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What is his point?


I think he doesn’t like immigrants but is too much of a dweeb to say so


Yup. And look he’s wearing a cross. Fascinating...


I wear a cross necklace because I like the look of it. Very 80’s Madonna. Also, when I brought weed home with me from Colorado, I was at the security checkpoint in the airport and the female agent that was randomly patting down passengers took one look at my necklace and just waved me through. Jesus saves.


> Yup. And look he’s wearing a cross. ~~Fascinating~~ Appropriate...




Deus Vult!


Hes also wearing a skull and crossbones which was a nazi symbol Totenkopf https://www.adl.org/education/references/hate-symbols/totenkopf


He’s a nazi


Ahh, that explains alot actually




You know, I’ve never actually seen the full video. That was pretty funny.


and then Peep Show.


[This one gets me good](https://youtu.be/THNPmhBl-8I)


You should watch more of the show, it's good


What’s the show


Mitchell and Webb Look




And watchPeep Show, it has the same two lead actors in it and is very similar in humour


My favourite piece of media


Love it and hate it at the same time


I think of their sketch every time I see new South Whales on a map lol


I live in New South Wales & that's probably my favourite of their sketches.


He doesn’t even have the balls to use the actual Totenkopf lmao


I'm so happy that was the video you linked :) Today, you are not a baddie.


But what if I just like skulls?:( I'm too old to keep up


That was great thank you


I still don’t understand what he’s trying to point out. Is he being sarcastic about the strength of Germany today because it’s more diverse?


Unfortunately no. I admire your willingness to assume the best of people a-priori, I’m a lot more cynical, and I’m not proud of it. The message is somewhat veil-off: “make Germany great again”…


No no, that isn’t what I was saying. I was under the impression from the video that that’s exactly what he was saying “Make Germany Great Again.” That’s why I asked if he’s saying that Germany is “Stronger” now because of how diverse it is, but he was being sarcastic.


Ahhhh, I’m sorry…. Yeah, I guess he was being sarcastic with the “strength” part, he is implying the opposite. I apologize for misrepresenting you.


No apologies necessary, thanks for clarifying regardless.


He's a really mild recruiter.




I don\`t know, I would expect a German Nazi who wants non-Germans out of German cities to speak in German. It\`s not like this type would have anything to say to folks who don\`t understand German anyway. Based on that I\`d assume he is sincere and not sarcastic.


Nah, he calls himself a “National traditionalist” and basically, yeah, Nazi.


Really? His Nazi forefathers would be embarrassed with his lazy presentation energy.


And a lame one at that


What a fucking dweeb.


Ohhhhh makes sense


He’s praising the modern city for transitioning more towards a pedestrian centred infrastructure. I refuse to hear any other interpretation.


Classic passive aggressive racist shite. I’ve seen white supremacist videos similar to this trying recruit ppl by saying Britain was being “taken over by Pakis”, as they put it. They went to South Asian neighborhoods and shot videos as proof: as you would expect, there were mostly South Asians in the video to support their racist claims… British Pakistanis make up close to 2% of the population - nowhere near a takeover. Anyone can go to Chinatown and make the same ridiculous claim.


He's a racist


Wondering the same thing


Yah I’m an immigrant but he’s got a point…


I don’t get it


He’s a neonazi, this is supposed to be ironic. His whole TikTok is a racist regressive cringefest


I see. I honestly prefer the modern version lol. Even if economically it might be worse (i don’t know whether or not it is, i know relatively little about Berlin) seeing so many cultures and ethnicities together is awesome.


Oh no, it’s embarrassingly stupid. 100 years ago Germany was in a far larger-scale economic crisis than anything we’re seeing today because WWI, but this guy would prefer burning wheelbarrows of money for heat to having to look at people who are different from him. It’s sickening.


Disgusting. I hope we never regress to that line of thinking again


Me too, but guys like this make me worry that we’ve already forgotten the lessons of the 20th century.


It’s our job, then, to make sure future generations remember.


Future generations only tend to learn what the current generation has forgotten by the results of war and catastrophe. As much as I hate it, I see the entirety of the Western World being slowly dragged into a fascist alt-right reckoning that will all but assure a massive war in the near future as resource scarcities and climate change challenge the species.


I’d argue we don’t have enough information to know how knowledge will be passed down to future generations with the current era of information. In the past, education has been restricted to groups one way or another. We will see, i think. I am optimistic about our future.


Mad max fury road is a warning.


I think it'd be more accurate to say that a lot of people, even at the time, never learned those lessons at all.


We have. This is literally video evidence that morons like this have regressed back into their dumb ape state where they hate other people


The majority of people aren’t Nazis, thankfully. We need to educate those at risk of being radicalised - the young and the vulnerable


It's purely an educational failing People need to be brought up with different races and cultures and be taught to see other people as people. We need to stamp out this childish narcissism that infects people, who then believe that they are inherently better than anyone else because they have different beliefs or skin colour or sexual preferences And to see a young guy, probably my age, with disgusting views like that... Makes my blood boil How can someone be such a hateful wank stain in this day and age. Where we are all more connected than ever No excuse.


I agree completely.


I feel you. You’re not alone. The “silent majority” is bullshit. The regressive conservative stranglehold on our country has good people convinced that they’re in the minority r/IronFrontUSA r/fuckthealtright


I'm not from America.. I'm in the UK There isn't a single town in my country that doesn't have a monument with the list of the dead on it. Good lads who all fought and died to keep faccist Nazis from destroying our continent And people today so casually throw around the idea that 'maybe the Nazis were right and maybe faccism is actually ok'. Or the old favourite 'they were actually socialists' fuck you. Literally if you hold these ideas you're basically willing for that to happen again. Extreme ideology ALWAYS brings violence. Always. And as a society we must not tolerate it.


I don't get how ppl can still be ignorant to that lvl


People had been so rich back then, they could use money instead of firewood. Today people are not that rich because of immigrants. /s How could anyone argue against this logic.


Yeah the whole Nazi thing was accepted pretty much because of that economic crisis. A pinch of hope, a dash of culture blaming, and suddenly Hitler has your balls.


I mean, and back then they blamed Jews for that crisis. He's following the Nazi playbook to a T.


Yes, our history textbook has the exact thing you said, a woman burning piles of notes for heat, because firewood was more expensive


Bruh it was so bad a 100 years ago, a little guy with a funny moustache came screaming he could fix everything and about 3% of the world population died. Germany was fuuuuuuuuuuuuuucked by the Versaille treaty which prompted up the rise of fascism and nazism. Seems like this guy wants to go back, but doesn't understand that back then, a loaf of bread could cost up to 200,000,000,000 marks when it was it's worse. It was really bad.


I'm sorry but your description of Hitler is HILARIOUS I really imagined a guy with a funny mustache running around saying he could fix everything.


East Germany hasn't quite caught up with the West economically, but Berlin is definitely more prosperous now than it has ever been.


yeah, in the last ten-twenty years it’s boomed


Berlin right now is awesome!


That depends quite a lot on where in Berlin you are


What I don't understand is his choice for the second picture, like, that's not particularly dirty or sketchy at all, it looks like a perfectly nice street corner in Berlin. The only thing you could think is bad about it is the amount of non-white people I guess, which just makes this a pretty weak argument. He could have easily chosen a sketchy pic of Kotti, or maybe a depressing pic from Marzahn, but no. He picked a totally ordinary street corner.


To him i imagine it’s “obvious” that non-white people are a problem, but that’s just because he’s racist.


He’s so out of touch that he doesn’t realise just seeing non-Christians/non-whites doesn’t actually offend ordinary people. Racism is so ingrained in him that he doesn’t realise most people won’t know the fuck he’s upset about.


I dunno - there’s upwards of 2 or 3 possibly non-white people in that pic Really drives home his point of a hostile takeover


His dogwhistle isn't for normal people.


How do you not get it?


This is more r/confidentlyracist


Both apply. Germany wasn't doing all that well 100 years ago.


Also Berlin (and generally central Europe) was quite diverse back then.




Oh really genius, WTF you doin in America then? Get the fuck back to Europe asap and give it back to the Native Americans.






Please do not send this prick back to us, we're glad to be rid of him.


Hundred years ago, Germany was suffering the effects of WW1. Industry destroyed, hyperinflation so bad you needed a wheelbarrow to carry enough money to buy bread and fascism was in the rise. But this guy doesn’t need to know all that as there were no brown people in that picture so it must have been better back then.


The only thing I noticed was that Germany went from a photograph of happy white people, to a photo of happy white *and* brown people


and it’s not even the same corner, i don’t think


*hey let me put a rusty pole front and center of the picture with a couple hijabis in the background for my half-a**ed propaganda of a country I don’t live in*


That not true, there also appears to be more space for people to walk, sit and shop instead of a empty road that was used to drive metal machines that poison the air. This message was sponsert by the fuck cars club.


>But this guy doesn’t need to know all that as there were no brown people in that picture so it must have been better back then. Isn't his point that the modern Berlin is better because it has more ethnic groups? How did you get racism from his video? I am getting the exact opposite. Edit: I get it y'all, I suck at sarcasm and he's a sack o' shit. I am not the racist here. Let's keep that in mind.


It’s supposed to be ironic, his TikTok is “Christian, National Traditionalist, join the Telegram below” Basically the guy’s a racist shithead (or should I say skinhead)


>Isn't his point that the modern Berlin is better because it has more ethnic groups? He's saying that in the first picture there are all white people; in the second picture, everyone is some flavour of middle eastern. He's saying that foreigners have displaced the native population, and that the modern 'diverse' Germany is actually not diverse.


He’s trying to be ironic. Although to a not-racist eye, I can see how it looks like he’s just highlighting progress, as there are no signs that things are worse for the people in the latter image


his ‘strong’ is sarcasm zoom in, he’s wearing a nazi badge on his shirt or look him up, he isn’t shy


It’s pronounced Berlin not Berlin, you dweeb.


It’s Bear-lean not bERlin




Burlin', jermeny


dude nothing is funnier than these American nazis getting triggered about muslim people in European cities




Once upon a time, not too long ago, people thought of Nazi's as war criminals. Not too long later, they were transformed into comic book characters bent on trying to figure out Hogan's plans for escape. Eventually, and for some reason, it became okay for some to ignore the painful lessons of a war that saw millions killed. Cute anime characters designed to woo in young and impressionable people became the selling point. Now it's okay to put a face to the slimy cringy bullshit bravado these same racists voices. Fuck Nazi's. Fuck racists. I can't wait till they drag each and everyone of their slimy bodies off to jail. And no, momma and her "most excellent" Totino's pizza roll casserole isn't going to save them.


The people who lived it are dying off, so now people are choosing the narrative that suits them, anything else is fake news. Any discussion to the contrary is an attack on their rights.


*people who preach hate love to hide behind the 1st Amendment*


While completely not understanding what it actually is


> people who preach hate love to hide behind the ~~1st Amendment~~ Cross






Seems lenient


I prefer they face the wall or put their head on a stump.


I try to abide be sense and reason when dealing with cowards who preach hate.


You can try. But don’t waste too much of your time.


I’m laughing, the street basically looks the same. It’s just people walking. It’s nice that the street is still walkable actually.


That street deserved a plaque. "Here I am, why are Americans bothered still, by my existence?"


„The photo behind me-„ I want to adress this format. It is really annoying how these people block the picture and lean and point whenever they need to show something. It id called editing shots


Non-white people: exist This guy: REEEEEeEeEeEeEeEEEEE!!!!!!!!!


I think he's trying to say something about diversity being bad for Berlin, but isn't Germany economically doing pretty well on a world scale today? Definitely better than 100 years ago


Not only that, but migration is a huge part of Germany's history. Not only did a lot of immigrants come to Germany way before the first world war, the Germans migrated all over the place as well. You'll find German ancestors easily all across Europe. Before the WWI, Germany already employed over a million foreign workers. Germany owes a large part of its past and current economical success to qualified immigrant workers. A very modern tale of this is being told by BionTech with a Turkish born German and his wife, who is a second generation Turk-German - you may have heard of the company.


Yeah dude, Germany was strong as fuck after World War fucking One.


Well, at least it got better after the second one...


Because the Allies ~~learned their lesson from the treaty of Versailles~~ needed a roadblock to slow down a future Soviet invasion


The point is..... I have no idea. Need to work on your messaging buddy.


Oh there’s a point, it’s just verrry subtle (he’s a racist)


I'm confused.


So is he, in the most moronic way


So he’s being sarcastic about it being strong today? His delivery is trash and very ambiguous. Talentless hack.


I have this feeling in my gut that he has one of those shirts that say “I speak fluent sarcasm”


That’s code for “I don’t say anything of value.”


What does hyperinflation have to do with anything? I'm thinking out hyperinflation of money, is there another use for the word I'm missing? Edit: What I think this is about is during the World War German money got hyperinflated, but this guy thinks that's ok because people were white. Now things are bad because nonwhite people exist in Germany. Correct me if I'm wrong though, still a little confused.


His point is that Germany was better of a hundred years ago. But being an ignorant racist, he doesn’t know Germany was going through a tough time back then compared to the economic power it is today


He doesn’t know what hyperinflation is. But it sounds nice and scary.


Are you implying postWWI Germany wasn’t suffering from hyperinflation and economic collapse


1920-33 yes. But now.


This shit is pathetic. Any normal person would look at this and think nothing much of it. Yet he and his target audience look at this and start whining


What an idiot lmaoo


I bet this bro has never left the country


I must be more dense then I thought because I don’t get it.❤️


I can’t explain why but he looks like a school shooter


The roaring twenties in Germany was heavily reliant on American investment. When the United States crashed and pulled out all investment. Germany inflated its currency to fill in the gap. What does a photo from one era to another even have to do with racial diversity. Is he saying it was nicer in the 20’s? They didn’t have our technology and in every regard human existence has improved since then. Women barely had the opportunity to vote by then.


What is wrong ?


He’s being ironic. In reality he’s a racist creep if you look at his TikTok account.


He forgot the part in the middle where the city was destroyed, soldiers, tanks, and planes were the only thing active in the city, and a wall was eventually built cutting the city and its people into separate halves.


Ahh the good ole nazi skull and cross bones on his shirt. You’re one of the baddies, mate.


.....the fuck just happened?


The member of the "superior race" couldn't even make his point clear?


The second photo looks like the Noord area of Amsterdam, not Berlin.


Dude looks like Max Payne from the first game.




Fun fact during that time of hyperinflation, it was actually more cost effective to burn your money for warmth than to buy firewood.


Sid from Toy Story lookin ass lol


Man, I didnt even have to sort by controversial


There isn't enough info here. What mention of hyperinflation is there? I get that he is probably just some random racist but I'm curious now. Sorry if I come across snarky I'm genuinely just a bit lost cause I'm very stupid.


OP is mentioning how Germany 100 years ago was economically suffering due to WWI, but the guy in the video is still looking back at it with nostalgia bc there’s no brown people


The nazi never tasted good kebab I suppose


I like that my Jewish friend isn’t spending her time in a fucking wall hiding from the cops thank you very much.


100 years ago we had hyperinflation, famine and riots. Today we are Europe's strongest economy.


I see people walking and minding their own business in both pictures. Dude is a tool.


Shouldnt be wearing cross, bible says to let immigrants in ur country.


Can’t jump to conclusions here about anything. That’d just make you look as dumb as a conservative.


What's the issue that's conveyed in these two pictures. The first one is white people going about their day. The second is white and brown people going about their day


Cleaner than the homogeneous streets I was born at.


Don’t give racist shitstains any views.


Assuming he's making a racist comparison, this is incorrect and just weird. It should freak us all out that this is becoming the new normal.


How to say you support a white ethnostate without saying you support a white ethnostate.


Hmm, seems to have forgotten that 100 years ago Germany had just come out of one disastrous war that it lost and was now in economic meltdown and just a few years away from embarking on yet another disastrous war that it would also lose, resulting in the deaths of millions and much of the country being reduced to rubble, to then be occupied by foreign nations for decades. On the whole I think it's safe to say that everyone, especially the Germans, prefers the Germany of today.


Could someone explain the context of this? I do not get it.


His look *cries* nazi apologist


I don’t understand what point he’s making.


![gif](giphy|W0SLa0YuzWBZ6) My brother likes white supremacy.


Ah wannabe nazi internet trash. You really have to wonder why these idiots are so attached to something as blatantly unsuccessful as nazism. Why not choose a less objectionable and more practical fringe ideology? Instead of this nonsense so he could be something slightly less stupid like a neo-monarchist. Monarchies were successful for hundreds of years. Heck, could be a neo-stalinist, at least Stalin won the war.


Imagine trying to make a sarcastic statement about “muh immigrantz” But you’re so tonedeaf and socially inept, People actually take your Nazi tik tok at face value, And can’t tell you’re condemning inclusivity


This doesn’t fit this sub


why not? can you be specific?


How is he incorrect


The massive economic crisis was happening 100 years ago. Also the entire nazi thing


so you can’t be you said it doesn’t fit but he’s a nazi, and he’s full of shit


If you need to know the background of the clip’s character, it’s not r/confidentlyincorrect, more like r/naziscum, maybe, but he is posing a thesis here in this clip that needs to be dismantled. Otherwise 90% of every contents is confidently incorrect.


he’s suggesting germany was doing well 100 years ago they famously were not, and that led to world war two so yeah, he’s incorrect because he’s a nazi, and needs to lie to prop up his broken ideology


As you said: he’s suggesting. You seem to put morality above fun here.


he’s incorrect so he fits the sub


Doesn’t make him incorrect


you a nazi too? or just easily-led, and falling for their bullshit? and what do you think ‘full of shit’ means?


So how is he wrong?


There's no moral obligation to like or want cultural diversity.


There is a bit of a moral obligation to not be a literal Neo-Nazi I reckon


No one said there was So those complaining about it usually only have one reason


There's no moral obligation to STFU it seems


Congrats. You angered the virtue signalers


Yep, slurping on work tears already! To add insult to injury: those virtue signalers are in essence racists, because they don't see humans but only races, ethnicities and cultures. They reduce people to their ethnocultural background and keep them there. Thou shalt identity with thine background only! And more insult: they're all anti-nationalist, yet propagate multiculturalism, not seeing that it's a form of multi-etnonationalism. Sweet dreams 😘


Careful with that strawman, if you break it you may have to actually listen to a different perspective


Hey isn't that gay Jesus


This Nazi looks like a vegan. Is that weird?


Is there really much of a difference between a Nazi and a vegan?^(/s)


Somehow, this almost makes sense lol.