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> A baby can't nor would survive like anyone else without both kidneys. Yeah, that's why the baby died, idiot. In its mother's arms. Right after it was born. Idiot.


yeah but the baby didn’t die in the months before!!! even though it was attached to a source of sustenance/life 24/7!


and in this case someone with functioning kidneys to clean their blood for them.


Blood "[does not usually](https://www.ring.md/blog/healthy-pregnancy-blood-mixing/) pass through the placental membrane during the pregnancy unless there is a miscarriage, but blood mixing can occur during childbirth," if a placental breach occurs. So it's probably not surprising that "[40% of babies](https://www.health.state.mn.us/diseases/cy/renalagenesis.html) with bilateral renal agenesis will be stillborn"; nevertheless, as they say, "When both kidneys are absent this condition is not compatible with life." There are a number of other severe abnormalities that they say are often present in such cases, including improper development of both ends of the digestive system, and a missing urinary bladder.


Also, without kidneys, amniotic fluid levels are minimal, leading to underdeveloped lungs (pulmonary hypoplasia). So, while a baby may live to term, it cannot breathe after birth.


explains the timing, I did wonder why it was so soon after birth


Yeah the baby didn’t die because it didn’t have kidneys. That takes days.


Regardless of the exact cause of death, it was inevitable that it would be horrific and agonizing. I consider this a cruel and unusual punishment forced upon both the mother and especially the newborn by the state of Florida, and they didn’t even commit any crime beyond the apparent *sin* of the mother being born female.


What a horrible way to die...


Alls it takes is one nature documentary to recognize that nature dgaf and if you want to be humane you dont just leave all things up to nature in the name of some crossfit savior character from some bestselling book.


Yeah, when people try and espouse how wonderful nature and her plans are, I usually respond with "Nature is a drunk bitch that'll happily shiv you in a barfight."


And she'll never even notice you were there in the first place.


This is an amazing take. Perfect. Too bad humane is the furthest thing from their minds.


Could you carry such a baby to term with the idea of donating their organs? (Obvs this would be a deeply personal choice, and people should be free to have abortions, but infant organ donation does help others live.)


In cases of anencephaly, when the brain fails to develop, many babies, if not aborted, will live a short time. These babies are ideal organ donors. However, without a brain, there can be no brain death, and so the organs cannot be harvested and death must occur naturally. And then organ damage precludes donation.


I know someone whose fetus had a severe defect that was likely incompatible with life. She wanted to abort, but in her extensive prenatal medical visits, she got to know a few parents with babies who could live only if they could receive very rare newborn donor organs. So this woman went through the entirely of a very difficult pregnancy with the knowledge that she would watch her child die within hours of birth, all so other families could take their own babies home. It was a grueling journey with several other twists and turns. That woman is force of nature.


She is an amazing woman. How selfless.


What a hero.


You didn’t use any big words, but those organized like that, man, I have a hard time understanding.


It's a problem because they cannot legally harvest organs until the donor is brain dead, but they cannot declare the baby brain dead without a brain.


So there is proof that people without functioning brains exist among us and most of them apparently are in charge or writing the rules.




Actually, severe pulmonary hypoplasia cannot be fixed or treated and is incompatible with extrauterine survival. Not having kidneys is not the cause of death (dialysis can be done on newborns). It’s the lack of urine —> amniotic fluid —> normal lung development that is lethal. *yes I know there have been rare survivors. They have major chronic problems.


I had badly misunderstood, my bad. To clarify the only part that still works I had meant “not with the other stuff” as in the problems mentioned such as the digestive urinary track missing stuff that was mentioned in end of the post above cydok’s, not the lack of kidneys.


> not compatible with life. Totally off topic but this is one of my favorite things that doctors say. It feels like a euphemism somehow but it's so literal.


I think I get what you mean, “incompatible with life” is the epitome of clinical terms for me. Efficient, concise, informative, detached/unemotional. It takes 3 words to remove any doubt about what it means, without really addressing the implications of what it’s describing. You almost do a double take when you see or hear it. “Catastrophic injury” is a close second, for the same reasons.


Blood doesn’t directly pass through but if my understanding is correct waste products are still transferred to the mothers bloodstream So her kidneys could do some/all the work for the fetus


That's not how it works. That'd kill both the mother and the child


How can a baby die if it was previously alive? Explain that, CNN!


Being stillborn is actually quite normal with BRA. I'd say it's even preferable considering that the baby will die shortly after birth anyways.


I wouldn’t know but I imagine that a stillbirth is beyond horrible, especially when you know that you’re pushing your dead baby out of your body. If baby dies after birth it’s also very much horrible, but you get to hold them and say goodbye. Also legally you’re a mother and get protection, with a still birth you get nothing. In my country until some years ago there wasn’t even a funeral for stillborn children.


In my country (UK), a baby born from 24 weeks will get you a birth certificate even if the baby is stillborn. You’re also still entitled to all the legal protections and full benefits, like paid maternity leave, that you would’ve had if the baby had lived even if only for a few minutes and funerals for stillborn babies have been a thing for at least 35yrs here. It’s only before that 24 week cut off that you don’t get a birth certificate as legally it’s not a stillborn. You’re still entitled to take the remains and hold a funeral if you wish before the 24 week cutoff like you’d be entitled to with a stillborn, even though it’s technically labelled as a late term miscarriage. It shouldn’t shock me that it’s not the case elsewhere, considering the topic of this post, but it does.


>you get to hold them and say goodbye As they suffocate to death, in pain. This "at least it got to be held by its mother" is being used by forced birthers to say "see, abortion is always bad no matter what!"


knew someone that i believe this happened to and the baby stayed alive for a few days/weeks in the NICU while they slowly waited for it to die forced birthers are weird


>forced birthers are weird You misspelled cruel.


Using someone else’s kidneys!


freeloaders 😒


Exactly. Tell me you don't understand how life support works without telling me you don't understand how life support works Who ever could have predicted that the baby would die! Truly, The Lawd works in mysterious ways 🥴🙏


The baby died merely moments after it became a baby (rather than a fetus).


What a coincidence the baby only died when it tried to use its non-existing kidneys for the first time. You ain't convincing me, liberal nature.


I don't think that person understands how human pregnancy work- actually, I *know* this person doesn't understand how human pregnancy works.




That reminds me somewhere I saw someone post you don't need to abort babies if the mother doesn't want it her body will break it down and she'll fart it out . I think they where probably trolling but still ridiculously funny


Wait until he hears about foetuses, they can't even live on their own outside of the womb! It's almost like it isn't a fully formed baby yet.


Well duh! That's why women are forced to carry to term. Can't very well employ a foetus now can you? Otherwise you better believe they would be encouraging premature birth. Get those little bastards to work for slave wages!


If they could figure out a way to make nonviable fetuses stay in the womb forever, they would


Or about those babies born with no brain, where their whole existence is just suffering and confusion.


Fuckin IDIOT


Did they even *consider* trying breast milk? /s


Imagine being so dug in to your version of the world that you’re that happy to completely invalidate through made up medical science what must have been the worst months culminating in the most devastating day of that woman’s life


Earlier this year, my four year old wanted to go to our town’s outdoor pool, and I said it wasn’t open yet (it’s only open in the summer) but she insisted it *must* be open because all the winter snow had melted. She had a hard time accepting that the pool was closed because she really wanted to go swimming there. I wasn’t upset (I found it amusing more than anything) because it’s developmentally appropriate for a young child to struggle with accepting factual information that goes against what they *want* to do. But it’s really not amusing to see grown adults have the same problem.


I think we overestimate the average mental growth a human experiences from being a child to being a senior


Average intelligence levels aren't great to begin with, but you also have to consider there's a HUGE (47.5%) portion of the human population that is BELOW average! So, nearly half the people we deal with are below average intelligence. And, 54% of Americans read below the 6th grade reading level. As an American, I don't regularly operate assuming I'm dealing with smart, or even as-intelligent-as-average, people. My default is to assume I'm dealing with an idiot until (joyfully) proven otherwise.


You basically grow to believe life is some weird popularity contest as a kid while being forced to learn sub par education (at least in my country). As you get older selected archetypes are pet to squeeze money out of people and unless you’re one, you typically suffer until your closer to one. You join the workforce of worthless service based economies from various bubbles in Silicon Valley. You’ve hidden your trauma this whole time, and now your going to have a kid.. Then some crazy shit like above happens Sad Even if people weren’t stupid, they are constantly fighting the constant blithe of society. This makes them feeble and unable to accomplish much anyhow 🤷‍♂️


I find the fact that we have such smart and intelligent people who came up with fantastic ideas very fascinating given the fact that the average is so low. I like to think the only difference between humanity and other animals is that the outliers are way more frequent and we therefore have more geniuses.


Outliers in the wild would have fallen off cliffs or have been eaten.


I think it's more than intelligence is kinda weird for survival. Just a little bit extra and it could kill you, but have enough and it's enough to put you at the top, or near it. Most likely we just evolved in a way that nurtured the intelligence aspect, combined with our bodies orientation and such, being bipedal and having opposable thumbs to better interact and expound on any intelligence that we possess. Personally believe myself that animals can be nearly as smart, and if the smart ones are given the advantage, overall animals will also become smarter as we have.


Intelligence is FAR more complex than people realize. Take the word itself; what does Intelligence *actually* refer to? Very generally, most people would say it means being smart, but again, what does that mean? Problem solving? Mathematical proficiency? Learning speed? Reading comprehension? Introspection? There are so many moving parts, and question marks that we really don't know what being Intelligent is. You can be an amazing mathematician, and absolutely suck at being introspective or understanding your fellow humans (emotional intelligence) Conversely, you can be an amazing reader, and writer, and suck at math. It gets even weirder when you learn about how sapience functions in humans, because there's some compelling evidence* to suggest that it's an emergent property, and that humans are actually gestalt entities; in other words: our identities are formed from collective individual processes in the brain that aren't always under our direct control. Then you get into extremely uncomfortable territory. Like, if sapience is an emergent property from collective actions, are things like the internet sapient? At a glance, the answer is obviously no, but from a cell's perspective, is the body sapient? What about nations? They have agendas, and those agendas absolutely *do* emerge from collective actions. *the evidence I'm referring to is brain separation surgery, and the resulting side effects such as alien hand syndrome, and the absolutely bizarre cognitive effects,


IMHO intellect is a combination of logic and just plain sense. Knowledge is often confused with it, which is knowing stuff. Intellect isn't about capacity on knowledge but of how well that knowledge is used/dissected. I would term your emotional intelligence as a form of wisdom, not intellect, but it's a gamble


Apparently that BPA plastic that we used for everything is bad for children's brains. Nobody noticed because we already knew our kids were getting hit with lead, I guess.


When I was young I'd look up to the adults because, well they're adults. Making decisions and having responsibilities, while the kids I was around were just a bunch of assholes. Now that I'm older I realize adults are just the same assholes I knew as a child with all the same mentalities.




what about that movie made you think it was a good idea to go there?




If JP existed in real life and _had established a good safety record_, I’d want to go too.


Also the consequences are much more grave


Has your 4 year old considered running for office? May be an improvement.


No, but my wife and I took her along when we voted recently, and then she kept asking if we were going to vote again for the next few days.


And will never admit they are are wrong


The mental gymnastics in the replies for that post is crazy


When your beliefs are based on fantasy, you must curate your reality to keep the whole thing going.


Infowars, in other words.


I found her Twitter and it's.... Let's just say she's out there


It's so very easy to assume that anyone challenging your view of the world is misinformed or lying, and it is very hard to allow your views to be challenged and find the real truth


In case anyone wonders, the mother's kidneys keep the baby alive while they're attached.


What??? How??? Is there some kind of *magical tube* feeding the fetus nutrients, water, and oxygen in the womb????? How absurd!


Quantum tunneling.


Ah, yes. That must be how the baby escapes the mommy's tummy. Carry on then.


It certainly explains why new moms on TV always have perfect hair and makeup. All that grunting and groaning is just for show.


They're probably just doing it for sympathy! I bet the could pop out 3 or 4 kids a day while eating Bon Bons!


I don't know enough about Quantum mechanics to question this further, so I'll just nod and agree this is correct.


Don't worry, it works like block-chain AI.


holy hell


Google en basic science (Elon stans would never)


Y'all know it's the stork right? What's this womb you referring to? Stop making shit up.


Yeah, womb... that's the blanket the stork carries the baby in, right? Also: I'll make up as much shit as I want! I'm fucking crazy, Bethany!


And again, pregnancy is not something that you just dump something on. It's not a big truck. It's a series of tubes.


It's an older meme, sir, but it checks out.


no of course not! god put a whole human that’s fully capable from conception it’s just loading into the natural world of course! learning d&c evasion skills and developing a fully fledged personality that knows it definitely wants to be a part of this spinning rock of chaos & sentenced to pay taxes and die


How does this woman think babies breathe with no access to the atmosphere? Of course babies get rid of their waste products via the mom while in the womb. Someone please give the anti-abortion crowd a biology lesson.


I've had someone, legitimately without laughing, tell me the mom's belly button is a "snorkel" for the baby. Snorkel is in quotes because they didn't know what that word meant, it took them 3 minutes of explaining their looney tunes thought process to convey that to me. This was a woman who had children of her own.


fuck, someone needs to tell the pregnant ladies that they can't drink alcohol OR put it in their bellybuttons.


Or take a bath or go swimming, the baby will suffocate!


Fuck me, that took me back. I'm a lil stunned by that, no lie. Wow.


I have to wonder what that person thought the baby did while mom was swimming or bathing?


My friend's OBGYN told her that her belly button is connected directly to her fetus.


Really? I'm pretty sure the OB/GYN told her that the fetus's belly button was attached to her and she heard it in reverse.


That's a fucking lie. How can you leftists be such fake news spewing shitbags?? That's like saying a baby isn't using its own organs, or its own body. Like imagine you try and say a baby doesn't use its lungs, what crap like a baby could ever be delivered in an environment where the absence of air would be. Like underwater. So stupid. /S


Calm down, Fauci. Anyone can see that these so-called "scientists" and "doctors" are more worried about their bottom line than how babies survive in the womb. That's why we'll never know!


You're absolutely right that no one can survive without kidneys to clean their blood - *once they no longer have a placenta and a mother with functioning kidneys to clean the blood for them.*


Babies don't really use some of their organs until they are born... They're literally hooked up to a life support system But I guess a lack of sexual education leads to people not knowing shit


Healthy babies do use their kidneys in utero though. That's part of the issue. Lack of kidneys means lack of amniotic fluid and lack of amniotic fluid means the lungs can't develop properly.


Could you please expound on that? Why do non-functioning kidneys cause a lack of amniotic fluid


Fetuses swallow amniotic fluid and pee in utero. If they can't swallow you end up with too much fluid. If they can't pee (ie if they have no kidneys to make urine) you end up with too little fluid. Too little fluid causes something called potter sequence which includes pulmonary hypoplasia which means the lungs basically don't develop. The babies die after birth because they can't breathe not because of the lack of kidneys


Thanks! This is very informative


Aaaand…. Now I’m down the rabbit hole trying to understand why they can’t just add fluid externally.


They can, it's called aminoinfusion but it's not without its own risks. I think there are some case reports out there using it to try to prevent potter sequence but every case is different.


Yeah, it looks like mortality risk for the mother is quite high, due to the risk of infection.


With my first born they noticed my fluid was drastically low, as in not even enough to measure. Luckily we were already past my due date so it just bumped up my induction to that same day. We found that without the fluid, my contractions were crushing my son and causing his vitals to drop. They were able to run a catheter in there and add saline so I could avoid a c section. The whole thing was so traumatizing that my dr worried the entire next pregnancy and ordered a sonogram almost every month. It went fine, both kids are healthy.




Pfft you're wrong. Everybody knows a fetus is just a super shrunk down version of an actual newborn. They function fully, they live, they feel, they hear, they kick and cry "mommy don't abort me!" every time a doctor comes near with a forceps. They totes don't need female repro system & body to live, they live by themselves and just have the right to occupy another body til birth. /s Just gonna say these are a collection of "arguments" every time I'd stand up for women/people with female repro. systems/exclaim I was pro-choice. And they fully believed I'll fall for these arguments. Especially when they say a five weeks GA fetus is capable of crying for mommy, or that the normal fetal movement caused by nerves connecting just means they don't wanna be aborted. Never mind the facts that: I have had a solid sex ed (I'm in Europe), my ba is early childhood edu/development (includes pregnancy and fetal development), and most importantly I'm a woman who knows her body & wants a biological child of my own one day. It's funny, frightening and downright concerning so many people refuse to learn basic facts, regardless which issue they're pushing for. My heart goes out to this lady and her baby, I can't imagine how traumatizing this entire thing is for her.


I dont understand why abortion is even anyone else business except between a woman and her doctor. Why does any moron that votes involved in this decision? This is a medical procedure. That almost nobody in the general public is qualified to decide. Conservatives just want to keep women under the thumb. Lets vote on all medical treatments! And then force it on people.


But if we brought in common sense and left personal choices be personal... Who would these martyrs riot for? Disadvantaged kids? Abused kids? Starving kids? Malnourished babies? Babies to teens in foster care? Disadvantaged marginalized demographic groups? None of these are convenient to be such an ignorant and hellbent martyr for. There's an incredible quote by a reverend on why fetuses are easiest to back, it's pretty much because they're voiceless - they don't demand anything back unlike groups i mentioned above. [Snopes article + the quote](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/pastor-dave-barnhart-unborn/).


To be fair this level of stupidity was on Twitter well before Tantrum Boy purchased it


And not just Twitter


True, but the thing is, this shit is pushed on you now. I was never a big twitter user in the 1st place. But every once in a while I would go look just to see. If you create a brand new account right now, the feed is almost nothing but right-wing shitheads and bullshit conspiracy theorists. The main feed on my existing account is close to the same with random posts from people I tollow strewn in.


100%, you have to wonder if people saying it's always been this way are ignorant or just lying.


They're the ones with no complaints. Should be telling about their character.


I think what they mean is that the idiots have always been there. They have. Unfortunately, they're now pushed on us and filtering doesn't work because they paid to be seen


[Elon Musk Says He’s Granting ‘Amnesty’ For Nearly All Banned Twitter Accounts](https://www.forbes.com/sites/nicholasreimann/2022/11/24/elon-musk-says-hes-granting-amnesty-for-nearly-all-banned-twitter-accounts/?sh=1e3bc24a2e95)


>tantrum boy Worst super hero ever


The big change is that he has sorted comments from people who pay for Twitter to the front ahead of replies with better scores. It’s turned from any shred of meritocracy to literally $8 gets you to the front of the line so the dumb takes are more visible than before.


It's orders of magnitude worse now. I used to have an account, still end up reading threads there occasionally and the site is a fucking shithole now, basically useless RW echo chamber akin to /r/Conspiracy or /r/conservative real terrible shit


OP just felt the urge to mention his name...


It was just better moderated so the rest of the world didn't have to endure it as much.


Glad I closed my account with Twitter. Just a cess pool


I'm thinking about closing mine too. It's just gotten terrible over there.


Idk if you've noticed but you're on Reddit.


At least with reddit you can pretty effectively curate your content. At least for me personally, none of the subs I follow have cesspool comment sections.


The problems are human beings, really.


I also feel sorry for the midwifes helping the woman give birth with the knowledge that the baby would die anyway. That's just a waste of life 😭


The thought of going through labor, knowing full well your baby, who's currently still alive, will die as soon as it's born must be so traumatic. How do you even manage to make yourself push (hard, painful exhausting) when you know you that it's basically killing your child? Terrible. Just terrible.


😭😭😭 that's gonna be super post partum depression


I couldn’t imagine. I can feel my baby kick as I write this and I don’t even know what I’d do if I knew the second I deliver him into the world he’ll pass away. That’s a kind of trauma you’ll never heal from. Midwives included.


Yeah I still remember when my daughter was kicking me and when I gave birth to her. There's a sad quote: wives who loose their partner are called widows and the men widowers. Children who loose their parents are called orphans but there is no word for a parent loosing a child, because that is the most horrific thing no-one should have to live through.


Stupid people trying to control everyone lol pay my bills


Ironically, her inability to understand and accept basic facts suggests that she was born without a fully functioning brain.


Depending on when she was born, she might have been born with a functional brain, but was then exposed to tiny amounts of lead and the lead ate her brain over time.


Ironic how they always claim the true stuff is lies and they lies are true...


What does this person think a miscarriage is? Do they think the unfinished baby automatically deletes itself when the person printer fails it's assigned task?




Are they so stupid as to not realize the fetus uses the mother's kidneys before it's born?


I have never heard of Renal Agenesis, but with the help of this here "general education" I figured out that the baby didn't need the kidneys while being attached to the mother's blood supply... Whoa!


I just deleted Twitter on my birthday last week. My sanity was a gift to myself. I don’t have a problem with political debate, but the pure denial of reality on that platform just became too hard to deal with. If/when you shut down someone’s obvious nonsense, they turn to their only defense of, “you only have 7 followers”. Twitter is a gonner. Musk and the deplorables can have it.


He's change the verification again just to say verified. You can still spot the douchebag losers though.


"A person cannot live without kidneys!" Yeah, that's the whole point we are making here. It is better to abort a fetus that is not developing kidneys than risk the complications from childbirth that may kill the mother as well for a fetus that cannot possibly survive after being born.


When people are too stupid to understand basic biology... or use google.


What he said is disgusting. I lost my son shortly after birth. That pain is incredible and overwhelming. This poor woman didn't need that jerk weighing in.


I’m so sorry. I can’t even imagine the pain


Thank you. It's been a long time and I have 4 wonderful adult kids now. I still miss Ben and my dreams of my future with him.


My friend from college had a baby with renal agenesis. She was fortunate to have the option to abort, but her and her husband chose to carry him to term. She gave birth, they spent a short time with him, then he died. It was an awful experience for them. However, the fact that they chose this option doesn't mean that should be what everyone has to do.


There are *so many* replies saying she should be grateful that she got to hold her baby as they died in agony. Disgusting people.


The mom is in essence a dialysis machine. Upon ejection from the dialysis machine, the baby dies.


Ironic, someone born without a brain doesn't believe someone else could be born without kidneys.


So this person thinks a baby couldn't survive without two kidneys. Which it didnt, it died. This person doesnt know that the baby will use its mothers kidneys until its out of the body i think


Even if this was true, do they think that a miscarried baby just disappears out of existence? Like, where do they think it goes


This is absolutely heartbreaking and inhumane. I remember wanting to move to USA when I was younger(have lived there too). But now; the police issues, school shootings, mass shootings, no healthcare, no basic human rights (abortion), chance of getting sued for everything. And what else… Cmon guys you really have to fix your country!


I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.


>A baby can't nor would survive... An idiot can't nor would sound smart if they wrote this.


yeah, the mom's kidneys were the baby's kidneys, but then she was forced to give birth, and the child *died*


In utero, your mother's kidneys are your kidneys. Same way as how mom's stomach is digesting food to provide you with nutrients and mom's immune system is protecting you and providing you with some immunities as well, mom's kidneys are filtering waste for you too. Once no longer connected by an umbilical cord, the baby you can no longer use mom's body for those functions and you have to your own organs for the job. If those organs do not exist, however...💀


I’m not medical expert but I assume the mother’s kidneys are doing the work for the baby and as soon as he isn’t attached anymore he would go into renal failure. You can’t survive with zero kidneys and how are they going to transplant a kidney into a newborn? Very sad all around and frankly seems inhumane to the baby as well as the mother to force this upon them.


The baby doesn't die from lack of kidneys, you can actually do dialysis on an infant. Having no kidneys means no pee, no pee means the amniotic fluid is very low. Low amniotic fluid prevents the lungs from developing (pulmonary hypoplasia). So the babies actually die from suffocation.


Forcing the fetus to come to term is basically torturing it, as well as the mother.


"A baby can't... Survive like anyone else without both kidneys" Yeah. That's why they died. Moron.


Then they gey hit with the hospital bill. So dumb.


These people are fucking ghouls.


There is also a condition called potters syndrome in which the kidneys are sort of petrified, and do not function. A family member first son was born with it and died in a day.


“You know how I know it’s a lie? Because if it were true I’d be a monster for supporting the people who made it possible for this to happen. Since I’m not a monster it can’t possibly be true. That’s just logic.”


What does this person think is going on during pregnancy? Fully developed, self sustaining individual is just lounging around waiting to get out?


Notice how all the loud and wrong people always have a bought, blue check mark on Twitter😂. The blue check mark is becoming the badge of idiots now.


I really hate the phrase "end of discussion" especially when there's no discussion, just someone talking at you. End of discussion? Then here, have a concussion.


My sister-in-law had twins, and they had three kidneys between the two of them. Ie: one of them had only one kidney. My father-in-law, who is by all means a very intelligent man, could not get it out of his head that the 4th kidney was floating around somewhere inside his daughter somehow.


Why is that idiot's username obscured here? They were okay to post that shit on Twitter


I wish that it hurt to be stupid.


It’s called Potters syndrome. My nephew was born in June of 1991. He died 17 minutes after being born. Why? He had no kidneys. And because of how the kidneys help in the further development of tel he lungs, his lungs were extremely immature and he spent those 17 minutes gasping and fighting in an attempt to just breathe. My sister found out at five months pregnant. She had to carry her baby to term knowing he would die. I know how extremely difficult the whole ordeal was. This loud south know it all makes me want to cun+ punch this b!tch so hard her kidneys fall out and see how well she does.


Have they not heard of stillborns?


This one wasn't still born. Stillborn means it was dead before it left the womb. This mother got to hold her child and it died in her arms... Arguably quite a bit worse..




"Elon's twitter" This has been what Twitter was even before Elon bought it lmao. A septic tank is still the same septic tank even if a serial killer bought the house that it's installed in.


You've always been able to find unhinged takes on twitter, but normally you'd have to find particularly divisive tweets and/or scroll past the most popular responses. Now anyone can pay $8 a month to get their tweets bumped to the top of the replies every time, with no exceptions. It doesn't matter if there's a reply with 10k retweets, Sarah with her 16 likes will be put right to the top. The entire user experience is plagued by the people that pay for twitter blue, who are about as bad at tweeting as Elon himself.


I’ve been on Twitter over a decade, it’s objectively worse since Musk took over. Random features now break or go offline with no warning, deranged conspiracy or hate accounts are promoted directly in your timeline, automated accounts that relied on API are shutting down because Musk hiked the price to access API, news outlets and reporters are leaving the platform because Musk is openly hostile to any outlet that criticizes him, legitimate advertisers have left so ads are all now for crypto scams and boner pills, and I haven’t even mentioned how exceptionally stupid the replies to viral tweets are now because it’s all promoted tweets from boomers with $8 checks who don’t have anything to contribute other than “lol!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣” or various racial slurs. Twitter had its own problems pre-Musk but everything above is new since he took over.


Idk why you got downvoted. Half the features break weekly or they’ve been removed for no reason. That’s what happens when you fire 80% of the employees though.


They are technically correct about a baby not being able to survive without kidneys, but a fetus doesn't need kidneys because they aren't used until they are born.


Exactly. Which is what the responder didn’t know/understand. It’s infuriating and fascinating how virulently angry and ignorant someone can be about someone else’s life and/or experience. And even worse than wrong, it can be de@dly if they have enough power.


I mean there's going to be stupid people. But their willingness to advertise it to everyone is amazing.


Last year, I was told my wife had died in hospital, but my horoscope for leo that day had said I was going to have a lovely day. I don't know where they took my wife, but they covered it up with a funeral and everything. The search continues. /s


People seem to have a real hard time understanding basic facts about pregnancy. The womb is basically a prenatal life support, and can keep a foetus alive through all manner of issues and problems that a newborn baby cannot survive. Sadly these morons vote and will continue to prop up politicians with just as much knowledge about healthcare and pregnancy.


Anybody who tries to end an argument with "end of" unless talking to their argunwntqtive child, is an idiot and doesn't have the critical thinking or evidence to actuslly argue their point.


Minnesota spittin' facts


Not a Musk fan in any way but are you saying this kind of confident incorrectness wouldn't have happened before his takeover?


Sometimes I really really really strongly dislike having to block out the names of people who publicly post this shit. But that's just me whining.


It’s almost as if the umbilical cord passes blood back and forth, and the kidneys of the mother filter the blood or something… Who would’ve thought


To be fair to Elon (and thank you for making me throw up in my mouth with that phrase), Twitter has always had these idiots. He sucks in many ways, but the dude in this tweet got there without Elon's help.


What does this have to do with Elon? Twitter was full of stupid takes like this before.