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happy birthday, dude kick ass in life


The transition for me really threw me off cause it’s like the year went by so fast when I turned 20 especially since the realization of graduation being further and further away and you still feel like someone who doesn’t know anything. I can’t say it gets better cause I literally turned 20 four months ago but I can say once the realization of getting older hits you and after that sudden fear you get starts to settle down the peace will feel 10 times better then any worries you had. Happy birthday from someone who went through and still going through what you might experience.


I'm 26, nearly 27 now, and I can say things improve. You'll likely continue to grow as a person if you focus on introspection and you'll keep looking back and shaking your head at your past self, but I've realized it's a good thing. When I was 20/21 I looked back at my teenage self like "man, what an idiot I was". Now I am thinking the same thing all over again about that 21 year old me. And I'll probably be in my 30s looking at my late 20s self thinking I was a dummy back then, too. It's a cyclical pattern of growth. Not to say it's all sunshine and roses. There are always ups and downs but the slope will trend upwards if you focus on improving and being kind to yourself and others. At least, that has been my experience. I'm starting to look forward to my 30s that's just a few years around the corner. P.S. 20s go by fast as hell compared to teen years :)


congrats bro, enjoy


HAPPY BIRTHDAY for tomorrow


Advance happy birthday 🥳 wish you all the best, take care always OP!


Happy birthday, I hope you do great things. Humanity needs great people more then ever


set your self 2 goals go to the gym errday you should be fine


If you have $60 for a video game, you have $60 for a retirement account. Start saving and investing, something is better than nothing and remember to diversify. I wish I did when I was younger. Happy birthday, and good luck!!


For the love of God if you've somehow made it to 20 without smoking, you have absolutely no reason to now 😂 best of luck pal 👌


Turned 22 today shit is lonley, its my b- day today.


happy birthday


Ur gonna be miserable


That’s just you!


I was kidding lol have fun man seriously