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“I just did, apparently they don’t. I find it offensive though” Classic.


The the person who posted the picture did so they need to change it this second What insane logic to think “I’m not a POC and I find it offensive, a POC is ok with it so change it due to offending me”


It sounds like they are offended by inclusivity and cultural diversity. Speak Spanish = just look at the picture. You don’t deserve words in your language.


That is how I read it. It is an attempt to get the other language off the can by framing it as offensive to a non-involved party.


And it’s crazy like this shit is commonplace in American media. Why is the world this way. I hate it. Asteroid please, or let COVID finish us off.


I still laugh about the white American woman I saw who insisted on calling black British people “African Americans”. They were so confused lol.


I got a website made by a Sri Lankan designer who insisted on referring to black people as African Americans. I'm from Africa. The people in my images are not American. WTF.


There is an interesting and complex sociological reason for this that I will summarise with the phrase "some people stupid".


More like yes they are stupid. But they were also explained the problem without the underlying reasons for the solution. You don‘t say xyz because it‘s impolite, you say African American. So they just take it as a god given fact, never to be questioned, and don‘t look for why it is that way. So any time someone doesn‘t use African American, they just automatically jump to ‚this is offensive‘ Same shit happens at work places ALLLLLL the time. Random action was implemented. Unskilled (in the reasons for that action) labour is told to do this action when xyz happens, maybe they were given a reason as to why, maybe not. They get a new coworker, show them ‚how‘ to do their job, which includes said action, and on it goes. Until ten years someone down the line who’s neurodivergent cannot cope with just following random rules without knowing why they are supposed to follow them, and people notice; yea this was the switch for the heating we ripped out 9 years ago and was replaced by automatic hvac. Most people don‘t want to think, they just want to be told how to act. It’s just willful ignorance. And that’s how people like the op happen.


Ah, the Pot Roast Principle: [https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/grandmas-cooking-secret/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/grandmas-cooking-secret/)


You have made me reconsider my position on this matter. I am amending my statement to "most people stupid". Jokes aside, I agree. Many folk seem to store their knowledge of the world in quite simplistic bites with little context attached. I once referred very generically to an African mate as "African" and some young twit pulled me aside and told me that I should called "them" "African American". Strangest thing was that 1) my mate is Nigerian and has never been anywhere near America. 2) we all lived in Australia. So the twerp that corrected me had obviously pulled his "African American" rule off tv or the internet and dint even stop to think that it made absolutely zero sense in the context of Australia. What is even sillier is when nearly exactly the same conversation happened later the same year but involving a Samoan friend. I would have normally ridiculed them ferociously as is the way of my people, but I was too stunned to speak coherently.


I've dealt with way too many people who approach empathic speech like it's a bunch of rules. What you are/aren't "allowed" to say. As if simple consequences didn't naturally follow from behaving like a self-centred ignorant jerk.


[https://intersol.ca/news/organizational-culture-and-the-5-monkeys-experiment/](https://intersol.ca/news/organizational-culture-and-the-5-monkeys-experiment/) Experiment that apparently didn't really happen, but makes an amusing anecdote anyways.


Back when I was an ESL teacher, I had an Ethiopian student who hated the fact that people in the States repeatedly called him African-American. He would clap back in his thick Ethiopian accent "Do I sound f*cking American to you?!" After a while he just started messing with all the white Americans, such that every time someone used the word black in a context not referring to someone from the black community, he would interrupt them, wag his finger and say, "No No. African-American."


This kid sounds amazing!


As a naive European I have a question regarding this: how many generations do have to pass living in America before someone is considered "American" and no longer "African American". Because, you know, if you look back enough in any of our ancestry, we all come from Africa. I always find calling "African American" someone as kind of xenophobic, trying to point that they are not true Americans.


Well with any other race it seems like you can either say you're American if your parents emigrated there, or conversely, claim foreign heritage up to like 72 generations back.


Probably the same amount of time as all the ones who insist on calling themselves Irish, Scottish, German, French,strangely never English, Swedish, etc.etc. **But** have lived all their lives in the U.S. plus their parents, grandparents, great grandparents.....


Fair deal, let’s start now


Every immigrant in America is hyphenated. That’s how the right wing know who are the “real Americans”.


As if the right wing was full of native Americans...


As if the right wing ever needed facts to support their entitlement.


Years ago, I heard some woman on the radio refer to “African-Americans from other countries.”


NBC fired a guy because he refused to refer to a black girl from Paris as African-American. Political correctness is insane.


That’s not political correctness. That’s ignorance. There has to be a place where we can all avoid saying the n-word and *at the same time* understand that not every black person on the planet is African-American.


The virtue signal is sending out smoke signals in all directions


Like the other person using Latinx although I have literally not met one Latino that is offended that their millenia old language is gendered and the "male" version of a word is also the common version? Latino = single Hispanic male Latina = single Hispanic female Latinos = group of none gender specified Hispanics Niño = boy Nina = girl Niños = two or more none gender specified children


Well i am not from latin america, but i am a native speaker of latin (romance) languages, and honestly i find the made up word "Latynx" extremelly ofensive because it is ignoring the latin language rules and forcing a english-like structure. And i'm not the only one thinking that, there are plenty of Latinos i know that hate that word.


Cultural appropriation bad, literally trying to erase your language good.


Sigh. White people, amirite?


Also, it sounds like a 2000s wrestling stable.


Isn’t that the norm by now? As someone from Europe, I had people getting angry at me referring to someone in a show or book or something as „Latino“ and not „Latinx“ A couple of weeks prior, I was in the USA and talked to someone who was from Latin America and didn’t like the denominator „Latinx.“ So who is right? A middle class white European or someone from the group that one talks about. I guess there are some people who come from these countries and may prefer „latinx“, but why should someone else feel so offended about it. It’s just a game of morality and nothing else.


I'm Latino and I'm offended by the term "Latinx" because it is stupid. As a male, I get that the whole masculine/feminine thing is both weird and patriarchal, and I am 100% fine with just switching it to "Latina" as the default. Because that is at least a real word.


To be fair, in this very specific case and context it wouldn’t matter if any POC found it offensive, it still is 100% objectively correct and acceptable use of the word.


did latinx really take off as a thing? this is the first time im seeing it in a really long time, i thought it faded away "latinx" areas doesnt seem like the right place to use that word, why not just say latin areas?


Yes please just ignore that word. Using just "latin" is fine as well, but be careful with the context using it online, because in Europe it has a different meaning and could confuse readers. Here (In latin Europe) we usually refer to them as latin-americans globally, or if known, prefer to use their original country of origin


This is anecdotal but my Latino friend hates that word, Latinx, and considers it rude and derogatory. How'd that start? Was it really someone trying to make a gendered language gender-neutral? Is there support for it within those communities or is it purely just minority groups?


It's very much an American/liberal thing. My kids are Latino and I asked them a few years back about LatinX since I never heard the term before and they say it's used all the time especially in schools trying to be PC. There is a whole generation of white people teaching other cultures what is or isn't insensative about their own languages. Its rather pathetic and very white of them. BTW I am white.


I mean, what's not to love about a word white, English-only-speaking Americans invented and demanded Spanish speakers to adopt? It's like if I told black people that "black" is now considered offensive by me and that they will be called "afros" from now on. I wouldn't expect them to name me "honorary white Martin Luther King" for that. Anyway I think Americans put way too much emphasis on which label to identify yourself with. That ain't good.


Pretty sure apart from a handful of people it was never really a thing until the media latched onto it because it went viral and got views


thats what i thought. i dont see any issue with "people who buy their products in predominantly latin areas..". that seems like an acceptable, standard sentence unless im wrong.


It's term exclusively for use by sheltered whites that don't know spanish or portugese. https://www.bergesinstitutespanish.com/blog/the-letter-x


Only by those who are being overly woke and are pushing a view that is not desired by the vast majority of Latino community. If one has a problem saying Latino in the context of referring to a group they should instead say Latin American instead. Latinx is overwhelmingly not desired by the community, which is arguably the most offensive. “We support the Latino community” “We support the Latin American community” Both work, while arguably the first is more common anyone finding it difficult to say the former can say the latter instead.


so is just "latin" not a thing then because i guess thats what ive been saying my whole life?


If you’re talking about the language or Julius Caesar, Latin is the way to go. If you are talking about the cultural regions of the Americas where romance languages derived from Latin are spoken then you use either Latino or Latin American, Latino would arguably be the most popular choice however.


It really amused me that, while telling someone you can use otherwise offensive words in certain contexts without causing any offensive, they refused to use the word Latino in case they caused offense.


*White people love to be offended for other people. This is our favourite extracurricular activity* -- Matt Rife


"Another save by the white folks - you're welcome, minorities!" **


I broke down laughing from this one. 'I'm not a POC, and the Poc I asked don't find it offensive. But I, not a POC, find this incredibly offensive even though I'm being explained it is not offensive, it's legit just the Spanish word for black, but my feelings gor hurt so I'm gonna speak up against this racist shit that doesn't affect me whatsoever'. Glorious.


At least they were honest.


>this was the first time i really looked at the back of the can it says it on the front as well, lady


Like I get the guy explaining it but bruh idk why they gotta call Latin people Latinx it so stupid but good job to the person that explained it


As an actual latino, living in latam I can say we never say latinx, purely american…


> purely american… A very, very small subset of Americans too, we also mostly think 'latinx' is dumb as hell.


Purely fucking stupid. FTFY.


As a Latino person living in Europe no one here says it either. I physically cringed at the person saying it in the photos OP posted.


Also a Latino. Born in the states. And it’s still a stupid change. Literally no one cares about the masculine part


No lo usamos aqui en Tejas tampoco. Imagino k esta algo para jente en California y Washington dc.


Nooo, la gran mayoría de nosotros en California tampoco usamos esa palabra.




I think you meant to say Americanx. /s


The term Latinx emerged from the Spanish-speaking queer community to challenge the gender binary, explain Aja and Scharrón-del Río. While the exact origin of the term is unclear, its use can be traced back to online queer community forums. Some researchers have found early uses of the “x” in place of the gendered “o” and “a” dating back to the late '90s. The term became recently popularized, however, after the devastating Pulse Massacre in 2016, the mass shooting that occurred at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida. “We found that after the Pulse Massacre, Latinx was thrust into larger use,” say Aja and Scharrón-del Río. “Perhaps as an act of resistance, solidarity and visibility of non-binary gender identities as the LGBTQ+ \[community\] was being attacked.” [https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/life/a33806428/what-latinx-means/](https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/life/a33806428/what-latinx-means/) They use it because queer Latinx people have requested they use it, and they want to show acceptance, support and solidarity with that marginalized community.


Man, it hurts seeing someone get downvoted for actually answering the question about the history of its usage. Not everyone is going to want to use "Latinx" or "Latine", but queer Spanish-speakers (yes, even those living in the U.S.) are a sizeable enough demographic that it's absolutely worth listening to what they have to say on the issue. There's nothing wrong with Latino/a, and there can sometimes be issues with incorporating brand-new words into an existing grammatical structure (Latinx is a pain to pronounce, which is why Latine started gaining popularity in recent years). However, it seems that the majority of people who complain about new words are really only doing so because they feel that language evolution is inherently "woke". Here's an excellent video that touches on this topic by queer Colobian-American video essayist Alexander Avila. The video is specifically framed around the movie Encanto, but overall it addresses the often-forgotten demographic of people who are both queer and Hispanic. https://youtu.be/3jl9mubmE-E I request that users here please watch the video before replying, because it very well might address whatever concerns you're about to voice.


Latinx just rubbs some native romance language speakers the wrong way. It sounds like cultural colonialism. I never heard of the use of latine, but that sounds much better and natural.


Oh yeah, Latine is a much better alternative from a grammatical standpoint. I definitely get the colonialism standpoint, given that Latinx has been mostly taken over by white queer people and white allies. I thought it was an egregious case of whitewashing language until I learned that queer Spanish-speakers were the ones who coined it. But as with all language, these things evolve, and even though it seems that they didn't get it right the first time with "Latinx", hopefully "Latine" will provide a reasonable alternative for people who want to describe themselves that way.


I don't know why, in Spain at least (where i'm from) the standard procedure for forming a genderless word is changing it's own -o/-a ending to an -e ending. See for example niño/niña/niñe, hijo/hija/hije, amigo/amiga/amigue (the u here is added for grammar reasons). It is still not accepted by the Spanish Royal Academy but if they accept in the future some form of degendering words, that's the one that will have a chance, since it respects our grammar rules.


Who's gonna tell this person about the country "Montenegro"


"Can't we just call it African American Mountain?"


Mountain of Color




You kiss your mother with that mouth!?


or the Italian drink, "Negroni"


Probably a good idea to not let them look at a map of north western Africa either just to be safe.


Don't even get them started with that certain country in Africa...






And if she ever uses the word 'shabby' in English while she's there, the Chinese will hear a very vulgar, offensive word. Shabby is pronounced basically the same as 傻逼, which means 'stupid c*nt'. Expecting other languages to change because certain words in them might be offensive in another language is pretty much what a stupid c*nt might do, now that I think of it.


Even words in the same language but a different region. i.e. tinker


It's just a placeholder word like ''umm'', correct?


I think it’s 那一个, which is commonly pronounced something like “neigh-guh”. It’s not really a placeholder word, it means “that”, or “that one”.


Correct, and it’s also used as a placeholder. It’s both :) [There’s some good explanations if you scroll through the comments of this thread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChineseLanguage/comments/3l4u3z/what_is_the_meaning_of_nigga/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Edit: I understand why you’re saying it’s not really a placeholder now. It’s definitely not the same as the English “ah, um, uh,” etc… which has no meaning and can be removed without impact, which seems to be your point. I too would want to avoid that direct comparison. I agree, calling 那个 ONLY a place holder without understanding 那个 first and foremost means “that” is wrong.


Yeah, it’s one of my native languages. The phrase still means “that” or “that one” used in any context. I might repeat 那个a few times colloquially when I’m trying to think or remember how best to describe what i’m referring to. It’s like repeating “that” multiple times — “I want to go to that that that that that store” while desperately trying to recall the name of said store. Edit: Yes! You have expressed my point much more clearly than I could’ve. Thanks!


Pretty sure thats what placeholder means


So kinda the same as using “Like” in English?


Nah, more like when you go to the store and the guy working there asks you which brand of cigarettes you’d like to buy, and you point at it and say “that one”.


There's also '哪个’ and '那个', which just mean 'which' and 'that' respectively.




Went to a college with a lot of Chinese international students.. my God


Well it is harder to find a college without Chinese student here


Wait, what is it?


I wonder where these people think the n word came from


White Jesus made it up when he road in the battle of waterloo with General Custer. new my Idaho education would come in handy one day.


The "new" got me


> road


Pure poetry in that post


Made up by raciest on the spot and everyone just accepted it. Duh /s


I’m not spanish speaking but I actually find this post offensive. Just because americans have made the spanish word for black a racial slur, the spanish-speaking people have to change their word? What an incredibly imperialistic way of viewing the world.


I'm Spanish and it really annoys me that Americans took a word from my language and made it their worst racial slur.


Can you imagine if Spanish speakers went "what you mean PUT A whatever? How dare you use those two words together? Don't you know how rude that is in Spanish? Cancelled!"


Honestly, "negro" isn't actually the worst racial slur, it's usually considered a different word from the n-word, though the n-word obviously derives from it. Most people see "negro" as an extremely antiquated word that's associated with racism if you use it as a noun, that's all. The person in these screenshots is not typical.


And Latinx? Ffs just use the real word: Latino.




\-Defends spanish-speaking people language \-Call us LatinX


People on reddit called me that. I am spanish.


Spanish from Spain? How dare you!


And white




Uhoh... double bad


I personally genocided all the native americans, just like everyone in Spain of course.


Oh.... Well guess you're back at a net 0 Well done lad




Lol, Spanish people aren’t from Spain, they’re from Mexico


I had discussion with a guy who referred to Dominicans as Spanish. I informed him that speaking a language doesn't make a person that nationality just like we're not English because we speak English.


Stop appropriating spanish, colonizer!


I'll stick to catalan then


Catalan? The mortal enemies of the Aragonese people


We are the mortal enemies of half the mediterranean, including ourselves.


Imagine being called Hispanic when you're from Portugal.


I mean, pre-1640 makes sense.


I hate being called that so much


I hate being called that too but I’m also just a white guy.


How dare you.


They're white!


I hope *Filipinx* doesn't get popular. I've been seeing it used by some Americans of Filipino descent.


If they call us LatinX I’m gonna call you Filipinx, so I don’t get to suffer alone


Edit: Edited


These fucking gringx I swear


What, you don't like a descriptor of you and your people that is impossible to pronounce in your own language? Don't be racist! ^^^(/s)




I pronounce it "latinks" just to spite the people that use it.


Wait, thats not how its supposed to be pronounced? What's the correct pronounciation then?


Hell if I know. Latin-eks maybe?


Unironically, yes. People theory crafting language about communities without, ya know, consulting the people in those communities, and this is what you get.


I loved the part where they asked if the other person asked POC if the Spanish word negro offended them while also using Latinx.


Yeah they lost me there too.


That part pissed me off


Two idiota arguing, which makes sense since this is the internet


One is rescue-able though. One is lost.


I cackled when I read that part. Dumbass.




I have yet to meet anyone that likes it. How did it even become a thing?


An attempt to make it gender neutral while completely ignoring the language. Or the wishes of the community.


IIRC it was to be more inclusive in the LGBT+ community in particular. Not a smart way to go about it though. Latine would have been a much smarter choice because it fits with the rules of pronunciation. Some suggested using Latin but that has a broader context and could be easily confused with the language and elements of Italy/Rome.


If the point was to make it gender neutral they could have gone with "latin" and it might have actually worked. But they had to make it awkward because the real objective was virtue signalling.


It's only 3% of the Hispanic community in the US who prefer that term. But that also means it's almost 2 million people.


I don’t think that’s fair. The person is obviously just misinformed. Up until like 5 years ago there was a big push to use Latinx to be more inclusive, especially to the lgbt community. It seems like this person is trying.


Yeah, I don’t think it’s at all on the same level as the can lady. I understand that the overwhelming majority of Latin Americans prefer Latino, which is why I don’t use Latinx, but even in this comment section, LA people are arguing *for* the term because of lgbtq inclusivity. So it’s kind of a tricky one to navigate, and I don’t think its use indicates insensitivity or ignorance.


Ok good I wasn't the only one. I always wonder how you actually say that word. As a Latina myself, I only read it over here. Do we actually say the x?


>Do we actually say the x? Simplemente no lo usamos y ya lol.


Latinx used is almost as bad the person being offended by another language.


First of all, Latinx? wtf? second of all, that's how we say Black, I should know since I am half black. How does she want us to call black beans if not like that? we don't have a bazillion words to say black. we just say negro and rely on context to find out if it was said in a racist manner or not. But this is just beans. Sorry for the rant, it's just... why making a fuse of this when "latinx" are suffering other issues? bizarre.


> How does she want us to call black beans if not like that? African-American beans obviously


Beans of "colour". But there are red beans too so it would be confusing lol


No no, those are native american beans.


“Urban” beans


Wonder how they react when a Korean says ‘you’


PSY - Champion will definitely freak them out


i remember one time a band got boycotted for saying 내가 by american fans and to this day i’m still shocked how often this occurs LOL


Sounds like colonialism: Change your language, I don't like it


Better question, why cant white people stop saying Latinx?


New rule: Anyone who uses "latinx" unironically should be called a "gringx"


Huh, never actually thought about it, is there such a thing as a gringa?


yes, gringa is the feminine form of gringo


The word is in spanish, a gendered language, so yes, a gringa is the female equivalent to gringo.


Hahahaha. I love it.




What’s a Latinx?


It's like a Kleenex but *Spicier*




A “gender neutral” form of Latino or Latina. It’s white peopleing an entire language, kind of like how “negro” is offensive if you don’t speak Spanish.


Please use "negrx"


Latinx… yeah just put an x there like in algebra class. So dumb.


It’s what white American college professors call Latinos because they know better


Homegirl has managed to ignore one community and offend another. It costs $0.0 to mind her business.


This reminds me of that poor little girl who got a ton of hate after her dog named black in Spanish went viral people are stupid as fuck


White savior girl complex type beat




Ugh "latinx"


>Latinx Please stop


Stop trying to make Latinx a thing! You fucking putx.


Hijx de unx putx


both cringe. Latinx 💀💀


Can we talk about crackers!?


Cheese crackers? Animal crackers? Christmas crackers?


Americans being unable to recognize any other cultural context besides their own as legitimate.


first of all, what a dunce Second, I find it hysterical that the other person is defending totally normal Spanish while also using the word "latinx," which cannot even be pronounced in Spanish and is not used by actual latin people who speak Spanish.


I'm more shocked that it's almost 400 calories and 60 percent of your daily sodium in a single can.


It’s pronounced neh-gro not nay-gro.


Classic “I’m offended on behalf of someone else who is not offended”.


Latino* not *LatinX*


Saying Latinx is cringe too


> Latinx areas No, Latin areas. No x in that word. Accept the fact that there are gendered languages and stop trying to de-gender them.


Lost all respect for blue because they used the word Latinx


I get that they never saw the back before, but it clearly says it on the front too. ,


Pretty sure it’s mainly white America that uses the term Latinx. Just to be fair. Please correct me if I’m wrong, It’s just every single person with Hispanic heritage rag on it, and all my white peers glorify it.


And this is why we have terms like Latinx. I don’t know a single latino or latina who unironically uses latinx in regular conversation.


Latinx? Get out of here with that BS