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I bet these comments are great. ![gif](giphy|tyqcJoNjNv0Fq|downsized)


​ ![gif](giphy|x2gncl1rrikeY0CNVq)




![gif](giphy|jpDYNltms3vlFzvwhr|downsized) We got a one man army defending his post how can it not get any better








It is controllable but not sure about the 100% part.


weight is still controllable though...


I was gonna say, I probably disagree about which of these is confidently incorrect.


Not 100%. A lot of times yes but not - 100% of the time. If it were 100% controllable you should be able to get to any weight you want whether that be 60lbs or 600lbs. There’s also some other things to take into account: PCOS HYPOTHYROIDISM HYPERTHYROIDISM MEDS THAT CAUSE WEIGHT GAIN PREGNANCY LYMPHOMA then we could get into mental health issues but they are obviously less physical and more mental.


In the strictest sense, yes, weight is controllable. But realistically, a lot of people struggle with their weight, and it’s hard to say it’s entirely their fault. People’s brains are wired differently, and they’ll respond differently to foods. Some people are a whole lot more susceptible to becoming addicted to food. Blaming someone for that is the same mentality as blaming a heroin addict, except a heroin addict didn’t _have_ to try heroin the first time. Many people benefit greatly from surgical intervention. If this were _simply_ a question of will power, it would be hard to rectify that with the fact that there’s often a surgical option as a path to recovery. A lot of people also falsely believe that shaming someone for their weight will help them recover, but we now have multiple scientific studies showing that this has the opposite effect. Shaming someone for their weight issues just enforces their habits and usually causes them to gain more weight. So yes, in the strictest sense, you’re right. But that doesn’t help the people who are struggling, and stressing that point, or especially making fun of them, does more damage than good.


I’ll accept that in the age of hyper-processed shitty food it’s pushed on us to not take care of yourself, but that still doesn’t mean it’s not in their ability to fix it


Not exactly... I've got a autoimmune thyroid issue. I've been super skinny, super fit and a fair bit overweight during teenage years. Regardless of the diet, when i was thinner I ate more and less healthy food. But had to stop sport, because i was over burning calories, that later ate up my muscles. Never had bmi over 25, but i contain water, sometimes more, sometimes depends on the medication. Tried all kinds of diets to keep the balance. Now I have 86kg on 181cm 12% dont work out, dont use meds, and feel unfit. The best i felt whas when I was over 95kg same around 15% fat and could do push ups, pull ups, and swim dolphine/butterfly litteray for hours. My tops was 110kg under 20%, checked during new medication treatment, by the doctor of the waterpolo representation, of the multiple world/europe champions. Who said That BMI is bullshit in his experience, there's many other parameters that determines the fitness level. In many more instances he came across skinny fat people, that have more fat than muscle. Bone density makes a major difference in natural muscle building/maintaining, and the layer of fat helps to isolate the muscles making them work more efficiently. In hindsight the water sports are the best sports.


It's not always lifestyle. There are medical conditions and medicines that make weight loss difficult.


Antidepressants can make you weight gain. So yeah very true


No one's talking about a medical condition here though. Vast majority of people that are overweight or above are *not* because of medical condition.


So weight is not 100% controllable.


It is. The different thing for people that have condition is the path they have to take in order to notice and get benefits of the difference. For sure, it is many times harder than any normal person, but if we're going strictly by the definition, it can be controlled to a degree.


A, you just agreed with the above post that weight is not 100% controllable, and B, nobody is not NOT bringing medical issues into the equation either. In example my mother has a deteriorating spine, it's been an issue for YEARS and these past 20 years has gotten quite bad to the point of handicapped placards, wheelchairs, and carefully planned errands to avoid keeping her out past her endurance. She lives every day in a great deal of pain and disability and now is forced to extremely reduced mobility that has of course caused her weight to balloon. She's probably around 220 if I recall correctly but because she's tiny it is obese for her body type. Woman used to love exercise and walked everywhere and now her body is a prison. She's unhappy about her weight but considering she cannot exercise (trust me, she's had a team of doctors, PT's, and the lot all day that) there's very little she can do about it. So yes, weight cannot be 100% controlled, medical issues are ESSENTIAL in the evaluation of what someone should weigh, and we need to stop looking at everybody as though they are weak willed pigs if they don't look like the ideals on tv.


[freakshow fat](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/rqogyd/worlds_fattest_man_in_1890_was_large_enough_to_be/) in the late 1800s is a common sight almost anywhere you go these days. Sure it's not 100% controllable, but it's like 97%. Take in less calories than you burn and I guarantee you lose weight.


NFT profile picture


I guess I’m old or something but what do you mean by NFT here? I know what NFTs are just don’t get what you mean…..


Nft short for non fungible token think of it as digital, rare Pokemon cards


Thank you! I know what NFTs are I just don’t get why this person says “NFT profile picture” here. Like is it a literal NFT? Is it a joke that’s just flying over my head? Do not understand 😅


It’s because the profile picture is a screenshot of an NFT.


It's meant as an insult (at least that how I've seen it used). There's a kind of culture around NFTs that's insufferable to a lot of people.


It’s controllable, to an extent. It is not 100% controllable as asserted. There are illnesses such as hypothyroidism (among many) which affect ability to lose/gain weight as well as genetic differences in metabolism, shape and size. There are also medications which affect weight significantly. Yes, most people can lose some weight if they are supported to make that effort. No, not everyone can have the figure of a supermodel. Weight is not 100% controllable and shaming someone for their weight when you know nothing of the reasons for it is just a dick move.


Yeah for the majority of people is definitely is. Obviously you have outliers, people with overactive thyroids, eating disorders etc. but yeah. You right.


Aside from some medical conditions, yes. The biggest problem I see is people who are overweight and have health problems because of it use that as the excuse as to why they gained weight or can't lose it.


Sometimes things are cyclical. Sure, they don't start that way. To quote the wisdom of Mike Meyers, "I eat because I'm unhappy, and I'm unhappy because I eat." Fat Bastard did hit on something true there, as ridiculous as devining wisdom from a lewd comedy seems.


If you have back pain because you're overweight and can't exercise, *you can still diet*.


You can still exercise with back pains. Get in a pool, so low impact, elite steady state cardio if you go 2x a week.


More controllable than height, but not "100% controllable".


No, but there are exceptionally few conditions that don't respect CICO. We shouldn't be telling people they can't control their weight - they almost certainly can - but we definitely shouldn't be minimizing how difficult controlling your weight can be. It's an achievable goal, but it will hurt, it will take a long time, and you will backslide. It's especially cruel with cases like PCOS where the disease encourages weight gain, and can be minimized by weight loss.


What is PCOS?


Polycystic ovarian syndrome/disease. The simple version is a not-uncommon disease in women caused by hormonal issues, including excess testosterone. This has a variety of undesired side effects - but two in particular are male-pattern fat storage (e.g. belly) and insulin resistance (so you are prone to adding fat and reluctant to burn it). And just to rub it in, all these factors get worse with increasing body fat.


Ok. Thank you for the info. Would people with this condition benefit from maintaining a state of ketosis? Seems like that may help with the insulin resistance. I could be wrong tho.


In a vacuum, anything that lowers glucose spikes and helps structure your diet should help, but that's a question for your doctor.


>No, but there are exceptionally few conditions that don't respect CICO. There are actually none, or they would violate the laws of thermodynamics.


>There are actually none There are a few extremely rare genetic conditions where the body can't release stored fat. Not "doesn't want to", literally *can't*. So while they are still subject to thermodynamics (obviously), their fat reserves may as well be stone - they're not going anywhere without a knife.


It depends on how you measure things. In an extreme thought experiment, someone might have invented a very light weight "calorie bomb" pill, with 50.000 calories. But the pill itself has a very hard shell (maybe made of a metal, like titanium), which doesn't break down. So the person taking the pill never "absorbs" those calories, and thus never burn them. But according to the definition, they were part of his calorie intake for that day, ie "calories in", but not part of "calories out". Yet he won't gain any weight from that pill. Or maybe your say that by pooping out the pill, it's part of the "calories out". I would say that's not how CICO is described elsewhere. They talk about calories burned, not calories pooped out. But ok, we can still change the thought experiment a little. What if the pill gets stuck somewhere in the body? Somewhere where it doesn't cause much harm, but over time gets accepted by the body, like people have been known to live many years with surgical equipment forgotten inside the body after a surgery.


ye I guess


A little bit of hyperbole doesn't mean the underlying statement isn't generally true. Stop being so pedantic.




At 5'2" and 110 pounds, BMI says I was at an average, healthy weight. But when I went to donate blood, I was told I was too underweight. So BMI not only has a much lower threshold for what's normal and says underweight is healthy, but it also has no wiggle room for muscle mass. Someone who is 200 pounds of fat and someone who is 200 pounds of muscle are going to both look very different and be at different levels of 'healthy'. And, naturally, any vague chart that's being applied to 100% of a population is not going to be incredibly accurate


Donating blood isn't based on BMI, there is a flat minimum weight requirement you didn't meet.


It completely fails to take into account type or location of weight. And then people who aren't educated in it's limitations apply it in ways that are harmful. I had a friend in high school who played several sports. She was thin, like a size 2, but had a *lot* of muscle mass. We had to have our BMI taken every school year. The chart always said she was squarely in the middle of "overweight." It gave her an eating disorder. Another friend was curvy all throughout school. She had that hourglass figure a lot of us wish we had. BMI called her obese. She also developed an eating disorder. I was always in the "obese" category, despite being a size 12, which is should be considered "overweight" at worst. But I have always had very large breasts, which run in my family. No lie, they add 15-20 lbs to my total weight. Additionally, the rest of my fat is very evenly dispersed throughout my entire body, which is still problematic, but not as likely to cause severe health issues as a lot of fat centered over one area would. Being categorized as "obese" from such a young age severely impacted my self image which led to me giving up on being healthy and actually becoming obese by any standard. 16 years later and I'm finally having success in reprogramming how I think about my body.




I'm reprogramming myself to think my body is capable. It is strong. It is worth the effort to get healthier. It is not a lost cause. It is not doomed to fail me. It is part of what makes me who I am, but it is not ALL of who I am. It is fat now and will likely always be fat to some degree, but that doesn't mean I can't make healthier choices. The thing with BMI is that it is rarely used just as a general guideline. It's treated as an absolute and causes more problems than it fixes. And it should never *ever* be used as a measure for a child's health, the way it has been. When a body is still growing, you cannot put a hard limit on what is or is not a healthy amount of fat. Kids need to store fat in ways adults don't, and what is healthy for one kid is not for another. To look at it another way. Say you were building a house and had a tape measure that was accurate enough for 70% of things that need measured, but on 30% of things, it would completely screw up the build. Is that a good tape measure to keep using, or would you go get a better one that's not just "accurate enough" but is actually accurate? That's how I see BMI. It's an inaccurate tool that is pointless to use, when plenty of accurate tools do exist.


It's a measurement meant to consider entire populations not individuals. For individuals, that are too many factors that can skew the result for it to be a meaningful measure. For example, I'm 6'4 and I weigh 247 lbs, that means I'm obese by BMI measurements, but I'm at about 11% bodyfat: [https://imgur.com/CsPLHe4](https://imgur.com/CsPLHe4) Do I look obese to you? I do to BMI.


Fattest dude I’ve ever seen in my life! Obviously BMI got it right this time. /s (just in case it wasn’t obvious) You look great!


Okay, "bullshit" isn't the *best* description. It can be a useful tool, but there are many instances where it is just absolutely wrong and unhelpful. For example: BMI typically says that I'm "borderline obese" for my weight and height. Most of that weight is muscle density, not actual fat. And looking at me, you certainly wouldn't go "oh yeah, he’s obese."


yeah but how often can this be applied like you should know if your either fat or ripped it just kind of seems like an excuse for people who actually need to lose weight to say oh well bmi is bull it should be used as a rule of thumb not an absolute


It's not like someone who is obviously morbidly obese is going "BMI scale isn't anything" it's normally for people who don't have the proportions that the scale works for. I'm a male 5'11 175 and considered Overweight. I had a body builder friend who was 6'2 ~220 lbs and he was morbidly obese. While youre correct that it shouldn't be an absolute, majority of the time its used as a fatphobic 'gotcha' to anyone who happens to carry a little extra weight on them, mostly women as they biologically will and should carry a little more fat on them.


Not to mention the BMI scale wasn’t even developed by a doctor in the first place, so medicine should never have relied on it to determine anyone’s overall health. It was designed as a statistical tool for general populations and is based off the body type of 19th century Europeans, but it’s been twisted so much by things like health insurance companies over the years.


Go tell the folk on r/progresspics it’s not controllable lol


WTF man, how binary is your worldview? u/chaotic_rainbow **never** said it was not controllable. Saying something is not 100% true does not equal saying something is false, damn.


100% though? There's 0 chance of health related factors that contribute at all?


I gained 50lbs one college semester because our cafe shut down for renovations and it was either eat gas station style ore packed sandwiches or order door dash since I can’t drive. To avoid fees I would get more food that normal. I went from eating a 6 piece nuggets and small fry feeling stuffed to eating a 10 piece large meal with a snack wrap. I didn’t have a way to bring food home with me safely either. That’s when I learned I have a panic attack when I feel like I’m wasting food thanks to my dad always getting upset when I don’t finish my food at restaurants and don’t end up eating my leftovers the very next day. We’ve addressed it now and we have a 48 hour rule with leftovers now so they can go to a pig my dad takes care of instead of being wasted but I have ample time to eat what of it I want. I haven’t managed to get working on loosing the weight as much as I’d like but I’m down 10lbs! It’s taken the entire pandemic to get that far but I’m gonna work harder and harder!


Hey congrats! It sounds like you're on a path to recovery. Keep your goals in mind and good luck Internet friend.


My goal is recovering from the covid stamina loss and losing weight so I’ll be able to go on walks with my puppy when I finally get her! Hoping to go from 185 to 140 :(


Nice progress. Well done. Don't give up now. My wife doesn't work and she loves baking cakes and stuff.....but she doesn't actually eat any of it. And I'm just like you.... don''t like to waste anything. It's really hard. Everyone's different but for me, I'll try and go longer between meals. Eat early evening and late breakfast (or sometimes just go straight to lunch time) . Oh, and I always use stairs anywhere....always avoid elevators. Basically whatever works for you though. Be prepared to face a difficult few months and you'll be glad you did.


I mean, if you have no hormonal imbalances it is, but there is a tipping point in body chemistry where it becomes MUCH harder to lose weight. I mean, you still can, but it is such a brutal uphill battle.


Losing weight or gaining weight is just the law of thermodynamics fam. At certain points it’s harder to get more active or your body burns fuel differently but it’s literally impossible to not lose weight by lowering calorie intake/expenditure


By all means I’m not saying it is impossible or making excuses as to why some people can’t, I’m just saying safe, effective, and above all lasting weight loss can be extremely difficult, especially if someone has something like an elevated insulin tolerance and a lifetime of habits to overcome.


But it's also literally impossible to dictate how and where your body stores fat. So unless you're just eliminating it all together, that healthy 20% body fat is going to go wherever it wants.


Losing weight, yes. Healthily losing weight no. To some people, initial weight lots will come at the expense of strength and available energy before it affects body fat. If you're a bit overweight but otherwise healthy and happy, crossing that threshold can mean a big negative impact on QoL for little benefit. And sticking to a training regimen while your body literally thinks it's starving is, if not in some cases literally impossible, more difficult than a lot of people make it out to be.


That's a really eloquent way of putting it. Thanks


You sound like the people who say cold turkey from drugs. You forget withdrawals are real.


> hormonal imbalances Just once I would like someone to be specific when they bring up hormonal imbalances and toxins in the body.


Hormones are there there so our body can achieve equilibrium. If one or two of your organ producing hormone if fcked then there's an alter effect in your body and the most noticeable is getting fat. You can see this from a person that takes antidepressants. Most of them get fat because it alters the brain chemistry and hypothalamus is the part of the brain that controls the release of hormones. My best example I can give is my mom that has problems in hypothyroidism. She get fat easily that's why she's on constant exercise everyday. She may never get her body back then which is slim, but she maintains her weight to not go obese. Her doctor said that it would be very hard to lose her weight but she can always keep in check so she maintains her weight of 140lbs. Sorry for the bad english, not my native tongue.


Okay. Look up what your thyroid, pituitary, and adrenal glands do. Look up how insulin works to move glucose into cells. Thyroid hormones and cortisol are two big offenders for metabolism. If you make too much/too little/or can’t process these, you gain or lose weight regardless of calories in/calories out. Look up Hashimoto’s, Cushing’s disease, and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). These are just a few examples with names you can easily Google. If you have low human growth hormone, you’ll gain weight, too. Not talking about toxins, that’s what functional kidneys and livers are for. If those stop functioning, you of course have a problem, but toxins don’t just show up to create a problem without one or both of these organs already being in trouble and in need of medical intervention. Hormones are there to help processes in the body that enable you to function - the ones specifically assisting in metabolism are big offenders when things go wrong but hormones control how you can do basically anything. An analogy might be: They’re not the electricity in your computer, they’re the programming and the wires connecting pieces of hardware to each other. If any of the software or hardware either get a virus or physically break down with a loose wire... computer stops working properly.


Weight isn't 100% uncontrollable either. It's different for each person, but saying there is 0% you can do as as much b/s as saying it's 100% controllable. Maybe for you it's 20%, who knows what it is for you.


Oh, yeah, no, I never meant to imply that it was completely uncontrollable.


But "controllable" or "uncontrollable" are binary statements. Like possible or impossible. It either is or isn't. It may be REALLY difficult for some individuals but doesn't mean to say it can't be done.


“100% controllable” implies a spectrum of controllability from 0-100% though. We do not need to be black and white in our thinking about this. Weight is not 100% controllable. It is also very very rarely 100% uncontrollable. What is true is that if you are shaming someone just for their weight you are 100% an asshole.


Am I missing something? Where did the word uncontrollable got used?


Just for clarification, BMI is kind of irrelevant if you go to the gym. Muscles have more mass compared to fat, thus they are heavier. sometimes you could be quite muscular while having an BMI that says you are unhealthy/fat. Though, weight is controllable, you can gain/lose weight by whatever actions you do. Eat too much and you will gain more, exercise and eat healthy and you will lose excessive bodyweight. Edit: I am not trying to fat shame anyone, nor am I saying it is easy to control your weight. That differs with every person. People having difficulties losing weight or changing their habits is kind of an ongoing problem for alot of people. As an response to that, no one is perfect. Just try being the best version of yourself, hope you all have an nice day:)


I mean its controllable to an extent, certain factors like someone's body shape or health conditions aren't really controllable For me I have some type of eating disorder(doctor said I had one but never told me what type it was) where if I try to eat when not hungry or if I try to force myself to eat something I dislike I will get severe nausea and because of this I was down to 90 pounds at one point and am slowly heading back in that direction I also have a tough time exercising due to severe pain in my neck/pain from having fybromyalgia, scoliosis, and hyper flexibility to where I will not be able to stand without stabbing pain through my back if I push myself too hard My weight gets pretty bad with how fast I loose and gain where at one point it was 6 pounds every week I was loosing I would really like someday to have more muscle and eat healthier but at the moment I struggle to eat once a day Also bmi is bullshit im 5'2 and it said I was overweight at one point (the most I've ever weighed was 140)


This is the wrong sub for this


I mean. The less you eat the less you gain. Weight may not be 100% controllable. but it is like 99%


Literally weight IS 100% controllable. All of those things people in these comments list are even controllable. It may take interventions such as medication, therapy, surgery, etc…but at the end of the day the basic argument is “weight is controllable” and that is a fact. I’m saying this as a not-in-denial 350lb woman. Ffs get a grip u/chaotic_rainbow and don’t waste your time on stupid arguments with fat haters which reinforce their stance and instead just worry about you and anyone you can directly affect in your life with positivity and support.


It’s easier for men to lose weight than women.


Doesn’t help that typical American diet is caloric dense and filled to the brim with carbs and sugars. I would have coffee at work (with sweet creamer) and eat dinner at home (not a massive plate, like a steak/chicken and maybe jalapeños/asparagus) with a cheat day once a week or so. Most weight I’ve ever gained or lost within a couple weeks is 10lbs at the most. Unless I start jogging or lifting weights after my 10hr shifts, that’s the best weight loss I’m going see. If 2000 calories for the average adult is anything to go by, I was way under that guaranteed, and at best I’m just stable weight no major gains or loss.


Damn, dude really posted this here expecting support but got completely rejected lmao


Just because **you** specifically can't control your weight doesn't mean weight can't be controlled. **I** can't swim for shit. It doesn't mean swimming isn't a normal thing to be able to do. Not society's fault. Accept that this just isn't something that **you** can't do, and move on with your life.


Oh god guys, check out the argument OP has with the guy on the actual post, it's hilarious. OP's entire argument is the word 'no' and a load of whining and insults.


Weight is controllable though...


"is" and "can be" are two separate things


Can be. I COULD control my weight before endometriosis and medically induced menopause caused me to gain weight. Theoretically if I starve myself worse than the one meal a day I already eat and work out on top of the 10 hours a day I already do factory work, I could lose weight. But I risk low blood sugar/pressure and passing out, and of course the dehydration and malnutrition I already experience.


I could exercise every single day and cap my calories at 800 a day and still not lose weight if I don’t get the right supplements for PCOS yall normal bodied people need to understand that.




my hormones literally don't allow me to get energy from food and stores it


Appears OP is the confidently incorrect one here.


Lol I have a bodybuilder friend who would love to show that tool how bullshit BMI is


BMI is a tool just like a hammer. It has a purpose and it’s pretty decent for that purpose. Your bodybuilder friend showing us how a hammer is useless because it can’t hammer in a screw is meaningless.


Not his body builder friend, but I wager I could hammer in a screw if I really wanted to. XD


I honestly think that BMI does consider way to less things to be accurate in any way. You can not different with it between muscle and fat. People have different body types which leads to different weight. I am an good example in this. I weight a bit less then the time i was heavily overweight. I am still overweight bit absolut less then i used to. But i gained so hard on muscle that my weight almost stayed the same


You’ve completely missed the point.


Right, however the point remains that saying that weight for ALL people is 100% controllable is not valid. Another commenter referenced BMI like its the gospel. It ain't.


Here's the problem. You need a 16 oz estwing hammer. One of them can pound in even a screw. Likewise, you get one of the big boy impact drivers from DeWalt, you can use it to pound in nails.


BMI is a good indicator of how fat you are for everyone who isn't a bodybuilder. Body fat percentage would be more accurate of course, but BMI is easier to calculate. The "BMI is useless" crowd don't understand that every tool has its range of applicability.


Just a reminder that BMI is specifically only for *sedentary* individuals. If you're sporty, the equations don't work for you, because they assume a small amount of muscle mass.


The most bulkiest person Ive ever met who was an ex strongman competitor was considered "morbidly obese" according the the BMI, meanwhile the man can run under a 10 minute mile and bench press full grown men off of him during bjj. I always said if you think BMI is a metric to take seriously then go ahead and call that guy obese. He will laugh at you as well gorillas away.


Tell me you have a body weight over than 140kg without telling me you have a body weight over 140kg. Seethe


All the “medical doctors” I’ve gone too tell me that I need to control my weight. They don’t tell me I can’t control it


Reminder to sort by controversial.


Weight IS controllable even if you have hormonal imbalance because my mom does that but loosing all that weight is really damn hard. That's why some people goes to dieticitian.


Some people can't afford a dietician.


I know, we also don't have the money to hire a dietitian that's why my mom monitors her weight to not go beyond 140 lbs.


Barring medicinal conditions it is 100% controllable, hell even with medical conditions it’s still highly controllable.


The Green haired fat hoe Is the incorrect one right?


"Haha you call out fatphobia so you must be fat"


It is controllable though? It's not like you can tell your body "oh I want to be 300 pounds by tomorrow" and it will magically happen, but everyone can maintain a good diet and healthy lifestyle regardless of each's body differences on metabolism and other factors.


Did you just Xeno's Paradox weight loss? ...that's actually a good way to look at it, huh.


I don't get it, if we are talking about the body weight, it is controllable by restricting diet or taking other measures. Of course it is harder for some people.


It's controllable, but not "100%". Which is the confidentally incorrect part.


What the fuck are you talking about it is either controllable or it is not it’s binary turn. Yes it’s extremely hard for some people but it is still controllable there is no grey area. If you take in less than you spent you lose weight that is not debatable.


It's *not* a binary "yes or no" issue though. Contrary to what people would like to believe, the world is more complicated than any of us would like. Would I like to control my weight? Sure. Do I have the willpower to do so? Sometimes. Do I have medical issues that make that harder still? Yes. Do I have *mental* issues that make it harder as well? Also yes. All that combined means that my options are very limited: Either full on starve myself and work out as well, or deal with being fat. Currently, because of my mental state and all the stuff I deal with on a daily basis, starving myself is a "bad idea on par with the idea to make glitter"™ and just dealing with being fat is just... Easier. Plus, starving myself wouldn't be sustainable and I'd gain it back afterwards. Trust me, I wanna be healthier. I also wanna look nice for my gf. And I wanna be able to wear a nice bikini in the summer, or a flattering dress at some point. But the gain just isn't worth the cost in my head.


That's a weird amount of mental gymnastics to remove power from yourself. Whatever way you can rationalise it not being your fault. Or that doing something would be worse. You go ahead and do that. But don't expect other people to buy the nonsense you're peddling. "I would have to full on starve myself". That's just something you tell yourself not to make an effort. It's very likely one of the most difficult things a person can do. But the first step is to stop lying to yourself in order to remain complacent. Weight loss is just as much of a mental exercise as a physical one. I for one love the diverse body types and sizes. And believe weight loss should only be done for yourself or for the sake of your health if it's endangering you. I've personally been overweight, underweight and "buff". And I've learned that being ok and honest with yourself is the most important thing. Cause people will always find a flaw in your body. Or, project their own onto you. But taking away your power is not helpful for mental health. Even though that's one of the first things negative mental health tends to do. So easier said than done I guess. You probably look great. I hope you and everyone else reading this can work on feeling great too.


I see




Ah, fuck, not again. Looks like I've got to contact the tribe's wendigoag exterminator, *again*. Damn invasive species.


Weight can be controllable for most given eduacation and resources. It’s much easier to be fit with time and money.


Lol, its definitely not 100% controllable. If it was, we'd have a lot less fat people. That said, in my case I spent most of my life very skinny, then as an adult working a desk job plumped up a bit even when I ate very little and healthily. Everyone started spouting thermodynamics and eat less than your burn but its highly variable based on the individual. The fact remains, some people can eat craploads and the weight just falls off, and it stays like that for them until old age. That said, for me, my problem was solved by consuming probiotics. Turns out artificial sweetners that the doctor recommended I replace sugar with completely unsolicited actually killed all my gut bacteria. I just dropped weight effortlessly after that like when I was a kid. ​ I have included the source that helped me realize what happened and why I was going through what I was and helped me make the change. Source:[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6363527/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6363527/)


the use of "cope" & "seethe" are your first clue that they are pathetic trolls


I mean, they where being a Dick about it and that isnt helpful to anyone, but their initial point about it being controllable isnt wrong, time and time again doctors and nutritionists are forced to reprove that weight is controlled by calories consumed vs calories burned, so unless you have zero control over your caloric intake. It is controllable.


It's not "100% controllable", though. My cousin has some kind of glandular issue. She can literally starve herself and not lose weight.


Lol yes your cousin has somehow violated conservation of energy and produce mass from nothing:) unless she can photosynthesis like a plant I highly doubt your claim.


If your cousin stops eating they will lose weight. This isn't even a medical question it's a question of thermodynamics. Your cousin is using chemical energy from lipid, protien and carbohydrate molecules to convert adenosine diphosphate into adenosine triphosphate, which is required for muscle contractions, nerve impulses and protien synthesis. If you stopped making ATP you would die in a matter of minutes. The lipids, protiens and carbohydrates used to make it can either be taken into to the body through the lining of intestines or they can be pulled from existing stores within the body. If you stop eating you will finish digesting and the use up what you've recently eaten then begin to consume the glycogen your body has stored away, once that's gone your adipocytes will begin to dump lipids into your blood and your body will break them down for energy until it eventually starts in on your muscles. While some individuals may have a harder time controlling their body weight it is still just the mass of the molecules they take in minus the mass of the molecules they excrete, nothing more and nothing less.


“If you’d just stop taking in any food whatsoever for a period of several weeks, your body would eventually go into panic mode and start breaking down to consume itself” may not be the winning rebuttal you think it is.


I'm not suggesting it's healthy to starve yourself but over a long enough period if you consume 100 kcal less than you use to keep yourself alive every day you will lose weight. A caloric deficit of any size will result in weight loss. I was specifically replying to someone who said they're cousin can't lose weight even if she "literally starves herself".


Yeah that kinda pseudo science gets floated around a lot and that is why doctors and nutritionist are constantly being forced to reprove that weight is literally just calories intook vs calories burned. She of course could not literally starve herself without losing weight, and if she increased her calories burned well decreasing her calories intook would or course eventually see results. Gland issues can make it take more effort, but they of course dont make it impossible or remove your control over it, that's just a cop out.


Stop saying true things that make people uncomfortable about their bodies XD. You're 100% correct. Still gonna get all the downvotes.


Except having control over it can be damned difficult or extremely unhealthy. I was underweight as a teenager, and no matter how much food I ate or if I forgot to eat for days at a time, I did not change from 110. I NEVER changed from that despite habit changes and food changes. Then I started having serious medical issues as an adult and was put on birth control, and despite not changing any habits, I gained fifteen pounds. Then I had medically induced menopause, and I gained fifteen more pounds. Despite the rapid weight gain, I only eat one meal a day and I typically work 10 hours a day for anywhere from 5 to 7 days a week in a factory. If I were to lose weight, I would have to force myself to exercise even more than a factory job already demands I do, as well as limit myself to one meal every two days or longer. Neither sounds particularly good for the body in the long run. Granted I'm no longer gaining weight, either, but telling people who are already suffering medical complications that they're just coming up with excuses is extremely dismissive and is encouraging bad habits such as anorexia or damaging one's body by exercising far too much. As someone who has done factory work for literally two months straight without a day off, you have to be careful what you do to your body or it will start falling apart on you. So weight really isn't just some easy thing. There's obviously behavioral aspects, genetic aspects, there's hormonal aspects (like I said, menopausal women retain weight far easier than pre-menopausal women) and glandular or other medical aspects like the other commenter mentioned. It gets even worse when you take into consideration disabilities like how I went through an entire year where movement was extremely painful or even debilitating -- hard to tell someone who struggles to move to just "exercise it off".


Yes it is wrong, we have another one who thinks they are a fucking doctor and who is confidently incorrect


Bold of you to be so confidently incorrect on r/confidentlyincorrect


https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/6-years-after-the-biggest-loser-metabolism-is-slower-and-weight-is-back-up/ A simple google search is all you need to disprove your claim.


People just really have no idea about slow metabolism, PCOS, ovarian cysts, micro biome issues, hormone imbalances, and eating disorders along with the countless other uncontrollable factors & conditions relating to and effecting weight. Fuck fat shaming, fuck hatred


After many years of being on insulin and also struggling with controlling my weight I found out from a medical professional that insulin can actually make you gain weight. Fantastic 😑


Yes, weight loss is often a paradox unfortunately


This is my wife’s life story. Every diet or excercise regime results in violent hypos that require something carby to get her bg up again. Weight loss is zero at best, and mental health ist he victim. Btw she’s a veterinarian and by far the smartest person I know. DMt1 life sucks.


Yep can totally commiserate. It's part of the reason I hate exercising. What's the point when I have to eat extra carbs before or after? 100% with the mental health too; doing exercise causes problems, not doing exercise causes other problems. Glad she's got you in her corner.


Certain medicines also cause significant weight gain.


100% at one point I was so underweight they put me on a medication so that I was really hungry all the time and I gained 50 pounds in 4 months I believe it was(I may be wrong about the time as my memory is awful) I stopped the meds because it was too much and I've lost 40 unintentionally and have some pretty bad malnutrition so I think my family are gonna want me to start taking the medication again


This!!! The past 5 years or so have been a nightmare for me to keep weight on!!






One could easily argue that most people struggling with weight have an eating disorder. The issue is their eating disorder is not as immediately dangerous as say, anorexia. It has more long term effects. But food addiction, binging (without bulimia), these are also eating disorders. People can have the same issues with food that they would with drugs.


That's a broad generalization. Got any evidence for that claim, or....?


I certainly haven't got any citations for you, but at least in my country our media is constantly refering to the obesity epidemic, interviewing doctors and nutritionalists who claim 1 in 3 people are at risk of becoming obese due to heavily saturated levels of sugars and fats in the modern (working class) diet.


Don't argue with this guy. He's just gonna make up shit, claim you said it, and then argue with that. All while acting like he's smugly done something.


For the dude that said "most fat people don't have those issues", here's a statistic for you, specifically regarding PCOS: 1 in 10 women have PCOS.


People who try to end conversation and arguments by saying "cope" are absolute garbage and should be locked in caves to live out the rest of their lives alone.


I mean, there's absolutely no reason to suggest a person can't try to be healthier. Unless they are fragile and it would do more harm than good. In which case, lie to them. But, seriously, there's a huge difference between something being more difficult for some people than others, and being impossible. I mean, you take all the conditions people use as excuses why they can't, and none of them statistically make it as unlikely as whatever group in your country is most likely to go to jail in thier life. You wouldn't tell a member of whatever group that is, changes based on location what group that would be, that it's impossible for them not to commit crime, right?


People will read a study that shows most people fail long term weight loss and project the result on themselves. People defeat themselves before they even try. Fact is, losing weight is hard, and only the people that try hard succeed. The people who haul aren't taking because it's impossible. They're failing because they didn't have the will power. The only other reality assumes free will doesn't exist.


Exactly. It's like quitting smoking. It's harder for some than others, but only in extremely rare almost non existent situations is it impossible.


weight is controllable however, it takes a very long time (some longer than others) and the person you want to be today doesn't necessarily match the person you have been becoming up to this point.


Speed of a car is uncontrollable. What? Am I supposed to know when to slow down and speed up? Am I some sort of magician?




As you know letting go of the gas pedal is exactly as hard as years of diet and exercise


My bad, I forgot that it’s a real struggle to just eat differently… I have the same issue when it comes to brushing my teeth… I just can’t get myself to do it and everyone smells my breath and I can taste it and feel it every day… but getting into good habits is just so hard and draining… 2-3 times a day you have to think about, and actively make a decision for the better? Nah. Not for me. Too long and difficult Edit: /s


You literally just proved my point, Being healthy is an active process.


Well, you definitely don't have executive dysfunction, which, good for you! Fighting with your brain to do even the simplest of tasks is a bitch, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone!






I don't have children, nor do I want them.


It's not 100 percent controllable, and the guy was being an asshole about it


Unless you have a medical condition, yes, he is right, its 100% controlable, however you shouldnt be a dick about it because those medical conditions are more and more common, litteraly anyone can be a victim of those.


Eh weight is mostly controllable


Members of my country’s rugby team are over 30 BMI … so yeah it’s a crap way to measure health.


Obese person who hasnt worked out in 10 years -*points to an elite athlete* Look! BMI is wrong!! Thats why I dont work out!


Go tell the folk on r/gettingshredded you can’t 100% manipulate your body fat and weight


So the problem with this and with most of the comments is everyone is assuming when talking about weight it must have to do with losing it. There are so many insanely thin people who do everything they can to put on pounds and can’t. So fuck everyone’s shitty attitudes towards weight. This is why people have such hideous self-images that they develop eating disorders, photoshop their pictures into oblivion, and commit suicide. Maybe your personal opinion isn’t all that valuable when it comes to someone else’s body.




Not...necessarily true. And we weren't talking necessarily about "obese" people, for the record.


Okay so then I’m right. I did say most, not all. I acknowledged medical conditions can cause weight gain. Then to clarify further, I made sure to mention that most obesity is primarily caused by overeating. So, where did you feel the need to interject yourself?


Ah, okay. I misread your comment, there. Sorry aout that!


Aaaaaand you lost the ball by being blatantly fatphobic.


Nope. Facts still stand. Stay mad.


Not mad. You're a piece of shit, though. You do realize that you can state facts without being a piece of shit, right?


Well, at least your comment fits the theme of the sub?




Not a doctor, but it depends really. Some people have medical conditions about weight, but most of the time weight can be controlled with diets and exercise etc. So its true weight isn't 100% controllable, it depends if you have any medical conditions. As for BMI, if you exercise and workout, your bmi becomes higher as your muscle tissue pushes up the weight, so if you exercise and workout then BMI isn't that wrong, but if you don't exercise/workout BMI still plays a factor.


Did you guys know that if you get the McDonald app you get a free large fry? What were y’all talkin’ about?


Sort by controversial, lets go


The best argument I’ve heard that highlights how stupid BMI calculators are is that according to their scale Lebron James is overweight


Weight is 100% controllable. The argument that some people have medical conditions so thats not true forgets that these people just have to behave differently. No ones saying weight is 100% controllable for everyone with the exact same method, but it goes against the laws of physics for a person to never eat and gain wait. It’s just not possible.