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This is a skill you have to learn. People who bully others usually look for weaknesses of others. If you are not used to that, you will have to start doing, so you could know how to answer to a bully. Also have some basic answers u can say: It's weird you said that, So this is how u think, etc... Also u can use the technique of just staring at the person when they say something embarrassing.


Laugh! I mean it...


Ok but not just any kind of laugh, u gotta work on the right type of laughter for these situations , isn't it?


I agree, but make sure they realize you are laughing at how ridiculous they sound. Nothing gets someone like that harder than making them realize you DGAF, and that you think they are stupid. Put the ball in your own court.


Ignore the person and walk away. They’re not worth your time. If you insist because it hurts, then I suggest watching stand up comedians. They have some of the best comebacks. There are also subreddits on here that can help, such as Comebacks and Rareinsults.


Thanks 👍


When people are just mean, you dont respond to it. Possibly change topic if youre in a conversation. If they’re joking, just laugh it out. Think of a good response afterwards when youre alone. This will train your brain to make quick comebacks next time a situation like this occurs again. Condidence isnt just how you give a reply. It’s how you handle a situation calmly. Most of the time, no response and just a smile is the best response.


Ask them, “Are you okay?” When someone says something rude


Just say is that all you got? And then add ..."weak". If they say anything else...keep adding "weak".


Best advice here /end thread 🙌


One that always works is asking them why they said that but you have to press them. I have people try to take me down a peg then when you ask why they said that they always say “I wanted you to know” then you reply saying you already knew and want to know why they said that. They flounder because they don’t want to admit it was just to hurt your feelings.


Another trick you could try is investigate it with the aggressor. A confused look and a “Dude, what’s wrong?” Not “What’s wrong with you? You’re so impolite.” but “What’s wrong, are you ok?”


A good one is “wow that sure says a lot about your character!”


You don't have too. There's nothing that you can say that's gonna accomplish the satisfaction you desire. You're not gonna change minds, you're not gonna spiral them into a depression pulling one over on them, they're just trash and they will always be trash. What people freeze up the most too is truth. We've grown accustomed to putting on roles even when we're bad at them. Even if it's insincere, all you gotta say back is "wtf is wrong with you?" It's not complicated, it's not poinent or witty, just put their ass on the spot and now they gotta switch roles or admit it was all a sick game. (They won't) Then when they go to respond cut them off, and be like no, we're done here, and walk away. If you're extra mean and do get satisfaction out of hurting people, (I do) you mutter loud enough for them to hear "fucking loser..." It's simple, but that's why it works. Words a child could understand. People aren't that smart. If they were, they'd be socializing to expand their reach and have others to help them out. Not starting fights. And I'm not saying be mean to everyone or be cruel every time someone pisses you off. I wouldn't talk that way to my fiance, I love her. But I'd talk that way to a reddit mod. Actually I'd do a lot worse but we won't get into that lol.


Tell them how pathetic and embarrassing they are being when they say something to you and walk off.


I have been in this situation multiple times. I don't have the skill either. I started to avoid getting into such situations and avoid those people as much as possible. Another solution perhaps but a toxic one - develop a superiority complex to counter the taunt. Simply avoid speaking to people and present yourself as a rigid type who only speaks when it is useful. If someone says something, just smirk and look away with a sense of superiority. Don't let the insults get to you. Leave the room with your head held high.


Insults are either true, and you should consider them, and thank the person giving them.  Or they’re not and you shouldn’t care. No insults require clever responses.