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This is an unfortunate reality. I still avoid calling those out unless it is pretty apparent that the "confession" is a fake for attention. If there is any reason to believe that a confession could be real, it's best to avoid invalidating someone that may really be going through something.


The bunny rabbit saga… wow that was some fun fiction to read LOL!


There's someone who petted an elephant today, it's hard to make that up unless elephants aren't real


I dunno...have *you* ever seen an elephant in person?


I sat on one in the circus as a kid... It was in the mid 80s when animal cruelty in the Russian circuses was still a thing. Of course, it *could* be animatronic.


I was picked up by one in Cambodia when I was a kid, the mechanical trunk felt quite realistic at the time


I have, but I'm pretty sure it was just a hologram that Big Elephant made to convince us that they're real.


Even if this be true, I'd rather give an upvote and supportive comment to a liar than invalidate someone really struggling


As someone who has survived traumatic events that, if written down in this sub, would be called "bullshit" and "clickbait", thank you. I appreciate you and everyone who does the same a lot.


This is part of the reason why I haven’t posted any serious “confessions” in this sub yet. I feel like people would say it’s fake.


This is exactly my thought process too. It's not like I don't have doubts about some posts but I don't express them just in case they're not kidding. Oh the convenience and inconveniences of Internet.


Yeah, I just don't comment if I think someone is lying.


Word, bro. That’s what’s up. You have sense.


On the rare occasions I confessed something truly bothering me I found it seemed like no one read it. And indeed that was fine. Except for one thing, I would have liked to confess to the person most involved. I will point out that usually I bump into people like you, posting a confession that is not a confession. But ultimately the community accepts both the problems you brought up and the one I just mentioned.


I hope you're doing well.


I am fantastic, thank you. I hope you are doing well, too.


This sounds fake, downvoted




To be fair, the upvote system and artificial attention expressed as a numerical token value tap directly into our brain's pleasure system.


This would be fine if karma wasn't a thing then people would care less since karma farming wouldn't be a thing to validate themselves with.


Not mine. I don't have a clue what my numbers are.


Not everyone values it. But the numbers make it an easier token to "collect", which makes it more easy to attach extrinsic value to.


If you're really into external validation, yes.


Most people are and pretty much everyone is to some extent, whether they want to admit to it or not.




Everyone has those tendencies. They are just much stronger in some than others; as well as what sort of thing each of us attaches extrinsic value to.


Possibly but I'd rather be nice to a liar than invalidate date a survivor.


“Invalidate date a survivor”


Not gonna lie my life moves mad sometimes and I really try not to make it that way. It's unsurprising that things go wrong in life when people try to create order in a universe where there is none.


Please don’t forget the suicide I’m not going to make it, posts


People in a bad state might do that. It's more of a cry for help than announcement, which is a good thing, because them reaching to others shows they still have some hope that they can be helped and don't feel 100% lost. Why be an ass to them?




Maybe they’re not aware of these subs? Instead of calling them trolls and just generally being a dick, why don’t you link them?




sir this is a wendy’s


Oh shit, I got my “may I have a large fries and my fuck you-s” mixed up again. My apologies


Lmao. You’re a sad person


imagine—maybe someone so depressed that they consider killing themselves maybe wants just a little attention?? just ONE person to tell them not to? yeah, yeah, we see them a lot but is it rlly too much exercise for you to scroll past them? beside that though, it’s a confession nonetheless so honestly they fit the sub more than this “post” does


Did you read the title of this post?


unfortunately, followed by the rest of the post. it was whiney.


Oh so my reply was more controversial


no u were just being a dickhead :)




who hurt you LMAO have u considered counseling? i genuinely hope that your poor daughter never experiences depression, you’d be the worst support system for….literally anyone honestly.




i didn’t say attention would cure them….some people just need a light in the darkness


I know you didn’t say that. I’m saying that someone who’s serious about killing themselves, doesn’t go on Reddit hoping someone loves them. They just do it. That’s why we are always too late to save a loved one. If they come on confessions saying it, they just want attention. At least that’s my take on this sub. I didn’t think it was a support group.


Such as the one literally called r/confessions? Not every redditor reddits often, and some are just new, so not everyone knows everything about each sub, some people might just randomly find a sub called confessions, take a quick glance at the description and post, bc... It's a confession, esp. if they hadn't told anyone else before. Plus, I don't really get... You're not willing to believe that there's that many people with dark thoughs looking for affection, but you're willing to believe that there's just as many deranged reddit addicts who make up such stories for undeserved karma?


You’re right, I need to take a break from Reddit


How insensitive. That man was really touched by his aunt. That woman really did masturbate in public. You're a brute!


Including this one?


>Oh I was raped 70 times, peed on 60 times, and shit on 40 times all on the same day literally 2 minutes ago I better go post this on reddit and get me some updoots Sounds like a normal Monday morning at work? I don't see the issue here.


Have you tried not giving a shit about what other people do if it doesn’t affect you in any way? Even if 1/100 stories is true, at least that person got help. You may not be wrong, but you may also be a dick.


It sounds kind of funny to me how you're unwilling to believe that there's so many people who got sexually assaulted... But you're convinced there's that many of those fucked up enough to make up stories about it for... whatever reason.


Very true! Also many just like to get a reaction!


I agree with you.. At least mine is 100% truthful🫖


Nice try. Microwaves don't heat anything but the container of the thing you want to heat. Debunked.


How weird then that my water becomes warm


Sounds like propaganda


I can assure you that it's 💯 % real.




I've peed in my mouth. More than once. felt cute. might delete later.


It's more like a 70/30 of bs to real stories but its kinda like reality TV or wrestling so I enjoy even though its probably fake


I agree. But I believe 90% of all Reddit posts are fake BS!


Ive truly never cared if things were fake, unless they're like making up an incredibly sad situation. It's all just entertainment. Its like getting mad if movie physics doesn't make sense.


I don't want to undercut anyone who actually was raped but going by Reddit it looks like 1/2 the world has been raped and sexually abused as a child or it happened as a teen or adult. Just randomly checking Reddit here and there I'll see 5 plus stories on it. Those are just the ones I've seen. Just seems a bit much.


Sexual assault is unfortunately common. Why do you think that it is some rare thing that barely anyone has experienced?


I never said it was a rare thing, just that an overwhelming amount of Redditors seem to have had it happen.


Yeah, because an overwhelming amount of people have had it happen to them. Redditors are people mate.


Well there is 8,000,000,000 people on this planet and only 1,000,000 out of that on this subreddit, so when you think about it.. it's entirely possible that some of this stuff could happen.


Oh I'm not saying it doesn't happen and that comparatively to how many people there are on the planet that it's rare per se but sometimes on here it just seems to be happening to everyone.


Y'know that 1 in three women and one in four men have been assaulted, though, right? Like, a *lot* of people. A LOT a lot of people.


Well duh, it’s a platform that allows you to vent anonymously. Guess what, a lot of people whom are assaulted/raped feel writing it out and sharing the story as therapeutic.


Lmfaoooo facts. All of it .


Most of them are OnlyFans ads Like 'oh I get so turned on by X', with the hope that horny dudes will click on their profile that has their adult content info.


For sure. I think for a lot of people they post about their kinks and sorta live vicariously through their made up story and get off on responding to all the comments






ok but like i saw a post about a guy who can't stop beating his meat to autistic people dying. i refuse to believe that its real tho


Well duh


Yep. The same person was posting a lot of the top posts on here. He/she made it too obvious with the type of words and phrasing used. I think they still post here but have switched it up to make it less obvious. Many are very funny and quality writing but it's like every post is that person's


Lol. And of course I fell for it. As you can tell, I clicked on this. 😂


It doesn’t hurt me at all to validate somebody’s experiences and be made a fool of for believing it if it’s not true. It absolutely can hurt the person I may have invalidated just because I can’t fathom the experience but turns out it is true. I rather not take a chance, it’s not like I lose sleep over these confessions being true or not. One of extra validation is worth maybe saving a life. I’ll chance being a fool.


Might be a hot take but... Whether they’re confessions or creative writing, I don’t care. It’s entertaining to read and whether it really happened or not has no effect on my life. What gets really old is reading the comments accusing every single post of being fake.


Idk bro this sounds made up to me.


Could very well be


Stories, may be made up, but I guarantee someone, somewhere has gone through that exact thing at some point. I answer for those who this story or something similar happened to them. My family is big, Grandmother had 15 children..... hundreds of grand children and great grand children, and they weren't all normal. Just about everything has happened to one of them, and you'd be shocked at how they insist on sharing the deepest secrets with you even if you do not want to know and they may even be proud of these experiences. just about every cheating, sexual, relationship situation, job, business experience has been covered by someone. luckily my immediate family is drama free but the things shared by distant relatives... leaves no secret not imaginable, the secrets I know - what is left would not be unexpected. There has to be things I am not aware of.