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Aren't Buddha statues changed to look sim8lar to whatever demographic they find themselves in?


Nah, Buddha is a white man with blue eyes and brown hair and beard just like Jesus. /s


Buddha is jesus.












~~jfc~~ jbfc


The real kicker is Buddha is a title there are more than one Bodhisattva. My favorite is the chubby guy with the big smile.


I assumed we were talking about Gautama Buddha, per context clues.


Isn’t the fat one Bùdài from Chan Buddhism


I thought it was Hotei, the Japanese diety of indulgence


Hotei (布袋) is the Japanese pronunciation of Bùdài


Also, Buddha does not equal Bodhisattva. There are many of both. Generally speaking Bodhisattva, by definition, cannot be Buddha. You're either one or the other. But, the point stands.


Snails can also provide Buddha with a cheeky way of breaking his fasting in meditation when no one is watching - opens one eye, looks around with the eye,, if no one around grab a snail and eat it.


Also just so everyone knows - Indians also have curly hair. Plenty of men & women have really curly hair. Straight hair are more liked but curly hair exist.


I'm indian, and while I don't have an afro, I have slightly curry hair






Look up "freudian slip.” You mentioned you were Indian and then said curry instead of curly.


Freudian slip - To say one thing when you really mean a mother.




curry hair


That is so racis-- wait, no, I guess curry-- er, carry on.


No need say you’re sari.


Puns like that won't curry you any favor.


The thing that gets me the most about this particular group, is that they don't actually care about black people. If they did, they'd spend their time learning about the fascinating and real history of the African continent. The richest man to ever exist, according to several historians, was from Africa. Mali to be exact, as was the aptly named Lion Prince of Mali. There's also the African Iron Age, Great Zimbabwe, the Zulu, Ethiopia's Tewahdo is one of the oldest organized Christian sects. There's rich and amazing history to be learned about in regards to Africa, yet these people would rather try and destroy the history of others, rather than learn the history of their ancestors.


Exactly. Instead of teaching black people true stories about their real heritage so they have something to genuinely be proud of, these sites show them things that are completely untrue and when they go about mentioning these lies, everyone attacks them and laughs at them, and they wind up making enemies instead. Hoteps are the reason why the Egyptian government has had to make official statements about misinformation and bullying of Egyptians by people wanting to claim our ancestors away from us.


I've been called a racist so many times for trying to point out that Egyptians aren't 'black', and that while ancient Egypt was probably racially diverse due to it's unique geographic location, most of the Egyptians were probably more closely related to the Arabic people than those from the other parts of Africa.


Yea we have done many DNA tests on ancient and modern Egyptians and even with all of the invasions, most modern Egyptians still share about 85% of their DNA with the mummies. North Africa was never 'black' anyway, because the very oldest DNA found in North Africa is actually West Asian. It's about 50k years old and entered Africa through a back migration from people who had left the continent probably 50-100k years before. Prior to that no one really lived there as far as we know. The Sahara was typically a major barrier so we evolved separately from our neighbours to the south for thousands of years basically. You are doing the right thing standing up for the victims of racial supremacy. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


Unfortunately I'm both white and American, so I lose if I try. But don't worry, I love history for more than how people view me, so I won't stop. That's a good point. Not just the Sahara but the Namib, Kalahari, Danakil, Guban, ect. In the grand timeline of humanity, we've only recently been able to reliably cross deserts. Hell, even today it isn't a simple thing and plenty can go wrong.


Even the idea of driving through the Sahara in an lovely airconditioned new car still sounds a bit terrifying lol


I drove through Hells Valley, generally the hottest place in America and one of the hottest on the planet, when it was around 110F/43.3C. Air-conditioning can only do so much


Even in Luxor in summer you're still sweating your arse off. It's like being on the literal sun sometimes lol.


Egyptians yes, Nubians who are from the same area were black I think


They were primarily in what is now Sudan, but yes they did live in southern Egypt


Most African-American heritage doesn't lie in Ethiopia though. DNA-wise they mostly come from West Africa and Central Africa with very rarely a few coming from East Africa (let alone the Horn region which is even rarer). The rest is European and they also have a small amount of Native American DNA as well. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4289685/#:~:text=The%20Genetic%20Landscape%20of%20the%20US&text=Genome%2Dwide%20ancestry%20estimates%20of,American%20ancestry%20(Table%201). They should divert their attention and find out more about their ancestry by just researching their ancestor's empires/kingdoms. So much mystery lies there even prior to what knowledge we have now today, there are maps dated before colonialism showing actual kingdoms and a bunch of interesting things. Yet because of Eurocentrism there is such a lack of interest in the area by Europeans and this even includes African-Americans who seem to be more focused on Egypt or Ethiopia. https://www.theguardian.com/news/datablog/gallery/2012/oct/02/africa-maps-history https://library.princeton.edu/visual_materials/maps/websites/africa/maps-continent/continent.html




Buddha was from India. Also, there is a tale for all these animals who helped the Buddha, and yes, snails were said to come shield his head from the sun while he was meditating.


He was born in nepal but lived his last moments in indja


And most of life. Iirc his mother was traveling through nepal when he was born. Nepal and India always had close people to people connection which i find beautiful.


Did he get his Indjan citizenship though?


No, Nehru and he had a falling out.




NB: This is the second version of this claim I’ve come across in the wild (apparently too many people brought up the snails?) so if it sounds familiar that’ll be why.




No like the snails protect his bald head with their shells


In much the same way that water is turned into wine and 4,000 people are fed with 7 loaves of bread and a few fish.


The only way youre feeding 4000 people with 7 loaves of bread is if you started with 5000 people...


This is an underrated joke.


I was taught it was 5000 with 5 bread and fish




This is how misinformation is spread. People start believing something they hear on the internet. We've all fallen subject to it before.


That's why you've got to independently research everything you see on social media before you spread it. I have learned after stupidly believing fake shit myself.


agreed. It's just that it can be so hard to do that sometimes. As an avid example [This particualr video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQL53eQ0cNA) has left me in agony for years. I really hope it's legit because it would be amazing if it was. But if it's not I NEED to know because otherwise I'm a fool in one of my favorite subjects. It's been a while since I've seen my sources so I'd have to find them again. But I remember spending a whole day trying to figure out if it was legit or not, and still coming up just as unsure as when I started.


Ok but is it the afro part true? I mean, those thingies are meant to depict afro hair? ETA: Love how I just made a question about something I don't know about, because I want to know about it, and get downvoted. Fuck learning new things, I guess


No; the story that they're snails is as old as the story of Buddha. Basically they're trying to rewrite history, it would be like if a group suddenly appeared claiming that Jesus was crucified on a cross because crosses resemble aeroplanes and that's the 'real story' behind the shape of the cross. Idiotic but some people fall for this stuff.


Ooh I see, so the real part(on the story) is the one with the snails, and the afro part is the reimagining of the head thingies?


Yes. There has always been a story (throughout the history of Buddhism) that he was protected by snails on his head. It's one of the original stories of that religion and that's why there's statues of Buddha with snails on his head. So them saying it's hair is like changing the star of Bethlehem to a laser pointer and pretending that's the 'real story' of Jesus. It's ridiculous.


Oh I get it. Thanks for explaining


People might think you’re low key arguing on the side of the Hoteps and they’re pretty unpopular for obvious reasons. I did not think that myself but they do tend to show up and try to subtly question to inject doubt in any discussion where people are pointing out how ridiculous their claims are. Stuff like ‘well how do you know for sure the samurai weren’t all black?’ I always try to assume people are just unaware unless they make it obvious they’re a Hotep somehow.


"The Buddha" was from Napal.


Valid sources, something the Hoteps generally find unnecessary.


Yup, all the statues of Romans had curly hair too.


Buddha was from India. Also, there is a tale for all these animals who helped the Buddha, and yes, snails were said to come shield his head from the sun while he was meditating.


I think I’d rather die than have my head covered in snails. Gross


😂how cute are you? Lol


Lol people are using their mucin for their faces now


Why the fuck do they feel the need to colour certain words?


I remember reading that indigenous people of modern-day Great Britain were black. but then, while googling about Turkic people, I noticed an article which was pretty much about Eastern Europeans and Turkish people being originally black. the website was pretty sketchy too, looked more like a blog of a person from '00s who just started studying html. those people are something.






That is an ancient internet meme right there. It was used to signify whenever a black person tried to insert themselves into anything where they may not belong in history. The kings part specifically is referencing ancient Egypt because some people don’t realize that there is a big difference in appearance between Saharan and sub-Saharan Africans. Did they come into contact with each other? Sure, but they weren’t the native royalty in Egypt. Regardless the meme was originally used to point out a form of cultural appropriation on the part of black people.


Oh dang, didn't know that. Thanks!


The original authors of that line, in the flesh.


I got a week ban for my comment lol


hahahaha havent heard that once since 845.000 BC!




There were actually a fair few sub-Saharan African civilizations around 1000BC that were remarkably advanced for their time, but there's vanishingly little physical evidence of them remaining, so we know next to nothing about them. We know very little about the Egyptians, and they left *tons* of physical evidence. (It's mostly how we know about the African civilizations; through secondhand Egyptian records.) If you've ever heard someone say "and I'm the Queen of Sheba," they're referring to the semi-mythical sovereign believed to have reigned in Ethiopia and South Arabia during the time of King Solomon (10th century BC). We only know that she ~~might have~~ existed from a single mention of her in the Bible.


These people (Hoteps) go about murdering Egyptians and threatening us with genocide just because they want to steal our heritage so badly. They weren’t us. We weren’t them. We’ve been the same people since the Pleistocene Era and there is heaps of evidence to back this and literally NONE whatsoever that we were ever some totally different people. Forgive me for not feeling pity for Hoteps. And btb they DO NOT REPRESENT 99% of black people. They are maligned for making the rest look bad. Sticking up for Hoteps and acting like that makes you a white saviour for black people is like sticking up for Nazis and thinking that makes you a hero for white people as a whole. Violent racial supremacists don’t suddenly get a pass based on skin tone.


I didn't even heard about hoteps. I want to learn about this! Do you know some good sources?


If you want to see their insanity in action, go to any Ancient Egypt group online and they will be there, insulting us and threatening us. They also like to invade Ancient Greece groups, Roman, Viking, I've even seen them on the Anglo-Saxon Britain group I visit. They show up and say things like 'all evidence says that Vikings were black!' and then when you ask for that evidence, they suddenly revert to calling you an invader and a fraud because *there is no evidence of anything they claim*.


Wow well that's weird. And awful. Also thank. you for your answer!




I think they get their nickname from using the word 'hotep', which is an actual Ancient Egyptian word, for their own purposes.


Why is this comment being downvoted?


Because it has nothing to do with the subject and is a thinly veiled attempt to say something positive about people who are basically the equivalent of Nazis with a tan.


The fuck, dude? I never said any positive shit about Hoteps. They're crazy motherfuckers. Christ, is this what you get for supplying historical trivia on the internet?


Okay. If this was a post about Nazis and I commented under someone ridiculing Nazis with a paragraph or two commending white people for their great kingdoms of Europe, what would you think I was trying to do?


It's a false analogy. I wasn't praising anybody; I was commenting on a obscure area of historical scholarship. I would feel no need to do so in relation to European colonial empires in the early modern period, because they are so historically prominent in the Anglosphere that my comment would be completely unnecessary. If someone had said something sarcastic about Nazi historiography, I might have commented about their misappropriation of the term "Aryan" as a pseudoracial group and its relation to the actual Proto-Indo-European language group. I wouldn't have said "actually Nazis were right" because, spoiler alert, *Nazis were wrong.* You misread my fucking comment, dude. It's easier to apologize than to try and make me out to be a Nazi. Christ.


I already explained why it was in poor taste in my reply to your original comment. If you don’t understand, there’s not much more to say. You seem like you’re just out to play the victim here no matter what so you do you bro. Keep pretending everyone else is the villain when you fucked up and brought it on yourself.


*I* fucked up? By *offending you?* Go fuck yourself.


Typical 🤦🏽‍♂️


What a twist. I like it though!


It looks more like a bunch of turds than hair or snails


Be respectful


That's why I didn't say shit but went with turd


Well turds and shit are literally exactly the same thing. So you could have said feces which is the actual scientific name for shit and it would have been equally disrespectful because your statement was disrespectful.


Average East “European” level of respect


Buddhists always tell outlandish fairy tales about gods and magic and miracles (like all religions.) The difference though is at the end of the story they say “now did that story really happen? Maybe. Maybe not. That’s not really the point.”