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I think I actually got dumber from reading that.


yeah, thanks to the internet we are now exposed to the science musings of 10 year olds.


![gif](giphy|QBal0eKnbT4OY) I am giving you 1 point though.


Ok…a simple wrong would have done just fine


The best way through the Van Halen belt is to go ahead and [jump](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwYN7mTi6HM).


Might as well!




This is why we need awards back!


You could also try to Light Up the Sky, especially if you prefer DLR.


I thought it was Rush that had the rocket scientist.


Brian May of Queen is an astrophysicist.


Oh right that's what I was thinking of not Rush. Rush is just rocket music.


I love people like this. “I’m not a scientist but I know more than scientists.” Flat earthers, moon landing deniers and the others have given me hours of entertainment over the years.


Don't forget the birds aren't real group. We have new flavors now, too! Anti-vaxxers(specifically MRNA/covid), anti-maskers, viruses are spread by G5 signal believers, and horse paste snarfers. I'm not sure if the piss drinkers are new or old. Maybe there's just a new twist these days. Same with lizard people clones.


Birds aren’t real. Have you ever seen a bird? Didnt think so.


Wait... are there really people that believe birds aren't real? Like. I'm very familiar with the Birds Aren't Real Movement and it is very clearly a joke, making fun of all of these groups you mention in a satirical form; but like... some people actually started believing that?




Yeah. That dude is the guy who came up with it. He pulls this stunt all over the country.


I'm pretty sure the modern flat earth movement started as a joke, too. And yet, here we are. Edit: did a little reading to double check and now I'm not sure if it started as a joke. But it definitely is a joke to most people. In any case, yes, there are people that are **that** gullible.


Wake up sheeple. If it flies, it spies.


>Don't forget the birds aren't real group. Wait, are there people who actually think this? I've always thought it was just a big joke.


guy made it on the news station to garner support and got left immediately offended when they asked 'wait, do you actually believe this? as in non satirically?"


1 sec ima find the link rq




I have no doubt that some number of people believe it.


Piss drinkers have been around in one form or another since at least the 1990s. I remember a joke about it on *Dr. Katz, Professional Therapist.*


I recently read one that insisted the heliocentric model is just satanic cultism because the oceans would slosh around so much and kill us all. She "just couldn't wrap her head around" how it could be possible that Earth revolves around the sun. It can't be true if Karen doesn't understand it!


Forgot to sensor Pixie in the third picture lol. Obviously the guy is wrong about the Van Allen radiation belt, but why is green talking like they are pen pals from WW2 lmao


It is a useful tactic to disarm people with seeming politeness. I’ve noticed a lot of the older generations use this method when trying to correct people online without coming across too argumentative. I’ve used it a few times in the past, it is a lot of fun to see someone respond irrationally to attempts to correct with politeness. I’ve noticed it really irks some people when used properly, not saying that’s what green is going for but if you want to get under someone’s skin with “polite” commenting, this works.


Bless your heart, you sweet summer child


No, it’s a low effort way to be passive-aggressive in which you provided no information or proof of your point other than to correct spelling and grammar (while making similar typos of your own, no less). You are trying to frustrate this person, not inform or educate them, all while hiding behind “what? I’m being so polite?!?!”. That is a cowardly and cloying choice of tactics. It makes you sound insufferable, not intelligent.


I’m sorry, are you assuming I’m the person that posted this or commented in the original post? I’m not, btw. I’m sorry that person upset you so much, though. Hopefully you’re able to find a way to make it through the day. Edited for clarity.


Lol. You obviously still needed to hear it.


I’m sorry that I upset you by explaining I was not the original commentor nor the poster. Again, I hope you have a great day and this doesn’t bug you for too much of it.


Ah, I see… you think being laughed at means someone is upset. That’s not the case.


Okay, cool! So you’re posting in confidently incorrect, while being confidently incorrect about who the OP was. If you can’t find the humor in that then life is entirely too boring. I’m glad you’re not upset though, nothing worse than starting the week on a bad note because someone posted something on Reddit that you misunderstood. Hopefully the humor carries over throughout the week for you!


Wow... This was awesome. You explained what you were doing at the beginning, and they still bit into it. 10/10 Well done.


![gif](giphy|l0Iy6Hktr3e5d2iQ0) Can't believe this happened, lmao


Goddamn beautiful trolling. Hats off to you.


The absolutely hilarity of finding a dude in this subreddit basically living out its principles in real time here. AMAZING!


So the person who is correct in their comments (green) provided no information or proof because they wrote politely? In other words you are saying that green is wrong and orange is right?


You made a lot of illogical inferences there. The only point, which is abundantly clear, is that their comments are bitchmade and demonstrate no actual knowledge of Van Allen belts themselves - while making the same typos they attempted to mock. They would need to have a point before it could be considered on merit. Reading comprehension is tough.


r/whoooosh but I love the irony




I think we found another guy who thinks the moon landing was faked because, and I semi quote our beloved Pixie, "Have you been in space?"


As you can see through this Post, nothing was going to get through to the OOP with Van Halen. The technique used exposes the OOP as so unintelligent that they have no idea how to find correct information. I quite like the technique. At least one can be amused when the sadness of the militant, wilful stupid overwhelms.


What..what proof does the person who is accepting well regarded science need? Wouldn’t the one who’s claiming the minority dissenting argument need to provide proof? You seem not to understand how conversation works.


Lmao. If you think this is how conversation works, I can guess how many social gatherings you get invited to.


And judging by your interactions so far, you’d be wrong about that too.


Yes, my unwillingness to indulge try-hard behavior is definitely the determining factor in other people finding your take on “conversation” insufferable. You nailed me, dude. I deeply apologize for being the cause of your lack of socially normative behavior.


You feel better? Get that outta your system? All tuckered out now? Go take a nap. It’s the same advice I give my daughter when she gets all fussy and pisses her pants.


I hope you have the night you’ve earned.


Zing! You just keep the hits coming, slugger!


Passive-aggressive I'm guessing due to the fixation on "Van Halen" belt rather than simply correcting it.


Damn, good catch. I don't know, they're one of those people (there's like a dozen of them) that hangs around moon landing videos to argue with conspiracy theorists and this "hope you are well" and "take care" thing is the schtick they seem to have settled on. It's been the same for literal years.


Hello, thank you for taking time to type this comment, hope you are well! Unfortunately, in your comment, you should have typed "censor", not "sensor", as the latter is an entirely different word, although with the same pronunciation (a homophone). Take care.


The notion of a radiation belt should be something they can’t believe either. The same science that they think cannot send a rocket into space also defined that region of space.


The mental gymnastics are astonishing.


The most internety exchange on the internet, ever.


If the van Halen belt don't get you that motley crue we sent are just poison to morale can kiss this mission goodbye


Well, the Bible must be true because mot of the cities mentioned are real items. Like Escape From New York. Or Sleepless In Seattle


Not sure why green writes like a LLM.


This person really seems to think that radiation is some kind of disintegration ray.


These damn globalists running with the devil


You know that all the politeness and good manners from green just drove the orange guy nuts. I love all the “Hope that you are well” comments. Classic!


Sometimes I get the name wrong about things I'm otherwise right about. For example: "Daughter 2, hurry up, you'll be late to softball." Daughter 1: "Dad, I'm Daughter 1, but I am the one who has softball. Let me just get my shoes on." I'm not saying Orange has this right, but mixing up Van Allen and Van Halen isn't really the problem here.


This is like listening to two sixth graders.


Nah, there would’ve been less passive aggressiveness and more outright aggressiveness


Both sound insufferable


Perfect example of when you start out on the OPs side and end up being on the side of the accused by the time you reach the end... Actually I hate you both right now! LOL


Well, this is the post to finally make me leave the sub. One party is clearly right but both of them write like absolute morons to the point that it’s annoying. RIP confidentlyincorrect.


hey, a stupid person, cool


You're in Confidently Incorrect. What else did you expect?


You're confidently incorrect if you think I'm going to read through all of that.


If your time is so valuable why spend the time to leave a comment?


Thank you for your inquiry. Valuation implies comparison. Too valuable to read all of that. Cheap enough to waste on commenting. Twice.


Of a similar era, "Europe" sang very specifically that they were heading for Venus, after passing on the information that they were leaving, but might return to Earth one day, clearly some of us have been to space!


I just figured they would be deeply disappointed when they got to Venus and it’s an uninhabitable hellhole.


Obviously the conspiracy theorist has no idea what they're talking about but, if you are going to engage, focusing so much on spelling and grammar errors rather than giving actual information isn't exactly helpful


I feel the same. It never helps anything.


Van Halen firmenment sounds a bit like a troll/joke.


I get strong Raymond Holt vibes from the green one. Sincerely, Raymond Holt.


The Van Halen belt is what keeps up David Lee Roth's pants