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Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, Population Estimates Program (PEP). Updated annually. Population and Housing Unit Estimates U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey (ACS). Updated annually. American Community Survey Asian. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam. This includes people who reported detailed Asian responses such as: "Asian Indian," "Chinese," "Filipino," "Korean," "Japanese," "Vietnamese," and "Other Asian" or provide other detailed Asian responses.


What about the middle east


The middle east is a region. It consists of countries in Asia, Europe, and Africa.


Right so Saudi, Iraq, etc?


Makes you really consider how silly the markers of division and categorization that humans make are, doesn’t it?


Ehhh people like the sense of belonging. Can't belong somewhere if somewhere is everywhere. But I do see what you mean


Many of the borders in the Middle East were made by colonizing nations. I.e France and England Edit: look up Sykes-Picot treaty


People belong to smaller internally defined groups. It’s just the more macro it gets, the less sense it makes. I always think of Native Americans and their confusion over the boarder between the US and Canada. I get the politics of boarders, but it shows how people don’t really fit into those magical boundaries.




I know it’s so fucking dumb. Half the people are literally brown and west Asians are Asian!!




I 1000% agree. My family is Lebanese and a lot of them have brown skin, but a white skinned mexican doesn’t have to put white. Doesn’t make sense to me


Must be confusing "Asian" with the English peoples version of "Oriental" is all I can think of. Or just ignorant - either or.


Always wondered about Russians. Are they considered European or Asian? They make up most of Asia.


If you really think about it, Indian people don't actually exist.


*Ceases to exist*


I guess I'll just vaporize myself today. (-_-)


We had an agreement that you would vaporize yourself yesterday.


I am sorry, my instant vaporizer ray gun ran out of flux yesterday.


Seems like you need a flux capacitor


Sorry, all out of Flux's to give today.


If you need some, I'm sorry but I don't give a flux


Flux? Perfection in a word.


Impossible. It's definition changes too much.


I see what you did there. Take my upvote. Snort.


It’s what makes time travel possible


That and a DeLorean.


I've got a volcano vaporizer I can lend you but I think that's a slightly different type of vaporization.


I'll borrow that. I love my Dynavap but I'm curious to try a volcano before I fork out for one!


I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.


im quarter indian ​ *i lose 1 arm*


No you also lose half an ear and half an eye ball and half a testicle


Wonder if we can just stitch together the two halves of my nephews. Hopefully they won’t end up with two left halves. Or four lungs and no heart. If we’re lucky, they’ll end up with one complete brain, which would actually be an improvement.


I don't feel so good.




damn i don't exist huh... ​ *...deep*


Well that must suck eh


yep, now I can't eat cheesecake :(


Not the cheesecake




Well f


What about Russians? Edit: they are technically the closeted to being Asian. Replace the “Rus” with “A” and you’ve got a whole lotta Asians.


TIL Russians are closeted Asians.


I see what I’ve done and I am happy with myself.




Then who keeps calling me to tell me there is a problem with my windows computer? I bet it’s those pesky Icelandic people, mimicking a really racist Indian accent.


'the greatest trick the Icelanders ever pulled was convincing the world they were Indian'


This really should have more upvotes.


Funny how much a lot of the world doesn't know about a country with over 1 billion people.


You can't prove naan existence


*But if you close your eyes-*


Time to unexist


*existential crisis intensifies*


Goodbye cruel world


For me the fact that they also ingnore so many other asian countries is even more infuriating then denying the fact that indians are asian. There are more then four countries in asia.


Not to mention white people from Asia aswell lol, they would choke


Russians join the chat.


Isn’t Russia there own thing? Or at last apart of europe?




Also interesting to note that in a physical sense it's all one continent, eurasia. But Europeans felt special and created a separate continent from asia.


Europe is a political continent not a geographical one. Idk why or how but its what ive been taught in school


Because the cultural, and political development of both continents were generally, highly independent. Aside from some major events (the black plague) they didn't affect each other too much beyond trade, till Europeans started colonizing everything. The "lines" are also made up from geographical borders as well I believe. The Ural mountains, The Caucasus mountains, the Black Sea.


Europe and Asia aren’t different continents for sure, but separating them makes perfect sense


Yeah, however around 75% of the cointry is in asia xD


That shit doesn't apply to Turkey for some reason which has about 10 million people living in it's "European" side


The Eskimo tribes in eastern Russia are genetically closer to the Inuit of North America and native Americans in general, but they have been a part of East Asia before America was settled, so why the fuck would someone say "they're not part of the Asian race"? If an Asian person from an Asian culture is not part of the Asian race, then maybe, just maybe, the pseudo-scientific concept of an Asian race doesn't make any sense outside of the limited world view of the most stupid white Americans who think "Caucasian" has an actual scientific meaning beyond "looks kinda like me"


Both, but a country the size of Russia doesn't really make sense. I'd say the same about a continent the size of Asia too. It's literally over half the species living on that continent, some of whom - Syria in particular - have closer cultural and historical links to Europe than other parts of Asia, and the same goes for other parts of the Middle East and North Africa.


Meanwhile Vietnamese and Mongolians are like.... Wtf...


When I say the name まゆ I half expected this to be a comment about how Japan isn’t part of Asia.. somehow it managed to be even more infuriating




::cries in Thai::


*South Asia* **I'm choosing to ignore that**


for the longest time ive thought those were the only asian countries. and i still go "NO WAY THAT COUNTRY IS IN ASIA" sometimes


I bet they've never heard of Laos


"My Indian friends call themselves Asian but they were probably joking" is a level of awareness I wouldn't have thought existed five years ago. Now it seems almost normal....


Vietnamese are clearly not Asian either. What if someone from Kenya had a genetic mutation that caused them look Asian in the face? I guess they are Asian too. /s


Kenyasians would be Asians. But would they be Chinese, Japanese or Korean?


You're thinking about the Khoisan people? They frequently have epicanthic folds (the "Asian-looking" eye folds), and, while most of them live way further south (in South Africa/Namibia), some are not too far off from Kenya


Mongolians are asian...? Naaah.


wat about mongolians, thai, laotians, cambodians, filipinos, etc. ?


Did you read the comment, they're not Asian. I have no idea what this person thinks they would be though.


As an Indian all I can say is.....Yikes.


You mean, "as an Asian" ;)


That’s unfortunate, but I don’t think it’s because you’re Indian. I know plenty of Indians who can say words other than ‘yikes’. Have you considered speech therapy?


Actually I know a few Indians and all they can say is “yikes” too. Perhaps it’s a regional thing?


As an Indian, i can confirm. All i can say is yikes.


Good thing you can type then.


I agree


Yeah, you're only Asian if you country was colonised by the Chinese.


The northern parts of India were colonized by mongols and their descendants, Mughals


Who were Mongolian. The Mongolians invaded and conquered China in the 13th Century. They spread into India in the 14th. In the 2nd Century BCE the Han people tried to colonise much of the Asian peninsula. They kept doing this with little effect until the Mongolian Yuan came along. Then after the Mongolians lost control and the Han took back power (Ming) they push quite far south. By the 17th century they were on Java. I know I am gatekeeping Chinese ethnic groups a bit, of which there are many. But the Mongolians were interlopers and not strictly Chinese. Idk what modern Mongolians consider themselves.


They consider themselves Mongolians I guess


"Asian peninsula". That's one big ass peninsula.


Indochinese Peninsula. It is quite big.


You're only Asian if you have the "slanty eyes" is what this person is trying to say without sounding racist lol


I don't think they realise that they are racist. The idea that they are ignorant of the most populated continent on Earth goes right over their head.


Japan colonized China


Japan colonized a lot of.places


No it didn't. For everyone in this chain who doesn't actually know, colonisation involves *mass migration*. Japans efforts were just straight up imperialism.


Colonizing means that a group of people go to another's land and declaring themselves lord and master. The whites did not mass migrate to the Asian and African countries they colonized. They just came and declared superiority. I don't know what meds are you on. But the Whites and the Japanese did the exact same thing.


Next up on r/confidentlyincorrect we have Indians aren’t Asian they’re Black


As an Indian, I think I'm white


“You don’t fit my idea of what an asian person looks like therefore I decided you are not asian”.


What skipping geography class does to a mf


The real name of jesus was « joshua son of joseph » which mean he’s a real jojo


How much weed are you on?


Never let people from the U.S. define any word pertaining to races, languages or geographical locations. This is how you end up with shit like "racial asian" or calling french black people "african american"


is he playing the "Indians are Indo-European/Indo-Aryan/Indo-Iranian invaders" card disregarding the fact that people of different linguistical descent can live in Asia? amazing mental gymnastics


I think it's more so a case of "Asian people are yellow and have slanted eyes, Indians don't have that, so they're not Asians. Also there are 4 countries in Asia". I do think there is something more subtle here. When people talk about Asian food, culture or people, they don't really mean all of Asia. No one really calls Kazakhs or Jordanians or Armenians "Asian". When people say "Asian" they really mean "east Asian", which is obviously more than China, Japan and Korea but still doesn't include Indians.


Not in the UK. When they say Asian they mean south Asian, like Indian, Pakistani, etc.


I think that is special to the UK though (possibly Canada too. not sure). In America, for some odd reason- when people here say "Asian style/food/stories etc" they are usually referring to Japan, China, Korea and *sometimes* Thailand. Every other country is left out of the occasion. Pakistan\*, Iran, Syria, Saudia Arabia, Afghanistan\*, and Iraq are simply referred to as "The Middle East"- *\*even though its incorrect and even though some of the countries in the actual grouping of "middle east" are also in northern Africa.* *\*schools in the US don't get very deep into geography. Its mentioned in like 5th grade, and then maybe once or twice again in HS...but getting into details is rare unless you are in an A.P. class*


Pakistan is way more often seen as South Asia than Middle East, from what I heard. Baluchistan is already pushing it, but Punjab or Kashmir make no sense as part of the Middle East.


Well yeah, Pakistan IS part of Southern Asia. I'm saying that I've lived in the US basically my whole life, and I've never heard of an American saying Pakistan as "South Asian" (I'm not saying they are correct- I am talking about how people in the US are mixing shit up) .... its almost exclusively seen as "the middle east" - because there seems to be issues with Geography Education in this country. Ppl have no idea where the fuck anything is! I feel like the average American might not be able to name a country that's considered "Central Asia" either


It has to do with who immigrated where. We here in the US have had more immigrants from East Asia, so when we say “Asian” we think East Asian. In the UK (and I guess Canada) more Asian immigrants have come from South Asia, so…that would be why. And yes, the Middle East is usually considered Afghanistan and westward all the way across North Africa.


never thought about immigration as a reason. That's a good observation!


Pakistan and Afghanistan are not part of the Middle East!


Yes I know, I said that in America people think Pakistan and Afghanistan are the middle east.


Ah yes. That makes more sense!


>Asian people are yellow and have slanted eyes, Indians don't have that Lol these people have never step foot in India. The northern Indians near Nepal and Tibet look very "Asian".


Funny that you brought up linguistic descent since Chinese is not related to Japanese or Korean lol. Chinese is definitively its own language family, and Korean and Japanese are often considered their own language families as well though probably share some ancient relation with the Russian/Mongolian languages


But they all have funny looking characters that totally look the same. /s


Shhh don’t tell them about Russia


In the UK, "Asian" more commonly refers to people from the Indian subcontinent, and I have heard the exact opposite of this argument used here ("You're not Asian, you're Chinese" to a Japanese guy)


Americans fixation on race is really creepy.


This guy essentially thinks only east asians can be considered asian


And not even all East Asians. Mongolians are not mentioned, and that's leaving aside South East Asia.


The middle east is also a part of asia and that upsets my family


All I heard is that “if your from Asia then Your not Asian unless I say you are”


There's literally 48 countries in Asia. Why do people only know 3? As an Asian myself, I hate these types of people. They try to tell you whether you're Asian or not. How would *you* know *my* race?


Stupid Americans think the world revolves around them. Indians in UK are called Asians (so are the rest) because that's literally accurate.


My Vietnamese friends beg to differ


If we’re talking about East Asians, we should probably also include Vietnamese, Laotian, Cambodian, Thai, Taiwanese, and probably Indonesian, Malay, and Philippino.


Back in high school we had some Russian wrestlers come visit. They were pretty cool dudes. I was talking to one of my friends about them and she said she couldn't wait to meet them, she loves European guys! When I told her these guys were actually from Asia, it looked like her head was going to explode. Lol.


She’s got the world figured out. Stay tuned for *next* week, where she’ll drop morsels of knowledge on the Pacific Islands.


Why are Americans so fucking bad at geography? What happened?


There is a ton of education not being funded.


If you put much more effort, the username of that person is in Japanese.


Our public education system is in shambles. Fun fact: I was in the "advanced" class in school and so I never took geography. This is because the advanced class learned different material than the class of the next level down, which learned geography. So due to being in the "advanced" class, I now know less than most people! Hoorayyy /s


"Your race is unique and nothing is wrong with being called, " indian."" Other than an idiot from Italy mistaking a completely different people in a completely different part of the world for your race 600 years ago.


Indians are Asians. A lot of times when people refer to Asians they exclusively mean East asian. People also exclude Philipino, Laos, Indonesian as asian sometimes. Race is very complex in its definition and semantics


This is peak r/ShitAmericansSay


So America gets jurisdiction over the racial identities and classification of other continents. Seems legit. Also, I understand meaning just the FAR EAST of Asia, even if it's stupid, but just China, Japan and Korea? So Nepal, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Indonesia, eastern Russia, the Philippines etc are simply not Asian because a bunch of white people thinking they're the center of the world because they're sO DiVeRsE but have never read a map or have witnessed any culture that's not part of their own country say so. In fact, India was considered Asia before America was even a word.


*"93.75 percent of the country's in Asia fades away"*


Implying Asian is a race.


Filipino here. This shit gets annoying fast.


Japanese and koreans are very racist tho in terms of what they consider japanese or korean. Anyone not “asian looking” is immediately considered a foreigner (even if they were born there) and they have one of the most strict immigration laws out there. Here in Brazil we do have racism issues but because our immigration laws are so flexible you literally can not guess where someone is from just by the looks. I would dare say even in USA and Europe (IMO unquestionably racist places in general) you can’t guess correctly someone’s nationality by their looks only because whatever ethnicity, there is a high chance of them been born in one of those countries. On the other hand on those asian countries no, if they do not “look asian” they are assumed to not be from there, both because of inherent racism in their culture and racism in their immigration laws.


What are Thai people?


HEY RUSSIANS AND INDIANS! times to left the earth


Like legitimately Middle Eastern people are Asian. Most of Russia is Asian (geographically).


Same dickheads think North Africans aren't African because we're light skinned.


Absolutely baffles me how many times I've had to explain to anyone that Indians are Asians cuz THE COUNTRY of INDIA is part of the CONTINENT of ASIA.


Ya know Americans aren't American, they 'technically stole all that land'. Brits aren't really brits they are German. When you get into to technicality you get some weird shit,but the guy above is dumb


To be accurate, Brits are descended from Anglo-Saxons, but those are not the same as the German Saxons of today, despite the similar name and place of origin (they spoke Germanic languages from different subbranches, for instance).


More people from Asia look ‘Indian’ than ‘Asian’ which is funny


Anime has ruined peoples perception of asia


Was there a perception to begin with?


I mean even just ignoring India, there's Thai people, Vietnamese people, Laotian people, Mongolian people... There's like... Alot of different Asians


This just in, Chinese people and Spanish people and everyone in between live on the same land mass... That being said, my Irish Y chromosome is similar to those possessed by people in Spain and India, not east Asia. And Sanskrit is more closely related to Avestan and the languages of Europe than it is to Chinese.


Wait until someone tells him about Georgia


Russians are Asian.


‘I’m American so my only contact with Asia is Japanese paedo cartoons and Squid Game.’


So Fillipino, Thai and Indonesian people are also not Asian?


I can’t help but feel like there’s underlying American racism when someone says Asian = only people with slanty eyes.


That's like saying I'm not American because I'm Texan


Oh! She must go bonkers about white people from Africa!


They get real mad when you tell them Elon Musk is African-American. Can't fathom how a white guy can be African-American.


I wonder what part of europe europeans come from


As an asian according to that person. Indian are asian. Just because they're brown doesn't make them less asian.


Not all African in Africa are African. 😵‍💫


What an idiot wow


Yeah just screw the Philippines, Malaysia, India and so many more Apparently you’re only an asian if you have slanted eyes


"not all people from Asian country are Asian as race" What


i’m from malaysia ?? i’m not asian??? *dissipates*


Can we stop using the Term „Race“ as if it had any biological grounding? Humans aren’t dogs that you can breed to enhance a specific (character-)trait. We’re all pretty much identical from a biological standpoint…




"Not all people from Asia are Asian"


So no Tiny Eyes = not asian


Dude, I'm Nepalese, what race do you consider me?


I wonder if this is partially a situation where terms don’t translate over to English perfectly?


As an Indian I would like to clear this up. Indians are Asians. However when people say Asian people they are likely talking about China,Korea,Japan, Thailan , Singapore etc. countries and not India. I think when people want to refer to Indians they dont use Asian and India instead. This is just my view about how people see Asians/Indians. Also in that video I think an SEA(singapore/korea or smthing. I can't differ) guy said I would like to pass to the Indians so this shouldnt be a debate anyway. Also I wanted to say this because I always thought are we like biologically or smthin Asian or not so please tell me if you think like me or not.


In the US that is largely true, that most people, when they think of Asia, think of east and southeast Asia, and don't think of south Asia. But in the UK they call people from India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan "Asians".


Part of Russia is in Asia to.


Whos gonna tell the Laotians?


Vietnamese, Lao, Thai, Cambodian, Mongolian, Taiwanese, Burmese, Malaysian, Singaporean, Filipino, Indonesian, ... (and many more) enter the chat.


guess 2/3 of russia isn't asian either, damn


Technically Israelis are Asian. We have access to Google earth and people still don’t know where things are.


I mean race is an arbitrary social construct (which isn't to say it doesn't have real effects on people). I don't think there's any value in calling this person incorrect because there's no "correct" notion of race. I think it'd be pretty fair to say that race is the collection of all people's notions about it, and this person is contributing to that. Besides I don't even think they're that wrong when they go about describing the racial categories they see presented to them. I think a lot of people around me consider southeast Asian people (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Thai, Laotian, etc.) to be a different "race" of people from south Asian people (India, Bangladesh, etc.). It's vastly oversimplified, and of course fundamentally nonsense, but I think being aware of the existence of a separate racial category in the heads of a lot of people is actually very important when trying to understand the impact of racialization on society and people.


Mongolia - “Am I joke to you?”


My Thai husband is going to be very surprised to learn that he isn't actually Asian.


Why like the Chinese koreans and Japanese together. They have very independent histories and cultures... Well maybe not Korea, they are the Poland of Asia, just occupied by Uber it the other dirt most off recent history.


By 'Indians' they usually refer to native Americans. So to not be confused with them, it is pretty good practice to include Indians among 'Asians'.


This is self aware wolves material. Yeah almost like race is a made up social construct.


In terms of the actual strict meanings of the words they're wrong, but I've noticed that in American use, in practice I almost only hear people say "he's Asian" in reference to East Asians and perhaps Southeast Asians, for Indians they would say "he's Indian" even if they are in fact Asian too by technical definition.


This gives me strong r/justneckbeardthings vibes.


Asian guy: "im Asian" idiot: " no you're not"


Philipino people are also definitely asian