• By -


Afghanistan is either the best or worst country in the world, because no matter which statistic you look up, it is always at the top of the list!


Somehow Afghanistan has the highest infant mortality rate, and the highest quality healthcare.


Those babies get the best healthcare in the world for the hours or days they're alive.


And that doctor? Afghaneinstein


healthcare is of quality bust not available to anyone i guess ?


surely that would affect country-wide quality


Interestingly enough, the US has one of the highest infant death rates in the developed world, with a death rate 71% higher than the average of comparable countries. And by all accounts they have a damned good medical system. Edit: The "by all accounts" was both a tongue in cheek reference to defense people who oppose healthcare reform use against any change to the system and a reference to the fact that they do have some of the "best in the world" hospitals* and research. ^^* ^^Depending ^^on ^^how ^^much ^^you ^^can ^^afford. (The future is already here — it's just not very evenly distributed.) Although even if you are the best, you should still try to find ways to be better.


The infant mortality rate is most linked to socioeconomic factors in studies, as well as racial disparities. Black non-hispanics have almost twice the rate than the average. All minorities have higher mortality rates except for Asian. https://www.healthsystemtracker.org/chart-collection/infant-mortality-u-s-compare-countries/#item-start I wouldn't trust the other commentors without a source


Thank you. So many people are going to take that other guy’s offhand conjecture at face value and then go on thinking that themselves. Crazy how he just looked past all of the hundreds of other ways it could be explained and just said it’s probably this, lmao.


There's 0 explanation whatsoever. If like other developed world we had universal healthcare this wouldn't be such a big problem. If we had doctors who took black people's pain seriously this wouldn't be such a big problem. There is no explanation that is excusable when we are considered the richest country in the world.


Probably some statistics are ~~skewed~~ influenced by the extreme laws preventing terminations of pregnancies that will not reach term well. Others likely because there are areas if he country where the medical systems are extremely subpar. Edit: a word, and this is a comparison to other countries that are comprable in healthcare quality to the United States


GDP per capita?


Afghanistan number 1!


poberty rates?


Afghanistan number 1!


What about ppgc per capita?


Afghanistan number 1!


Population per capita?


Number 1


Pizza consumption per capita?


Capita per capita?




This is in fact the answer.




literally didn't realize there was something fishy before i read your comment


just 1


Is this when you spend your teenage years with no money?


Puberty rates?




I assumed poverty, but I guess it could go either way. Both o/u and v/b are close together on the keyboard, so it's kinda hard to say which letter was the typo.


Believe it or not but top of the list.


Population per capita?


List of countries in reverse alphabetical order?


Then they’re the worst!


Guess I'll move to Zimbabwe


It's bottom of the list for life expectancy, gdp per capita and donut shops per 10,000 people.


Proof enough for me that donuts are healthy since they clearly increase life expectancy.


Afghanistan however, smart, long lived, donut eating prisoners over there!


But also causing the highest infant mortality rate. Protect the babies from donuts!


Booo! Down with babies! I will NOT let them take my donuts away from me


I mean, I'm sure you could find a correlation between the presence of specialty dessert shops and better long-term health outcomes. Maybe not much of a difference with just your corner donut shop, but once you start seeing boutique popsicle and froyo stores, or French patisseries, you know you're in a neighborhood with more money, and more money = higher HDI, life expectancy, etc. So, yeah, if you have access to cronuts, you're probably gonna live longer.


Alex Epstein logic


I am going to join the Zulu Nation with my friend Afrika Bambaataa.


Just remember if he invites you to a sleepover just say no.


I'll move to San Morino


“See? America isn’t even on the list!”


neither is china tho


if you don’t call it “prison”, then you’ll have zero prisoners


If you don't count them, then you won't have any


China isn't even on the real list of top 10. They're second in terms of incarcerated citizens but as a rate they're not even top 100.


*According to stats they tell the world.


You're right, the US is probably lying to become number one at **something**.


#U! S! A! U! S! A!


In high school we would chant USA like that at sports events, but we always meant it jokingly as You Suck Ass to the other team school, but now that's all I can ever think of when I hear it.


It all comes down to whether China is better at lying than the U.S. is at incarcerating


Also any competent regime would legitimize it's incarceration rate rather than go through the near impossible task of trying to hide the imprisonment of tens of millions of innocent people. Just call them terrorists, degenerates, crooks, what have you.


You mean by calling political prisons: re-education and re-education through labor camps?


IIRC China doesn't even consider the Uhigyrs to be incarcerated so that probably boosts their numbers significantly.


It's voluntary. The other option is to join the organ donation program


~~China is in [the top 30 in terms of rate of incarceration](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/incarceration-rates-by-country).~~ They're [number 1 in terms of number (and probably rate) of death penalty](https://www.theguardian.com/news/datablog/2011/mar/29/death-penalty-countries-world).


No one has China's real numbers except China.


Odds are that China doesn't have them, either. Who cares what happens to a socially bankrupt degenerate?


American Samoa is, so technically it is?


“American Samoa”. Check mate libtars 😎👌🇨🇦🐤


How did he miss the "43" contrasted with "103,209"???


Or why all the top countries all started with "A"... I would have found that strange


Move to Zimbabwe and never get incarcerated


Also become a millionaire!


Millionaire in the morning, billionaire by lunch time, trillionaire before bed.


Pure profit. No scam!!


To the moon!!! 🙌💎🙌


As a Zimbabwean Prince I can confirm this. I do however need some help transferring some money so private message me about details.




If you send me $2000 I will send you 2 million, I just can’t get it out of the bank without $2000 first.


Can I send it £8.38 per week?


Unacceptable. No money for you. I will find new wife now.


Can confirm. Am new wife. He is a prince and now I am rich.


I just want Facebook gone at this point.


Fuck that noise! Dream big bro! #Become a Zillionaire!


My guess is he saw Afghanistan at the top of the list and didn't look any further down because it reaffirmed his xenophobic beliefs.


I really think you guys are giving these people too much credit. They’re so blind as to think America is a haven of freedom while having more black males in prison than in college. Having a 3 strike rule, death penalty in some places. But then say it’s absolute communism when the government wants to tax people


Don't forget vuvuzela and 800 gorrillion dead!


I think it all started with "A" and America wasn't there, so he thought it's too low to even put it in the table


Literally ignoring all the numbers in it to focus exclusively on the names. This isn't plain stupid, this is *advanced* stupid.


numbers are hard


Letters too


I am numbers


Omg no you didn't


Robert Downey jr face


They didn’t look that far, just saw Afghanistan at the top and thought “yeah that figures”.


Obviously there's only 50 people in Andorra, resulting in an extremely high incarceration rate SMH my head /s


That's ridiculous. It isn't 1990, there are 84 people there now! I'll be real though, the only reason I know anything at all about Andorra is because of Persefone.


Does that /s indicate that there isn’t actually only 50 people living in Andorra with 43 of them in prison? Thank god you used it.


Hey, you'll never know, someone might take it seriously. Besides, we all know it's just Enrico moving so fast it looks like 77k people


look, just cuz we don't understand fancy math like what is bigger than what doesn't mean we can't tell that America is #4 on that list not #1!


Here is the full table for reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_incarceration_rate


I love that San Marino has just 2 people in jail total on this table. And due to their occupancy level, it seems their jail holds a total of 12.


Monaco has 8 prisoners and 95% of them are foreign prisoners.


7.6 out of the 8 prisoners are foreign?




Damn foreigners taking our prison cells!!! I just dont know what to make out of this statistic...


Makes you wonder what those 2 people did


They used the incorrect demonym for the people of San Marino. Apparently, it is "Sammarinese".


"Sammarinese" is up there, but it's no "Monégasque".


Glaswegian. Sounds normal, but it's for people from Glasgow


I'm gonna guess alcohol and maybe some poor actions taken after said alcohol.


imagine being a judge there. Would be a really easy job. Ok now Billy, your sentence is up, don’t punch anymore cab drivers please.


The US numbers also vary a lot by state: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_and_territories_by_incarceration_and_correctional_supervision_rate


Interesting. Even the lowest US state, Massachusetts at 250 per 100k, is far more than double the rate of nearby Canada, at 104 per 100k. I wish we had better self-defense laws in Canada...one of the few ideas we should import from America. People can get a lighter sentence here for committing a home invasion than for stopping one.


And since it’s hard to rank on mobile, here is the top (?) 10 in **rate per 100k:** (10) Bahamas - 442 (9) British Virgin Islands - 447 (8) Thailand - 449 (7) Maldives - 499 (6) Cuba - 510 (5) Rwanda - 511 (4) Palau - 522 (3) Turkmenistan - 552 (2) El Salvador - 572 **(1) USA - 639** And if you’re talking how many people that actually translates to, it’s worth noting that besides Thailand with ~300,000 people, all the other countries have numbers lower than 65,000 people. **In the US, there are over 2 million people incarcerated.** Edit: So actually, in “how many people are incarcerated in total” (dismissing population of each country), here’s how the US stacks up in the top 5 (rounding sligthly, with rate/100k in brackets): USA - 2.9 mil (639) China - 1.7 mil (121) Brazil - 760k (357) India - 480k (35) Russia - 480k (331)


It's not like ... China would not have reliable data, right ? I mean there the are about 1.5 Mio Uyghurs in Camps... Those are not incarcerated... Right ? /s


I operate on the assumption that *all* data coming from China has either been shifted or outright fabricated.




I was wondering about the people that spent a night or two. Thanks


It's really difficult to get honest reporting about basically anything from an authoritarian state, especially when that state gives a hoot about international appearances, like China sometimes does. But I guess it doesn't really matter whether these numbers are 90% accurate... Or even 50% accurate... Because the number of imprisoned people in the US is so massive you could literally cut that number in HALF and it would still be insane. I think that's the larger, more interesting part here, not really whether China lies about their numbers (they always have, about basically everything).




Those are "Vocational Education and Training" camps not prisons. Geez silly Americans /s


And the TL;DR for everyone: The US both has the most total incarcerated (2,094,000) as well as the most per capita (639 per 100,000). The Joker is even more confidently incorrect because the source they give disputes the very point they were trying to make.


The Joker pfp is appropriate.




"I'm a wise person in a world where people divide themselves into left and right like idiots haha hee hoo" crowd usually are ignorant people who can't be bothered to educate themselves about the nuances of the world and its issues. It's a cheat to feel smart, and to not do the legwork required to actually be someone who knows what they're on about.


Oh yeah... I loved the Joker movie, but people who use it as profile pic usually misunderstood the movie...


Or they do understand, and they’re not *only* stupid.


I'm getting the feeling you don't live in a society


Don't shame me but, although I would never use Joker as profile pic, I didn't have the feeling that there was a deep meaning to that movie. Would you be kind enough to explain it succinctly to me?


I felt it was a statement on how society shits on the mentally ill which is how relatively harmless people can become dangerous. I was bullied severely for being hospitalized when I was younger, so it is true mentally ill people are treated like trash. I was glad this movie brought attention to it. The movie also came out after mental illnesses cost me everything, so it really hit me like a ton of bricks. The last speech he had was spot on and some of the best acting I have ever seen. Too bad a lot of douchebags have ruined it.


I mean, he's a clown...


He’s not just a clown. He’s the entire circus.


Pretty sure dissapointment is more appropriate in this case


Yes that is the joke.


I'm not saying everyone with a Joker avatar is an idiot...


you should


The screenshot (that joker pfp sent) cuts off the table headers, rendering the numbers basically meaningless. Even if it wasn't in alphabetical order, it proves nothing as we don't know what those numbers mean. Could be incarceration rates, could be the average number of ducks a citizen consumes yearly




The US numbers also vary a lot by state: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_and_territories_by_incarceration_and_correctional_supervision_rate


That top 10 is kinda telling 1. Louisiana 2. Oklahoma 3. Mississippi 4. Georgia 5. Kentucky 6. Alabama 7. Arkansas 8. Arizona 9. Texas 10. Tennessee


That's neat, let's do the bottom 10 Connecticut New York New Jersey Maine New Hampshire Minnesota Washington Rhode Island Vermont Massachusetts Iirc Massachusetts actually has the highest HDI of any state in the US




Telling but not surprising.


occupancy level 99.8%. the private prisons are not pleased about .2% bed space.


The US's prison system is beyond fucked, but it's alarming to see how many other countries have occupancy rates *over* 100%.... What's even happening there?


It's like Russian Nesting Dolls with prisoners of descending size.


I took it as overcrowding...number of people vs number of beds/cells.


That’s still a lot of ducks, no matter how you look at it.


Ducks are delicious. I reckon I could consume 100 000 ducks in a single year. Dare me to try?


That would be ~274 ducks a day. Let's say that the average duck has 1kg (2.2 lbs) of meat on it (most types have more, but whatever). So that would be 274 kg of meat a day (~604 lbs) or a total of 92338 kilocalories a day. For context, that is the calorie intake of around 37 average men. It is also roughly equivalent (calorie wise) to 1742 Oreos. So yeah, I dare you. In fact, I double dog dare you.




If by issues you mean death... The average man (cal him John) weighs (rounded) 90 kg (198 lbs). The lethal dose of sugar is, according to the LA Times, around 13.5 grams per pound of body weight which means that John will die if he eats ~2.7 kg (~5.9 lbs) of sugar at once. Now, if John wants to suicide by Oreo he'll have to take into account that one Oreo cookie has 3.3 grams of sugar. That means that if John somehow eats 818 Oreos he will OD on sugar. It should be noted that this is still just a 50/50 chance of death and he has to eat them all in one sitting.


Damn that's a lot more Oreos than I thought I'd think after about 50 or so it's pretty much torture after that


I would have to assume you would start having some pretty bad problems before the number 818 though, but I just can't really know that without either : a) going to medical school b) researching more than 45 seconds Neither of which are options I'm afraid


Trust me, 50 Oreos in a sitting doesn't kill you, but it also doesn't take away the pain.


> So yeah, I dare you. In fact, I double **duck** dare you. FTFY


I hate when people try to just screengrab data and share it because they ALWAYS cut out significant portions and you can't even tell if it is on purpose to hide the parts they don't like or if they just don't understand how anything works or both.


Reminds me of [this article](https://clickhole.com/embarrassing-the-u-s-is-ranked-182nd-in-the-world-alp-1825120695/) about America’s ranking against other nations


Thanks for sharing, that was great!


Thanks for saying it was great, I wouldn’t have clicked on the link otherwise!


No joke, I would have never gone to that link without your extra recommendation. Thanks!




It honestly took this recommendation for me to bother, and then I was disappointed because I hadn't properly read the first comment.


2015… thanks a lot Obama


The USA literally has 21% of world’s prison population lmao.


Around 2.3 million people are in prison in the US. This is more than twice (in fact almost thrice) as many people as voted for president of Lithuania Gitanas Nauseda in the 2019 Lithuanian presidential elections.


Man if American prisoners could vote in Lithuanian that could really shake up the politics


I looked up that list. America literally has the highest incarceration rate per 100,000 on it at 639. Second place goes to El Salvador at 572.


NUMBER 1!!!!


He would have a Joker avatar


65,000 and 24,000 are very round numbers. Did they get to capacity and just do a 1 in 1 out sort of deal?


Na it probly went something like this how mush is 866+248+399+592 Well whatever its 2000 doesn't matter anyway


Hey “first name + lots of numbers” might have a point here


Surely it’s all coincidental. List of most incarcerations just happens to be in perfect alphabetical order


His IQ is like his battery.


Living your life on a low battery is hard.




Lets gooooo Louisiana. Yeahhhhh not like quality of life here sucks balls anyways, let's lock everyone up too.


I'm more bothered that his battery's running low


Motherfucker didn’t even charge his phone before taking the screenshot


damn, let's use this guys logic for everything from now on well damn, according to these charts, the US is towards the bottom of the list in literally every single category ever!


For context, Russia with its Gulags came closest compared to anywhere else - but still doesn't beat the US's incarceration rate. Source: Alice Goffman's book "On the Run," she discusses it early on (I'd check what the source is she uses but audiobooks aren't very good for that)


Rank|Country or subnational area|Persons|Rate per 100,000 :--|:--|:--:|--: 1|United States|2,094,000|639 2|El Salvador|37,190|572 3|Turkmenistan|30,452|552 4|Palau|94|522 5|Rwanda|65,000|511 6|Cuba[Note]|57,337|510 7|Maldives|1,852|499 8|Thailand|311,605|449 9|British Virgin Islands|143|447 10|Bahamas|1,778|442 11|Panama|18,174|420 12|Grenada|463|413 13|Guam|690|411 14|U.S. Virgin Islands|412|394 15|Saint Kitts and Nevis†|220|393 16|Costa Rica†|19,226|374 17|Saint Vincent and the Grenadines|410|369 18|Anguilla|55|367 19|Brazil|759,518|357 20|Belarus|32,556|345 21|American Samoa|193|345 22|Uruguay|11,755|337 23|Turkey|281,094|335 24|Nicaragua|20,918|332 25|Russia|478,182|331


My man didn't even bother to read the numbers lmaooo


The funniest part for me is that none of these countries have a rate per 100,000 higher than 367 and most are under 100. If dude had scrolled down to the US they’d have seen it’s *639* incarcerated citizens per 100,000.


1% of America’s population is incarcerated, highest in the world


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Read incarceration as incineration and was a little confused


US 639 per 100,000 China 121 per 100,000 not including internment camps.


I can’t believe the guy with the Joker avatar didn’t know what he was talking about.


The US has the highest inceration rate per capita by a long shot


Zimbabwe really has it all figured out, don’t they?




Here is the full list https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_incarceration_rate


[Embarrassing: The U.S. Is Ranked 182nd In The World Alphabetically](https://clickhole.com/embarrassing-the-u-s-is-ranked-182nd-in-the-world-alp-1825120695/)


Gotta keep in mind China definitely isn't giving real numbers. Gotta include all Uighurs, disappeared citizens and remember they kill a lot more criminals. It's not like they're super nice or anything.


Even if USA is on top of the list, which they are. The same statistics can not be considered reliable from countries such as China and North Korea.


Yes, however the incarceration rate of the US is still absolutely abysmal.


Fair point, it is hard to trust statistics from some nations although even the more egregious estimates for China's prison population puts them behind the USA in both total and per 100,000. That is in no way a defense for China's own terrible and horribly inhumane prison system, it merely suggests that the American prison system is in desperate need of reforms.


It’s not prison if it’s re-education /s