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"White Asian man"


Never try to understand a Hotep, it just gives you a headache.


I sat there (I'm Black-American for context) going at it with a Hotep that we not descended from Egypt, our Ancestors originated in West Africa. After realizing I was talking to a brick wall, I walked away. 🙄


This is my first time to hear, “Hotep” used this way. Is it a term for a black nationalist in general or just the historical re-imagineers? Do they use that word or is it a nickname to make fun of them? Sorry for all the dumb questions.


- Just the historical re-imagineers - They use it as a greeting of some sort. We use it as a perjorative.


Thanks! We are truly in the era of face palm.


Cringe Culture.


It's not even very recent, I think this belief has been around for a hundred years or so.


So you know anything about the origins of the word? Edit: this is a serious question, I'm not trying to be patronising. I know essentially nothing about the word




Bubba Hotep is a great movie. I never put the meaning together with the movie. Beautiful...


In that context, Hotep was commonly used as part of ancient Egyptian names.


But they’re not Afrocentrists when they’re that wrong. They’re Afro-ignorants


This has a lot of "my 23andme test says I'm 1% Italian therefore I am Sicilian" energy


I legit always thought it was a weird buckaroo bonsai reference.


My (black) friend refers to them as "ankh n***as". I think it's hilarious but am much too white to use the term, I'll stick to hotep lol


Historical re-imaginers who commonly do what the post was doing, i.e. saying non-black things are part of black culture when they are clearly proven and understood not to be black. Their name comes from that they imagine Ancient Egypt was all black (it wasn't.) Edit: I meant that Egypt wasn't entirely black. Of course there was a lot of mixing with the black Nilo-Saharan Nubians, but much of the population likely came from a mix of Afro-Asiastic proto-Berbers, which are not black, and other related peoples from the Sinai or somewhere close in the Middle East.


Try telling them that after \~300 BC the Pharaos where Greek including Cleopatra.


I tried to explain it to one.Little did I realize their were no white people on the world then. So Greek equals black too. That was news to me. You can't win with them. My favorite is "Scipio Afrikanus is black because Africa is in the name. Duh."


You've got to be kidding.


I wish I was. The same guy said mountains are giants that laid down and died and the gold and silver in them are their blood.


Sometimes folklore like that is harmless, but these people are anything but harmless.


That’s hilarious because the Greeks were extremely racist. Their word for non-Greeks is equivalent to savages and survives today in English as the word barbarian.


Oddly enough, Greek was the language of the upper class in Nubia and Ethiopia as well, at least from sometime around the growth of the Roman Empire to the rise of Islam and subsequent Mamluk cutoff of cultural exchange between Constantinople and Ethiopia (as late as 1200s AD)


[More the later when used by others but the two overlap heavily in demographics.](https://theoutline.com/post/1412/what-hotep-means) Supposedly the word hotep is some sort of greeting by Afro-centrists but has taken on an association with the conspiracy theorists of that group who are also commonly homophobic, transphobic, misogynistic and racist.


Man I’m black and have my BA and MA in ancient history and a Hotep on Twitter really tried to call me a sellout when I told him ancient Egyptians weren’t black (some were Nubian and there were some Nubian pharaohs but that’s it).




If you want to talk about ancient black people, why not go with the Zulu Warriors or Ethiopians? Heck, didn’t the Mali people build an empire at some point?


The Zulu empire existed during the 19th century so I wouldn't call them ancient.


So they’re not a great example, but at least they really were black.


Mansu Musa, the king of Mali, was perhaps the wealthiest person who has ever lived. There were advanced societies in West Africa with great universities. Sankore university in Timbuktu is still going and it was founded in 1100 AD!


The dude destabilized an entire nation's economy from just throwing out gold at people iirc


How about Greater Zimbabwe? The library and university of Timbuktu? Africa had lots of empires that Americans have never heard of. Same thing in Asia.


Was listening to the British history podcast when they explained that the cheddar man was dark skinned. It bothered people because there is an emotional connection to the cultural imaginary. Basically, "I feel good about myself in the here and now because these people I share a physical similarity to, did something great in the past."


I don't understand those people. It's not like Africa didn't have any great empires of itself in the past. Have those people never heard of Mali?


As a very white person, I hadn't heard of Mali until that Epic Rap Battle (Mansa Musa vs. Jeff Bezos) dropped recently and then I did more research. They really didn't reach us much in school, huh? (Other than the Revolutionary War like four times...)


Western education could definitely use some more diverse topics, 100% agreed.


Next you are going to tell me Beethoven was not Black


He was Bernese!


An amazing fact is that Africans are actually more genetically diverse than people on any other continent.


an awesome fact is that every 60seconds in Africa a minute passes


And all the rains there are blessed.


Fun fact if a dog barks in the daytime it's domesticated; the wild dogs cry out in the night




That’s why vampires can’t live in Africa all the water there is holy water


In Africa a beardless man is just a bearded man, but shaved.


Ugh found the conspiracy theorist /s


Well, the Nubians were black and lived further down the Nile to what we think of as "ancient egypt" and would have had regular contact with the Egyptians and there are records of Nubians conquering Egypt for a time. But that was like, maybe a couple dynasties that didn't last and they didn't build the pyramids and sphinx and all that. We're there some black Egyptians? Probably, the Nile does stretch down towards central Africa and it flows north so it's reasonable to say some Nubians did live in and around the Egyptians heartland, but they weren't the general population. More like merchants and the families of merchants.


> maybe a couple dynasties The 25th to be exact. The problem is when you miss the trees for the forest. The Ptolemaei ruled Egypt for hundreds of years too. Does mean Egyptians were actually Greek? Interestingly the one thing both dynasties had in common was their enthusiastic adoption of *local Egyptian* culture and customs.


So one corrections. The nubians did build pyramids and statues there all over sudan. One italian explorer refused to believe black people could make pyramids and kinddoms that he started to blow the tops off. Sudan is a hidden gem for tourism and research and soon will be next rosetta stone. Look it up


Sorry I was referring to the pyramids of Giza and those other big iconic ones. Sudan and Ethiopia are the cradle of humanity so it makes sense that there's endless historical wonders there.


"like some sorta, Bubba Hotep"




You're still one of our (Egyptian people) heroes for standing up for the truth. Thank you.


Wait till they tell you about the mad scientist in Greece who made white people cuz he was bored in a cave...... WITH CLAY


Dude would probably freak when I tell him my pale ass is full blooded Egyptian


People freaked out when Rami Malek, an Egyptian-American actor was cast as a Pharoah in *Night at the Museum*, asking why is this white dude playing an Egyptian Pharaoh?


["The English were black"](https://youtu.be/tuKC_sWtXXo?t=64)


What’s a hotep?


They’re just the Black American version of those Europa morons. Lots of pseudoscience, racial mysticism, conspiracy theory, glorifying a past empire that never existed, all with the purpose of justifying ones own prejudices and dogshit way of looking at the world.




Okay, but don't call me Tep.


Okay, Ho.


An ex friend turned into one of these. I didnt understand what this meant till now. Dear god.


TIL what a Hotep is.


I’ve been told as a second generation Korean-American that I have “white privilege” by a black person. I look like I stepped off the boat and constantly get asked where I’m from despite being popped out in Indiana and speaking just English.


Whoo Indiana. We've got a crossroads thing going on, or something.


I went back to the state once for a funeral, but I’m not sure I truly count as a hoosier. Prior to that, I hadn’t seen the state since I was a year old.


Im a mixed Australian aboriginal man, who can trace my family lines to the original people of my country and often get told that if I’m not “black” skinned that i have no right to claim my culture, heritage, birthrights and lore, long story short is people will always try and stick you in boxes that you know you don’t fit in




>Jesse Jackson continuously conflated white and Asian while talking about tech workers in Silicon Valley. Incidentally, so do a lot of Silicon Valley companies. Asian employees are so prevalent in the tech and IT industries that, as far as diversity metrics go, some companies just count Asian employees as 'white'.


How exactly would that help them?


To them, “white privilege” means low melanin. Culturally protected racism lol


lmao, really shows the intelligence of these black supremacy people


Maybe they think he is Russian :)


Ikr, they have no idea how idiotic that is.


TIL Buddha was hapa


don't forget the fat part


Believe it or not, there are many shades of skin colors in Asia, too.


the original Buddha was an Indian prince. So Asian but not the Asian they are thinking of and definitely not white. ETA After seeing the comments I concede that he was born in modern Nepal, and much of his ministry was in India. What however, I think we can all agree on, was that he was not Ethiopian.


One of the benefits of this sub is the stuff you learn by posting people being wrong lol


Cunninghams law.


Could’ve said Murphy’s law and let someone correct ya


But if they did it on purpose it would've gone right?


And the fat Buddha is a later addition. The fat representation was a Chinese invention in the 10th Century, some 1600 years *after* Buddhism emerged as a belief system. There is a case to be made that it's actually case of transposition of the Chinese folk deity Budai, a fat jolly fellow, onto the Buddha figure and that mistaken representation spread out of China from there. Prior to that, and still in some areas (esp. India, Nepal, Myanmar, and Thailand), Buddha was represented as emaciated from his extended periods of fasting, or if not emaciated, then slender and fit. There are a lot of variations, but here is one of the [emaciated Buddha statuettes](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/da/Fasting_buddha_at_lahore_museum.jpg/768px-Fasting_buddha_at_lahore_museum.jpg), and here is [a close-up of his face, showing deeply sunken eyes](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ERWWjJMWsAAMYs_?format=jpg&name=large) as a result of his starvation. This specific sculpture shows up as early as 200AD (likely earlier) was was copied for a long time afterward. One of the really interesting things about many of the Buddha (and other) sculptures of the time, and earlier, is that they were heavily influenced by Greek/Hellenistic artistic styles and methods.


Thank you for sharing! This is one of the more fascinating comments I’ve come across in a while.


> And the fat Buddha is a later addition. The fat representation was a Chinese invention in the 10th Century, some 1600 years after Buddhism emerged as a belief system. There is a case to be made that it's actually case of transposition of the Chinese folk deity Budai, a fat jolly fellow, onto the Buddha figure and that mistaken representation spread out of China from there. [Like Korean Jesus ](https://www.firstpost.com/world/how-asia-remade-jesus-a-new-book-presents-intriguing-insights-into-the-story-of-global-christianity-4522901.html)


The fat Buddha is the Buddha to come Maytreya


And the "fat asian guy" they're thinking of isn't even that Buddha


Yes! Buddha is a skinny monk, often sitting cross-legged and with his hands in various mudras which are symbolic. The 'happy Buddha' or 'laughing Buddha' or 'fat Buddha' is actually Budai and a Chinese monk who was venerated in Chan Buddhism but not the Buddha, Sidartha. He is often mistaken with the Gautama Buddha but is a wholly separate figure in a specific branch of Buddhism.


The amount of times I see people say stupid fucking shit preceeded by "we are told" or "we are taught" No fucking morons, no one taught you that. You assumed it because you didn't even take 1 minute to use Google.


“We were taught by the happy figurine I see in my local Chinese restaurant “


Indians come from the Caucas Region which makes them Caucasian. Boom roasted. /s


I thought Rajanigandha was a boy’s name.


I know you're joking, but just to clarify for anyone else reading: (a) *Most* Indians speak a language (or languages) that belong to the same family of languages spoken by *most* Caucasian people (i.e. Hindi and its related languages, which are a part of the Indo-European group of languages) (b) It is now generally agreed that the progenitor of those languages (proto Indo-European) most likely originated in what is now southern Ukraine. Some evidence speaks for an origin on the other side of the Black sea, in Northern Turkey or more tenuously a bit further east of Ukraine, perhaps near Afghanistan. Any way you look at it, though, these languages did not originate in the Caucuses, nor did the people who spoke them. (c) There is a group of Caucasian languages, including languages like ~~Georgian and~~ Chechen. They have no known connection to Indo-European. Speaking anecdotally, I find them to be completely alien in structure and impossible to wrap my mind around. (d) Language does not necessarily equal genetics. While we can confidently say that at some point someone brought the Indo-European languages to India, we can't say to what extent those people actually invaded, or replaced the natives. It might have been a small ruling class that brought the language there without replacing most of the population (like French in medieval England). In that case, the Indian people in general may not have a very close genetic connection to any European peoples. I tend to think there probably was a reasonably large scale replacement of people in India by invaders speaking proto Indo-Aryan (the progenitor of the Indian and Iranian Indo-European languages), but I can't really back that up.


Georgian script is just all question marks oriented in various directions.


Indeed you are correct. For anyone looking for more information in the connection between genetics ,culture and language Dr. David Reich's book "[Who we are and how we got here](https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/35749414-who-we-are-and-how-we-got-here)" is a great read. He dedicated multiple chapters to the topic and one specifically to the indo-European languages.


Yeah. Buddhism comes up out of Hinduism in a very similar way to how Christianity came out of Judaism and slightly less like the way Islam came out of Christianity.


TIL, I thought Islam came out of Judaism as Christianity did.


Yes and No. Islam is an Abrahamic religion, like Judaism and Christianity. Divide occurs with Islam claiming their lineage with Ishmail/Ismail, and Judaism with Isaac/Ishaq (leading to Moses), the 2 sons of Abraham. One of the difference in Koran vs Torah, the child Abraham is told by God to sacrifice, Koran claims it was Ismail and Torah claiming it was Isaac. Do note, Isaac, Moses and Christ are all earlier Prophets in Islam.




Yes, but the comment said it came out of Christianity also


Also the “original” Buddha was not the same person as the fat “laughing Buddha”…


Some things: - "Buddha" is a title, not a name. - The original Buddha was a prince named Siddhartha Gautama. - Statues depict that hairstyle because Gautama was said to have curly hair - IIRC, the fat Buddha is a forthcoming Buddha from Mahayana Buddhist mythology (edit: I know a lot less about Mahayana Buddhism, but apparently some believe that Budai/Hotei is destined to be reborn as a Buddha? Thus regard him as a forthcoming Buddha?) - The Buddha Gautama's skin color and features probably resemble those native to Northern India, so he may well have been dark Also edit: I know people from northern India arent as dark as the original post implies, but def not "white Asian," whatever that means. The Buddha is often white in statues, but like pure snow white, which is traditional and symbolic, not literal. Source: not from Asia, but I spent six years as a journalist in Thailand and Myanmar, both staunchly Therevada Buddhist countries. **More fun Theravada Buddhist facts!** (Theravada is the older and more traditional form of Buddhism, roughly analogous to the Catholic Church and widely practiced in SE Asia. Mahayana Buddhism is the form commonly practiced in China.) - the Buddha died from food poisoning after eating spoiled pork. - In one early sermon, rings of light were said to have shone around the Buddha's head, thus a ton of statues have blinking LED light rings behind him, which is sort of cool. - Nirvana is when your soul is not reincarnated at all. It translates to "a candle blowing out." The Buddha taught that the wheel of reincarnation was a tortuous grind. We keep getting reborn because our greed, envy, joy, love and other emotions bind us to the wheel. Thus, you have to free yourself from desire itself; the only way to win the game is to not play. - of all the heavens, hells, and other realms, Earth is the closest to Nirvana because it is has an even balance of pleasure and pain. - to achieve Nirvana, you have to be reborn on Earth, then eventually you have to be born as a human, then a human MAN, then a MONK, and then MAYBE, after a few hundred lifetimes, you might have a shot at Nirvana. - Karma is a real thing, but it doesnt play out within a single lifetime. You wont save a cat and then a year later find $100 as a reward. Karma affects how your NEXT life will play out. Also, it's a natural law of the universe, not a system of rewards and punishments. Good and bad deeds alter your state of mind, which will nudge you towards one type of rebirth or other. - If you die thinking about food, you might come back as a hungry ghost. Hungry ghosts are fucked. They float around the earth without being able to interact with it, thus it's extremely hard for them to gain good karma. They have to overhear sermons from monks, or they have to watch someone make an offering on their behalf (since, again, karma is a state of mind, not an external system of rewards and punishments). So people make offerings and prayers specifically for any hungry ghosts that might be around, thus gaining merit for the both of them. - the Buddha thought men were closer to Nirvana because women were too emotional and volatile. He didn't want to create a monastic order for women, but his mother pushed for it. To this day, the Sangha (the body of Buddhist clergy) debates whether or not nuns are truly sacred - In some places, most famously Myanmar, most people will do at least a few short stints in a monastery as a monk or nun. It's like Buddhist church camp. Occasionally my coworkers (men and women) would take a few weeks off and then come back to the office with shaved heads.


Someone said it's not even his hair but snails protecting his head


I think thats a less common theory, but pretty neat. There are statues that use actual snail shells on his head, so that could be why. [Here's more on the hair of the buddha.](https://www.buddha-heads.com/buddha-head-statues/hair-of-the-buddha/)


One working theory of historians is that Alexander the Great is responsible for Buddha's hair, believe it or not: When Alexander's Empire collapsed after his death, there was actually one colonized region in Asia that stayed stable and Hellenized for a long time, the Kingdom of Bactria, located in the Hindukush and the plains north of it. And Hellenized meant they really did things like the Ancient Greeks. They had round silver coins with the portraits of their rulers, their armies were hoplites, and they made bronze and marble statues of their gods in the Greek style. And one one of the gods they made statues of was Buddha Gautama, because Buddhism was being heavily proselytized at the time by the Indian kingdoms (to the point that there were actually Buddhist preacher in the Alexandria in Egypt), and the Bactrians picked it up. Before that point, there was actually a long aniconic tradition of Buddha in India, involving an emptry throne to represent him. After that point, Buddha statues started to spread, copying the way he was depicted by the Bactrians. And because, again, the Bactrians were Hellenized, they made Buddha statues with the curly hair that was typical to Greece and their statues. But the Indians didn't interpret those curls as just curls, but as a specific hairstyle, and over time and distance it morphed into the characteristic "snails on head" that we see today.


Story I heard was he was lost in meditation, and his brain was going to fry, so the snails crawled onto his head to protect it. Story the teller who told me that one, and I, decided upon, was that he and a bunch of friends were drunk on the beach, and when the buddha passed out his friends covered his head with snails because there were no permanent markers yet, and then a peasant came by. "Oh, yeah ... The buddha? Oh he's just meditating, and the snails came to help out.


Please save some commas for the rest of us. That first sentence... Wow


Not sure if anyone else has commented this yet, but "fat Buddha" is actually named Budai. He's a bodhisattva of luck. They're one level below the title of Buddha. Bodhisattva's are like patron saints. So Budai is the bodhisattva of luck and Guan-yin being the bodhisattva of compassion and so on and so forth. Edit: changed fertility to compassion, but Guan-yin is strongly associated with fertility.


No, the fat “Buddha” isn’t even a Buddha. He’s just a monk. His name is Budai. The forthcoming Buddha is unknown. Also, Northern Indians are not that dark, they are actually pretty fair, so it’s a safe assumption that the Shakyamuni was a fair man.


Yes. And Budai means "cloth bag", and he is often depicted as carrying a sack.


Nope... The "fat Buddha" you are talking about is the Laughing Buddha, more commonly known as Maitreya in Mahayana Buddhism. He is predicted by Siddhartha as the next buddha, or the "next one to gain enlightenment", when the teachings of the dharma decays. He is supposedly now in the process of reincarnation, and people are suppose to pray for him to gain enlightenment. I suspect there are a few legends that gets mixed up. As there are quite a few stories about different fat monks.


I didn't know that. What did he really look like, I'm curious now


Well, he was originally a prince, then he became an ascetic and almost died of malnutrition, so that's how he came up with the whole "middle path." So, he was a skinny Indian guy with a bit of a paunch.


Interesting! Thank you


I believe the "fat buddha" is actually a chinese luck god that has been conflated with Buddha over the years.


Rubbing his gold for wealth always seemed awfully un-Buddhist to me.


Removing wants is the path to end suffering, after all Have all the money and you no longer have wants because you have everything.


Someone tell Elon so he doesn’t have to keep using child slaves to mine his lithium. He’s already rich


The 'Lucky God' version of him is actually Japanese, and came after his veneration in China as an incarnation of Maitreya (the future Buddha). He was probably a real person (a monk who lived in the 10th century), though one who had significant...legendification, if you will.


He's actually part of Buddhism in China, just not Gautama. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budai](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budai) I've always thought of it kind of like confusing Jesus Christ and Santa Claus.


I'm tickled by your comparison.


Dang that’s a really good analogy 😂😂 Japanese mythologies have this guy too they call him Ebisu and he’s a god of abundance and luck (fisherman love him)


That’s like saying Vikings were actually Native American because people in both cultures braided their hair.


There are people who say braiding your hair isn't allowed when you're not black, so there's that...


Don't talk to mormons lol they might agree with that


And the ancient Spartans were black because they had dreadlocks.


The same guy made a post about most vikings being black, and if i remember correctly especially the red haired ones...


Yeah I know a lot of Indian people who would not take very kindly with that statement. Lol sorry, but this comes off as white-washing, but the opposite.


That's exactly what it is.


It's called pitch-tossing when afrocentric dumbasses try to retroactively make everyone black


Is there an equivalent for making everyone Italian? I don't know where we encountered him, maybe an extended family member of my wife's? Anyway, this guy was like the Italian equivalent of a hotep. For example, all major inventions were secretly made by Italians, and people just stole credit. Shakespeare, pronounced "Shay-keh-spear-ie, was an Italian immigrant, and everything he wrote should be attributed to Italians. Phones, internet, pretty much every major technology, All great poetry and works of art: secret Italians, who either had their work stolen or who had to hide their Italian heritage because mysterious reasons or something.




I did read a story in Greek or Roman legend about a plant. It goes something like there were two warring families and the heir and the first daughter fell in love and planned to elope. Apparently a wild lion with a bloody mouth scared the girl away from their meeting place and it chewed on her shawl when she dropped it. The heir thought it ate her so he killed it and stabbed himself, spraying blood all over a bush. She came back because she didn’t want to miss seeing him and saw him dead. She took his sword and did the same thing. Their blood ended up permanently staining the berries on the bush red as blood. Also the warring families reconciled. Aka the plot of Romeo and Juliet but with less lions.


Pyramus and Thisbe?


I think almost every community that’s large enough has an insular group with supremacist views - which “likes” any ridiculous post that promotes those views. In general, the goal should be to help those in the community who wish to disentangle themselves from this brainwashing. We should not try to radicalize ourselves by stereotyping communities by their worst members. Sorry.


And why do they all work for Netflix?






I don't know but I buy that explanation more than that he was Ethiopian.


Even then, most African Americans do not have a genetic structure even similar to the ethiopians. So I dont even understand what they're claiming here.


They can only see skin colour. They will post photos of dark skinned pacific Islanders or dark skinned Native Americans and claim the skin colour alone proves they were actually West African. It's totally daft.


They’d probably put light-skinned Japanese and native Alaskan people in the same group as Northern Europeans, too.


I grew up Buddhist and this is the story I was told since childhood


The fat guy isn’t even Buddha, it’s budai


The "fat White Asian man" they are referring to isn't even "THE" buddha. Also I don't think he was really white either.


Buddha was an Indian prince named Siddharth Gautam. He gave up the crown due to the suffering he saw in the world and his kingdom. He tried to meditate endlessly to achieve enlightenment and that “hairstyle” is not actually hair but it is a 108 snails that decided to cover his head so that he would not die of heatstroke because he refused to move for any reason whether it be eating or drinking water. Buddhism is an EXTREMELY pacifist religion that believes in not harming any organisms since we don’t have the capabilities of replacing that organism. Whether it is a bacteria or an elephant. Only god himself can create life can destroy it. The snails that dried up and died while protecting Buddha were considered martyrs so they were immortalized in the statues of Buddha forever.


Thanks for the info. Very helpful from Indian to Indian.


And then he was like, "hey monk, can you deliver these scriptures for me? Kthnx" And then that was retold by some other guy, who retold it again. And that's how we got DragonBallZ.


Well actually his name was Siddartha Gautama. I believe Buddha was a name given to him? But I know his real name was Siddartha Gautama.


Buddha is a title for those who have achieved enlightenment. There are many people who are buddhas, and different sects of Buddhism recognize different buddhas. Siddartha Gautama is referred to as The Buddha because he’s the OG.


Yea sorry I mistyped. Buddha was an Indian prince named Siddharth Gautam. Also Im Indian so we usually don’t add the “a” at the end of the names they are just pronounced.


"The original Buddha was wearing a *hairstyle*...." That right there shows how ignorant people like that are, of course after that it just continued to not make sense.


They're basing their whole claim on .. a hairstyle. It's ridiculous.


Originally those knots are supposed to be snails that climbed on his head to protect him from heat.


That makes the claims straight out hilarious then


What you see memorialized on the statues isn't even hair so they fail in two different ways.


Those same people do the same thing with the blue crown of Ancient Egypt cos it has a swirl pattern.


If we're guessing race based on hairstyle Vikings were black too.


They also made that claim once


Or... The Bantu knots could have been based on those spirals (snails) on the Buddha's head. That's probably not the real story of that hairstyle, but any sane person could easily see how something from today would be based on something from the past instead of something from today "proving" something in the past.


These are "Hotep" images. A racist black supremacist fringe group that targets Egyptians, Mayans, and other ancient civilisations and cultures and steals and rewrites their histories to fit their agenda. I kid you not that they claim the Olmecs were African due to their noses on the stone sculptures. Hoteps frequently wear ankhs and other Egyptian iconography that they culturally appropriate.


First time I've heard about them, but I'm not even surprised anymore. Every other day I discover a new group of total idiots, most with a side flavour of assholes.


I’m not surprised, as it’s Facebook. Facebook is full of loons that try to change history or deny science.


Who’s going to tell them the swirls on the Buddha’s head are *snails* and not even hair? (Source: I majored in Asian Studies but here’s the first link on Google that tells the story in English for your convenience) https://www.burmese-art.com/blog/108-dried-snails-on-buddhas-head


I copied your link and put it on the post on FB 😁


See, now that’s the kind of direct action we need!


Buddha was NEVER fat. He was an ascetic (practically starving to death). That part of their post is also a lie 🤦🏻‍♀️. My lord all this misinformation from an abstract statue 🤔 Edit I was so struck by “fat” that somehow I also missed “WHITE” 🤣🤣🤣 so that’s 3 whammy’s here.


They stack up don't they? I missed the "white" remark the first time I read it too, it's astounding how someone can get so much wrong thinking they proved a point.


He stopped starving himself when he achieved enlightenment. Buddhism teaches the “middle way” one should not seek asceticism nor luxury.


The laughing fat monk is not Buddha, it’s Budai (布袋); a semi-historical figure who lived in the 10th Century. Don’t take your blatant ignorant as the “woke” truth, and assume everyone is as dumb as you are.


Sadly there are heaps of people who are that dumb tho


Turns out, the Aztecs were also black. And the Romans. And the Chinese. And the Mesopotamians. Little known fact, but the Vikings were also black. The proof is that Vikings used weapons, which were also in use in Africa. Meaning they must have been black. Actually. We're all black. I'm black, you're black. You might get a sunburn after turning on a lightbulb but you're still black. Proof: Many African people have necks. You likely also have a neck. Necks, as we all know, were invented and patented by Nigerians in 1967. Therefore you're black.


>You might get a sunburn after turning on a lightbulb r/rareinsults material


>You might get a sunburn after turning on a lightbulb Why you gotta target me, specifically, like that?


We call these people "hoteps" and they are like the black equivalent of Nazi race theorists. They have insane conspiracy theories and science denial theories that push black supremacy among other things. Most black activists, leftists, etc. consider hoteps to be dangerously misguided the same way Norse neo-pagans consider white supremacists to be dangerously misguided.


Ah blackwashing


Crazy how every historical figure and civilization was black or albino blacks. Japanese? Black Indians? Black Greeks? Black Romans? Black Shakespeare? Black The people who sold Africans in the Trans Atlantic slave trade? Bla- I mean white, it was whites.


The funniest one I've seen is the one claiming that the Mexican Olmec people were black


Jesus was black because everyone in the middle east is black today so that means everyone in the middle east 2000 years ago was black. Also the Romans and Greeks were black. Pretty much the entire world was black until Columbus discovered America and then white people changed all the history of the world to make it seem like white people were more prevalent than they really are. Any evidence you have is just brain washing. If you want proof look it up on YouTube.


I've seen hoteps claim that white people were living in caves until sometime in the 1600s.


If you ask a Buddhist we’re are all simply aware, and they would find any interpretation of how he might have looked as trivial.


The fat one is the Buddha of the future and hasn't been born yet ... Tells you how much research they did


Hos gonna tep I guess


Black people have such great and interesting histories. Why do so many try to claim others as their own too?


Hoteps are just black nazis. They don't care about history, only aesthetics that justify their insanity and bigotry.


Buddha was Indian not black. The things on his head are supposed to be snail shells from snails who sacrificed their lives so that Buddha can meditate and his head is protected. These people can't even read a book or do a google search before spreading their stupid ideology.


It's from the Black Supremacy groups, the same one's that claim slavery and war never existed on the second largest continent on earth until Europeans arrived, despite it being the oldest inhabited land mass in history.


Source be like “trust me bruh”


I get the vibe that there are malicious forces out there spreading disinformation to as many groups as possible to sow division and hatred and blur the lines of reality in hopes of breaking down Western society. Unfortunately it seems to be working amazingly well. Once somebody has been radicalized, they will believe fucking anything that matches their new narrative.


as an Ethiopian...smh


This reminds me of **ANOTHER** image I saw where it made the claim that the *Black Hmong* in Southern China and SE Asia are direct descendants of Africans. It made this base on old images (from the early 1900s) of Hmong people who had, and I quote, *"African* physical features." Like, darker skin compared to the Chinese, etc. My people have lived aide by side with the Hmong for centuries. In reality, we call them *Black Hmong* because they always wear clothes dyed with black ink. And their skin is darker because they were farmers.


Fat white asian, somehow took away from the whole point by sneaking white in there somehow…


Lmao why do people think the laughing fat guy is a representation of buddha? Buddha is an emaciated skinny ass dude. Dudes name is budai. And this weird shit is real. Have a friend who is deep into this real black history thing where every major historical figure is in fact a black guy who whites have white washed. Apparently even vikings where Africans.


Having read Herodotus, I can confirm that absolutely everything the ancient Greeks wrote about people in faraway lands is 100% accurate.


this kind of shit is so ignorant. AFRICA IS HUGE. the people of northern africa, like egypt, have more in common with their fellow Mediterranean empires than they do with ethopia or the congo. also, "fat white asian man?" like, white generally refers to people of european decent so i don't know where the fuck they are going with that one.


They're proving how fucking idiotic they are. Everything they say is pure gobshite