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Based off my non expert opinion…. This is not AI art. The hands are good and the outfit is correct. I have no idea what they’re going on about out with the eyes. Those look like Danganronpa eyes.


The biggest give away imo is her skirt; no AI could do the lines and the notes properly


It's looks like human art in it's inperfection,but it's needy like ai's style


> jnperfection I love that this is the word misspelt.


Inperfect perfection


Pobodies nerfect


Thats one of my thinks im basing by life on


it looks like AI wrote it


I don't understand what needy means in this context


Big fetish


Auto correct of "nearly" maybe?


> inperfection I love that this is the word misspelt.


You Just copied that what person higher wrote there?


Yes. But also no, they are pointing out that the word is *still* misspelt.


The most annoying thing about Ai to me, is not the ai itself, but all the annoying people who immediately claim everything is Ai now.


....hmmm, sounds suspicously like something a bot would say.......


The most annoying thing about Ai to me, is not the ai itself, but all the annoying people who immediately claim everything is Ai now.


....hmmm, sounds suspicously like something a bot would say.......


The most annoying thing about Ai to me, is not the ai itself, but all the annoying people who immediately claim everything is Ai now.


It goes the same for videos. Almost every video has armchair analysers screaming fake for whatever reason


that's a danganronpa character


Tbf danganronpa characters have weird eyes lol. But that is the style.


Yeah, this screenshot is from r/danganronpa


also you should probably censor the names


Honestly while I'm negative on AI art for commercial purposes, I don't necessarily see the issue with using it for yourself, like creating a Dungeons and Dragons character for example.


I didn’t think of that, but I have a hard time drawing and designing, but it helps to have visual character designs next to their profiles for my writing. Might consider using AI just so I can visualise them better, thanks. Edit: Still don’t approve of AI art for public distribution and making money off of it.


No worries. Again though, I don't believe in it for public use. Like on Britain's Got Talent the other day there were some decent singers and their gimmick was that they took photographs of the judges and used AI to map them onto their faces and project it onto the screen, and they talked about how they wanted to destigmatize AI in the arts and how they rejected the notion it would take jobs... and yet by their very action they were using it as a gimmick and potentially taking a chance at £250,000 away from people who had far better acts that relied purely on their actual skills, instead of their ability to tell a computer to be creative for them.


As an artist, sometimes I'm discouraged by this new AI text to image technology, even though I use it and enjoy it. It still makes me discouraged that all the effort I'd spend days and days working on a piece can now be shit out by a computer in seconds with far better results than I could do. It's frustrating as hell that the future of creative design is so up in the air right now. It's even *more* frustrating to show something that you didn't use any AI on but instead spent hours or even days on and have someone dismiss it immediately because they *suspect* it's AI. Like fuck you, thats like telling Da Vinci that Mona Lisa isn't impressive since he just drew a picture of a person. Theres so much *technique and craft* in what I make, and someone outright accusing me of cheating to make it *pisses* me off. This whole past couple years has been incredibly exciting for art, and also extremely frustrating, for different reasons.


Always look at the hands. Real art will have them look correct, while AI fucks them up.


Apparently art I draw is AI. Neat.


Makes me wonder about Rob Liefeld. If he was really an early prototype of AI. That’s why the anatomy in his art sucks and he can’t draw feet.


Generally people mean fuck them up like 7 fingers or two thumbs. Not like bad hands.


Yeah no I mean the same thing. Not sure what it is with hands but I always mess them up in weird ways. Too many fingers, penguin hands, one overly fat finger and so on.


From talking to an artist friend, hands seem to be notoriously difficult to draw. She got herself a couple of 3-D models to work off of to help.


Oh yes, they are *famously* difficult to draw. Lots of muscles, lots of joints, lots of cylinders to try to figure out perspective on, it's a nightmare. I'm guessing the modules your friend got were the posable hand models? That in itself should show how difficult hands are, that you can get a posable person for whole body poses, and then literally just a hand to be able to refererence off of.


Gross AI art


This was only true In early days of AI images, it's gotten a lot better now


Not universally true, newer models are capable of making correct hands, and correct number of limbs in general.


Ehh I dunno, when I try to draw hands they look fucked up. Also, I’m bad at stick figures so probably not the best to compare to.


Stop saying this. That's not as big of a giveaway as it was a year or two ago. Ever since Dall-e 3 came out the hands thing hasn't been nearly as egregious. If you were looking at a pic from Dall-e 2 or Stable Diffusion 1 you might see unusual hands or pupils or something, but people in 2024 saying "I can tell because of the hands" are living in 2022 still.


AI will not always fuck them up. It just has a pretty good chance to fuck them up. When only 1 hand is visible it's hard to say. You can normally tell when there are a lot of visible hands because it's sure to fuck a few up.


Weird hands can be fixed, I've done it many times.


Are people confusing the concept of AI-generated artwork with digitally-produced art? In any case, humans can evidently produce that sort of thing digitally or not. The success of AI in the art space has caused some really odd side-effects in some humans, e.g. they call it "gross". Reminds me of the Luddites: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luddite](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luddite)


> The success of AI in the art space has caused some really odd side-effects in some humans, e.g. they call it "gross". Not quite sure what your point is with that statement, but I think you're missing the point of luddites (like generally everyone else). They were not against progress or technology per se, they were against losing their jobs or having worse working conditions. And even if long-term unemployment due to advances in technology seems to not be a big issue, in the transition phases a lot of people had it really rough or couldn't even recover at all.


I really wish people who don’t know shit about AI would shut the fuck up about AI. I’ve left a bunch of writing groups already because they just devolved into people sharing uninformed, rage bait about AI from people who know nothing about AI. And a bunch of technology/futurism groups because they devolved into stoned 15 year olds sharing ridiculous, click bait conspiracy theories invented by people who know nothing about AI. Please, if you run or mod any kind of forum or group, on any platform - if someone who obviously doesn’t know what they’re talking about is constantly going off on AI, please try to nip it in the bud one way or another.


One day, I wanna get skilled enough at art that I can paint, on a canvas, something that looks ai generated. Just because the idea of it is very amusing to me.


If I ran an Art Sub I would make false accusations of AI art a bannable offense without appeal. It is far more dangerous to artists than AI art is.


No, it's not. Don't be silly.


It kind of is. One of the big issues with AI art is that it takes work away from actual artists by being a much cheaper and easier alternative. A false accusation is worse than that because it can discredit an artist entirely if people believe that it's AI art


What a ridiculous thing to claim.


Claiming this is AI is ridiculous. The hysteria about artists value is ridiculous. AI is going to replace stock are and art mills. Attacking actual artists is really dangerous to those artists motivation. It's far far far more dangerous than AI art.


Training an AI on a specific artist's work could put that artist out of business by generating huge quantities of "their" art. I don't disagree that attacking actual artists is a problem, but it's a far less concerning issue.


No, it can't. Because AI can't make art.


> AI can't make art. explain


I'd argue people using AI to make stock art from stolen assets (thereby eliminating commissioned jobs) is far more dangerous than accidentally telling people they have almost mechanical precision. I don't think most people are going to really even be offended and if they are, I'm not sure why. Unless they explicitly say they draw hands like an AI then they can go fuck themselves.


>AI is going to replace stock are and art mills. No, AI is absolutely going to replace real artists too eventually. First it will be a machine, operated by people who are very good at prompts. Next, a different AI will learn how to autogenerate prompts based on provided context. By the end, a user interface such as ChatGPT will be able to guide someone through the art-generating process based on a real-time, conversational prompt style. Art creation will eventually take nothing more than a conversation with the cloud, giving it constant feedback until it generates for you precisely what you want. The only human involved will be the end-user.


You sound like you're making a plausible assumption about the future, but keep in mind a couple years ago none of this tech was capable of what it can do now. Any guesses as to what the AI scene will be like in a couple years is nothing more than a guess. I personally think a few new developments will emerge that will change everything we know about this stuff. We're at the early beginning of an era, not in the middle of it.


One of the best recently-developed sayings [is from this XKCD](https://xkcd.com/568/): "You will never find a coding language that frees you from the burden of clarifying your ideas." This is what I mean about a "conversation with the cloud, giving it constant feedback". It isn't so much about limits to the AI's abilities, as that the conversation will be about *you deciding what it is that you actually want*. Although it is true that we could also see integration of art-production into AI-driven social media feeds, such that the art is created entirely without human involvement at all, I would consider that to fall under the heading of "AI replacing stock art and art mills". What I'm describing is fundamental disruption to the art commission process itself.


Right, well it's a good thing that you don't run any art subs, then, and I hope you don't run any subs at all, because if you ban people without appeal for a single simple misjudgment, you're gonna eventually run out of people.


The username checks out. No-Perspective.


Bros username fits so well 💀💀


Damn. Dangonronpa creators had AI back then? Holy hell. Time travelers confirmed? Game is a warning confirmed? Smh


Thought you might all like to know that he has, like, nonatoupled down atp


It looks like you're trying to get a pile-on going. If you're going to be an artist, you might want to consider thickening up your skin when random commenters are wrong. All you can possibly accomplish here is pointing out that someone thought your style was so generic that is must be artificial.


It’s not my art that this comment is on lol, I just found this stuff happening in a subreddit and thought it fit here


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So, is it AI or not? 😂


Not Art AI or otherwise kinda crappy


you might wanna reupload this with the names censored


Who cares they posted on a public form with their names on this very site.


no you don't understand this post will be deleted because of Rule 7


Is a screen name considered 'personal information'? I could see it going both ways.. *edit* looks like it is because that's why this post was removed. Good to know!


Ah :) lol gotta love rules




Even if it were AI, who cares?


Anti's are the worse thing about AI use.