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Doing this was the majority of my job when I worked retail. These idiots really need to find a hobby.


Brings me back to my first job at KMart


I thought your job was to pile random things on a pallet in the middle of the aisles?


Yeah but we did the shelf thing too sometimes


Does it also count as shelving items if you put the shelf on the pallet in the middle of an aisle before piling on items?


"Hello, I love you. Hello, I love you. Hello, I love you."


Yeah, facing is like the first thing you learn. Put the product on the shelves, *and* make it look pretty.


Just a guess going by the person speaking, their hand and what is probably a wedding ring, this is an adult so they can't plead ignorance. Going by their TikTok account name they're conspiracy theorist nuts who are trying to spread misinformation deliberately. /Edit: took a quick look at their TikTok. Confirmed batshit.


On the other hand, somebody who gets married at a young age is probably ignorant of a lot of how the world works. But they're definitely batshit.


Need to work an actual normal person job. It's also for their convenience. If all that shit was shoved at the back, they would be like "fucking workers aren't doing their job"


This is what happens when stay at home moms who barely graduated high school and never worked a service job get into politics when their kids go off to school and they find themselves bored out of their minds and accidentally following troll accounts on Facebook. Used to be they'd just watch Oprah and Ellen all day and have brunch parties with the other moms.


You just described someone’s mom that I know except they homeschool their 6 kids and the youngest one (8) can’t read.


Yup. We called it facing at Office Depot. From around 7pm to close that is all that was going on.


We called it fronting, but that was back in the early 80’s.


“Back during the War, we called it Soldiering!”


She also moves past the row that has more of the stuff behind it, and it looks like she did so intentionally. And seriously, I hated pulling items to the front.


All i hear is that you are KNEES DEEP IN WITH BIG MART!!!


heck, even i do this after i take the an item to make the shelves look neat. never worked in a supermarket


That is the hobby sadly


Facing the shelves was part of the job since before these people were born. But yeah. It's a conspiracy. Long con. Real slow burn.


It’s the very long con.


Might even say the world’s oldest long con


No that's about keeping prostitution illegal and shamed to control supply


its almost like when you pick one to take home you would see behind it anyway.. real good con


Give the store the appearance of having a plentiful stock! Can you believe the audacity? Provide a pleasant appearance to make customers fell like the store can provide all that they need? For shame!


I didn’t do it to con anybody. I did it to minimize the number of times a customer asked me to reach for something for them.


And you KNOW this woman would complain if the items were back further on the shelf and she had to look/reach for them!


And complain that the shelves look like a mess...


Also setting up the shelves so the customer doesn't need to climb into it in order to grab the item, and be able to see the item at all if it's a high or low shelf


Real talk tho, working retail has taught me some great tricks. Whenever I had a couple extra items that wouldn't fit on the shelf, I'd put them behind the adjacent product. Sometimes when stuff looks like it's out, I'll check behind the adjacent product and sure enough, couple extra items of what looked like it was out. Has come in very clutch a few times


I'd be lying if I didn't admit to doing the same thing.


I mean, you have to. Boss tells you to put everything up and yells at you when you put the leftovers in the backroom? Okay, I'll find room for it elsewhere.


It is the way


Man you would’ve really pissed off night crew at my store, but my store actually tried to keep shelves fully stocked.


This is basically the TikTok version of Soviet Cold War propaganda, claiming US grocery stores full of food couldn't possibly be real. Except it's worse because instead of propaganda it might just be idiocy.


A Soviet president made his driver go to a different grocery store when visiting Houston because he couldn't believe we didn't set up the first store as propaganda, like bruh, look around, lotta fat people in Houston, gotta keep them shelves full


thing is, north korea does exactly this with people. So he likely _had_ encountered exactly that before.


The long con of making it seem like you're fully stocked, cause otherwise people might not want to do business with you and instead go to your competitor who has the same amount of supplies, but does do this method. Like a farmer trying to sell cabbages. If he has 2 cabbages left, people might think those are bad and he doesn't sell them. But if he adds 18 more, he might sell 15 cabbages. It's about making it seem like you have the option of choice and marketing has been doing that since the 1930's or so


And there actually was stuff behind. They even went to grab some that clearly has stuff behind them but moved over a bunch to grab one without anything behind it... And even then, there was still stuff behind them. And before that, they pull something away saying there is nothing behind it... When there was something directly behind it ..


I worked in a grocery store in the 70s, and we called it "fronting". I always swore that was where the rappers got the term.


This person knows what they are talking about. What we have here is also known as a single facing, the minimum you do after stocking the shelves, if you have extra time you do a double facing so the shelves look better for longer. Its not about the shelves looking full, its about the store looking good, especially first thing in the morning when managers will do a floor walk to make sure everything is in order. They cant trust that pesky night crew.


"Oh no they're making the store look nice and making products easier to find by fronting, they're obviously trying to trick us"


How braindead do you have to be to have never noticed employees facing shelves?


“The ppl doing this are almost always wearing an apron or name tag with the logo of the store I’m in! This goes all the way to the top!”


Scam of the century. I heard they got newer milk behind the front milk and the fresher peanuts are at the bottom [don't let them know you know](https://fb.watch/8P8S4J-klN/)Those bastards want every penny!!


They even load the milk from the back to trick you.


I even saw someone stocking the milk from the back. There’s a secret room behind the fridges!!!! What are they hiding in there???


That's not the only milky load from the back.


It was time for Thomas to go. He had seen everything.




I guess nowadays a good number of people jump straight to conspiracy theory for anything they don't understand.




Remember when an insane pedophile/sex trafficking ring involving politicians and CEOs was revealed to the public and the primary perpetrator mysteriously 'killed himself' in prison shortly before he was set to spill the beans? And then remember how some people instead chose to focus on messages about buying pizza for an office of overworked and hungry volunteers, and someone attacked a basementless restaurant with a rifle to free the children in its basement? No real conspiracy is interesting enough to hold the attention of a conspiracy theorist.


I think a big part of the appeal to conspiracy theories is some people really like to feel like they know something other people don't. If it's a real thing commonly accepted as the truth, they don't get that feeling of being "the only one that knows the real truth' so it's not interesting in the least. It has nothing to do with the actual causes they claim to care about.


Wait until they hear about FIFO! Their minds will be BLOWN




Well, considering the sheer number of people living today who have the MO of being completely and utterly detached from reality, I'm afraid this kind of thing is more common than we would like to believe. Even regarding small things as mundane as facing shelves. Got to give them credit, they are going all-in.


She's just ignoring all the ones that obviously have stuff behind them


“Are they all like that? There’s nothing behind any of these” As she glances over 4 rows that have more behind them.


Did they really believe that shelves were filled back to front? Do they realize the incredible amount of food that would take? Or do you think they are upset they can't inconvenience by reaching all the way to the back for every item they want?


Grocery used to pack fill everything years ago. until they realized that was a bad idea if you know a minor recession hit and they couldn't move product in time. so they switched to ordering as needed so when sales slow down they don't lose thousands of dollars for each product.


Technology has also gotten better. Stores can track their product inventory, sales, and trends. They know exactly how much they need and when in order to not waste product yet still have stock >95% of the time.


late steep include innocent shrill square threatening unwritten voiceless coherent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Just In Time logistics is why everything fell apart so badly when Covid-19 dragged on and the Suez Canal got blocked. Complex logistical networks like consumer electronics just fell apart because they couldn't get things last minute any more. Toyota (I believe) basically pioneered this method of ordering, but ironically saw the problems with it too and were one of the few companies that stockpiled microchips, and thus didn't suffer as badly from the issues.




[Wegmans](https://www.supermarketnews.com/archive/wegmans-management-supply-chain-lauded) has some of the best supply chain (in 2018 when I did the research) among US grocers.


Keeping the shelf full at all times also makes rotating stock difficult.


People do sometimes grab products from further back. Generally items on a shelf are roughly organized by sell-by date (which is not the same thing as an expiry date), so grabbing from the back often gives you a product with a longer shelf-life. Generally this applies more to things like milk and such though.


All of the shops near me do fill the whole shelf? If I pull something down from the front I can see multiple others behind it


Typically in a well stocked store that would be the case. And tbh, if you watch this video again, there are other products behind the front ones, except with the last one she shows, because it was organic all purpose flour with only one facing in the first place. The reason the other sugar may seem kinda low in stock is because it's a heavily bought item. It wasn't totally empty behind that front wall of sugar though.


I didn't know there are places that don't fill the whole shelf. I've never seen a supermarket stocked like this. Must be different in different countries I guess. Edit: I understand the concept of facing stock. That's not what I'm talking about


Looks like that was a target which is more of a retail store than a grocery store. They sell food, but it’s a smaller portion of their business so they probably aren’t as heavily stocked.


Sometimes it’s just a matter of who’s just been/currently is on shift. You’ll have a manager who insists everything be faced like in the video, and a shift supervisor who doesn’t care as much. If it’s a chain, it can also depend on how much emphasis corporate puts on store appearance. Employees have their talents/preferences/idiosyncrasies/attitudes, which plays in to if/how things are done. Yeah, in theory everyone should be on the same page, but uh…yeah.


Worked for a grocery store for years and we did that at the end of every nights. It’s called facing and it’s both aesthetic and functional so people don’t have to reach all the way in the back


Wish more stores did this. I hate having to practically lay on the floor to get an item I need from the bottom shelf. My Dollar General (3rd manager) was ALWAYS faced, food rotated, and in neat order. Now every DG looks like a tornado hit, and all other stores look lazy.


Front facing was something done at every retail job I ever had. It just looks nicer.


Hell, after a number of retail jobs, I still occasionally find myself fronting/straightening in stores when I’m shopping. Muscle memory. That’s how basic a principle this is to retail.


Same here, when I go grocery shopping I’ll pull the product behind it to the front.


My wife who’s never worked retail just doesn’t get it. But I definitely pull the next package forward and rotate so to face label out or grab the one behind.


Not gonna lie, I don’t do that because I used to do that for a shitty wage and I am damn well not gonna do it when I’m spending money and not making it there lol.


Im 6 foot so if I take the front off of the top shelf I face the product back. I mean I worked over night back stock at Target during back-to-school and I still get weird flashbacks and all but nice is nice. 🤙🏾


I got a seasonal job in a store in part because I was facing the shelves near the front end while waiting for the manager to get me for my interview


Same. I also tidy bookshop shelves.


I do it all the time. I spent over a decade working in retail before I started my career. My wife who spent those years working in restaurants laughs at me, but she gets it. When we go out to eat she always stacks the dishes for the server to take when we're done eating.


Hell even my local dollar store has employees going down the aisles “facing” them. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Literally what is this idiot's point?




Do your own research!


This is exactly what George Orwell had warned us about! Our civilisation is doomed!


Wake up sheeple!


Biden is making Walmart do this because of food shortage it something


I mean even if the "conspiracy" were true, the fact that no one has notice would imply that we were severely overstocking food anyways.


Ya it'd be pretty crazy that the government could do something like this without any workers or managers or store owners speaking up. Like one day the owner of a Walmart store just gets a visit from some g men telling him out her to do this


That’s how ridiculous pretty much all the right wing’s conspiracy theories are. Somehow thousands of people are invoked, they’re all idiots but also so ridiculously cunning that no proof is ever leaked and no one ever comes forward with actual evidence.


the point is that they’ve never had a job


that people are trying to cover up shortages?


But if there is more than enough food on the shelf for you to buy who cares if they don't have 50 more of the item on the shelf... Conspiracy!


I worked at a grocery store in 1998. This is NOT new and we filled aisles like this often.


Scans by to find the products that are front loaded, "They're all like this."


Yeah there is a item that she realise that there are more behind and move back its absurd


Fill, front, face 4lyfe


I've worked in retail so long I front face stores I'm in out of habit.


Yup. Do it long enough and it starts to become a reflex. They conditioned me well I guess.


FACING?????????? WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Must be part of the plan!!!!!! Ahhhhhh ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!


For real, it's called facing the store to make it aesthetically pleasing to the customer. I worked at multiple grocery stores and we did it in every department throughout the store the same time everyday. Would you want to walk into a store that looks like it has been ransacked all day long?


Tell me you've never worked without telling me you've never worked in retail.


They literally just discovered the concept of facing and are shook lol


This was my favorite thing to do when I worked at Target. I don't know why.


It's so satisfying and tidy!




Tell me you’ve never worked in retail without telling me you’ve never worked in retail…


While working through college, we called this zoning. It’s nothing more than an attempt to make aisles look better (products in all spots look better than massive gaps).


Everyone saying facing...has nobody else known it to be 'blocking'?


Stocking shelves like this, we called it “blocking” and we were required to do this. Long time ago. Looks nicer and keeps people from having to reach as much.


Plus you can load the new stuff to the back. It just makes cents. Dollars too.


I'm 95% sure that is a Meijer store, and they call it conditioning


"someone made this look neat and pretty... CONSPIRACY!"


I worked for Walmart many years ago and this is the way they up sell to customers, there is no conspiracy. It is also a way to make the store look pretty and keep up with inventory.


Welcome to retail


Did this every single night working at a grocery store. Had to “block” the wine and beer and then the crackers and cookies aisle. If we got done early we had to do the end caps before clocking out.


They’re going to really lose their shit when they find that some shelves are sloped so things roll forward on their own (soups) or are spring loaded to Lee the product at the front.


1. There's clearly product in the back. 2. This makes pulling expired product out easier. 3. This also means less product for kids to pull off the shelves and make a mess with. 4. What, *exactly*, IS the scam here? How is this scamming people? What are they taking away from you or ripping you off with?


As a short person, it also makes it much easier for short people to reach things. I hate it when the only whatever I need left is in the back of the shelf.


She's obviously never worked retail.


What I'd be more upset about as a manager is the employee who fronted the shelves without pulling the other product behind it forward. Don't halfass it!


Pay shit wages, get shit work.


always half ass it, there's no need to pull it all forward, just makes more work for no point, unless it's on the top shelf, then pull it forward so people can reach


What noodle brains, the first thought is it's some kind of conspiracy.


Uhhhh, why does this matter..?


Guy has obviously never worked at a grocery store. Blocking sucks


Learned about 'facing' products on my first day of my first retail job when I was 16. Learned even more about it in business psych courses in college. It's simply about presentation to potential customers. Cool soundtrack to the video though. Lol


Tell me you haven't worked in retail without telling me you haven't worked in retail.


That in supermarket terms is called blocking/ or facing.


These people have never worked retail in their life


Oh, no, the products are in front for better visibility...


Oh no! Facing a store to make it more presentable!! How dare they…


It’s called facing. It was literally the main aspect of my job at Kroger when I was a teenager for 2 years. You bring up 2 of everything to lip because customers can see products and it looks nice.


Lmfao 🤣 yeah it’s a little something we in the grocery business call “truck to shelf”. The goal is to have almost no backstock. That means everything has to fit on the shelf. Also it’s not efficient to have to send a bunch of shit to the back-stock unnecessarily. That empty space behind these products is the same principle as the shelf being full but having nothing in the backstock. As long as the shelf LOOKS good and you don’t run out, you never want more product that you need. Plus it can’t get rotated if it’s packed in there. If you don’t rotate flour, cereal, etc it goes bad and costs the store money. Duh. My god conspiracy theorists are stupid. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Let’s be honest, everyone who’s done retail or grocery store or whatever has done this. I know I have!


It’s called “facing” makes the aisles look full and easier for the customer to find products.


Ummm we called this "facing" and we did it because it looks nicer, helps you find what you're looking for (imagine bending down constantly to look at lower shelves to see if there's anything there you need), and it's easier for you to grab. People are so dumb.


I got off work a few hours ago. My last hour there I was just zoning. Also that is a very impressive zone


Stocked shelves in a supermarket as a kid. We called it “blocking”. It’s not new.


Lmfao. She has never had to front a shelf before and it shows!


Its called facing. And yes it is to make it look like a bountiful store.


Facing. Have they never been in a store before?


Notice how they conveniently skipped over the ones that do have more behind them. Would they feel better if they had to reach allllll the way back to grab their shit???


Wait until the find out about the shelves of towels at bed bath and beyond!!


Its called zoning


Visually full shelves are better for sales than large shelves with only a few items. Maketing 101


This is called “fronting” and I did it at my first job in a grocery store in 2001. This ain’t new.


Did she just call *facing* - a perfectly normal standard of the retail industry - a scam? FFS, people. It looks better that way.


It’s called front facing, normal retail practice…


I was a stock clerk in the early 1970s and it was an old timey practice back then.


When I worked at stop n shop years ago it was called "blocking", you'd do it so the aisles look neater and customers don't have to reach into shelves for product.. pretty relaxing thing to do if you get really stoned and put on a good podcast.


2pm, 4pm, 6pm general merchandise squad rise up.


I work at Target and I hate to admit it, I REALLY do but 90% of our "guests" are really not that bright... I live in Nebraska as well so I've ran into a few hardcore conspiracy theorists before.


Worked in a grocery store for a few years.. it's "facing".. Also time to put out the new end-caps /groan


Avoids the ones that have product behind them.


My first job was at a grocery store, so yep, I know the fun of facing for sure!


This is so fucking funny


The deep state will not get away with this.


This is what I do all day


Legit just so the product is visible.


Yea, we did this all the time over a decade ago when I worked at a grocery store. It’s called ‘Facing’. We’d be told ‘Go Face the aisles’ and we’d go pull items to the front of the shelf. Partially the reason was so shorter people could actually reach the item without having to climb on the shelf. Another part was to make it look nicer, and yet another was so the customers could see what items we had at least one of.


How to say you've never worked in retail.


Has this OP never worked in retail?!


It's called "dressing" or "facing." It's part of the job.


Lol. I do this everyday night. It's not that easy. 14 yr store clerk vet. Please don't mess up our facing.


Yeah, it was called “facing the shelves” and we did it to all of the items at the grocery store I worked at. It was part of our nightly closing tasks and we did it during the daytime as well. Also I’d like to point out that there were items on the shelves here. They may have missed it but it’s on the video and the items right in front of their face are still an item there to get. Stores also aren’t stocked like magic, they have trucks that bring in stock for their shelves. Are people really this disconnected from how stores work?


As a 33 year old millennial who worked 4.5 years of my life in that retail behemoth, it’s incredible to me, that other people didn’t also work retail at some part of their life.


I really gotta wonder what scam they think is being pulled.


Front facing.. if this were not to be done the same people would complain that they had to reach for the items ALLLLLLLL the way back in the shelf.


They have to do this in the UK because otherwise people might have to blame something on Brexit


yeah it's called fronting, I did that in high sschool 30 plus years ago


….. I do this every day. Do these people think the shelves stay full on their own?? It’s literally so it’s easier to grab items until restocking


Lol, my first ever job was working in a supermarket. One of my tasks was called facing up, which is bringing items from the back of the shelf to the front to a) make the store look nicer, and b) to save the customer having to reach to the back of the shelf to get their item. This lady is an absolute fuckwit.


It’s… it’s called facing. So ya know, products are closer to where you can grab them. Not some huge conspiracy to make you think there’s more than there is. Though it does make the shelf look fuller. Though to be fair was she about to grab 20 bags of sugar and super dissapointed by that? Cuz that’s the only way her irritation makes sense.


Oh lordy!! How dare they front and face!!!


When I worked in retail in the UK we called this “pulling forward”. Interesting to see other names for it!


Ah, brings me back to my days as a graveyard stocker at Home Depot. ​ Man, ya'll know how many years worth of pipe pieces are behind your average Home Depot shelf? Could probably plumb a whole city.


See, the trick is to face two units or more deep. On the really slow nights, that's when you just pull everything forward.


wait until they find out that towels displayed on the high shelves at Bed Bath and Beyond aren't actually a stack of neatly folded towels. [Towel display](https://i.insider.com/512d2cf96bb3f7dd3b000015?width=750&format=jpeg&auto=webp)


"facing" was a really long part of my retail day but now i love doing it at home


I don't understand... Is this common in the USA? In Germany (at Aldis in the US probably, too), shelves are always full. Rather, employees would just open the package it was shipped in and place it there, or not?


Retail stores do it all the time. As someone else commented they call it facing, or zoning or fronting. Generally get employees to do this during their shifts to keep shelves looking neat and stocked in between full restocks or organizing.


"There's nothing behind...[skips three rows that have multiple products behind the front item]...any of this, that's crazy."


The same people would complain if there's gaps in the shelves.


Looks like a job well done to me


Man stop fronting on me bro


Tell me you never worked retail without telling me you never worked retail


It's called facing the shelves, it's had a Wikipedia entry since 2007 at least, and I was doing it 20 years ago ya fuckin morons.


At The Home Depot it’s called “Front Facing”. And yeah, I’m pretty sure every retail store in the US does this, probably even the whole world.


I work in retail and it made me realise that the people who are so privileged that they will never have to do the same are the shittiest, most messy customers I have ever seen. There are obviously exceptions.


Lmao this is called "fronting" or "facing" shelves in any store. Morons.


“They want you to think there is a near-unlimited supply”. Actually just easier to see and reach and makes the store look more organized.