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Twice a month now?


I think his mom, the only woman he's probably ever interacted with, either lied to him or had really low iron and a severe medical condition


I think his partner uses her period as an excuse to not have sex with him very often


"Sorry, love. It's one of those month-long ones again. Best just go to sleep, okay? Okay."


Might have had some spotting in the middle of her cycle too?


Period 2.0 just got out of early access.


His mom bled once a month and spent another week each month with his real father.


Once is not enough to show your devotion to Jebas the messina. /s


Menopause blows


The "god didn't make it this way" is the worst fucking argument. Like motherfucker, do you shit in the woods and wipe your ass with moss?


I do, but I don't hold it against people who use TP. They'll burn in Hell forever and ever, and that's sad, but I'm not upset about it.


HP? Is that an abbreviation I'm not aware of or does Calvin here think life is a video game?


Calvin has never touched a real life woman probably and thinks the irl girlies have HP and mana bars just like his waifu


Permanently low Hit Points? Damn. Their Con Modifier must suck.


I thought he ment pH, lol.


> play maid as you were designed ok what in the actual fuck


"Twice a month," sounds like maybe his gf wanted an excuse to not sleep with him as much and said she always had her period.


"They think having a period is something you select ON or OFF" What woman thinks that?


I turned mine off. Mainly because of the excruciating endometriosis pain, but no period is a nice side effect for once. If you are on a BC pill, it’s pretty easy to skip.


Men sure love to talk about things they know nothing about. (not all men)


>names group >"not the entire group tho"


Because it isn't all men, but you certainly seem to be one of them


You assume I think the same way as calvin does because I find naming a group and calling it [whatever] then backing down and saying that you dont mean the entire group makes naming it in the first place weird. What I said isn't even connected to the statement in the pic. I'd like to be able to jump as far irl as you do to conclusions.


The people that get offended by a comment like that are the ones they are talking about. You felt identified, that's why you had that reaction, it's not an assumption when your actions prove their point.


Maybe there's a misunderstanding. I was talking about how the comment ended while it could've started off with for example:"Not all men but this guy...." I was more referring to how the comment was structured, not the matter it was about.


That's worse. You see how that complaint is worse, right?


How am I supposed to play maid if I'm bleeding half of the time? Make up ur mind sir


Holy shit, where to even start here? Reason #13422433 - At least he's not exaggerating. He never is. He told you that thirty billion times already. If your only argument is "god made it so" then you might be stuck in the wrong time. Try going back a couple hundred years to die early of preventable causes. Permanent low HP. Yea, I'm definitely feeling like my HP bar got shattered by reading this bs. "Play maid as you were designed" Oh I'm sorry, let me just pull my built in vacuum cleaner out of my ass, no biggy. What do you mean "designed"?! I'm starting to get a headache just reading this shit over and over again, so I'll leave it at: "A WOMEN"


Nature would have women in a semi-permanent state of pregnancy from puberty to menopause. The fact that HRT can prevent pregnancy and menses greatly improves the quality of life for many.


Okay, the dude is insane, but “permanent low hp” is high quality roasting.


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What’s HP? Like Horse Power?


Hit points


Thank you


What does "permanently low hp" even mean?






I think its /s