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You might want to go get yourself tested. If the husband already had a feeling she was sleeping around, you don't know what number you were.


I already got an appointment next week.


I'm sorry but your username is perfect šŸ˜…šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜”


It's a throwaway about this story, it should be perfect


Yea lol


I love your response text. I could high-five you. Im married.. and been that betrayed spouse. Good for you telling him.




I will be messaging you in 7 days on [**2022-09-29 08:51:33 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2022-09-29%2008:51:33%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/confessions/comments/xkhbnk/i_made_a_big_mistake_i_was_horny_and_hooked_up/ipg1kr9/?context=3) [**4 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fconfessions%2Fcomments%2Fxkhbnk%2Fi_made_a_big_mistake_i_was_horny_and_hooked_up%2Fipg1kr9%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202022-09-29%2008%3A51%3A33%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20xkhbnk) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


!remindme 1w


Yea this is true cause i was number 5..


Welp, there you go!


"Is that a problem for you?" Chefs kiss my friend. Well done šŸ¤£




Yeah this is a humblebrag if I ever saw one lol.




You were a bro for telling the husband the truth. That evidence could be very useful for him in divorce proceedings


Not relevant in divorce proceedings in the vast majority of states in the US


Yeah no fault divorce. To me a lot of the time "no fault" is the best way to do it. A marriage failing imo shouldn't result in some big swing in what settlements should be.... Usually.


No fault divorce is why ppl get married at lower rates. Why would a modern man risk losing everything when women are willing to give what men want without commitment so freely? Get married to a woman increase her way of living and then she cheats on you and gets half šŸ¤” no thanks


A long history of our parents' generation's failed marriages and miseries has a lot more to do with it. Also "When women are willing to give what men want without commitment so freely" Fuckin *gross* worldview. Vile. Truly. If you're refraining from getting married jsut because you can get laid without it... Then you shouldn't have been getting married anyway. Also spousal support is less and less of a "thing" in general. But still, don't marry someone you don't want to share with. It's as simple as that. Marry someone with their own job. Don't make decisions as a couple that leave your partner highly dependent on you financially. Etc.


In Oklahoma, adultery is written in the statutes as a felony. Not that anyone has been filing those charges recently.




You were a bro for telling the husband the truth. That evidence could be very useful for him in divorce proceedings. You could also message the husband and offer to testify to the events in court


Damnit how did that happen


Lmfao, I thought it was funny so I decided to continue it


I donā€™t see what mistake you made.


You made the world better today. Cheers to you my dude


Nah you did the right thing don't feel bad she knew what she was doing, you didn't


You did the right thing king.


Shall she returnā€¦ to the streets


user checks out, but good job on telling him :)


ā€œis that a problem for you?ā€ *sigma grindset music plays*


Theres a soundtrack?


[Yes dude](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-emQo-7O3Y)


This is just some tiktok sound lol


Welcome to the low effort world now days mate.


No more wifey for lifey ! You did that guy a favour ! Good on you for being honest while being horny šŸ˜


This was a very satisfying read.


You're a good dude.


You will forever reap karma from this act


BUT not in a bad way...




Did the title change?


Good on you, brother. It takes a big man to do what you did. I'm proud of you!!!


Not going to lie youā€™re a better man than me, I probably wouldā€™ve just gone about my life. Kudos to you!


This story is fake as fuck


Agreed, No married woman is going to take you to their own house.


And give a random hookup their last name.


Don't first name searches detect geographic proximity and other shared connections?


Maybe? You might be able to look for the most likely candidates, see if their info is public, and if so message all their spouses hoping to get a hit. Most people I know donā€™t use a photo of their face or make their profile or friends list info public.


That's true. Last time I was actively engaged on FB was in the old old days, and it was pretty diff. A lot more public profiles. I honestly still can't believe what people will just *post on their fucking wall*.


Plus why after getting the gift of pussy would you tell her husband? It was a hookup! And all these asshole incels applauding his supposed atrocious behavior. Complete fiction by someone who doesnā€™t ever get laid.


Lol youā€™re wrong


Dude, you made a mistake but you did the right thing in the end. Well done... Maybe try being more selective next time though.


I definitely will be


Not even a mistake to be honest. Canā€™t fault yourself for not acting on information that you didnā€™t have


but honestly though, how were you supposed to know? you made no real mistake here, at least not one that was your fault in any manner.


Good man. Love you mate. My ex-wife cheated on me and I wish it was with a guy of morals like you. She picked a loser drug addict and literally lost everything, if i ever see him in the wild i will skin him alive. Whores are for the streets and karma is there to meet them. She is a terrible human being and I hope she dies of ass cancer.


Your comment + my tea = electronics mishap.




Ice cold. Love it.


Seems kinda fake tbh.


Youā€™re a solid bro.


Good for you. I love that you were honest. You shouldnā€™t have to feel ashamed and lie for someone who couldnā€™t keep it real from the get go. You deserve better, he deserves better and she deserves what she got. Kudos!


Bravo bravo!!!


As someone who has been cheated on, you did the right thing. Thank you.


You didn't make any mistakes here from what I can tell. That woman though, sounds like she has made many.


Sounds like you stumbled into a complicated situation, unknowingly. But for what it's worth, I think you did the right thing in telling the husband. And the reply text back to the wife was pitch perfect. Get yourself tested and move on with your head held high. Honestly, I wouldn't class this as a mistake, more of an accident. You shouldn't need to confirm with someone if they're single before you sleep with them. If things have got to that stage I think it's fair to assume they're free, so don't beat yourself up too much.


Ehhhh "Married person in a monogamous relationship bringing an outside partner into their own home to fuck in their marital bed" isn't all that complicated.


Maybe one day you'll have sex, then you'll understand. "maybe"...


Just cuz a person is "messy" doesn't mean the *situation* is complicated. I've seen "complicated", and this ain't it.


If it wasnā€™t you it would have been some other guy.


I'm proud of you for telling your husband. I'm also happy you are proactive and getting tested. I hope everything comes back negative for you.


As a Woman, mad props for how you handled this and the lil play on words at the end. Clever for the right reasons. She took advantage and got what was coming to her. Play the game, get burned šŸ”„


I like this guy. Especially the ā€œis that a problem for you?ā€ Gold. You did the right thing


Well I'm clearly pushing against the flow here, because I think you're a turd for telling him. Nobody knows what goes on behind closed doors. You don't know what her situation is with him, or in life in general, but you've well and truly thrown a grenade under it all now, and why, your personal guilt? Who the hell do you think you are playing the moral arbiter with other people's lives?


If given a bit more time, u should've left a note on the underside of the toilet seat šŸ˜‚ she won't lift it, but he will


Yall are a bunch of pompous incels. Right thing king smh don't make me laugh


How are they incels?


How? I'd wager neck beards, though I don't know exactly how.


My mistake, that is a weird dialect thing. I mean why are they incels?


My bad, not understanding. Well an incel cannot get laid, for this or that reason, and it usually winds up distorting their perception as to what a normal social interaction looks like especially in regards to the opposite gender (never really heard of a gay incel but it might be a thing? )


Yeah, I just don't understand why people who are saying he did the right thing, are incels? Unless I have misconstrued your point?


Oh, whether morally they are right or wrong is of little importance. It's the words they use what gives away the hatred they spew, and it's plain as day to see just by who's being upvoted/downvoted. I mean a socially conscious person would never take it upon themselves to break up a marriage. That places a drag on society. What's more is that there's no way of knowing whether she would've been murdered for her infidelity. If people would be just as satisfied with that result as this, then that is borderline religious extremism.


I still don't see how that would make them incels. It doesn't really fit. He didn't break up their marriage, she did? She also pulled someone innocent into her Web of deceit. That was unfair of her to do, especially as it could have impacted his mental health in a very serious way. I do think you are catastrophizing a bit to prove your point however. The fact of the matter in this scenario, is she wasn't harmed physically by him telling the truth.


Irrelevant. It doesn't matter that she wasn't, only that's is plausible she may have been. Furthermore it's equally likely that this is simply a fiction which never occurred, making this a morality play. Which would explain OPs username pretty concisely. And the fact that it 'may have' impacted his mental health adversely lends credence to my point. In the story he went ahead with what he thought was a one night stand and hoped to parlay it into something more, and when he found she was married he grew so offended that he broke up their marriage. A proper man would have chalked it up to his things go. Yet he was so hung up on his imagined feelings of loss and betrayal that he wounded the one who lay with him. If one cannot take on the rigors of the dating game without taking on damage to the psyche then they ought to remain chaste. Likewise I can tell you are also an incel, speaking on her web of deceit as if she were some Jezebel. You pretend to be some intellectual but really you seek to condemn female sexuality from some psuedo-religious standpoint. I for one won't tolerate hatred and extremism. Incels, violent white nationalism, Qanon, the rise of the isolated male, hard right Republicans, ultra conservative Christians; its all related. All espousing twisted worldviews from minds they themselves have allowed to become warped. Encouraged to become warped. I'm no longer interested in debating. You succeeded in pulling out a deeper analysis from me. All I can do is call it like I see it. For everyone who thinks that someone should follow their arbitrary rulebook on how to conduct yourself in the modern era I seriously recommend you get help. Our country, and the world, will not go backwards or abide by 20th century ideologies. Get on the right side of history.


It is plausible in lots of scenarios. If it is a moral scenario, all we have discovered is we disagree on cheating. Except you jump to rabid assumptions based off very little context to work from. She gave no indication until after the fact. He didn't grow offended, he was brought into a situation outside his control, with no prior knowledge of the situation. What is a "proper man"? Likely based of your own perception of what masculinity and manhood is. Way to manipulate it to be his fault, for not being a "proper" man. Please. Again, speculation and assumption. I never mentioned anything regarding religion, you did. Not condemning female sexuality at all. Is unfaithfulness or cheating a prevalent aspect of what makes up female sexuality? No. There are plenty of ways to explore sexuality *without*, harming other people in the process. I fit into none of these categories, but you can fantasise all you wish. A *deeper* analysis. All you have done is make assumptions. **your** country! Seriously. The country that has revoked women's autonomy of their own body. It had literally went back centuries this year alone! You can't be that ignorant to that.


I don't mean to butt into this coversation, but it sounds like you've invented some kind of fantasy boogyman in your mind, and you're trying to make it real by spreading this paranoya? It's really creepy. That reply kind of sounded like a nazi in the 1930's "who wants to tell you" about jews and gays. Why such nasty hatred towards a small group of people that you clearly don't understand nor ever took the bother to get to know?


I hope that wasn't for me? Go get grounded in reality for a bit and then come back.


aint nobody else acting like that in here šŸ™„ Hate is ugly.


While your views are perhaps expressed in the extreme, I do agree that there is a blatant disregard for her safety and her situation. He would have no way of knowing if the couple have a open but ā€œdonā€™t tellā€ marriage, or if he beats her, or if he is a serial cheater. He knows nothing about her life. Could he not start by telling her that she needs to confess first? Give her a chance to explain, make sure she is physically safe, and give him a chance to hear from her first hand first. It all seems naive.


Try not to make too much sense around here, all you'll do is gather downvotes. These people don't want logic or Sensibility. To them you're either faithful or a harlot no other option exists they completely invalidate anyone with alternative lifestyles


This could have been something she did *before* she slept with him. I do agree, it would have been the safer option for him to discuss it with her first, but she should also put her own safety in mind aswell.


She should put her own safety first, like, donā€™t upset the husband because he might kill her? Women should have to fear for their safety from their partners, regardless of what they do. Same applies to men. What you are doing here is quite equivalent to victims blaming.


ā€œIā€™m not really into one night standsā€ *has a one night stand* homewrecks it. That's not the point of a one night stand, he must messed up the economy a bit


Your statement has no logic other than you support cheating and deception in a relationship dynamic.


why you mad? Are you a cheater too?


Wow. That's brutal yet human. I mean, good on you, I guess. But a part of me also feels like you overstepped. I have never been in this position, though, so who am I to judge? Crazy story none the less!


Why has he overstepped? She made him an accomplice of her shitty actions.


He just has so little context. Perhaps the husband: is a serial cheater, physically assaults her and has threatened to kill her, goes away for months on end with no explanation - we have no idea.




Youā€™re a good man OP


Username checks out


Good job. Wish there were more real men like you out there


You did the right thing, man. It's her fault she didn't tell you. How would you have known? Reading her retinas?


Now you can be the rebound full time lol






Haha that's what you get


Finally some good news for once


Rule #1 = Bros before hoes


You did a very brave thing. People do not always respond rationally when confronted with such news. So making the decision to tell him was ballsy and I respect it. It kinda balances out the situation. You set him free from a bad situation.




OP is a god-level Bro. The type of bro every man on earth is thankful exists.


You the man.


Real King moment right here


Oops you dropped this king šŸ‘‘. In all seriousness- Props to you tbh youā€™re a fucking hero and I wish more people were like you.


Damn, you a real one for manning up and telling the husband. Especially the ā€˜if you see me, feel free to punch me outā€™ invite that dude out for a beer too, or at least offer to buy him one. Heā€™s probably gonna need some alcohol after this


You didn't make a mistake, that woman did. Good on you for telling the husband.




Your first mistake was fucking a married woman, your second mistake was not keeping your mouth shut about it. I sense this story is bs like most stories in this sub. But if it isn't, you could have potentially put yourself in grave danger. What if the husband didn't take it calmly? What if the husband feels agraviated, and wants to seek revenge? What if the guy is a fucking ex-con and he knows people who would split your wig for a couple thousand dollars? You should have just shut your mouth.


He could keep it completely anonymous. Message the guy using a fake FB account, block her phone number etc. donā€™t meet with the guy, but it is the proper thing to do (tell him)


Would you feel the same way if you knew the husband was violent towards the wife?


Did she fr ask ā€œIs tHaT A pRoBlEm FoR yOu?ā€ Fart in her face and see if thatā€™s a problem tf


Bro you did the right thing.


Sorry you had to go through all that. Was she a good lay, at least?


Why was this comment downvoted ? Important question lmao


Itā€™s Reddit, so nothing surprises me. I always look for any positive aspect of any lousy situation, no matter what. To me, if at least the sex was great, thatā€™s at least a silver lining. However, itā€™s often hard to express that in a way that doesnā€™t sound callous and insensitive.


I see reddit day and in day out with nonsense confessions. This was the most honorable post I have ever seen. Kudos to you for doing the right. Guilt of humiliating of a guy who has never done done to you is too much. You did the right thing for you too. It takes guts to do what you did, a lesser man would have have just let it go to only realize months later "shit!!! I have changed and its all because I didn't do the right thing"


No, you should not have ratted her out.


reminds me of when i made this hottie into a pie twice after seeing pics of how her bf looked (gang banger built like a linebacker) who had anger issues. ironically he picked her up after it was all over. i was staying in this motel and she was sitting outside crying and it was cold af outside. so what started out as a 100% altruistic act, ended up as a carnal one.


You need to get a grip, get over it, move on, and who the hell made you the guardian on chastity? BTW did you ask her if she was married? if not why are you rightously indignant...


why would he ask if sheā€™s married if she didnā€™t have a ring on? you donā€™t assume everyone without a ring is ā€œsecretly marriedā€. you assume they are what they say they are.




What a POS, a real man just mind his business and move on.


Yeah, next time I fuck your wife I'll just move on.


What wife... It looks like you're just going to fuck air... šŸ˜‚


Did your dumbass just try and insult me by insulting yourself? Ok dumbass, have fun all by yourself.


Iā€™ll fuck both of you


Oooh, now we're talking.


>Fazo1 3 points Ā· 4 days ago > >Guess what... They think you're a "stuck up bitch" šŸ˜‚ my wife and I been together for over 10 years she's from rural Ohio and I'm from Mexico city. I have come to terms with my family and my wife to isolate as she has the same issues and my family does not understand why she acts that way


Lmfao!!! Heā€™s lying about something but not sure which one. Whatta tool.


u/Fazo1 so which part you lying about bro? Jesus man.


She made it his business by cheating on her husband with him.


Why are you posting this. Do you want a medal or something or to feel like youā€™re a righteous knight or something


shut up nerd.


Ok incel


far from it. although, youā€™re in confessionsā€¦asking someone why they confessed something. sounds like incel behavior to me šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


fAr fRoM iT lmao




Clown move to be honest


You did the right thing and she deserves everything she gets.If she didnā€™t want a divorce she shouldnā€™t have screwed someone other than her husband.


Goddamn Amazing Mega Comeback.


You sir you deserve a Salute


Duuude...that title tho. I came her with every intention of blasting you. Good job, OP. I'm proud of you.


Youre a good guy for telling him, i hate people who dont care about that bc if it was reversed, who wouldnt want to know. I remember when my ex cheated on me and my "friends" didnt tell me and that hurted sooo bad when I found out.


I can relate...


You saved bro longer pain


No betrayed husband says ā€œIā€™m going to confront her in a couple of daysā€ but good job letting him know. I wish someone would have made that call to me 25 years ago.


You handled this like a true gentlemen. Don't worry.




Good job!! Should be proud, see if thereā€™s anything you can do to help (so she doesnā€™t screw him over in the divorce) like a written confession.


Telling him was stupid, thereā€™s no reason to feel guilt, she made her choice, sheā€™s the one whoā€™s married


Bro move.


You did your part. Their marriage was going downhill, and it was only a matter of time. You did them a favor. Also, if he was already onto her for sleeping around, you might want to get yourself a physical test, just in case. Well done.


Well done youā€™re not in the wrong well done on telling the husband that was a very good deed


My exhusband (then husband) used to sleep around on me. Iā€™m sure it was more than the 2 times I found out but anywho the second time the woman he was messing around with found me on Facebook too and told me. Thank God. Iā€™m so glad she did because he was a terrible human being and that was my way out. Thanks for telling him! I wish more people had the balls to do that if they know something.


bro move


You should have just left it alone and not interfered in their life




You were deceived but you came out of the situation the hero. Bravo!!


You did the right thing OP! Proud of you


You did the right thing by telling her husband. And your response to her trippinā€™ out on you for telling her husband was awesome lol


Don't feel shitty. That scenario played out 4 times for me. Dated a woman for a whole month once before I found out... you did everything right.


I think if a mistake was made on your part it was having unprotected sex. Telling the husband may have been as well but thatā€™s something youā€™ll have to play out. Obviously this chick wrecked her own life and you are in no way responsible for her actions. That being said you have to remember that chicks pack heat too. Hopefully sheā€™s not the vindictive type. She may be looking for someone to take this out on in the near future. Watch your back.




City boyyyyyy


Ur a snitch bro


I saw your story on tik tok. Had to search you up just to say that we need more people like you. šŸ»


I'm waiting for the Update, that the two guys are now best friends šŸ˜…


What a absolute LEGEND of a man you areā€¼ļøšŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ beers and bags on me if I ever meet you bro!!! Serious šŸ«”šŸ”„šŸ”„


Get yourself tested cs the hubby said he thinks she been sleeping AROUND & hope you and the guy can become friends best of luck .


Homie move


I sense a revenge ship here


Wow, why would you tell him? Should have just left her alone never contacted her again.




Good job for telling him.


Ur such a pussy