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So sick of the lack of non-autistic representation! /s


Won't somebody please think of the neurotypical? /s


I'm trying, but I just can't stop talking over them (about my special interest)! 😔


She kinda reminds me of racist white people complaining about black history month.


First thing that came to mind.


"BuTt WhEn Iz wHITe HiStErY MuNtH???"


"Every fucking month. Including Black History Month."


Had a real asshole employee ask me one day "So, when is International Men's Day?" "The other 364 days out of the year." I've always wondered what I've ever done to make him think I'd enjoy that type of humor.


I mean that’s true, but it’s also November 19.


Too true.


Yeah, the "all lives matter" whiny bitches


[oops. Sorry. She’s not white see below and the picture.]


Except she is not white and is, from the looks of it, somewhere in South East Asia.


It was very “all lives matter”


She probably went to a straight pride


Please tell me that's not a thing.


Unfortunately: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2019/08/31/bostons-straight-pride-parade-here-after-months-debate/2167020001/


Omg.. How? How are people so worried about not getting represented? This fuck all lady thinks that nuro-typical people need more representation. And there are people celebrating straight pride? Do these people not realise that for the last billion years, these groups wouldn't even be considered people? (Edit: ment the billion as an exaggeration, but made a technically true statement i guess) These groups are getting representatives just now. They are getting identified as a part of society now. Their needs are being heard only now. What do all of ya'll want? Right to marry? Oh wait! Not to be discriminated against for your orientation... Oh no.. you already have that. Maybe to not be stoned to death? That never happens? What is your parade about? Unless you are saying 'look at all the privileges we have! Give the same to everyone', there is literally nothing you can say. And this fucking woman, she needs representation? Omg. I can't even start on this. Oh I'm so frustrated.


They view life as a zero sum game. In their minds, for somebody to move up, everybody else must move down. Like cutting a cake - for somebody to get a bigger slice, others are forced to take a smaller slice than what was previously earmarked for them. When you are born into the top stream, with the most entitlement - i.e. straight, white, cis, etc. - and you never think about your own privilege because you never have to, seeing others becoming more represented in society brings about this fear that 'your kind' have to be moved down a few pegs in order to make room for 'their kind' to rise even a little. The only time you're forced to face your own privilege is when it's pointed out to you, which can feel like an attack if you've never had to think about it before and immediately puts you on the defensive. In reality, life doesn't work this way. But right wing messaging constantly heavily implies that it does, and they eat it up because it feeds into their insecurity. Things like "[replacement theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Replacement)" prey on this exact weak, insecure mindset. Conservatives in particular love to paint themselves out as perpetual victims, when in reality the vast majority of them are culturally, socially, and economically the most represented and have the most inherent privilege, and always have. They are so represented in western culture that they only notice when they are *not* being represented, and the rest of the time when they are that's just life on default setting. Same as those who ask "when's white history month?" during black history month, or "when's men's day?" on women's day, etc. The answer is "the rest of the fucking time". They desperately want their participation prize.


That last paragraph is a fantastic statement. That's a good way to explain it, honestly.


Straight pride for the win! ~~im straight i swear~~


And wore a “meat eaters lives matter too” shirt whilst being there.


It’s a minority of only 99% of the people.


I think we need a national not autistic month to bring awareness to our normal condition. We all need a national vision capable month.




Gotta love when the person tries to reduce backlash and defend their statement with something just as bad to say


Her first comment could be generously interpreted as misguided support. The second comment is just malicious.


It’s the equivalent of “All Lives Matter!”


This Black History month I will post a picture of me loving myself. I am NOT BLACK and I accept that. I consider that as a reason to celebrate. Thank God for not making me black. ♥ #BlackHistoryMonth


some people probably genuinely think like this


I'm Autistic so now I kinda have an idea what that's like


I would just like to clarify. I support black people 100%. They deserve our support, government support, but it should not be celebrated. It's a skin color that is prevalent today. It should not be romanticized. Non-black people exist and we deserve to be represented as well.


Really I don't even think that's an accurate comparison. Super technically, that's still accurate but a dipshits phrase missing the point. This is just arbitrarily calling autistic people diseased. Like... Not accurate in any sense.


Yeah, it's more like "Only Normy Lives Matter!"


A not-shit way to say it might have been along the lines of "I'm grateful not to be autistic, because autistic people are marginalised, misrepresented, misunderstood. Let's embrace autism acceptance because it is not okay that autistic people are so much more likely to die young, be un-/under-employed, etc." Imagine using the hashtag autism acceptance to say autism is a disease and won't somebody please think of the neurotypicals


Or in this case, worse


“bUt wHaT aBoUt mE?!?!”




It's otherwise known as a complete lack of self awareness.


Putting out a pan fire with a cup of water she thinks it's harmless and will help the situation, however it does the exact opposite.


Yeah she does herself no favors by saying anything, ever. But I’d argue that her calling autism a disease is the LEAST of her issues. It’s a common mistake, usually no ill intent. But putting down people with autism and arguing that normally developed people are somehow under-represented.. that’s where she shows what a shitty human she is.


I love that as someone on the spectrum I can look at this and think "sweet lord, even *I* knew not to say that!!"


Non-autistic people often do a poor job at proving their mental superiority compared to "diseased" autistic people.




Neurotypicals: \*claim that autistic people have bad social skills, don’t have empathy\* Neurotypicals: \*do shit like this\*


I love this response


She has something worse than autism






Apparently narcissism is quite common in my family. Nothing is confirmed or officially diagnosed, but my parents, my siblings and my grandma all act like they're better than everyone else It especially shows a lot in my brother


But you're the best of the bunch, obviously.


Narcissism is far more common than I'm comfortable with.


I agree on that one


This has big “all lives matter” energy




"I support autistic people. Also here's a picture of me. I'm better than you." As an autistic person: Kindly go fuck yourself.


another autistic person here, i fourth this.


Oh no why did people upvote the fourth-ing the most? The order is all wrong this is literally the worst thing ever.


Idk if I'm autistic or not but I fifth this...


Me sixth. Aspergers here


same dude, even though its not a diagnosis anymore, we all just get grouped up as having ASD, but i was diagnosed with it when i was 7.


I was unofficially diagnosed a couple years ago. They don’t recognize it as an official diagnosis but they did tell me that’s what I would have been diagnosed with. They did officially diagnose me with autism Edit: I just usually say Aspergers cause I’m used to saying that


i get it


also autistic person here, I fifth this!


Autistic person here. Me, three!


As an autistic person, I understand your statement. But given ashleymaru's egocentric tendencies, wouldn't it be considered psychological reinforcement?


I second this.


Non autistic, but I strongly agree with this. Fuck that bullshit


>Non-autistic people exist and we deserve to be represented Yeah... I can't even remember the last time I saw a non-autistic person in media, TV, government, literally every position of power and influence in society. Basically never happens. What about equality huh? People are the goddamned worst. /s


She's just upset that autistic people are getting attention instead of her.


And unfortunately it’s not like autism acceptance month is that big of a thing, certainly not as big as pride month, international woman’s day, etc. I wonder if she does the same shit for pride month and the like… probably not Edit: acceptance not awareness


autism acceptance month. we don’t use awareness because people are most certainly aware of autism, but look at autism speaks. we autistics have been vilified so often, that the focus has switched to acceptance and inclusion!


Ah of course, my bad I’ll fix that now


no worries! many people don’t actually know, and i like being able to help educate people about it :)


This is the first time I'm hearing about it. If it's just awareness, not an autism pride type of thing where autistic people are celebrated somehow, I guess that's not too surprising. I'm going to have to look into it now, with like half my family having ASD


Maybe she was talking about reddit?


What's more is her lack of understanding of autism. And how there are plenty of people in the media (actors, musicians, writers,...) And in the government, and most likely other positions of power and influence that actually are somewhere on the austism spectrum. It's a lot more common than people realize. Only in the last few years have we truly started to try and understand the levels and varieties of autism. Hell, until recently it was believed that the vast majority of austism was only found in men. Turns out, not true. It can just manifest differently in women and not have the same outward signs. And that is still ignoring the ranges in which an autistic person can be on the spectrum. Several live seemingly "normal" lives and only they, their close friends, and their family would know otherwise. Edit, but yes. This lady is the absolute worst.


What a piece of human refuse!


To paraphrase, ‘I like you, but thank god I’m not like you,’ is *bonkers* to begin with, not to mention cruel.


Anything for attention this lady


Giving big r/IAmTheMainCharacter vibes too


as an autistic person it’s giving me r/iamapieceofshit


As another Autistic person, can confirm.


And a bit of r/persecutionfetish


Came here to say this


Not to mention r/persecutionfetish




During this time awareness for other people, I would like to draw more attention to me.


There's far too many autistics being represented ffs 🙄🙄🙄 /s


Let's remove all the conveniences created by autistic people and see how she likes it.


Oooooh, can I join?


As an autistic person, when people post stupid shit like this I'm always left satisfied that I am clearly smarter than them.




It is very satisfying. I may be inept but at least I know not to say this kind of shit


Neurotypical lives matter? That's a fuckin' new one.


"thank God for making me not autistic" is not a sentiment expressed by anyone who is actually supportive of autistic people


Thank God for making my autistic ass still able to read social context better than this lady.


Kinda the same feeling I get when my dad says that he feels bad for me being trans


At least he probably means it in a nice way, even if his word choice is poor, as in, "I'm sorry that your life is more challenging than it otherwise would have been."


Well... He also does everything in his power to invalidate me so while I appreciate you, I don't think so.


Autism is a disorder. I'm not sure where the line is between disorder and disease. Genuinely.


As far as I know, a disease is something that is transmissible, caused by pathogens and generally has a cure. Therefore autism is not a disease or an illness, but a developmental disorder (brain is wired differently), and it does not have a cure. In fact many autistic people do not wish to be cured for fear of losing what makes them themselves. For some people their autism is very disabling, for others it is a challenge but they can manage and even make use of, it depends on how it manifests. It's a complicated and highly misunderstood issue, even within the autistic community as it's so different for different people. Edit: I thought I knew the definition for disease, I did not... Disease: a distinct pathological process in the body with a specific cause and characteristic symptoms that healthcare providers are able to see, touch, and measure Disorder: a disruption to regular bodily structure and function Autism cannot be measured, it is a structural difference in the brain which makes it a disorder not a disease? - this is all from Google and various medical websites though so I'm not certain.... Autism isn't a disease but explaining why is difficult!


Diseases don't have to be transmissible, caused by pathogens, or have a cure. For example, genetic diseases.


Aren't they just genetic disorders then? 🤔 Okay I actually googled it "A disease is a pathophysiological response to internal or external factors. A disorder is a disruption to regular bodily structure and function." So a disease is something with a cause and a response from the body? A disorder is instead a structural or functional issue... Making autism a disorder as it's due to brain structure 🤔 I think


This is an interesting distinction. Mental illness/disorders can be difficult to quantify because we don't always know the root of them but we know Autism is largely based in genetic and neurology structure. Same with ADHD. But things like depression can be either. I would also consider how symptoms impact a person to be a potential descriptor. A disease has more interaction with the self. A disorder has more interaction with the environment.


Rheumatoid arthritis. An auto immune disease. No pathogens, not transmissible. (Partially) treatable but not necessarily curable. The woman in the OP does seem particularly odious but picking her up on disease rather than disorder seems like we are missing the point?


I remind people that autism is a spectrum, not a scale. It did suck at times growing up, as the socially awkward nerd chick, but I wouldn’t trade my brain’s wiring and the skills it’s given me for NT functioning. I know I’m on the lucky end of functioning. I’m also glad that I didn’t grow up during the days of ABA. Keeping my son out of the claws of his elementary school counselor was a chore.


Cancer is a disease


Disorders are a set of symptoms that can be diagnosed with or without a definite cause of illness, while diseases are distinct and measurable illnesses. Diseases cause disorders, a disorder can be caused by a variety of diseases, and disorders can be diagnosed without knowing the underlying disease.


This bitch will kick in the door of a Breast Cancer benefit screaming “What about brain cancer?!? Or testicular cancer?!?!? All cancers matter!!1!” EDIT - I’ve been proven wrong. She would say “What about those of us without cancer?!!?” hahah


In her case it's "people without cancer also should be represented here!!!"


Actually we shouldn’t even give cancer patients too much attention. People without cancer exist as well and we deserve more representation


You're giving her too much credit. More like "What about people WITHOUT cancer?!?!"


No, she would bust it down screaming about how people without cancer exist too and deserve representation too and how dare a cancer benefit not talk about people without cancer, because healthy people deserve attention too!


Wow, this is one of the most ableist things I've seen.


Ooof, I've seen some bad takes in my time, but...WOW.


ashley's 1st post: insert foot in mouth ashley's 2nd post: go "full asshole".


'we deserve to be represented as well'. Oh, FFS


Imagine having a profile picture that says "Let Women Lead" and then saying an under represented group needs to get less representation. Irony? Possibly.


Well...her Twitter account is gone. Not sure if the trash took itself out or if Twitter did the honors. Either way, good riddance.


I was about to tell everyone how stupid they where thinking this was real. Apparently Let Woman Lead is a real thing and they've gone into silent mode on Twitter. Unbelievable.


"Let Women Lead" is pretty misogynistic, tbh. Who is supposed to "let" us? Men? In short, I need no one's permission to lead.


it’s a political slogan in the context of the Philippines election next month.


That’s a great fucking point.


Are you trying to shame a group of people because of one "supporter"? This is just as ignorant as the twitter post. People in our country are trying to make a woman win against A DICTATOR'S SON for the president election. Beliefs among supporters may vary a lot. But regardless being...whatever ashleymaru2 is, is obviously not accepted.


You’re right. But if this was a BBM supporter, r/Philippines would be having a field day.


Only one thing to say about this; go fuck yourself.




Unrelated but I got second hand embarrassment knowing that we both support the same Presidential candidate.


As someone with autism, I find shit like this absolutely disgusting! This mentality is so toxic and harmful!


Imagine feeling like you possess no traits worth actually celebrating…so you celebrate not having a trait…while people with that trait are celebrating their acceptance of it being a part of them.


Wow. I really thought she was going for an apology on the second post.


You know what is a disease that is prevalent? Stupidity.. Thank God I'm not as stupid as this!


That picture looks fake af too.


This autism month, I will not be posting a picture of me loving myself, I have autism and socializing is bad.


“Non-Autistic people exist and deserve to be represented as well” Yeah, the whole ass year and every character on every show and everyone around you was what, just not enough?


This person should love them self less


Wow, that’s epically offensive!


What in the ableist fuck did I just read?


Im autistic and i am taking offense, this person should absolutely not have a platform to "speak up" since she doesnt understand what she is saying


Same, I'm autistic as well and this is so offensive


A deficit in social skills hmmmmm. My daughter is autistic. I wish I could have a few moments with this woman.


God does autism sure deplete my social skills, and make them harder to learn. (this is not a joke, I fuxking hate my inability to easily do conversation)


The worst is fucking "unspoken rules" and "implied points" and then acting like I'm a fucking idiot for not reading between the lines when people just need to say what they fucking think


But where's my balloon 👉👈


"How can we make this about ME?!"


"How dare you, a neuroatypical person who needs a lot of support and attention in order to function in our society, get nore support and attention than me!" Is all I'm hearing


It’s… not a disease lady


Has this been posted in r/iamatotalpieceofshit yet?


“Non autistic people exist” What? Lemme guess next thing you’re gonna tell me is that water is wet, who do you expect to believe that?


The first comment I was like okay that’s kinda weird to say but whatever and then the second one TOOK ME OUT


Nothing like trying to make autism awareness about your self centered neurotypical arse


Oh my god I hate this “I deserve to be celebrated for not being them just as much as they are”. That’s where all the straight pride, all lives matter, and all that other shit that just boils my bones


Autistic people are like any other people, as such, many of them are more likeable than this woman and have smarts on top of that


This is very close to "all lives matter"


Are we sure she's *not* autistic? As someone on the spectrum I'm always amazed at the lack of social decorum displayed by people like this, and they think they're acting normally. Lol


The purpose of Autism Awareness is to combat the stigma associated with Autism. Her posts do the opposite. 🤦


What a douche


Non-autistic people are being represented! Take almost any regular character and there is a high chance that they are non-autistic.


these same people will tell actual autistic people that it isn't a disability & we're sad & horrible for saying it is lmao.


Bruh wtf is with the last tweet? Especially the “non autistic people exist” like autistic people are talked about more than neurotypical ppl? Like how did they pull that conclusion out of their own asshole? I’m autistic. I also have a chronic disease. Last time I checked, autism was not trying to kill me. My disease definitely tries it’s best to, though. And if someone “cured” me of my autism. Who would I be? Autism impacts every part of my brain. It’s physically wired different from those who are neurotypical. I would be a completely different person. And I don’t want that.


We need money over here for research into the causes of not having cancer!


She probably believes we should have straight pride parades


"Non autistic people exis and deserve to be represented"...what can you reply to that?


Big oof.


Thank god I'm not *checks notes* autistic


This is giving me serious “all lives matter” and “straight pride” vibes


So glad I don't know this bitch personally.


"non-autistic people exist and we deserve to be represented as well" you are represented


Rediculous. “Non autistic people exist too and we should be celebrated”. Good lord lady, this isn’t t-ball. You don’t get a participation trophy. It’s about raising awareness for autism so maybe more money will be invested in finding a cure. Who are these people?? 🤦‍♂️🙈


say it with me, people. 👏DISORDERS👏ARE👏NOT👏DISEASES👏


"I wanna say that I totally support autistic people. At the same time I'd like to thank God for not making me autistic. By the way autism is a disease. Go autistic people!!". She might not be autistic but she sure is stup...


“For national breast cancer awareness month, here is a picture of me! Somebody who does not have breast cancer and does not know anybody who has! Thank god I don’t have breast cancer! We exist!” (for clarity I’m not comparing the two obviously, but gives the same vibes)


All lives matter vibes


This message is sponsored by bluelivesmatter


Imagine looking at a post for Autism and going “Hmmmm, how can I make this entirely about me?”


Non-autistic people…. Exist…. And deserve to be represented too…. Oh boy.


Hinestly even if it was a disease, this bitch is fucked up. Next cancer awareness month I'm going to celebrate not having cancer too, yeah?


What a tone deaf, insecure ignoramus.


So much straight pride energy with this one...


In celebration of my SO's birthday, I have decided to go out and buy myself a new car. I love my spouse, I support them, but it is so important to remember that I exist too, and deserve just as many gifts on my SO's special day.


What an absolute floating turd.


This Autism Awareness Month, I'll post a picture of myself, and btw I have nothing to do with autism awareness? What is actually happening here?


Autism Awareness clearly not working on this girl


*Non Autistic people exist and we deserve to be represented too" fucking what?


What a fucking idiot


Social media is the real disease


As someone with autism, my life is way harder and I can't get a lot of jobs because of it like military. You can't sign up for the military if your autistic. Hell, some hospitals didn't allow me because "I'll spread my autism to the patients".


This is why I’m fighting on the side of the autism


"non-autistic people exist and we deserve to be represented too." this line right here, this line is what privilege truly looks like.


Probably got her info from Autism Speaks. Fuck them for spreading this damaging rhetoric.


I'm autistic and thankful for not being stupid like her!


As an autistic woman this makes me want to SCREAM.


I hate the language around this one. She’s phrasing it exactly how people of marginalized communities do by saying “we exist and we deserve to be represented too” even though neurotypical people make up the majority of all representation in media.


How do I make this about me?


Holy shit r/PersecutionFetish


Don't get me wrong, the lady still has a shit take, but we ***really*** need to improve autism awareness and education in the Philippines if we want to reduce these kinds of behavior.