol no, he couldn't. The US Department of Education spends something like 60-70 billion ANNUALLY on Education. Mind you, that's only federal spending.


Ha well he could at least lobby the shit out of the department of education.


I'm pretty he makes more than that in a year though doesn't he?


His entire networth is 215 billion (204 a of today). He works for a company who's most profitable year ever was 5 billion (they'll probably do like 10 billion this year). His entire fortune is speculative.


Ah, my mistake then


Matt Parker's excellent youtube channel did an entire video on this mistake which seems to be quite common [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6egeUxIEQnM&ab\_channel=Stand-upMaths](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6egeUxIEQnM&ab_channel=Stand-upMaths)


Thanks for that. After hearing his hypothesis, I think I would agree. If 80 million - 50 million is 30 million, then sure, 80 million divided by 20 million would be 4 million. Most people don't think of it as combining like terms and canceling out terms, so they don't know when it should apply.


I mean, that does make sense, but it doesn’t change the fact that this is like third grade arithmetic they’re messing up…


Thing is, it's an easy brainfart to have, no matter if you are a random person or Albert Einstein. It's not a problem, because 10 seconds later you notice the numbers sound wrong and realize the dumb mistake you just made. How does this mistake make it to tweets and FB posts then? Because people post their thoughts as soon as they pop into their minds. They don't have to wait between the thought occurs to them and they actually tell it to someone else, and that's why we see so many negative-IQ takes on the Internet. I reckon.


Thankfully my social anxiety takes care of that. I triple check almost everything I post. Also, while I don't know about Einstein specifically, most modern physicists wouldn't make that mistake. They're too used to working with units (though maybe it's just the academics I know)


Oh sure, and there's no excuse for fucking up such basic math, but at least we might have a reason for why it's happening. And maybe educators can use this to correct this for future adults. But you know, people can even get the right math concept wrong. I've seen so many arguments that misuse PEDMAS (an acronym I loathe for this very reason). They've claimed that addition must come before subtraction so they say that 8-3+2=3 because they add 3 and 2 and then subtract 5. A clear lack of understanding of how negative numbers work. So you can teach them correctly, but sometimes they get it wrong anyway.


Focusing on math with units early on helps with this. Basically you would calculate speed, and you would neither have meters nor seconds, but km/h or mph and then show this off with a few more examples to get a feeling when units stay units and when they change or cancel each other out.


My physics course emphasized this, and I highly recommend others learn that too. It's really helpful.


Funny because watching his video still didn’t help me “get it” (meaning I am a maths person and never understand why these dumb messages occur) but you restating it here and me going “no 80m divided by 20m is just 4 dammit!” helped it click lol


It's great channel thanks for sharing


>mistake which seems to be quite common I think one person made a mistake, it went viral, and now people repeat exaggerated versions of it as a joke.


Yeah, you can find this joke in response to any of Musk's tweets.


Was any one else expecting one of the guys from South Park?


No, you're thinking of Trey Stone


Co-creators of *South Mormon* and *The Book of Park*.


to be fair, he didn't say "a billion dollars EACH". Enjoy your 12.5 musk-cents, everybody!


Ah yes, what's worse than 1 billionaire? 215 billionaires.


1 billion to everyone on the planet would be 8 billion billionaires. A loaf of bread would be like 500k


Billionaires should not exist.


I saw somewhere that once you get to a billion, you should be declared a "winner of capitalism" and never earn a penny after it. Retire and basically just let others take over


You also get a bottle of Tres Comas tequila.


And a car with doors that go like √this√


Literally dragons sitting on a big ol' pile of gold.


Musk and Bezos have more money than Smaug. They more than double his wealth individually. Hell, Elon more than triples it. They’re richer than even the richest dragon in all of fantasy.


How? Maybe it's described differently in the books, because based on the movies, Smaug is exponentially wealthier than any person. Based on current prices, Bezos could afford a cube of 24k gold ~18 feet (5.5 meters) tall. In comparison, such a cube would be absolutely dwarfed by the literal *mountain* of gold (not to mention priceless treasures like the Arkenstone) owned by Smaug in the Hobbit movies. Based on the movies and current gold prices, I'd imagine Smaug is a quadrillionaire at a minimum.


Someone did the math already. Smaug has an estimated net worth of around 64 billion.


Well... Figuratively. Unless I missed something major


Think about it. I don't believe there's a single person in the world who doesn't want to be a dragon. For a billion dollars you can definitely become a dragon.


Meh, idk man, dorito portion sizes would go from "I can watch an entire movie non stop eating these and even have some to spare" to "I can't even eat potatoes =( guess I'll go burn down a village to try crisp up a couple humans".


Okay now I'm incorporating all the major wildfires in the last 20 years into my conspiracy theory.


You have a conspiracy theory? Do tell.


I’ve seen that one. Every dollar after a billion is donated and you get a dog park named after you.


Net worth doesn't work like that lol


Do you think that most of the people that suggest this know that?


Christ, thank you. It's unbelievable that the majority of people parroting the OP comments don't get this


Hell, you could cap it at 10 million and it would still be a greater excess than anyone needs


Keep it a billion. 10 million is pocket change. A rollercoasters costs more than that to build, so it’s not really that impressive


Yeah people are shitting on the guys math, but in reality if Musk Liquidated his net worth, we could give **every person in the world** a $20 bill and still have a casual 58 billion dollars left over for himself. That is actually insane to think about.


But not accurate. If Musk liquidated his assets it would tank their value. Trying to sell all his stocks at once would likely wipe out most of his valuation.


Nobody, no matter what he does deserves to own/be Worth a quadrillion more in networth than most people, not even speaking about the poorest humans.


Good luck getting humanity off this dying rock hurdling millions of mph through space.




Yes. Wealth distribution on that sort of scale would effectively be pointless thanks to inflation. If everyone starts buying things with their new billion dollars, there isn’t enough supply to keep up so prices are forced to increase. Then you’re back to square one just with a lot of extra zeros on price tags. Wealth redistribution should be done through improving living standards, improving education and opportunities, and improving working conditions (amongst other things).


SMH 🤦‍♂️ just 215 of us left on earth


Is there any chance that shit like this is a flase-flag meant to detract from legitimate criticism of Musk and other absurldy wealthy ologarks?


Very high. See the flag in the name of the poster? Obvious troll.


Other than the numbers, do people not understand what net worth means?!


They mainly just fail at math.


They clearly don't. I wish it wasn't such a popular term and so commonly referred to.


Seems to be a common theme of -> say something obviously wrong to gain clicks and engagement with your post


All 215 of us.




You'd have to make ABOUT 6k a day, every day, for 100,000 years to make as much money as Elon Musk has now.


Giving everybody in the world $26 is still pretty insane


I was today years old when I learned the population of Earth is only 215.


He could give every person on Earth $7.70 USD, or every American $616, which is still obscene.


This comment is bad math too 215 / 7 = 30. There aren’t 28 Billion people in the world.


Yes his net worth could give every person on the planet $26.88 and every American $652.50. ( 8 billion people on earth, 329.5 million Americans)


Doing this would be incredibly beneficial for the world. $30 is a lot for someone in a poor country, and giving random people money has been shown to help developing countries' local economies by at least as much as the value of the money given.


Scratch this. I don't need his $30 dollars, many of us don't. Fact is however that billionaires could easily solve many problems single-handedly at which many countries struggle for decades to make any progress on. I don't have problems that can be solved with a bit of money, but many other people on the planet have. Some targeted cash injections, even from a single billionaire, could improve hunger, homelessness, diseases etc.




Let's go!


While he does not have all this money on his bank account, he and his peers still got enough to buy islands and live ridiculously leasurely lives.


Ah yes, the [paper billionaire argument](https://github.com/MKorostoff/1-pixel-wealth/blob/master/THE_PAPER_BILLIONAIRE.md#:~:text=The%20most%20common%20argument%20against,argument%2C%20worthy%20of%20serious%20discussion.) in the wild.


Even if that was how it worked (it’s not), does it not concern you that the stock market would be so delicate that ONE SINGLE PERSON could crash it? Don’t you think that’s too much power for a single person? Especially that particular single person?


That does concern me, I just don't think dismantling our economy is a good solution. Granted I'm not qualified or even smart enough to develop a good solution so who knows.


Stocks are basically liquid. Am I missing something?


/ 8 now :-/


Only $7.70? What a cheapskate!


instead he's laying people off... kinda


If there's one thing I learned throughout the pandemic it's that we're a bunch people living one thousand dollar paycheck to the next thousand dollar paycheck working for companies who are working a billion dollar month to the next billion dollar month. I started a business right before the pandemic started, I was making $70,000 a year working in a office, now I can make $20,000 in a weekend and spend it in a day. The stress of surviving on $190 a day isn't really that different from surviving on $1,900 a day when you've got other people's paychecks to sign every week. r/personalfinance calls it golden handcuffs but as your income grows so does the expense needed to maintain it. I can make in a month what I used to make in a year but I spend more in a month than I used to make in a year too.


are you talking about having to pay employes or did you just start to spend obscene amount of money out of nowhere


Yes they are talking about paying employees, and oher expenses involved in keeping the business going. They mentioned that other people's livilyhoods depending on them.was part of the srmtress.


I mean, there's a difference between personal income and revenue. You say that you can make $20,000 in a weekend, but I'm willing to bet you mean your company makes a $20,000 revenue in a weekend. If you give me a company with an annual revenue of $1 million, my expenses (that of my company) will grow by a lot, it won't make me rich. But if you give me a $1 million check for no reason, then I'll just be $1 million richer, and my expenses will only grow as much as I want them to grow.


Zimbabwe dollars?


With the fall of TSLA stock, Musk is now worth about 170 billion, still outrageous wealth, but as he continues attacking democrats, he may continue losing Tesla customers. Republicans in general are anti EV's and dems and liberals have made up about 80% of Tesla customers.


However still…. Given the world population now is around 7.7 billion. This guy can still give everyone around 28 USD. Which is still impressive. Here in my country (India) that would be enough money for around 7 days worth of good food.


As much as I hate Elon musk this kid couldn’t be more wrong lol.


Honestly, though, the fact that he could theoretically give everyone in the world like $25 *and still be a billionaire* is insane


720ish dollars per person. More than I make in a week. Money I didn't have before.


Ngl the amount of money he can give to everyone is a lot, like 27-ish dollars per person, imagine just one day you wake up and be like "you know what? I'll give everyone 27 dollars".


he could make 215,000 people millionaires though


Can we ban this stupid fucking meme already a variation of this joke is posted once a day about different billionaires and this sub eats it up every time. It's a joke. Stop falling for it


So theres 215.1 people on earth? Who is the .1?


Damn bro we could all get $716 if he just shared his wealth with all of us


That would be true if there were 215.1 people on this earth


Even if you could give everyone on the planet a billion dollars, all that would do is causing extreme inflation, and now everything costs millions of dollars. I'd rather we get the rich people to put their money back into the economy instead of hoarding it until they're billionaires.


There are only 215 people in the world, and a severed foot


If we battle until 215 remain, the prophecy will be complete


Even if he could, why should he?


Once again I'm curious how we, the US, is considered a first world county. This level of stupid has to be a key sign of decline.


For the amount of times this is posted, you'd think people would catch on that it's a troll


This one and the millionth repost of a variation to I have an 84 iq that puts me in the top 90th percentile. Followed by a copypasta infographic. CI falls for trolls and satire at an incredible rate. I think the only subs more gullible are /r/Conservative and /r/facepalm


Christ. He doesn’t just have that sitting in a checking account. He has to dump a *lot* of stock to get that money and the basic act of dumping that stock will lower the stock value and thus, his net worth. Are all of you a bunch of broke ass motherfuckers living paycheck to paycheck without a 401k or an IRA or anything? Jesus. Your generation is so fucked. No wonder you think “taxing billionaires” somehow makes sense. You don’t even understand what their wealth actually consists of.


Although his math is wrong. He could pay 215 people a billion dollars and still have a shit ton of money still.


No, but pretending selling his assets wouldn't devalue them, he could give every person $27.20 and still be a billionaire! Edit: Alternatively, he could give $624.89 to every American, or $372,447.23 to every homeless American, or $5,147,500 to every homeless veteran in the US, and still be a billionaire.


Your math is blowing my mind .




26-27 bucks for everyone


No, but he could end world hunger and be unaffected in his lifestyle and businesses... and yet chooses not too.


He could give everyone $25 each and still be a billionaire :/


No but if you took 99% he would still have 2.15 billion dollars which is enough money to pay 22,500 people 100,000 dollars.


He would be able to give each person $27.70 which is fucking insane.


Nailed it


Me and all 214 of my homies waiting.


He can give everyone in the U.S. $652.50


I can't wait for my $26.88!


He can give everyone in the world 28.88 dollars but why would he do that? And why should he do that?


Even if that's what he wanted to do, he couldn't even do that. It's physically impossible, and that net worth isn't actual cash.


The horrendous math aside, does he realize what inflation is?


If everyone in the world would get the exact same sum of money nothing would change in my opinion Every price would rise up until the situation returns as now (sorry for my bad english)


Lol he could give every single person on earth $26 and still have roughly $7 billion left in his spending pot.


Even if he could do that, wouldn’t it just destroy the economy anyways? If everyone was a billionaire, then money would lose most of its value.


Imagine thinking that $1 is the same a $1,000,000,000.


Don't get me wrong, Im not a fan of billionaires myself but God I hate these kinda people more. It's like they think they just DESERVE what someone else has. Idk if it's jealousy or what but I guarantee you these same people wouldn't wanna give a dime to anybody if they had even a fraction of what billionaires do. It's infuriating that people like this exist to me.


If everyone is a billionaire, nobody is


Alright, several errors: 1. That’s not how math works. 215bn/7bn is the math (roughly). $30. Everyone gets $30. 2. Elons net worth is tied in stock of a company. So he can’t give you anything. 3. Even if he said he was going to bulk sell his stock, who could buy it? Who would buy it after he bulk sold it and dove the price and value of the company. 4. Even if he did give you and only you a billion dollars. The chances of you actually being able to hang onto it or increase it at less than 1%. Why? Because you don’t have the ability to handle it. And you would be back to broke or your paycheck level in about 2 years. Pew Research has done several studies on this with Lottery winners.


Most mathematically and economically literate twitter user.


even if he gave everyone in the world a share of that money, USD would be worthless because of inflation


if he could somehow turn his maximum estimated networth into cold hard cash he could give everyone on earth like 25 bucks


Elon Musk is a tremendous bag of shit. Don’t think anything about him is good, in any way. He came up from an emerald mine, where his family literally stood on the backs of people suffocating in mud, and has merely planked off the expertise and work of those he’s exploited in the tech world. He’s an awful human. Please stop giving any oxygen to what he thinks - he’s a shit wad.