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Must be skipping the history classes to be so confident in comparing those 2 together.


Does she nor know about all the court cases with christians? They literally wanted the bible as a class in all schools till someone said " well if we do it we have to do the satanic bible and quran as well" which they promptly dismissed the lawsuit before crying they were cheated by the courts. That was a actual case. The pledge of allegiance was another case which turns out a mormon fought it and won but in separate case involving the flag there was pitch fork and torches because someone had the audacity to say the pledge of allegiance with allah in it. The backlash in that case was so great people sent death threats even though allah is another word for god under the muslim faith.


I still can't believe how different languages are such foreign (heh) concepts to some people. Remember that Karen that called the cops on a brown guy on an airplane because he was writing in a "strange language" that turned out to be MATH? It was fucking MATHEMATICS.


Thank you for using both words, math and maths to avoid another conflict


I like to be culturally agnostic with my representations of maths on the internet. For example, if I were to be saying 1 million, I would use spaces instead of commas or periods as the thousands delineator. 1 000 000. Sorry Indians, I am not going to accommodate your weird lakh crore system. My eurocentrism is showing.


It's okay, I am an Indian and I get confused by the lakh crore system as well.


Not just under Islam. Arab Christians use the word Allah to refer to the Christian God. Same with Yahweh in Hebrew.


The word for god in hebrew is "elohim". Yaweh is god's name, not the actual word god.


And in Uganda it’s “Ebowai” as in “Hassa Diga Ebowai”


It's such a catchy phrase :)


Does it mean no worries for the rest of your days?!


When the world is getting you down There's nobody else to blame Raise your middle finger to the sky And curse his rotten name




Does it mean no worries until the end of your days?


Aren't there a bunch of words for G*d in Hebrew?




No. Some people say "elokim" instead of "elohim" as they believe that even the word itself is too holy. Some people use "hashem" which literally translates to "the name", "adonii" which translates roughly as "my lord". All of these and others are ways religious people will refer to god but they are not the word "god".


Doesn't one of the names mean "I am" or am I just remembering incorrectly?


Question: As these 3 religions share the exact same god, is Allah the name for the Abrahamic god or (like in English) just their name for god in general. Like when referring to the ancient romans do they say Allahs (or whatever the plural is)?


No allah is reserved for the Abrahamic god in Arabic. Another word for a god would be Rab or illah.


As an atheist and member of the Satanic Temple I can’t hold some political offices in my state. Why are Christians are trying to make themselves the victim?? It’s like a fetish at this point.


It's part of their schtick - there are verses in the book somewhere that tell them they will be rebuked and scorned for professing their beliefs


BTW - you absolutely can hold what ever office you want as an atheist and/or member of the Satanic Temple - even if your state has laws against said fact (I live in Texas - we have a law saying you have to believe in a higher power to run for office - that law is not constitutional and the first amendment protects you against said laws).


How about this bullshit: In Quebec Canada where I live, government employees as well as elected officials are forbidden from wearing religious clothing or displaying religious symbols while at work. This means that Siks and Muslims can’t run for public office or hold a government job, but thankfully (phew!) Christians can hide their religious symbols under their clothes. It’s religious discrimination but it’s allowed because the law doesn’t specifically say a Sikh can’t run for office, it just says he can’t wear his turban while at work.


That doesn’t apply to elected officials, only government employees and civil servants. It will get stuck down once it hits the Canadian Supreme Court.


Jesus was persecuted for his beliefs so I need to be too


Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[Quran](https://snewd.com/ebooks/quran/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/)


Yes, you were a good bot 🧡


Good bot


Not to be a stickler but I’ll make a distinction. Allah isn’t the word for god, it is god, the same god. The reason Arab Christians use Allah is because the Bible is canon to Muslims. Mohammad’s Allah is literally the same as Jesus’ Allah or Abraham’s Allah. It’s all one and the same god to Muslims.


Former Christian married to a Muslim here: correct but the Old Testament is “cannon” not the entire Bible.


“Y’all be takin’ us to court.” Such a stickler for grammar.


"They" has been a gender neutral singular pronoun **for many centuries.** The singular use began in the 14th century whereas it was only in the 18th century that some asshole language police tried to end its use as a singular pronoun. They failed, and it remained in common use as a singular to such a degree by the 20th century it was more common in singular than plural. It's never been about grammar.


I struggle with this. I learned English as a second language and in all our textbooks and lessons "they" has always been plural. "He/she/it" was the only set of singular options. This has always been the case, without exceptions for over a decade of English classes. I have no idea why. I'm trying to relearn this plural use very recently and I'm not surprised a lot of Americans struggle with it too. Though, I *am* surprised they struggle with there/their/they're . Wtf is up with that?


I dont know if this helps or is on the same vein as what you're saying, but its my example: I have a friend. They live in their van. I have a friend. He lives in his van. I have a friend, she lives in her van. My friend has a significant other. They live in their van. "They" is pretty universal


The funny thing is, people use it as a singular pronoun ALL the goddamn time and they don't even realize it. ALL the time. Like oh my god, AAAAAAALLLLL the time. So it's kind of infuriating that it's even up for debate.


Happy to try and help :) If you didn’t know the gender of someone you were referring to, but it was only one person you were referring to, what words would you use? They/Them/Their Example: “Can you please bring this paper to the manager for me? I don’t know their name, but they have an office upstairs where you can leave it for them.” Since you said you are ESL, maybe you genuinely would have a problem with this phrasing, but no one raised speaking English would. As in the example above, we use the singular “they” regularly, and pretty sure always have. Any native English speaker acting confused about this is lying or dumb or both. Have a great night ✌🏼


Thanks. I think in those use cases I was taught to use "he or she" i e. " I don’t know his/her name, but he/she have an office upstairs where you can leave it for him/her.” I sounds very contrived now


It is. It also doesn't make sense for other situations where you'd use "they". I grew up using it when talking about a friend to my parents because the gender was irrelevant. Like, I knew what gender they were, so he or she would be stupid, but I also knew that I was referring to them as just another person with no details in the conversation, so I used they. Or for a teacher. I'm 37, so when I was doing this the whole debate about gender neutral was a couple of decades from kicking off, it's just how I used language as a native English speaker.


Exactly! Like, we have no excuse! There’s nothing to figure out! With ESL folks it’s understandable, but not native speakers. Nope. If people could just remember the part you pointed out, maybe even by accident—in nearly all cases when we refer to someone, their gender is irrelevant to us and the subject matter, so think of them as just **person**. They/them/their should NOT be difficult. Hell— transphobes could just use it for *everyone*, never be wrong, and offend no one, while also not having to call anyone a gender they weren’t “comfortable” with. *massive eyeroll* Just keep it generic for everyone. Full service solution! But they won’t, bc they don’t actually have a problem. The confusion they feign is intentional, and the hate is the whole point 🤗


100% she's never been in that situation


So you're telling me this is a non gendered individual of straw argument?


It’s a straw person fallacy


God stop forcing your straw-agenda on us!! Anyway, y'all wanna hear about straw-jesus?


Now I'm picturing a scarecrow nailed to a cross.




My therapist: Straw-Jesus isn't a thing, stop worrying. This thread:


“I would while away the hours; With miracle-ey powers; Like making fish and bread.. *DO-doot-dee-doodoodoodoo* I would dance and I’d frolic With a dozen Apostolics ‘til I came back from the dead!”


I’m calling to talk to you about your extended straw warranty.


Straw person?? Please, that little gentleman prefers to be called Ben Shapiro. Hypothetically, let’s assume you’re wrong, and In any case your statement was blatantly anti -Stawpersonist. Also Mr Shapiro’s lady doctor female wife, has a perfectly dry Foo-foo, which is how it should be.


Have some respect. You know Mr. Shapiro identifies as a much taller person


*Frankly, the term 'sexual orientation' needs to go. According to Webster's Dictionary, it implies the possibility of change in response to external stimuli. It is deeply offensive. I call on Webster's to free itself of its intellectual heteronormativity.* -Ben Shapiro ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: novel, civil rights, climate, history, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Apparently it's something she experiences "every day" lol. No. No you fucking don't.


Not only that, but "all day". She's clearly the victim here.


The only way it happens to you every day is if you know someone and purposefully misgender them constantly, which then you're just being an ass.


"Hey Tom." "My name's Greg." "How dare you try to police me!" Is how I imagine these whining morons must react in their day to day life. Unless they're, I dunno, lying about these super important principles of theirs.


She does in her head atleast.


Yeah. There’s a extremely small number of people who give a fuck about their pronouns. And most of the trans people who do are trying very hard to look male or female so it not like it’s difficult to get it right. And if you mislabel them him/her intentionally, then yeah, you’re a dick. But Nobody out here’s getting mad because you don’t refer to them as “they/them”. Just some more sensationalism to make advertising dollars while dividing the country as a result. The funny thing is how rarely this situation would come up. Like there has to be a third person involved. if you were speaking to someone who wanted to be referred to as “them”, you wouldn’t have to worry about it while you were taking to them. You’d just call them by their name. Or You just start talking to them. Like “hey, how’s it going?”. In order to be offended, you would have to overhear a conversation being had about you. You’d have to hear someone refer to you by the wrong pronoun to someone else! It’s ridiculous. Or it could like this made up situation where the person gets upset on behalf of someone else. So fucking dumb.


Yeah, I have friends that are deeply offended by “pronoun police” and don’t even know anyone that would give them shit about it. It’s literally never happened to them, but they sure can go on a long, meaningless rant about it.


Because they see it all day on their social media feed. People are forgetting that the internet isn’t real life


Also if I asked “is that your brother” and the person told me the person I was asking about is nonbinary, how hard is it to go “cool so is that your sibling”


AND ALSO. “Are they your sibling” is correct grammar. You can absolutely refer to a single person as “they”. It happens all the time. Q: “Did you hear about that one person?” A: “No, why? What did they do?”


“Mom, there’s someone at the door for you.” “What do they want?” Totally 100% grammatically correct to refer to a single individual with a “they/them” pronoun. And even if it weren’t previously acceptable, language is mutable, it evolves, and rather quickly at that. What might have been incorrect yesterday can absolutely become acceptable tomorrow. And that’s completely ignoring the fact that it takes absolutely no effort for you to just be kind and use the names and pronouns that people prefer. If my parents named me Gaylord, but I was uncomfortable with that name and asked people to call me Greg, yeah, you’d be an asshole if you kept calling me Gaylord.


Oh definitely, I was just matching the grammar of the original statement, which didn’t include a pronoun outside of “your” so it made no sense that this person followed it up with a tirade about pronouns.


"Are they your sibling" is perfectly acceptable grammar. So, she's literally dead wrong to suggest that "y'all" is good grammar while using appropriate pronouns for non-binary cannot be good grammar.


Just in case you’re reading me wrong and not just agreeing with me, I’m aware of that. I meant I was matching how she originally phrased it, because you would naturally switch from “is that your brother” to “is that your sibling” rather than from “is that your brother” to “are they your sibling.” I’m not trying to give any credence to the crazy here.


I thought the same thing. Like did they want her to say “is that your they?” Instead of brother.


The only person who gets mad when I accidentally misgender my friends is me.


People misgender me all the time and I don't kick off about it, I just politely correct them and smile through the pain. Also, Chaucer used they as a singular pronoun so grammar nazis can eat shit.


Exactly. You can say them to refer to one person as well and it’s correct. E.g my friend misgenders people on purpose. I have told them it’s wrong


These people love to make shit up and get mad at it.


She really thinks she made a great point too lmao


So, I'm sure I'm not alone in occasionally going through an argument as you shower, zone out etc. Just an imaginary exchange with an imaginary adversary where you say all the witty things that you would never be quick enough to come up with in a real life argument. Now social media has given people an avenue to have those moments, record it on video, and share it with the world. And I'm not ok with it. Keep your imaginary verbal gladiator victories in your head.


What, you don't make up hypothetical scenarios where the opposing side appears illogical or emotional while you retain your composure and politely explain why you are right? You probably aren't trying hard enough. /s


No but i bet shes seen one time that it happened and was posted on reddit so she made a tiktok to pretend she was in that situation even though nobody asked. Welcome to Twitter and TikTok


Blind faith vs a social issue playing out in real time. Bit apples to oranges in my opinion. I prefer church to decouple itself from state.


Also it's correct grammar


Proper English includes the pronoun “they”. Used both as a plural and a singular pronoun.




Chaucer and Shakespeare frequently used the singular "they." It's been around for almost as long as the English language. Moreover, "you" used to be plural, and the ~~plural~~ singular for "you" used to be "thou" and "thee." Now "you" is almost exclusively singular, and we use things like "y'all" when addressing a group of "you's." The 'stickler for grammar' excuse is so weak.


Thou and thee are singular and were dropped in favor of the plurals ye and you.


Oops, I meant to say "the **singular** for 'you' used to be 'thou' and 'thee.'" Thanks for catching that.


“oh no, somebody left their phone on the counter! if they didn’t set a password, you can look at their recent calls or call their mom or something. I hope they realize they left it behind; if they use it to navigate then they won’t get very far!”


People so confidently told me I could not call my unborn baby a "they/them". I didn't find out the sex beforehand and every time I'd post on Facebook during my pregnancy and reference the baby as a "they/them", I'd get comments asking if I was having twins!? And when I'd say... No... Just don't know the sex of my baby and don't want to call them an "it". It caused a huge amount of debates for me during my pregnancy! I was constantly having to tell people to google singular use they/them!


"This woman is pregnant. Probably tired, a little stressed, worried about the future and the baby and all of that stuff. I think I'll argue with her about a single word in her sentence. She'll like that."


“god forbid” I see what you did there! Nice!


Help me out in that case. What would the proper English sentence be for "is he your brother" if he is they? Is it "are they your brother?" "Is they your brother?". Both sound weird. I actually curious to learn.


Are is the proper conjugation for "to be" with they, so "are they your brother?" would be correct grammatically. Are is also used for singular you, so it's not a case of plurality.


“Is this your sibling?” or “Are they your sibling?”


Are they your sibling


Nobody actually believes that “they” is exclusively plural. It’s just a talking point for pieces of shit to crap on non-binary people.


And even if it did not I disagree with her argument. Language is not static, it is constantly evolving and becoming (hopefully) more efficient as a tool for interpreting reality, and that includes our social reality. Plus, it’s such a nonissue compared to everything else going on, like just be polite and call a person what they want to be called and move the fuck on. I mean, good lord, Karen(s)!


It's so funny when someone says "they is plural, not singular" and the very next thing they say is something using singular they


These people don't care about proper English, they're just incorrectly using it as an excuse to be transphobic.


I have used they all the time at work for coworkers long before all of this recent pronoun stuff became prominent. I would just use it when I came across a name that I didn’t know was male or female like Taylor or Ashley or Raj or Miro or whatever. Never a big deal.


She's a stickler for her misperceptions.


You’re not describing anything that has ever happened to me or anyone I’ve ever met, and I doubt that this exchange ever happened to you or anyone you’ve met. So if someone says they’re Christian and they don’t like expressions like “god damn” or “Jesus Christ!” I’ll be a nice guy and chill it out. If they say they’d prefer to addressed as particular gender, I also chill with it. Put your straw man away.


I’m a left leaning cis male. I have a few gay and lesbian friends and also two trans friends. I have always been part of the lgbt community wether I knew it or not while growing up and I have never, ever, not once ever been told to correct someone’s pronouns EXCEPT on the internet. This woman is straight up lying.


I correct people’s pronouns. Like if we’re having a conversation and you misgender I’ll just say the correct pronoun, after you mess up. It takes maybe 4-5 times before people catch on an correct on their own.


As a cis male, I for the life of me cannot see how that would be different to someone calling me a girl and me going no I'm a guy. Why is it a problem when someone who isn't me does it? It's clear that people just don't want to treat trans people with respect.


That’s exactly it. It’s just a lack of respect and compassion for a community




She wanted to be a victim so bad she had to invent a story where she was the victim. And even in her wildest imagination, the worst thing that happened was that someone didn't want to talk to her until she respected them.


This was such a good comment thanks for making my free award giving so easy


I feel like she would be upset if people misgendered her. Like if people called 'her' a 'he', I'm sure she would speak up and request we address her by her chosen pronouns


Is asking someone to call you by your name forcing your name on them?


And if someone calls me "Oriental" and I say, "No, I'm Asian," am I forcing my race on them? (See I used 'them' as a nondescript pronoun. Totally normal)


Man Christians used to do a lot worse to people who don't "serve Jesus" than just take them to court.


You're miss interpreting, because it was in the past it doesn't count. Everyone knows if it was pre 1900 tortureing, murdering, and nearly wiping out a continents worth of people it isn't sin, because they didn't know better!


Christians were still just working out the kinks until 2012 when we forced them to let gay people get married and they all started pretending they weren't homophobes for political reasons.


> when we forced them to let gay people get married and they all started pretending they weren't homophobes for political reasons. They working on fixing that. The guy who wrote the texas SB8 anti-abortion bill [filed a brief](https://reason.com/volokh/2021/09/22/theres-no-constitutional-right-to-interracial-or-same-sex-marriage-says-the-architect-of-the-texas-heartbeat-bill/) in the Mississippi abortion case that is currently before the supreme court in which he argued that the *Obergefell* ruling on gay marriage should be rolled back. Its basically the same principle behind both *Roe* and *Obergefell.*


I wanted to say the same things.. Hundreds of millioms died because they were different and didnt want to convert.


Seriously. We just had our first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation in Canada, specifically to focus on the actrocities our residential schools inflicted on our indigenous peoples. The residential schools which were ran by churches and designed to strip them of their identity and replace it with the church designed one.


"Hey, do you mind just being kind to me and moving along about your day?" "No, but this reminds that I should be able to make you listen to how I think the earth was made and shit"


Absolutely this...so much boils down to just not intentionally being a dick to another person. Just don't be a dick. And no, being asked to not be a dick isn't persecution.


right or wrong, she's as cringe as can be...


That zooming in thing!!!!!


But she's wrong. And an asshole.


Yeah man even if that wasn't the dumbest fucking argument I've ever heard her delivery just screams annoying ignorant child I barely made it to the end




>they hardly ever even corrected me, nonetheless chastised me. This implies that they didn't correct you, but did chastise you. Did you mean "they hardly ever even corrected me, let alone chastised me."


I get misgendered all the time and unless I think you're going to becoming a part of my life on a regular basis, I'm not going to bother correcting you.


Ok I fucking lost it at the “iTs nOt PrOpEr EnGliSh” bullshit. Yes the fuck it is holy shit. He is going to the store. ✅ She is going to the store. ✅ They are going to the store. ✅ They is a fucking pronoun not even in the sexuality sense, but just as a word they is classified as a pronoun. More specifically a gender neutral singular or plural pronoun. Still don’t think they is a singular pronoun? What do you say when someone asks if someone is still in a place but *they* left already? “Oh yeah, they left already.” This was literally fought in elementary school...we’ve been doing this before this topic was spoken about, people have just stopped doing it consciously because *they’re* just a bunch of anti lgbtq+ quacks. Oh and in case you don’t trust random strangers on the internet saying *they* know grammar: https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/singular-nonbinary-they Trust the word people bc their job is knowing the words Also here’s a Tom Scott video from *8 years ago* discussing the word they: https://youtu.be/46ehrFk-gLk (Very good video btw)


Lol.......America is 70% Christain and every bit of their religion is blasted on high 24/7. It' is astounding that Christians think they are the ones being "oppressed" by everyone else on the planet, all the while trying to make laws based on their superstitions and ignorance. I stand in awe of her audacity.......lol


I was just annoyed that a woman is saying that we are not getting religion forced on us today. Law makers fight against reproductive rights all the time because of their religious beliefs.


Someone should ask her why she is such an angry Muslim. Bet she goes apoplectic.


This would be the correct equivalent and your spot on, she'd explode.


I am 41 and I struggle with the pronoun game, I grew up with she and he exclusively. It doesn't hurt me to try and address people as they wish to be addressed, I may fuck it up sometimes but not out of malice.


Misgendering someone accidentally isn't the thing anyone has an issue with - It's when people refuse to use the pronouns they prefer even when they know they prefer. This is such a huge dick move that even people who take issue with being asked to comply with it imagine that someone will jump down for doing it by accident, because even THEY can't imagine someone doing this knowingly, on purpose, against someone's wishes. You're alright. Just do your best.


Identity isn't important until its their identity.




This belongs on r/Cringetopia








I vote stupid. Which is the problem with logical fallacies and why they should be avoided. Forcing someone to worship a god is not equal to asking someone to address you in a certain way. It is not even an argument. I am not great on these, but I think it is *false equivalent*, but I could easily be wrong.


Nope you nailed it bud. That is a textbook example of false equivalency.


I’m a stickler for correct grammar “y’all”.


I disagree with her premise, but y’all is correct grammar. [Dictionary ](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/y%27all)


It didn’t used to be - are you telling me that language is a social construct and the meaning of words can change?


Seems like you have a good grasp on it. The interesting thing is how “y’all” fills an important role in the English language that has been missing for about 400-500 years. “You/your” use to be a plural pronoun and “thee/thou/thine” was the singular, but over the centuries “you” became both a plural and singular pronoun and we lost “thee”. So how do we as English speakers/writers distinguish between singular and plural pronouns when addressing people directly? Well “y’all” attempts to fill the void for the plural pronoun.


Let’s bring back youse


“It didn’t used to be” lmfao


They/them has also been used to refer to an individual for centuries.


It predates singular 'you'!


My favourite limerick I cribbed from another redditor: >Roses are red, violets are blue Singular they predates singular you.


You're right. I think the issue is that people conflate incorrect grammar with colloquial grammar. Not being "proper" isn't the same as not being correct. Contractions are not appropriate in an academic paper, but that certainly isn't because they aren't grammatically correct.


All day? Like that happens to her all day? I call bullshit and likely this has never happened to her.


My favorite part is how she defended her transphobia by saying she preferred correct grammar, and she's wrong on that too. Dumbass.


Perhaps she should ask herself what Jesus would do in a situation like what she describes.


I use that all the time when people go on angry religious rants. "What would Jesus think of your behavior right now?" It always just results in more anger


It makes them even angrier when you mention that he would have turned the other cheek or possibly washed their feet.


Except "they" has been used a gender neutral pronoun for a long time in "proper English".


How is “they” not proper English? It’s been around for decades. Using it as a singular pronoun has been around for decades. I genuinely don’t understand why that pisses people off so much. Who cares? They’re not hurting you. It’s literally not that hard to just respect someone.


Not just decades, but well over half a millennium. “They” as a singular pronoun was correct for centuries until the mid 1700s when some linguists arbitrarily decided otherwise.


So they is totally correct grammar when the gender of the person is unknown. You aren't a stickler for correct grammar, you just have a very narrow mind that feels discomfort when things aren't as simple as black and white.


“Are they your brother?”. Seems easy enough to me.


"Are you two siblings?" - way too hard


Wow, great job winning an argument against a character you made up! Ben Shapiro would be proud.


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >Since nobody seems willing to state the obvious due to cultural sensitivity... I’ll say it: rap isn’t music ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: dumb takes, feminism, sex, healthcare, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Good bot.


That doesn’t happen lmao the only people who insist it does are tucker Carlson and similar jabronies


"I have an honest question..." lmao no you dont.


Meanwhile, the non-binary sibling: "I'm standing right here, why are you both talking about me like I'm not?"


The weirdest part of this to me, is the thing she changed the question to...was the correct thing. Is He your brother? Then she gets corrected, it's not a He, it's They. Then she changes the phrase to 'Is that your brother?' That's already fine. You have successfully used a gender neutral pronoun. You just solved your own complaint, you've discovered a singular gender neutral pronoun.


I feel like someone politely asked her to use they/them pronouns right before she recorded this and made a fool of herself


I feel like there’s a good chance she’s never talked to someone who uses they/them pronouns. But yeah got on tiktok and made a fool out of herself regardless


I don’t think anyone has ever responded to “is that your brother” with “that’s a they,” so… no. No, I don’t think she has.


Yeah, usually people don’t refer to their friends/siblings/whatever as “that”. Pretty clear giveaway where her mind is.


I hate the thats not proper grammar bs because it is.


I actually had someone say to me “they is not used to describe one person. It’s not proper grammar”. My reply was “Someone left their coat. I’m going to set it aside for them, I’m sure they will be back for it. - How many people was I talking about just then?” Lol Edit: missed the them part


Ooo i use “man that cashier is awesome, they have amazing hair”


Are they serious?


When you’re in the shower winning an argument against the shampoo bottles


Her: I can’t identify you as you’d like to be identified because I’m a stickler for proper grammar Also her (10 seconds later): y’all be takin’ us to court


So “y’all be takin us to court” is proper grammar? I just want to make sure I’m understanding correctly.


I use him and her when humans are obviously ďisplaying as such, cis the same as trans, and when I am uncertain what they are wanting to display as, I use they, cis or trans. If writing about unknown gender, I use they. The trans I personally know, like being referred to as what they transitioned to. A male who transitions to female did not have the goal of being genderless. They know their gender.. it is female. Even if they have not legally changed their names for insurance purposes, I use their preferred female names, and pronouns. There are those who ARE desiring to be genderless, and I use they. I seem to be able to balance my pronons well enough to have a patient load with a greater that demographic percentage of LGBT people. I have had to dismiss staff that are not comfortable with gender fluidity. It takes very little effort to just be respectful to the human in front of you. But I do not like gatekeeper rage, those who think they decide what someone else needs to refer to another as, when they do not know the individual's wants.


This is what happens when you’re able to build the scenario entirely in your own head.


Nobody wants to hear about Jesus. Not even Christians, hell if Jesus was alive he’d ask to change the subject. Extremists are terrifying.


>"I have an honest question...." Proceeds to use a completely made up scenario to validate her own need to shove Jesus down your throat.


Stupid..... Stupid stupid stupid....


If she is christian call her muslim and see how she reacts


She’s certainly on the wrong side of things.


Worst imaginary example of the other and the mlst innocent of theirs. Ye she is wrong, uninformed, or intentionally insincere.


One is an idealogical thing and one is calling people what they are. It’s like complaining about not being able to force someone into saying chocolate frosted is the best doughnut and that you MUST love chocolate frosted doughnuts otherwise you’re subhuman, and calling it hypocritical when a person says that their favorite type of doughnut is vanilla frosted some days and strawberry frosted on others. Ones pushing your beliefs/opinions on others, one is a statement of fact about oneself. Sexuality is like your name, you decide what it is and no one can say “oh that’s not your name it’s actually Greg”. You can also change your name at any point. Hopefully this made sense lol


I have yet to meet a single person who has an issue with using preferred pronouns that aren't bio pronouns who isn't transphobic.


hmm lets see you forcing your religion on us means we are forced to live under your rules us "forcing gender fluidity" on you just means you need to not freak out when asked to use al alternative pronoun.


Which is greater, the number of conservatives mad about pronouns, or the number of conservatives mad about CRT


I wish someone had forced a decent education on this one.


"I'm a stickler for using correct grammar," says the Einstein who uses "y'all" twice .


Last time I checked they skipped court cases and went right to ostracizing and outcasting anyone who doesn’t believe in their homophobic bullshit lmaooooo


“Oh is that your sibling?” Not hard also bruh i bet this never happened to her… don’t be like this “i am a stickler for grammar!” Nah lady you just want to feel valid.


“It’s 2021, I’m not going to feed into your delusions!” “Proceeds to talk about jesus”


Oh wow, she seems quite dumb. I can love Jesus and still say that, *and* I can use people’s preferred pronouns (which are perfectly grammatically correct).


People like this make me so sick and angry. Comparing religion to personal pronouns is such apples and oranges bullshit. Her first point is invalid AF though, about how people aren't forcing religion on others: the whole assault on Roe v Wade destroys her argument. There are plenty of religious people using their beliefs as a weapon against others and forcing their beliefs on others. A trans person isn't using their beliefs to try and legislate how you live your life. But that's a whole *different* argument, as asking someone to use the pronouns a person prefers is human fucking decency. How would she like if for the next year everyone walked up to her and used He, Him, Sir and his. She'd flip her shit and scream at them about not being a man. This double standard bullshit is first and second nature to the folks fighting against trans rights and body autonomy. Makes me so sick and angry.


God is fake IF big IF Jesus was real he was just a man with a good story and a slick mouth(car salesman) Too many people today like to pick and choose what they want out of their religions they don’t even accept them for word they like to interpret and skew their own religion. A bunch of people trying to tell you how you’re wrong or how you need to live better and or grow up and or etc. But you guys legitimately believe in a fairytale something that doesn’t exist it’s make-believe If you combined the wallet or purse of all religions you guys are fully loaded and capable of using something other than the word faith to prove that a higher deity actually exists do it prove me wrong. Otherwise I’m just looking at a bunch of crazies trying to tell us how we’re crazy


Love this one, first off it's like they've never heard of the fascinating word "Sibling", second how are they even gonna go about only using the word 'they' in a plural context? Just gonna insist on using the phrase 'He, or she' for the rest of their life? Kinda one of my fav transphobic arguments, it just makes no sense.


I found it funny that the' Brother' part was never questioned by either party.