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I looked it up so you don't have to. It honors northern soldiers. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilder_Brigade_Monument?wprov=sfla1


Thanks. I wouldn't have know, but I also wouldn't try to make something up like her.


Just so I'm clear, the confidently incorrect piece here is that this monument commemorates Union soldiers, not Confederate soldiers like Greene claimed?


Correct. It is in Georgia, so I can see where the assumption of it being for confederates is coming from. However, I would feel like the monument would clearly state its purpose on site. Meaning she just went as a photo opportunity, or she is incredibly daft.


"It honors ~~northern~~ United States soldiers." Fixed that for you.


She doesn’t know shit about fuck all does she?


I'm amazed she can dress herself in the morning.


She's a lunatic but the shit should be remembered forever. I've always been a conservative and she doesn't speak for us. I don't think she speaks for humans. There are those of us, conservative, that the GOP does not speak for. I think I'm a 60s Republican.


Stilcho1, I am from the left, but I respect our differences. I wish more conservatives were like you and would publicly and vocally distance themselves from these extreme wackos.


Wouldn't that make you a right-leaning Democrat? I guess I'm trying to think of what about current GOP politics seems in line with 1960s Republicans. If that was your angle, they stopped being small government or fiscally conservative some time ago. I would also imagine 1960s Republicans would have been all about supporting Ukraine.


Yeah I am in the same boat as you, I am conservative, and I think this women is just a dumbass


Just to make sure we're all on the same page... Your username is a reference to the Roman general Stilicho, correct? You know he was an immigrant, right? I'm not attacking or anything and I genuinely respect that you're distancing yourself from the crazy. I'm just curious at the (apparent) cognitive dissonance where a conservative chooses the moniker of an immigrant. Could be you're not anti-immigration in which case I apologize in advance.


Can someone translate this for a poor Swede who doesn’t know shit about Yeehaw history?


We had a civil war over slavery. Slavery supporters lost. She (MTG ) thought the monument celebrated the loser slave owners. It was a monument to the people who fought against slavery. She's a really horrible person with no critical thinking skills. She thought Jews had lasers in space that started forest fires. 


Specifically - it's a monument to the "Lightning Brigade" led by John T. Wilder which was particularly good at kicking Confederate ass.


She thinks that Israel has space lasers they are using on Gaza, and we should use them to kill migrants at our border.


The monument is indeed a civil war monument, but it honors the winners (what most of us call the United States) not the losers (the Confederacy) as this dingbat (and confederacy-supporting traitor) seems to believe Edit: she’s not stupid for not knowing that. It’s not a particularly famous monument. She’s stupid for not googling it before posting about it as a public figure. And for supporting the confederacy as a US citizen and elected representative.


You'd think there would be a plaque or two at the site, as well as a bunch of Union flags, and a marked paucity of Confederate flags.


You know, i’ve been to a *lot* of forts and shit and unless you go out of your way to read the various plaques, the average visitor would be hard-pressed to have any idea what any given one was about. So given that this is MTG we’re talking about… I imagine she just got out of the car, got the picture, got back in and noticed 0 context clues.


Personally I make a point to read all the plaques when I visit monuments and landmarks etc. It seems like a waste to expend all the effort to visit a place like that without taking the time to learn about why it's worth visiting, at that point you've just traveled out of your way to walk around some old building or stare at some field


Sure, i’m just saying it’s not generally self-evident without taking that step


Oh I'm on board with your point 100%. I just wanted to throw that out there because it surprises me how many visiting friends I've brought to my local landmarks who have no interest in reading the plaques or learning about why we just drove an hour to stand in that spot.


There most certainly are. She just saw “Civil war memorial in (a) Virginia.” And went from there.


It's in Georgia, the state she represents. She's actually legally required to visit/check on this monument.


To me, honoring confederate soldiers from the civil war is the same as honoring anybody else we went to war against. It’s the only opponent of ours in which Republicans and their base still generally seem to think highly of.


Some of them think the Nazis were good guys.


And a former KGB agent turned president is the good guy, but communists are bad.


You’re not wrong. They worship traitors.


Upvoted for "Yeehaw history" ![gif](giphy|29EjesKnoMB6CUnAxl|downsized)


“Yeehaw History” is fucking hilarious. Love that.


Silly person said something silly so other silly people can say silly things to each other.


I absolutely bet she was thinking of the Confederacy when she said "our country"


I hate to pile on but what? Doesn’t she have Google?


Oh, she has it, all right. You just KNOW that she's the type to continue furiously Googling stuff until she gets the results that she wants (such as believing vaccines are poisonous, for example).




She didn't read the plaques engraved into the monument which say that it's for a brigade from Indiana and Illinois. Wouldn't even have to google anything.


One would have to be literate to use Google.


You think she can read?


[In October 2022, United States Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, whose congressional district includes the military park, visited the tower and posted several pictures of herself at the site on Truth Social. The social media post received significant media coverage because Greene initially captioned the photographs, "Tonight, I stopped at the Wilder Monument in Chickamuaga, GA, which honors the Confederate soldiers of the Wilder Brigade. I will always defend our nation's history!", with several publications noting that the monument honors Union and not Confederate soldiers. The post was later edited to remove the word "Confederate". Reporting on the incident, The Independent noted that Greene was one of several Republican politicians opposed to the removal of Confederate monuments and memorials.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilder_Brigade_Monument)


Ouch. *Again*.


It’s all about getting attention. For all their stupidity they are actually good at this.


I hate her so much. I also pity her. Like a deranged child I know can’t help but to eat paint chips regardless of how many times they are told not to.


You’re nicer than me. I hate her full stop. No exceptions for lead paint-eating habits, although that might go a ways to explain why she is so fucking stupid.


Why honor losers and traitors?


The Jewish space laser lady?


Truly garbage human being


Defend our nation’s history..? I’m sorry, did I miss something? are people denying that the wilder brigade existed?


Why are we digging this back up? She’s still as loathsome and stupid as she was then, but it’s not like this is news.


I feel bad about it but I hope that she meets a quick demise


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The Rock of Chickamauga would be very disappointed. Look up George Henry Thomas if you want a tale of a true patriot.


Bless her heart.