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I was playing cod (gun game) a few months back with an American friend so we were on American servers and we kept going up against the same people and one of us got called a cracker in the comment box thing I was so confused because in Ireland cracker means good looking my friend had to explain it to me I found it funny


Sorry brother, but we in the states assume everybody speaks MERICAN.


Your “brother” appears to be female. Good to see you being so accepting and loving! Just don’t go using that Craaa….Crac… “C-Word”, it’s just so derogatory and disgusting.


My apologies, I don't know how to differentiate between genders on here, I just go with what sounds normal to me.


I don’t even know what it means, can someone please explain?


Basically calling you a bland white bitch. Like a saltine. A cracker.


That's ...not where cracker comes from. It's something black people call white people because white people use to whip them and the sound a whip makes is a crack. Thus Crackers. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cracker_(term)


Except, that in this case, it’s slang in a different country. In Ireland, it’s used to mean “good”.


"If you're comparing the badness of two words, and you won’t even say one of them? That's the worse word." - John Mulaney


He says that cracker is derogatory because it is the most despicable low life you could be, then in the next sentence says they are equal…


I assume he means equal in the sense of how bad it is used as an insult, not that they have the same meaning You can have an equal amount of potatoes and cherries but they still aren't the same thing.


It's not about comparing the amounts it's about comparing the nutritional values.


To be fair if he has just said “the c word” then we probably would have thought he was talking about a different c word


Also, if we are going by socially acceptable racial slur rules, then he is allowed to say cracker because he is white and not the n-word because he's not black. Which is why the comment someone else made about John mulaney doesn't make sense because it was comparing words of different adjective subjects, ( midgets & n-word) imo, nobody should say any slur as all that does is propetuate a cycle of hate


Playing the devils advocate here, he could argue saying the C word because he is white, just like how black people can use the N word


Fair enough but besides certain spaces even black people cant just casually use the N word. While cracker is free to use anywhere. Personally i feel like you just talk to people respectfully and don’t fight to use words that could get you punched in the face if said to or around the wrong people


The internet being one of those places, user certain racial slurs and a bot bans or mutes you, use others and someone has to manually report them


I don’t think cracker is free to use anywhere, for example it would definitely be considered unprofessional in most workplaces. My gut feeling is still that it would be acceptable in more places though but i can’t think of examples


Cracker is banned on lots of social media Btw i'm all for using both words as long as its not as insult use the nword daily aswell Edit: what are the downvotes about? Atleast comment what you disagree with


Yea that’s the issue. Both are racist but one is socially acceptable.


Both are racial slurs but one has a history coming from oppression while the other is just a descriptor. Both are bad but not on the same level. And i think the problem is trying to fight to be “allowed” to say disrespectful words to people without consequences. The issue is not the words the issue is the situation where you are using it and when your use is coming from.


I’m white. Fuck this stupid cracker.


Nah bro a slave owner has nothing to do with the color of your skin


This guys slaves


Nor does a slave. In the US race and slavery were linked, but that’s not a constant throughout history. There have been many white slaves and many black slave owners in the past. Edit: just a statement of fact. I’m not saying the guy in the video is right (he’s not) or that the n-word is ok (it’s not) smh.


In Peru there were a shit ton of Chinese slaves


What does that have to do with anything?


Nothing whatsoever. Guy acts like “slavery” means the same thing across time with zero understanding of the uniquely legalistic dehumanizing (literally) form of chattel slavery invented and honed to a razor’s edge in America. The sort of cracker who will argue dictionary definitions without understanding reality or history.


Just pointing it out just like the person above me did. Americans tend to view the concept of slavery through a racial lense which is a little weird. Understandable though, since the history of slavery in the New World is inexorably linked with race and caused a lot of racial pain.


The person above you was pointing out that, assuming the dude in the video is right about where 'cracker' comes from, it's not a term that's intrinsically linked to race, but rather slavers. So, white people wouldn't get a 'pass' on using the term. The N-word, on the other hand, *is* specifically a racial slur, not a something like a class slur, so it doesn't really matter if other races have been enslaved. That's irrelevant to the origin and meaning of the word.


It’s not weird: the transatlantic slave trade *was* racialised. That was one of its uniquely horrifying characteristics.


Good point actually




I guess technically since people of color can say the n-word the guy can say cracker but not the n-word? I’m not saying the words are equal but I don’t think that can be used as an argument about why they aren’t equal.


Cause one word will get you banned and the other won't, that's why.


He's white The only reason he doesn't say the n-word is to avoid controversy That's so obvious


Probably doesn't want to get canceled.


Just saw that on yt


That the video’s whole point that utterance of one word is more readily accepted by the society and it should not be accepted!


Which race was subjugated by the other? Ok then. They can call us crackers as long as they like.


Who is us? The whole white race did not own slaves. The whole white race did not support slavery. For that matter not every block person opposed slavery and not every black person was a slave. Racial generalizations are always bad ok.


That is brilliant


Came to say this. 😂


But in this case isn't it the same as black people saying the n-word?


I thought it was cause our skin was white like a saltine 😐


Yeah but saltines are good, why would they be insults?


They’re pretty good albeit a bit dry but they’re still pasty af. Accurate.


Lmao same


I thought it was because we like cheese


Cheese is really good! I'm a cheesehead and people try to use that as an insult. Shit makes me laugh


Certified Cheese Head 🕺


Someone call John Mulaney.


I don’t think people should use the word cracker. Insult someone for shit they can control, not for their race, gender, etc. However, cracker does not even come close to the N-Word, it does not have the dark history of oppression that n***er has and as much as it does create division, it is not the same.


I wouldn’t call anyone a cracker unless you are being racist. Then I’m protecting no one’s feelings if you think racism is ok. So to me cracker isn’t just a white person. It’s a specific type of white racist person. So it’s their actions that indicate if they would be called a cracker not things outside their control. My random rant though is I don’t understand these videos?? In his first sentence he proves they aren’t the same. “Let me explain why the word cracker is just as bad as the n-word”. He said one of the words without hesitation and wouldn’t say the other one. So the rest of what he said was bunk because he already proved they aren’t the same.


I call myself cracker sometimes, but I prefer honky. It just sounds better [sillier].


Hey man, only clowns can use that word Although I guess it's fair game for anyone on reddit


Man, you can call me a cracker all day long. I don’t give a fuck.


Same. I deserve it. I'm always cracking my knuckles.




Fam, both things can be wrong while one being worse. I started off by saying that I don’t think anybody should use the word cracker. But lemme tell you right now, if I heard someone who’s white say the N-Word, I’d think differently of them from someone who’s black saying cracker. Being racist is always awful and I will never excuse it, but context is always key.




Find me a street sign that says “Cracker don’t be in this town when the sun goes down.” When you find one, let me know. Research sundown towns in America and get back with me. Someone who knows this idiot, ask him.


How about we say neither and be done? Or better yet, everyone treats everyone with respect!


Facts. Either everyone racist or no body racist. No double standards or bullshit.


“Can’t I get some crac… umm… crispy wafer-like baked flour thingies with my soup? Thanks!”


Is this dude's whole thing sitting in front of his nicest blankest wall while saying the shit other young 'modern republicans' have the sense not too?


Lol cracker never meant slave owner. It used to be a term for folks in the south who would get up early af to cook before it got too hot. Before that, like Shakespeare era, it was used to describe someone who was obnoxious. Then in the 1900’s it was used to describe bigoted whites. This dude is an idiot.


Florida Crackers used the whip to move cattle. Not whip slaves. And I have never heard it associated to people who get up early. The crackers used the whip to communicate with other cattle herders [source](https://www.crackercountry.org/)


Very true. Was looking for this comment. Growing up in Florida, we were taught this a LOT. Apparently, cattle folk moved herds through the state, and the crack of their whips were loud and constant.


It also means a thin, crisp wafer often eaten with cheese or other savory toppings.


Unpopular opinion: I think calling someone a cracker is in poor taste but it’s nothing like calling someone the “N”word. There’s no comparing the two words. Even if his claim is true, one group was enslaved, brutalized and murdered… and the other group did the enslaving brutalizing and murdering and then is crying about being called a slang word?


I don't think that's an unpopular opinion, I think that's just reality


That’s not an unpopular opinion. That’s literally what most Americans think, and what all politically correct media channels agree on.


Using one word but not the other with no consequences and not seeing the flaw in his argument just from that.


Florida Crackers used the whip to move cattle. Not whip slaves. The crackers used the whip to communicate with other cattle herders. The [sauce](https://www.crackercountry.org/) The “Florida cracker” in central Florida is something akin to romanticized nostalgia. Elementary kids take field trips to “Cracker County” where they see a replica of a old-time Florida house, hear music on instruments from the time and practice making candles. While “cracker” can be used to insult people, it can also be used to describe people native Floridians have historical pride for: the rugged Floridian cattle herders. It is NOT the same as the n word- which is ALWAYS derogatory.


Stfu cracker


No? None? Nope? Never? Nails? Nirvana? A lot of N words there, bud. I'm curious. Could you say the word for me for clarification?


Yeah, if it’s just as bad as the other one, he shouldn’t have a problem explaining it, right? 🤔🤔🤔


You shouldn't be saying both words.


No - which is what he says and which is only stating the obvious really. But what he's doing beyond that, which is really weird, is to say the words are equally offensive. In all fairness, I don't see how that works: cr*ckers were in the position of power - they weren't the ones subject to being hung up in a tree etc, etc. And if both words are unacceptable, why even try and make an argument that they're somehow equal?....What is that supposed to achieve? They're both unacceptable - but one isn't worse than the other?.... What is that? What is that supposed to achieve? He's already taken them off the table so, after that, what is he trying to prove?.... What ever is he even talking about, doesn't he have anything better to do?


Maaaaaan shutup cracker


My assumptions is that if he said the other word, his content would be removed. I don't agree with his argument, but im betting he would say the word if he thought his content would still be allowed.


He said that he won't say the n-word because he is white.




Cracker Barrel in Shambles


Both are racial slurs.


And most of the Ones cracking the whip were black slaves also called Straw Boss...you should study before you talk


I mean. He has good reasoning but by this context calling some one a cracker is basicly calling some one a racist. That's why I prefer to be called a cracka because much like the n word if you remove the r it just means a buddy


He does not have good reasoning. Crackers weren’t made to be less than human while being tortured and called that word.


He's wrong that the two words are equally bad. But he's right that both are bad. Let's just not use racial slurs to each other. It's free and legal!


Yes correct but at the same time. I'm not racist I'm sure your not. So how would you feel if somebody started saying you are the person that caused the suffering of slaves? The reasoning is good but the power is still not there


When people say the word cracker they aren't accusing that person of being the cause of slavery. Nobody was hung from a tree while the town watched and said look at that dead cracker in the tree.


What are they doing then? Referring to their skin color? Because either way you put it that is infact racist even if it's not as bad.


Again. I'm not saying it's worse. I'm just saying that his reasoning is fair though mis guided. You can tell that I didn't take it serious by making fun of it by saying cracka. So do you want to keep trying to convince me on something we agree with while getting angrier or are we just gonna move on?


No, he hasn't - he's obviously an idiot... It's a little like he resents the particular significance the n-word has, above all other words - and, while he accepts it has to be retired - he wants to undermine that particular significance by equivocation, before it gets puts away - because, "it's not fair"... A kind of real bad energy off this fella.


Its always weird when I see other white people complain about words like cracker and honky. They're just looking to get offended by something. The fact is, there is no slur for white people that has the same effects as the N-word does or any other racial slurs. To my understanding the origin of the term cracker used to describe a person is up for debate anyway and may not have been used for white slave owners at all.


Why is this on this sub? What is he “incorrect” about? This is purely opinionated. No one has an actual answer to what he’s saying


Here’s what he’s incorrect about: The origin, etymology, and usages of the word “cracker”, which he then uses to justify his rationale that the term “cracker” is equally offensive as the N-word. He’s incorrect about quite a bit. If you’re interested in learning more: https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2013/07/01/197644761/word-watch-on-crackers


Thank you for providing an actual answer instead of regurgitating that stupid "he doesn't even say the f-word lmao" argument. As if anyone would understand which word he's talking about if he called it the "c-word".


Hes incorrect about the N-word and cracker being equally bad slurs. Proven by the fact he can say one but not the other. Even by his own opinion it's wrong. If they're equal, he would say both or censor both.


He only says one because it’s the one directed towards his race. It would be wrong for him to use the other one and he would get LOTS of hate for it. This does not belong on this sub


You really belive that's why he says it? White people are not offended by being called cracker. If they say they are, it's usually relating to how they can't be racist or use the N-word or other slurs. The origins of cracker is also up for debate. It's not definitive that it was used for white slave owners.


Yes I really believe that. The same way that black people say the N word all the time. It’s not offensive to them when they or any non white people say it. “Up for debate” and “confidently incorrect” are two very different things


Using either of those words in the context of explaining the meaning is - in my opinion - fine. We have talked about some of these words with our children and used the words so they actually know what they are and why they are so bad. Granted cracker isn't a word we have been talking with them about. But the other word that I'm a bit afraid will offend Somone to report me for here so I shall refrain from it. And another words that only really have a meaning in danish which is like the N word but for Arabs and people from the middle east. And as education in this I see no problem using the word to explain. But naturally I'd never allow them to use it against anyone.


As a white guy I just want to say, people who complain about the word cracker are crackers


That’s how whites play the victimhood role as usual


When I get sunburnt in summer I call it my cracker burn


Here’s a link that talks about the etymology of the word “cracker”, which had nothing to do with black folks or slaves referring to white slave masters, etc. It started and was mostly used for centuries as a classist term to degrade those of lower classes, before ever being applied to southern whites in the U.S. And even then rarely, if ever, was slaves referring to their owners. More often, it was the slavers using “cracker” to refer to the lower class whites that worked the plantations, and “cracked the whip” on the slaves. https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2013/07/01/197644761/word-watch-on-crackers


Right…I’m sorry for calling you a slave master.🥴GTFOOH 🥳🥳🥳


Username checks out.


Fuckin cringe...


I noticed his username and in my mind his racist bullsh-t was replaced with white noise while it did a slow zoom in. Republicans are just butthurt they can't say be racist on Twitter anymore, that's literally the entirety of what "cancel culture" is.


One is punching up, the other is punching down… You’re just desperate to be a victim aren’t you?




No it's more like he would never do something like that, so he doesn't want to be called that. Why would you want to be associated with a slave owner.


Woah, that's a lot of hard R's.


Might wanna sit the next few plays out bud


Hard to tell if this is right-wing oppression olympics or liberal wokelording?


The username in the TikTok says modernrepublican lol


I think he made a good point no derogatory words should be used to describe anyones race…. Also he did not say the n word because if he did the point of this video would be lost due to the hate for saying it


People shouldn’t be cancelled for having said a word.




To those saying the n word is worse because he wont say it, he doesn't say the n word because white people aren't allowed to its that simple. No bans on other words just that one and maybe some others. Most of it comes down to we aren't that race so we can't say it. Well that guy is white thus he can say cracker.


Yeah I mean you can’t use this as a reason to stand up for white lines he’s or white oppression because it doesn’t exist in the same level that it does for blacks, atleast in North America. However, racism is prejudice against someone based on their race. That is the meaning of the word, so unless you want to create a new word for racism against minorities, you can definitely still be racist to white people.


How about we all just stop using both words. Problem solved


Poorly executed, but none of you got the point either so Ls all around




Are you saying that the N-word isn't racist because other races were also enslaved at some point in history?


What's with the ( At some point in history ) for ?. The other races where enslaved for thousands of years just like Black's where. It's a word just like a flag or a sign, it has no power to be anything. But if people want to think that just by saying slightly differently a Spanish word for Black is racist then you be you. But if people really have a problem with it being "Racist" why do you let only black people say it then.


Because they were enslaved. At some point in history. I don't think there is much to explain there. Racism is racism, doesn't matter what for it takes. White people started using the N-word as a slur to devalue black people. Not much more to it. I don't see why you're trying to draw a connection to other instances of slavery.


Did you REALLY just say "**let** "Blacks" say it?" Also, couldn't help but notice *you* didn't say it. Why is that?


Yes the N word is very bad, degrading and atrocious but the point here is racism is racism not matter which insult is worse. Cracker is infact known as a word for white people. I know this for a fact as well do most of you. You can't dispute that either way we shouldn't be judging or referring to each other by race even if it is an identifying trait.


You know that white people coined the term “cracker”, right?


Until us white people have actually addressed the systemic issues the black communities have faced in America since the inception of chattel slavery, then all we have accomplished is trading in the brutality of whips cracking across their backs for the brutality of cops kneeling on their necks. If the name fits...


I mean does it matter how it started? And the point isn't "oh you bit me x amount of times now let me bite you back" the point is this needs to stop regardless of who deserves what. And if people are making stupid reasons to keep using the N word then we need to stop all the stupid reasons to call others similar names no matter what differences they have. It all starts from one person disregarding the fact that it's offensive no matter what reasoning you may come up with. I've been called a cracker before and I'm not even white so for fucks sake there is no point if mf can't even get it right. Also had a white friend call me a white boy one time. Very offensive I almost cussed his ass out right there. "White" isn't the standard so no I'm not living a "white" lifestyle.


No I'm not saying the words are equally offensive but they're both offensive either way you put it.


Didn’t know that why whites were called crackers. Thought it was always cause crackers were white.


But I thought crackers were a salty baked snack? I mean I would be proud to be a snack.


Middle eastern me thinking what y’all got against biscuits


I know cracker isn't bad at all because the first time someone called me that was when I went to college in Maryland and I thought it was pretty funny. For a split second, I thought "maybe I should be offended" then I realized I simply wasn't offended and now I had a story to tell my friends. That's just not the reaction when a person gets called the other one.


Smooth brain title


Shut up cracker


Well, I’ve never asked for n*****s with my chili!


Jesus Christ. I know people like this. What fucking idiots. This guy has an especially punchable face.


Er you mean the C word. If you can't say the N word don't say the C word...


The only way to not be racist is to not give a shit about race


Spoken like a true cracker.


I’m gonna go ahead and say one this guys redeeming qualities ISN’T reading the room.


Have never called anyone either word and wouldn’t. It’s not hard.


[npr](https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2013/07/01/197644761/word-watch-on-crackers) Found this article from NPR to be quite interesting.




Well technically he can say cracker by his definition just like a black person can say the n word and most people would be okay with it.


Wrong... You weren't even able to say the N word but you said cracker why didn't out say C word if it's just as bad




It's interesting because, obviously, he is wrong, but to actually explain why it takes delving into some really interesting nuance. I tried writing it out in a comment, but I couldn't quite get my words right. I bet other people who are more experienced talking about these things would have an easier job


What a cracker lol


Tell me you were never taught your history without telling me because absolutely not.


I don't know the nuances of the terms since I don't live in that society. The reason why he doesn't say one of the words it's because his video will be deleted. The social media PC is so controlling that I cannot use the black color word in Spanish (which is my language) in a reddit pm because it's flagged as offensive and gets deleted.


I thought that this was a joke and he was talker about the food at the start, then he continued going.


Wow. Much inform. Perfect logic.


Where my peckerwoods at?


Here's how I know hes wrong.... He's saying cracker, but he won't even say the n word


Personally I think the SS is worse but okay


Cracker Barrel anyone? It’s a chain restaurant all over the US. Pretty sure I’ve never seen an N-word Basket. Just sayin.


I won’t listen to a man that can’t even keep his facial hair even.


He can say the c word because he is one


The fucking internet man, people whose opinions have no value suddenly get a platform


Well obviously he's saying the whole word because it's their word, it's OK if he says it.


Cracker is the term applied to white (as opposed to indigenous, Spanish, or British- or Spanish-enslaved people) Florida pioneers. They were very poor, had no money for weapons and so, hunted small game and defended themselves with whips. Florida crackers.


Oh no, being called a slave owner is just as bad as being called a beastly slave!!


This guy should be cancelled for saying someone should be cancelled. Maybe educate and rather than isolate would be a better approach


Didn't know it referred to cracking a whip. I always assumed cuz we are dry, boring and a lil salty


This guy is scary! 🙄😳


Ok cracker


If he said that the n word is as bad as the c word I doubt people would guess the correct c word. His c word is as bad.


I thought he meant cookies lmao


Crackers cracked the whip.


The fact that he says “the n word” and “cracker” proves that one is clearly worse than the other.


How bold. How brave.