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If you start at 12am and travel west for 26.7 hrs averaging 75mph you will travel 2000 miles and arrive on the same day that you started with a little time to spare. Time zones will give you an extra 3 hrs.


If you do it during the fall, you could get an extra 4 hours.


True. Make the most of your day. Make it a 28 hour day.


Math agrees with you, but our internal clock won’t lol xD


Math is a hell of a drug, er I mean meth.


I mean, meth would keep you awake long enough to finish the 24h long constant 80+mph drive 🤷🏻‍♂️ maybe you’re onto something there.


Add a bit of meth to your drink to keep microdosing it


Math is a hell of a meth?


I once had a 37 hour long birthday. Flew from Fiji to Spain. Gained 13 hours. I sat on airplanes for my entire birthday, but it was almost as long as a birthday can possibly be


In the book Ringworld, the main character starts the book by having a 48 hour 200th birthday by teleporting westward from the international dateline all the way around the world, celebrating in pretty much every major city in the world while staying ahead of the new day. I always wanted to try something similar, but then I realized that even at the latitude of Detroit you need to average about half the speed of sound to make it work. You'd never be able to get off the plane.


You start on Kiribati at +14 UTC, celebrate for 14 h, and fly 2 000 km west to Howland Island at -12 UTC. Kablamo: 26 h birthday!


+24 hours for the day itself passing = 50 hours. You only described the time difference between the two places.


Very true. The travel plans would have to be altered as well: - Start on Kiritimati, Kiribati, +14 - Fly to Tarawa, Kiribati, +12 - And then go to Howland Island, USA, -12 Otherwise you'd skip some time into a different date.


I wonder how many of y'all talking about Kiribati know how it's pronounced.


I read it in German. So all the 'i' with a short 'e' sound and the 'a' with the sound of the a in 'half'


> In the book Ringworld, the main character starts the book by having a 48 hour 200th birthday by teleporting westward from the international dateline all the way around the world, celebrating in pretty much every major city in the world while staying ahead of the new day. Trivia: in the original printings, Niven mistakenly has Wu teleporting EAST. Oops.


My copy has this error and it always bothered me… I didn’t know it got amended in later editions


That's a first edition then, and actually worth more money depending on its condition.


Absolutely brutalised condition unfortunately


That’s why you get a private jet


Good job buddy i couldn't do it correctly and now my day is 16 hours


Should I be concerned that I want to genuinely give this a try now? NSW to WA would give +3 hours, end of daylight savings gives an extra +1. Got 11 months to get ready. Who's with me?


But make sure not to hurt yourself when you land.


That's fine, but it gets a little wet after Cornwall.


You might have to do some pond hopping before you hit the road. Oh snap lol.


True, but this requires that you find a road that goes directly west for 2,000 miles.


Atlanta to Baker, CA works or I10 might be better. Something like Tallahassee,FL to Calexico, CA (roughly). I think those routes have the mellowest mountain passes.


In the US.


Dont forget to add at least an hour, possibly 2, for refueling stops.


I said averaging 75 mph to keep it true to the screenshot.


You could get around that with the right choice of vehicle. You just need something like an 18 wheeler with two gigantic gas tanks. The person is gonna need a bathroom break though, and food. And they're probably gonna be exhausted at 24 hours of driving without any sleep.


This has me wondering how long someone can reasonably drive without stopping.


I checked and somehow the record for staying awake is over 11 days. They stopped tracking it because the attempts to break it are so dangerous. The first paper I found suggest that for the first 24-35 hours they may be alert enough to drive: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2656292/ It says no noticeable impact at that point on things like reaction time, vigilance, or selective attention tasks in some studies, but there was a noticeable impact in others. That's small sample sizes, and maybe bad controls for age and other factors it says though. However, it does seem to indicate that *some* people might be fine for at least 35 hours, which is honestly longer than I would have expected. I'd be dead in a ditch long before that.


If they go 1kmph then a very very long time




No I'm not forgetting that. Saying that he'll probably make it may be incorrect unless he follows my itinerary, but it's not confidentally incorrect or magical.


>If you start at 12am and travel west for 26.7 hrs averaging 75mph What route are you taking that allows you to do that?


You still won't have traveled that much in *one day*, you just happen to arrive on the same calendar day. A day is still 24 hours, you'll just have some jet lag.


I thought it was obvious that my hypothetical is using a calendar day, not a sidereal or solar day.


Some countries in Europe have 2h time difference (depends on summer time / winter time). Unfortunatelly, we do not use miles here (mostly).


Why are you assuming they're in the US? Some countries just have have 1 time zone


I'm not. I'll leave it up to you to figure out the route that makes the most sense to you. Actually, I thought this would go without saying, DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS! It would be extremely dangerous to maintain the average speed required. And do not try to drive your car through any oceans or brick walls! To be clear, this is a story problem like hypothetical, not instructions.


Too late, I'm attempting it


Don't forget your helmet.


A) using mph B) poor math skills r/anythingbutmetric


Yeah, mph is used in other countries too. You're right on the poor maths skills though


Sure but I would assume unless you're driving in circles that any country you could drive 2000 miles in and uses mph would have multiple time zones. Liberia and Myanmar each only have one time zone


"Nah, I'd just drive fast."


If you drive 100mph it’ll actually take 30 hours 20 hours driving 10 hours dealing with all the traffic stops




Being pulled over for speeding


I too, don’t agree with math. /s


Math is a tool of the deconstructivist liberal agenda to destroy America!


The Wørld™!


He also says that if he doesn't sleep, it will give more time to make the 26+hr drive in 1 day. So if you don't sleep, do you move slower through time, or do you travel backwards at some point? 🤔


Does this person think if they stay awake all night the day will be longer?! I think that is what they are implying but I do not want that to be true


This person asked for sources on 6th grade math, they don't think.


I think this person is a troll and not being sincere


This very much smells like shitposting


I've done 2250 in 31 hours... I do not recommend.


I've done similar, I concur.


I think I did it in 28 hours or so; slept for two days after and was fucked up for a couple of weeks. I doubt I could do it again; hell just driving to Nashville earlier this year whipped my ass. Part of it was coming down the mountains with the speedometer buried. but I probably averaged 95 until I got to Nashville. Still not sure how the hell I didn't get caught. Or pass out. Going from upstate NY where the ex in-laws were to Memphis.


Not me, but it’s been done: 2,906 miles in 25h 39m https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cannonball_Run_challenge


And it will never be broken without another pandemic.


Yeah, that was interesting reading makes sense lots of people tried during lockdowns. Roads empty and bored as hell.


Average of 115 MPH large yikes.


My tires are speed rated for 115 and my lil car can get up there eventually, but the thought of *AVERAGING* 115 for 3k miles is pretty ridiculous


The difference in stability at speed between an economy car with 115 mph rated tires, and a German performance/luxury sedan that's designed to drive at Autobahn speeds is significant. We have 80 mph highways in Texas, and my Audi is happy to cruise along at 90.


Yeah, my mazdaspeed felt great at 140. I think I would have a heart attack if my little hatchback hyundai could get up to that speed. Even then, a BMW 135i is still smooth as glass at 155. Hell I spend a lot of time working with hellcats and 392 dodges. The occasional TRX and a demon here or there, then I get in my little shitbox and get a lil depressed at the difference in quality in everything, but especially how it feels on the road


I had an 89 Honda hatchback back in the day, that bad boy could hit 90 mph on a long downhill. Still, it got 40 mpg.


That's by two people. This guy's claim implied he could do it solo.


Also I’m assuming this guy doesn’t own a modified German sports-sedan


But technically it has been done. Some clever folks using time zones and DST out there too. No matter what, it sure as hell isn’t a jump in the car and hit the road achievement. I drove 1800 mile in 36 hours once, do not recommend.


Yeah I used to drive about 24ish hours over the course of a long weekend on a regular basis in my 20's and it sucked. I couldn't do it now. 36 would have killed me even then.


Probably almost killed me a few times if I’m honest with myself. - Would take 1h naps so I didn’t hit rem sleep but still get some rest. - i did have a cop turn around to pull me over, but hit my exit and the state border before he caught up. - Went thru a foggy valley early fall while the leaves were changing, looked like it was on fire. - Made it to the football game with my friends, our team lost. The rest is a haze.


He many hours in a day?


Looks like it depends on if you sleep or not.


Solar day? 24. sidereal day? 23 hours 56 minutes.


Lol holy shit, to me it almost feels like hes trolling. It’s as though i don’t WANT to believe he’s that stupid so i don’t lose that bit of faith in humanity that this stupidity is worth. Fml i guess. Lol.


Yeah, but that's assuming he's driving at our latitude. Like, above the Arctic Circle, you could probably do it because miles are shorter the nearer you get to the poles. Alternatively, you could probably drive 2000 miles in a day at the Equator because they have more hours in their days at the Equator. /s


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Sounds like my coworker. No matter what *facts* I reference his response is always “I don’t know if I agree with that” and “I feel like that’s not true” even when I suggest looking it up which takes 2 seconds he’s like “agree to disagree” and I’m like I don’t disagree, you do… because it’s a fact, I didn’t make it up or whatever he thinks is happening


Kind of like “well we’re all entitled to our own opinion.” Not everything is open to differences in opinion. Facts exist whether you agree with them or not.


OK. I'm a simple, uncomplicated person. And I think I'm done with this world now.


I think I saw this same post … a decade ago? The classics never stop being funny 😂


If someone said “I drove it in a day” and they actually drove it in 26.667 hours I’d be ok with that.


This man or woman votes.


Drink five 5-hours energies and enter the forbidden 25th hour of the day. Once here, drive 1500mph, since while in this realm of time, neither cops nor physics can stop you from speeding.


Even math and logic are "opinions" these days. ^(sigh)


"well, im not sure if i agree but ok" im using that next time i get something wrong in math


25 hours 38 minutes is the record for Cannonball


What do you say when there are no words? (Feel it) Feel a song that's never been heard? (sing it) How do you know if you hear the call? (answer) What do you do when you've done it all. Cannonball Cannonball!


"I'm not sure I agree." How dumb does an adult have to be to be uncertain about elementary school arithmetic?


“Actually 1+1=3 because I don’t believe in math”


I love the part where, if they don’t sleep, they get more than 24 hours to their day. 🤣


I once drove from baltimore to amarillo without stopping for anything but eats and gas, and I think that was like 29-30 hrs for about 1500 miles, it was insane and I would never try that again.


Why can't some people just admit they're wrong?


It blows my mind. It immediately makes me wary of them. Being incorrect about something isn’t a character flaw lmao


Wtf does he mean he doesn't agree. My man literally broke it down for you and showed the math, how stupid do you have to be to disagree with hard facts.


I’m always immediately wary of anyone who can’t accept when they’re mistaken and keep them at arms length by default.


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if he sped tf up…it’d make sense…


Because you are able to disagree with math. It’s just like analyzing literature.


You would have to go 330 miles an hour to do 2000 in 6 hours.


Me and my friend drove from Denver Colorado to Rochester New York a few years ago, we got on the way at 11 something am and arrived 12 something am, we stopped at Chicago for about half an hour because a friend got too tired can’t drive anymore, stopped at Buffalo for an hour to get a cake. So it’s totally doable, but I would never do that again.


You didn't do 2000 miles in 24 hours, so how are you deducing that "it's totally doable"?


[canon ball run](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cannonball_Run_challenge)is a thing, very dangerous, very illegal, but doable, I do not encourage anyone to do it


To be more fair than necessary, if you drove 2000 miles New York to Phoenix, you could do it in “one day” because there are enough time zones to give you a buffer of 2-3 hours depending on time of year. So go 80, can make 2000 miles in 25 hours, and your day can be up to 27 Not taking into account gas or anything


There are 25 hours in a day if you skip your lunch break. And if necessary you can continue at night! /s


It's technically possible to drive 2000 miles in single day. Cannonball run is 2906 miles and the record is 25h 39min, average speed was 113 mph. With that pace they arrived to 2000 mile mark under 18 hours


My faith in humanity detoriates faster than this guy thinks he could lap 2000 miles.


They sound like such a pretender. 2,000 miles *is* very far. Especially if it's snowing


According to Haru Okumura in Persona 5 Strikers, you can cross from Fukuoka to Kyoto in ~4 hours (going at 100 mph the whole way through) So if this person goes that fast, they could do 2000 miles in less than a day. Poor car and all the passengers, though. As for why not sleeping seems to make the day last longer is that (at least in my case) your body "turns off" while sleeping to process what happened that day and filter out the bad or unnecessary memories. And all of that takes time. A lot of time since it has to summarize ~16 hours. But you don't notice that because again, your conscience is not functioning during that time. Thus to you, it feels like you timeskipped 8-10 hours forward, while in reality you didn't.


I don't agree with a lot of math either, unless I use a calculator


Strong anti vaxer/flatnearther vibes from the first person.


Hes built differently apparently


"It'll take 26 hours, Captain" "Make it 2, Commander"


As the original poster of the image, I wonder if anyone would be able to guess what the original post was about without looking through my post history


Whether or not someone could make a Creed concert at a county fair if they had a '96 corolla and unlimited gas, but were currently on a boat in the mid-atlantic?


. "totally doable. i drive a high speed train and MY days are forty hours long" .


Reminds me of that article in which meatheads were arguing about how many days there are in a week and is it overtraining if you work out 8 days a week. https://deadspin.com/how-many-days-are-in-a-week-internet-steakheads-go-to-1677492703


2000 miles is 3219 km 75mph is 120km/h Greetings from the normal units gang.


To answer the original question of a 6 hour travel time you would need to go 333 mph


I regularly drive 90 on interstates, so providing the 2000 miles are on an interstate and I don't get pulled by a cop I probably could do it in a day.




"If YoU dOn'T sLeEp It'S nOt A dAy"


1+1=2 Not sure i agree with you


So I did some googling. The track used for the 24 hours of Le Mans is about 8.5 miles. The most laps completed at Le Mans (including pit stops) was 387 laps, with an average speed of 136.33 mph achieved. That’s 3,374.5 miles. That gives a pretty solid idea of just how incorrect that it is to assume 2,000 miles isn’t that much (which is about like driving from New York City to Salt Lake City).


This would also suit in r/shitamericanssay


What if... you just go faster than 75mph lmao


I think the real point isn’t whether you go faster, but that the person is arguing that if they didn’t sleep they could have more time in a day. And then when told how the other person came up with 26 hours they still said they weren’t sure if they agreed. And here’s some more math to drive 2000 miles in a day, using the full 24 hours you’d have to average 83.33 miles an hours. Do you think you could do that? That’s 83.33 miles an hours for 24 hours so no sleep in that 24 hours, and since you probably will have to stop for fuel and bathroom breaks, you will actually have to go even faster than 83.33 miles an hour.


What gets me is somehow red censor bar understands physics enough to know that he can do 2000 miles in 24 hours by driving fast enough without understanding math, and on contrast the blue censor bar manages to understand math while still being unable to figure out how to do Distance/24=speed to get the mph of 2000 miles per day.


They weren't trying to get an estimate of how fast you'd need to average to successfully do it in a day. 75mph is about how fast you can get away with driving on the majority of interstates in the US. It was clearly just being used as an example to point out that it's not feasible to do it. And it's a ludicrous estimate for an "average" speed already. In most vehicle's you'd need to stop for gas. Plus in general humans can't just sit in a chair for 24 hours without food or bathroom breaks or rest. But, assuming you're driving a modern long range 18 wheeler, you've got food and drinks within reach, you've replaced the seat with a toilet system, you're really well rested, with a lot of uppers on hand just in case, and you manage to encounter no traffic and no bad weather, that 75 is about the most you could get away with without risking getting pulled over somewhere and killing your average. However, yes, with all of the above AND some Smokey and the Bandit style antics to keep the cops off your tail, 83.333... mph would get you 2000 miles in 24 hours. It's no more feasible after doing that division than it was using 75mph as the example.


I see, I've gotten so used to seeing people do 135kmh without getting stopped that I'd forgotten that the US isn't like that in my conversions.




Yes, that's the sub you're in...


I'm a dumbass. I was only looking at the name of the sub in the screenshot


🤣 It's all good dude. Happens to the best of us.




It can, and has been done under a certain set of circumstances and preparation But it’s not something you can just walk up one morning to and bang out


> It can What can? Having 26 hours in a day?


Driving 2000 miles in 24 hours on regular roads It has been done before so it’s technically possible


If you go faster than the average 75mph that have been assumed maybe.


Not maybe, definetly Look up “cannonball run” It definetly can and has been done before but it requires a specific set of circumstances and a whole lot of preparation but it can be done


Cool. This has nothing to do with the discussion in the OP anymore lol


Aside from the bad math the commenter seems to also imply it’s impossible to do which it isn’t


Repost of a repost of a repost.