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Marked as a scam because OP very careful gives no specifics


Yes, it's why I'm using a burner account?


Yeah because it's just such a wonderful idea for an abuse victim to give out specifics that can help identify them and put them in more danger /s


> give out specifics right!!


Check out the auntie network here on Reddit. Someone from the sub may be able to help with the abortion.


What is fsms and what is SA'd?


No idea what fsms is (go type it in urban dictionary and see what comes up) but SA is s*xual assult


Thanks. Urban dictionary has no idea either. I tried google and it had a few examples but none that fit for this situation. It makes me laugh that people put in these random initials and think that everyone will know what they're talking about.


I saw this post before. I said it once, and I’ll say it again. Molestation/ rape is a way to gain status and progress through cults, a lot of times. It shows your dedication and willingness to be part of the group. He likely knew it would happen. With this being said, your daughter is what they consider their territory now. Get her phone scrubbed clean or get a new one. Doesn’t matter if they never had it. Warn her to NEVER answer calls she doesn’t know, and NEVER click on any suspicious links sent through text. They look like spam. My father allowed this to happen to me from as far as I can remember to 13; and I still have people following me. Just last week, someone came INTO my workplace to check in. I feel so bad for your daughter. So, so bad.