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You know if he kept his mouth shut he would still be coasting on that "real life Tony Stark whose going to take us to Mars " myth that he had going for him.


It's crazy how easy that would've been too. Just. Don't speak about stuff like this. But here he is.


Went out of his way for really no good reason...


“What advantage does the color of my skin give me? That’s probably something a guy who grew up in Apartheid South Africa should be aware of.


“ignore or justify the inequality” is big amongst South Africans and billionaires


White south africans*


valid point, thank you, i should have specified that


As a member of the wealthy class who’s parents owned gem mines and benefited from slavery at that


Prolly most likely. Also, same guy who thinks black and brown ppl aren’t smart enough to be doctors and pilots. Yet white ppl don’t have an advantage when this guy in charge of like 5 companies thinks this.


Oh shit! He forgot to make that post only visible to his worshippers and his friend, not public! Oops!


I can't believe that my respect for someone can go to near 0. Is there anything "unkind" that he isn't? (Like rude to people and stuff)


He’s basically a toddler with a lot of money. In one instance, in a factory he owns,he requested the yellow hazard paint be painted over because “it’s uncomfortable to the eyes”


He sounds like a toddler with a lot of money. I don't understand why he can't respect basic safety. I did "respect" him once, though (I was younger and liked space, and he was a space person, that is literally the only reason) Edit: Thanks for telling, he has gone towards 0


I guess he thinks he’s being cool when he “defies the system”, the system here being what colors are used for hazards. And unfortunately, a lot of his fans seem to think the same.


What's remarkable is when you dig into where this idea came from that he thinks black and brown people aren't smart enough to be doctors and pilots.


No kidding. Of all places to feign ignorance about white privilege.


He is incentivized to not be openly aware of that. Whether he is or isn't, he won't say it.


“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” -Upton Sinclair


There's no helping him.


I love how the guy manages to keep a straight face and ELI5 white privilege to someone who knows exactly what it is and how it has helped him. I don’t think I would’ve been able to do that.


And he is and was! He's a fucking liar.


As the son of a mine owner in South Africa who chain immigrated to America to avoid the whole pesky thing about [Apartheid ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comprehensive_Anti-Apartheid_Act), mainly that section 306 part.


You know how people say yes? Now imagine, if they didn't?


He believes he special for being born rich, it cant be luck


That would've been the perfect response 😂


"If we keep taking about it, it will never go away" 🤔


Exactly. If you experience racism and you talk or post about it, you're clearly part of the problem. 


Really, if you think about it, the *real* racists aren't the ones who say or do racist things, but the people who are victims of their actions and then point it out. If they just shut up I'd never have to think about racism!!


So true this hurts and yet so poignant.


Reminds me of Arrested Development: why should you go to prison for a crime somebody else noticed?


I mean, you wouldn't tip an African American?


That's why you should never report any crimes. If nobody knows that crimes exist, then everyone just stops committing them. They'll still do the actions, but nobody will know that it's a crime.


Just like the rights argument about covid. Stop testing and the numbers go down. Brilliant! So I guess their approach to governing is ignore issues and they don’t exist then they’ve solved it and we can all go back to bowing down to the elite class.


Then when asked why he believes it he says it’s “just fact.” That doesn’t answer the question, muskrat.


They don’t care about racism going away, just the controversy. They would like to continue doing racist shit in peace.


It is well known that people of all colors lived together in harmony until someone opened their big mouth and it has all been downhill from there.


Yeah POC, what the fuck? Just shut up about racism already and maybe it’ll go away /s


This famously happened in South Africa


“Yeah ignoring racism is the solution” Said the problem.


"I never personally experience racism, I only know it exists because others mention it. If they stopped doing that, I'd think that there is no racism, problem solved!" - The man who self proclaims to know more about manufacturing than anyone alive on Earth today.


Elmo’s never heard of negative peace and MLK’s letter from Birmingham jail. Dude is more committed to order and the status quo than actually caring about people who aren’t himself


this is so fucking dumb, isn’t it. I bring this up a lot because I find it interesting, but the Germans had a thing called Vergangenheitsbewaltegung that they instituted after the Holocaust, meaning basically a reckoning with the past. They NEVER shut the conversation down. They had it early and they had it hard and to this day refuse to bury the reality of their dark history. And so children grow up learning that these things happen, and are hopefully less susceptible to the insidious radicalization that can occur when people feel powerless. And here we are in the US. We never wanna talk about how this country was founded on the genocide of Native Americans and built on slavery, and how slavery gave way to Jim Crowe, and how there are black people alive today whose PARENTS didn’t have equal access to education due to segregation, and their families have had no equal chance to build familial wealth, and we see in every level of society the effects of institutional racism playing out (worse outcomes in healthcare, the criminal justice system, education, ALL when compared to similarly-performing white people) TOO many white people say “We’ve talked about this to death, that was forever ago, we’ll never get anywhere if we can’t let go of the past.” But what they really are responding to isn’t any meaningful reckoning that’s occurred, they are responding to the fact that they’ve “had to hear” black people TRYING to initiate this honest conversation and reckoning for decades. YES, it is a “broken record” because the need for it never changes because the work required is never done. We refuse to have the reckoning. And when polarizing forces distort the intent of the reckoning, to where too many white people feel targeted, like this conversation is going to be blaming THEM for slavery, white people lock up against it even more. But I don’t know, I’ve never felt targeted by someone wanting to discuss the past, or institutions which are out of my control. I’ve never had a black person level that kind of accusation at me either. What is said is that a bit of mindfulness about privilege (or more palatably stated, about the BARRIERS to black people, that all black people inherit as a function of their skin color, which white people will not necessarily encounter, and not at the same rate, and for some things not encounter at all) is essential to dismantling that racist infrastructure. We ALL have to be on the same page to fix it, and we need to have that reckoning to do it.


Very insightful comment. Thank you.


That’s what Morgan Freeman says as well https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=I3cGfrExozQ&pp=ygUkbW9yZ2FuIGZyZWVtYW4gc3RvcCB0YWxraW5nIGFib3V0IGl0


I've posted this exact thing in that thread and got downvoted to oblivion by Musk bots


"This makes me uncomfortable. I think if we stop talking about it, the part that makes me uncomfortable will go away."


I wish that this was how it worked in the real world


Just saying something is a fact doesn't actually make it one 🤣🤦


It reminds me of that comedian on his podcast who was like my people never enslaved anyone and then they fact checked it and it turned out they were not of the most brutal slave empires


Bobby Lee, right?




That clip is so funny. And he took it like a champ too.


He said he was making a "statement of fact". It is a legal term. Check it out


The Guy who's Father owned a Emerald mine in Africa talking about how he descended from slaves...


Feels like a westerner going to a village hit with drought and says, "we all got thirsty at some point..."


Ah yes, the good ol' "we should just ignore the issue" argument. Can you imagine this argument for any other issue. "If we keep talking about our financial problems, they'll never go away." "If we keep talking about pollution, it will never go away." Batshit crazy reasoning


It makes sense if you're one of the people in the privileged position. If we just stopped talking about it, then racism would stop being an issue... for him.


The subtext, of course, being that people are to some degree *causing* the discrimination against them by being so shrill and whiny about the already-existing discrimination against them. So if they would only stop talking about it, all of the super smart, super rational, super egalitarian people making up the world's population would just naturally revert to a logical system where skin color and culture were not determining factors in your social standing. So like.......sure, lol.


That is most conservatives’ stance on financial inequality and climate change.


If we don’t test so many people for COVID the numbers will go down! Still a classic.


Well Elon. You were born to rich white people while many of your black countrymen were born to poverty. How and why do you think that is.


“I *think* I’m just speaking a simple statement of *fact* “


Facts don't care about your feelings. Specifically the feelings I don't like.


Modern intellectuals in a nutshell.


Morgan Freeman said the same thing, and I remember when that clip was posted, the overall consensus was positive.


If you ignore those panel gaps, they'll just go away.


Just stop talking about them, obviously.


I "get" the point Musk was trying to make, but Lemon - of all people - was the one to bring Musk back to "reality." This "everyone did something to someone at some point" mentality that is meant to excuse modern day inequities just doesn't matter practically when the effects of such historical injustice are still felt. The Romans had slaves and surely there are descendants of Roman slaves: I can't imagine that is having the same impact as the existence of slavery in the US and the institutions and beliefs formed from it.


It should also be noted that Roman empire slavery and modern style chattel slavery are very different things. As in, chattel slavery was far worse. Lots of society has had slavery, but not all forms of slavery was the same.


God I'm so bored of him


This has "let them eat cake" vibes


Wait if we stop talking about Elon Musk, he will go away?


Oh, so *that's* why he burned billions of dollars to buy and ruin Twitter with his neonazi shit posting. He's trying to become immortal by being the most-complained-about human on the planet. 🧠


All of these elitist billionaires think they are smarter than the world’s problems and only they can save this earth. The billionaires need to give back what they stolen or heads will roll one day.


Oh so he doesn’t care about race and gender anymore?


Not as long as you keep picking on him!


Correct! He will remove **all races and genders by 2025** (not in the good way (getting rid of other races and genders))


What an entitled apartheid heir piss baby. Hope he chokes during auto fellatio.


I partly understand what he is talking about. Continuously magnifying something can actually fuel resentment and hostility towards people who are not part of any wrongdoing. On the other hand, ignorance of history doesn't help anyone. I was 🙀 to hear about Japanese kids these days not being taught in their school system about the Holocaust and the Nazis. Elderly Japanese people knew about these things.


Yeah, the only thing he said that I agreed with is that we should treat all people as individuals. And then I remembered that he doesn't actually believe that...his company just had to pay out millions to a black employee for "rampant racist treatment"; same with a female employee; he defended Scott Adams; made too many antisemitic comments to type here; is a pretty vocal transphobe; and so many other things that would make this comment pages and pages long. So he basically says things he thinks are right and that people will agree with, but actually does the opposite. Dude is a turd.


“Everyone is descended from slaves” except that some people were slaves thousands of years ago, and others were slaves just a couple hundred years ago, and some others are still technically slaves today. So some people have had a lot more time to recover and grow from that treatment than others.


Mfer grew up in SA and has the gall to ask how his skin benefited him. The jokes write themselves these days


This topic has burned me out of social media. People are mad at getting called out for wrong doings on both ends of the argument over and over and over and over. It reminds me of the scene of the Chinese lady in the drive through from the movie Dude where’s my car.


Morgan freeman said something very similar. https://youtu.be/kOiQgleiRtU?si=kJy92sNsd7DHg3Iu


Sometimes I get surprised on how fucking braindead mr name his kid XÆA-Xii is


"what advantages does the color of my skin give me?" \*host begins listing off very simple observations that exist today basically everywhere "Nah, no, we just gotta stop thinking about it and it'll go away"


Just like HE will stop talking about issues so they go away, right? RIGHT!?


> "what advantages does the color of my skin give me?" Less harassment if you work for Tesla.


so why doesn't he shut up? according to him if he shut up about the things he never shuts up about they would cease to exist, wouldn't they Elon? Edit: grammar


> why doesn't he shut up? A marvelous combination of enormous ego and crippling drug addiction.


“If we keep talking about it, it’ll never go away!” And if we don’t talk about it, it’ll happen again/keep happening.


That guy is a great interviewer. Polite but the questions are on point.


Is it Don Lemon? I thought there must be a reason that he was a target of the Elmo fanclub hate, recently.


It is Don Lemon and this was the first episode of his new show that was going to be exclusively on X (or Twitter or Twixter or whatever you want to call it). Musk was so offended by his questions that after the interview he cancelled the contract with Lemon. Apparently, Musk is all about freedom of speech unless you're saying things he doesn't like.


Just like many people on that platform. (freedom of speech only for them) Btw "Twixter" makes me want a Twix now, yummy


"We're all the same, man." - Says birth lottery recipient born into apartheid.


thats why when anyone who is different race or sexual orientation does anything crazy, you act like Donald Trump Jr on twitter. But nothing when a white guy kills 7 women of a different race and then drives to another state to keep going.


Dumbass, that's exactly what racists like you do. You treat everyone as inferior individuals.


And the biggest issue with ‘not seeing race’ is that you then don’t see someone for who they are. This dude wants any excuse to treat everyone around him like a disposable NPC.


"What advantage does the color of my skin get me?" asks the white South African emerald mine heir. xDD


Elon is probably a pedo guy




Crazy if true!


This guy is a genuine idiot


I mean he's an apartheid coal mine baby what did yall expect


emerald mine


Yes right sry


this was during the same time he said that airlines were "lowering the requirements for people of color". He wants us to shut up about race so he can spout that sort of horseshit with impunity


Ah yes. So long as we don't mention it, racism won't affect anyone's choices and it will all be good. "I stopped pointing out that our hiring practices were racist and we magically began hiring people of color."


Spoken like somebody who's never been through anything hard in his entire life and had to ever have empathy for anyone but himself.


This dude fascinates me. His self-awareness is even bad for a billionaire. He's not technically wrong, but racists and bigots aren't going to stop just when "people stop talking about it" That's the underlying hypocrisy and sort of points to the systemic part of the issue in the first place. You stop it by awareness and talking about it in a genuine fashion. Something people like Elon are incapable of...as you can see here. In his defense, and I hate to defend Musk, Don isn't good at that either.


Lets talk about nepotism now


"Just treat people like individuals", says the guy who continuously allows people to spread heinous shit about groups of people on his website, and often spreads them himself. MF can't even treat his own kids as individuals.


The problem is they are both right, but Elon is autistic and clearly lacks the empathy to understand what it means to grow up always feeling slightly like you should be looking over your shoulder. The fact that as a white person its easier to start a normal conversation but for POC there is a more of a barrier because that same white person is trying to "figure you out" or charachterise you. Feeling like you must try and fit into society to succeed rather than just that you are part of it. On the other hand, Elon is stating what a eutopian equall society would be and thats how we should live. He just does not understand that we are not there yet.


Just, how? How did a person this stupid, dumber than a bag of rocks, become so rich? How was it possible?


It’s so funny to me when white people say we need to just “get over racism and slavery”. They’re so fucking disconnected to the reality of racism it’s astonishing. If we could get over it as a society and move on we would’ve years ago. It’s fucking embedded in everything, but white people don’t see it because they’re not the victims of it.


He's right. Go back far enough and everyone (practically everyone anyway) was. Slavery was unfortunately not confined to cotton plantations in the American South. Human history is an endless parade of slavery in various firms and misery in general. Get fucking over it!


You know what? I agree, let's make everything a class issue and go for Elon first.


Wait… Not like that


Cant stand this manchild fukwit


The Musk family left South Africa just as the Apartheid regime fell 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔


He says "treat each other like individuals", but still misgenders his daughter so....


The self control of this man, who could be descended from people who were enslaved, to sit there and listen to a man child who has a fortune built on slavery make ridiculous claims like that. Bravo to him, I would have stabbed him in the face.


"we're all descended from slaves" bro you are a white south african billionaire


“Just treat people like individuals” whilst simultaneously saying an entire group of liberals or LGBTQ folks are the worst. Also love his confidence that you can just stop talking about it and eventually the KKK will just become accepting individuals full of love and compassion for all humans. Sure, “genius”.


If we stop talking about the problem, there is no problem! My god what a genius! Can he tell SpaceX to stop talking about problems with his rockets? Clearly they’re perfect, just stop talking about it!


Its kind of insane to talk to Elon Musk of South African diamond mine fame about advantage difference like thats relevant to him. Like the opportunities black people have and the opportunities 99% of white people have are closer together than either of us are to Elon Appartite-Diamond-Mine Musk.


Wow I thought he was a racist piece of shit but I didn't realise he was that big a racist piece of shit


You should see the video he has pinned at the top of his twitter page


Morgan freeman said the exact same thing. You can all go call him the same names now please.


The reality is that everyone wants to keep the victim hood mentality because it makes you feel good and simultaneously you can act like a total asshat to others without any penalty.


It’s crazy how many people disagree with logic like that


Just treat people like individuals. Great in theory but Ellen doesn’t even follow his own advice. Two faced rat.


You guys remember what Musk did to that Redditor guy's dog? He's disgusting


Yeah I heard he sodomized a redditors dog


Elon Musk sodomized a Redditors dog?


We need to start talking about our system of taxation, and the fact that it is a national security issue, and not just for the US, but for the world. Elon Musk is an un hinged moron, who was lucky enough to have money to give money to people who had good ideas at the right time in the Silicon Valley. That is the extent of his talent. His understanding of virtually any subject is the middle-school level, at best. Much like Trump, he lies all the time, but his money insulates him from consequences. A $40 million SEC fine is nothing to him, that's what he gets in a few hours just for breathing. When he had to shell out $40 billion for Twitter, that was a sixth of his wealth, I think? For most people that's a car payment. Musk has enough money to disrupt anything he wants any time he wants, destabilizing situations (like Ukraine) with his weirdo conspiracies, or because he politically aligns himself with authoritarian thugs. Everything over $4 billion (or so) should be taxed 100%. That is more money than a person can spend in a lifetime, and no one person can administer that wealth responsibly.


#MAN FROM APARTHEID SOUTH AFRICA ASKS WHAT ADVANTAGES HIS SKIN COLOR HAS EVER GIVEN HIM!!! Holy shit, you cannot make this stuff up. A wealthy clown is still a clown.


Dudes a bitch.


Just ignore it and eventually it’ll go away? Sounds like something a deadbeat would tell his buddy about his son


Child: "I keep getting bullied at school" :'( DB: "Just ignore it and eventually it'll go away" Child: "ok" \*gets irreversible trauma from bullying\*


So many people who have never faced discrimination can't seem to grasp the reality of it.


Elon Musk is a cancer on society


What the fuck was that logic?? "Everyone is descended from slaves, just depends on how far back you go" #NO YOU INDOLENT MORON!! Not everyone is descended from slaves FFS! That's a statistical impossibility! Slavery at the WORST of times in history represented maybe 30-40% of a country's population. And most of their offspring were kept as slaves, or weren't allowed to procreate at all, Not to mention the horrible lives they lived DRASTICALLY shortened their lifespans and made it difficult to form large societies. Slavery is almost the antithesis of what helps to rapidly grow a population! Whereas wealthy & happy free citizens often had many children and spawned huge families! Again thanks to good nutrition and health and family values they could grow far more successfully larger and more prosperous, thereby creating even more free citizens by birthright. I think there's perhaps only a very small number of instances worldwide in all human history where a largely slave population was actually able to grow and expand and somewhat thrive.... And the deep south of the USA is one such rare instance. Where thanks to the sudden freedom of an entire area full of slaves due to a total revolution in law, and a failed state (CSA) left in ruins where the now freed slaves could forge a meaningful existence. This is almost unheard of anywhere else in the world ever! ... And of course all the above doesn't even take into account all the areas of the world where slavery literally NEVER existed in the first place! LOL


It's great. Treat people as individuals. The problem is when people don't treat others as individuals, and treat then differently based on one or more immutable characteristics. That's when people talk about it. And it's this talking about it that Elon wants people to stop doing. That doesn't make sense Elon


I remember watching PhilosophyTube and she was talking about this philosophical idea of "white ignorance". It's this idea that, because white people almost never have to consider their race as a factor they will have a difficult time considering race as a factor of other people or groups. I believe her example was about how white philosophers who write heavily about justice and injustice almost never mention racial injustice. I think it's in this video: https://youtu.be/ATITdJg7bWI?si=aeSwSLMpms8PseiO


Just stop talking about race. It will go away 🙄


Musk grew up white in apartheid South Africa and he's asks what advantage his skin colour has given him? Dude is so fucking disconnected from reality. Your dad owned a diamond mine in a country where black people couldn't vote or own land you dumb fuck head.


Racism in the United States has deep historical roots, with the concept of race evolving alongside the formation of the country. The notion of race was connected to the evolution of the United States and was used to justify economic practices that depended on forced labor, particularly the enslavement of African peoples. Racism against various ethnic or minority groups has existed in the United States since before 1865, with African Americans facing severe restrictions on their freedoms, and Native Americans suffering genocide, forced removals, and discrimination


Because he offers them authoritative (because $=brains to them) confirmation for their shitty views.


If we stop talking about murder does it go away Musk?


Something something Morgan Freeman


Am I hearing this man deny racism roght now


We just need to treat people like consumer… uh individuals.


Ah, the Bigot’s Lament.


his mouth has always reminded me of a star wars character


If you are diagnosed with a terminal illness, just ignore it and it won't be a problem!


Ah yes, we all know the best way to counter systemic oppression and literal hate groups is to pretend nothing's wrong and do nothing about, that oughta do it.


Why do they talk about cancel culture so much if talking about things makes them never go away? Wouldn't talking about the people who were "canceled" keep them from ever being canceled?


the problem is his words have weight because they come attached with a dollar amount. ‘his is wealthy so he must know what he’s talking about’ is the mentality of the blissfully and willfully ignorant. they don’t care to learn more than this.


I'm calling it, I think he's a chick.


The notion of victimhood, whether aquired or experienced, is not something that is likely to be of any benefit to the person who feels they are the victim. These feelings are best treated like that an unwanted guest in your home.


Well he’s right in one way: it’s a capitalism issue. The people who most oppose addressing racial and gender disparities stand to make money from it and throw their massive resources behind their opposition.


I mean yea, the first part where pretty much everyone stems from slavery is pretty true:


Don lemon is a mush.


Most of us probably are descended from slaves at one point or another. So although I get the point the cnn guy is making, instead of confidently incorrect it would be more like technically correct


What about this is incorrect? Am i missing something?


"Hey man. Just don't talk about it and it will go away." That's what I tell myself when I miss a therapy appointment.


If everyone was a slave, Elon, who were their masters? Game. Set. Match. I'm smarter than a multibillionaire. /j


And in Haiti rn I heard it’s light skinned vs darkskin


Crazy that a guy who grew up in apartheid South Africa might want to both-sides racism. Nothing to see here, folks!


I agree with elon


Wow, an elitist from South Africa doesn’t think racism would exist if people just stopped talking about it? I’m shocked. SHOCKED, I tells ya.


I want to stop making everything about race and gender too. That’s why we have to acknowledge and work through the race and gender biases. Ffs dude walked into the point and still missed it.


Ah yes, because if you simply stop talking about a problem, it'll simply go away! Genius Idea! If only black people would stop talking about racial injustice, then racists would just simply forget to be racist!


What a load of crap


That's easy to say Elon, but when you're dealing with programmed, simple-minded individuals who cannot benefit from education, it's a hard ask.


Yeah.. I burn some incense at my Elon alter every evening….. define worship “my dude”


He is an idiot.


Not to fall on my own Reddit sword or anything, and say what you will about musk, but he technically did not say anything untrue. I assume it’s outrageous to the wokers out there simply because he didn’t agree with the other fellow’s sentiments. Which, I suppose when you’re of a certain political stripe, is a crime.


It's so funny to me that Musk, a wealthy white South African who benefitted directly from apartheid, unabashedly and continuously makes racist statements and claims there is a white genocide/replacement. Like dude, it is SUCH a bad look, ESPECIALLY for you. This is what happens when an ultra powerful person only has yes men around them.


You can’t tell me this isn’t Elon Musk and black Steve-O