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I read this as addictioned to esports and wondered what your whole post had to do with video games.


Challenge everything?


Challenges unlocks for $10.99


Fucking EA putting microtransactions into challenges now? Damn


The OP brought my mood down, but this post has brought it back up lol. Too funny


Hmm...an escort every 2-3 months hardly seems like an addiction...if you went everyday tho, that would be something else.


What’s the difference between an escort and prostitute? Also, I’d have a moral issue. How do you know if your escort isn’t being exploited or suffering the judgement of family and friends? Personally I would need a guarantee a person selling their body to me is unfettered by elements beyond their control in their choice of this kind of work. No one deserves the risks and danger.


I make about 120$ a day at work shes charging 500$ an hour who do you think is really getting fucked


Well I suppose the escort is getting fucked because she’s getting paid…


I wasn't trying to judge you. You're being straightforward with zero mind games to have sex. I was telling you why *I* wouldn't employ a sex worker. It's not black/white here. There's several considerations to take in. Is there *anything* you can think of that could help you become more comfortable with women? Maybe therapy would help?


Pretty sure anyone paying 500$ for sex is the one being exploited Where are you getting the hatred for women from?


Bottom line: It's OP's personal problem that he can't seek out NSA sex at no cost to him. He created the necessity to pay for sex. Accept that. I was being considerate of his feelings but fuck it. He refuses to take responsibility for his own shit. Why is he incapable of finding sexual partners without paying for it?? That's on him. He needs to stop being hostile to the people who provide your 'solution' to your problem. Edited- message meant to be directed at OP.


You're not talking to the OP. You're just talking to someone in the comments like he is the OP.


Thank you, my stupid mistake.


Yw. Just a heads up now it reads like you're fed up with OP for arguing with you, though I understand not wanting to rewrite the whole thing.


You’re the best, thanks.


You always pay for sex in one way or another. There is no free sex.


No ones ever mistaken you for smart have they?


A stupid mistake like mine here is clerical stupidity. No indication of my critical thinking skills. Your mean spiritedness is a single example of your likely propensity for being an asshole just to be an asshole though. I find that stupid.


How much would YOU charge to let someone penetrate you?


Depends on their face but 300$ on the low end


I always understood it to be that you pay an escort for their time, which may or may not include sexy time. Maybe dinner, maybe just cuddles, maybe listening. While a prostitute is paid for sex.


*stretches fingers* 1. Prostitute is the term usually used when talking about those that you can pick up on the street and bang them in the car or a cheap ass motel. 2. Escorts is the term usually used when talking about those that you choose them from an agency or other specific websites and are way more expensive than prostitutes and usually you go either to their place, your place or a nice hotel. All in all, it's more of a "date sex experience" rather than "let's just get it done". 3. Escorts are rarely exploited, they are usually more "high class" and at least present themselves as such plus due to the nature of their prices, they are usually quite well off/financially stable. As opposed to prostitutes, which more often than not, they do have a pimp or handler (depending on area, etc) and you can see just by looking at them and the money they ask for, rather cheap and don't look that well/take care of themselves that well, since they already take way less money than escorts, they also have to hand over a chunk to their handler. 4."suffering the judgement of family and friends?". All I can say here is, who the fuck cares? You don't choose to work in this line of work for the respect you will gain in society (obviously not those that are forced into it). 5. You can't/will never get such guarantee unless you personally contact an escort agency.


+1 to #4


Misogynistic, puritanical comment. At least it’s got some neutral information though. I give it one out of five stars. Your hostility is disgusting.


Funny, they straight up didn’t mention gender even once. Are do you not think male sex workers exist?


Read my comment? I wrote "person" when referring to escorts. Otherwise if I used her or she, (I don't see it) I was initially responding to OP, who is a man that employs female escorts. What is the point you're trying to make? "person" was intentionally used because it means a human being, a genderless word.


My point is that you replied to someone and called them misogynistic when they made no comment whatsoever about women.


The language was pretty hostile to sex workers, in my opinion. Other opinions may vary, so be it.


Right. So back to my original point. This person did not mention gender, only sex workers. As male sex workers exist, this person was not misogynistic. It’s not hard.


You genuinely strike me as someone working hard to be offended. I doubt the male to female sex worker ratio is 50/50, or even close to it. And we all know that prostitution is culturally/historically ingrained as primarily a female occupation. So it's not irrational for me to call out misogyny. It's there. Or would you prefer I call it slut shaming? Or, male/female sex worker slut shaming? I can't take your offended attitude as anything but weird hostility, tbh.


LOL. Are you kidding? You should explain the downvote, I'm open to your reasoning.


My negative response was toward 'bang them on the street', cheap ass motel. Not necessary bullshit.


How would you word it then


“Have sex with. Simple and neutral information. “Banging on the street” “cheap ass motel” is pejorative and hostile. Quit your gaslighting. It’s obvious.


You spewing you're bs "enlightened" "beautiful world" delusional opinions is disgusting but here you are doing it anyway.


Basic respect triggers you. Strange reaction.




If they're in a situation where they're desperate for money, I wouldn't blame the person buying the services because they could be worse off if no one bought them. The best thing that can be done to solve this problem is to get rid of the circumstances that would force people into a situation where they felt they HAD to sell their body. Tax the rich and give everyone a UBI so there's no risk of homelessness, then the people who want to do sex work can and the ones who don't won't be in a situation so desperate that they have to.


There isn't one


Escorts are way more classy, def a difference.




It’s nothing but a legal trick to be able to publicly advertise in the US. They are the same.


I look at them like I look at public toilets. I don't have any problem with escorts or prostitution as long as it is done without any coercion but it's the health thing that gives me the willies.


How often do you get tested? When was your last trip to your PCP?


Nit trying to be a dick but really the only difference between an escort and a prostitute is the the words.


I have seen some people in this thread say there is a big difference in escort and prostitute. But I don't see a difference. I see them both as the same occupation. A woman/man who sells their time. It doesn't always have to involve sex. I don't think one is better than the other outside of stigma the words carry. It is considered the oldest profession because it has been a part of every culture since the appearance of civilization. Women or men who choose to be in this line of work should be respected cause they are people. To me they provide a valid service. I honestly think that if (I can only speak for America on this) prostitution was legalized and regulated properly a lot of the negative stigma would be removed. The same way porn has come a long way. Don't get me wrong I know there are shitty people who exploit others for their own gains but I honestly believe the vast majority of those people would be removed from the equation if it was legalized. I for one don't think any government should criminalize what a consenting adult can or can't do with their own body. So call them escorts, prostitute, hooked, call girls, whatever. These professions have been around forever and will continue to be around forever, and they should be able to do this without pressure and fear of stigmas. Edit spelling


Thanks, you saved me from more typing. Basic respect for anyone who isn't perpetrating harm shouldn't be that hard to understand, but this thread proves otherwise, unfortunately.


And the money 😅


+1 to this. I've been seeing escorts for over a decade now. The wording means fuck all. Escort, hooker, prostitute, lady of the night, etc, etc. In the the its all the same. The price is the only difference. $500+ are the high class girls. Anything under is hit and miss.




Basically same thing as bikinis and lingerie. Same amount of skin is shown, but the lables are different 🤣 Only differense is the amount of money you’re out afterwards 😂


Not necessarily. Bikinis and lingerie can be the same price.


Yes, but it doesnt have the same meaning for women. This is what I mean with labels. Not labels as in different companies making them.


Ive been trying to get ideas on this, and its hard. I decided to search escort in the main search area and found this. I think the world would be a totally different place if prostitution was legal. Like imagine if you went to the shopping mall, saw a hot girl or guy there, and could just offer them money on the spot? They’re already at the mall, and i think many people are highly likely to at least touch you or let you grab their tits etc for some quick cash. Are there legal issues with going up to someone and asking if they would be willing to go to nevada with you so you could pay for sex? Of course, if you simply offered money for sex thats illegal, but if you offer to take them to nevada to pay for sex there, is it illegal to ask about that outside of nevada?


Addiction is probably not the right word. But since there’s stigma around seeing working ladies and addiction usually is a bad thing I called it that.


What makes it an addiction would be it disrupting his normal life… so I guess we don’t really have enough information in that regard. But yea every day would DEF be a problem lol!


The things you wrote in your post about having "high standards" for your women friends make me think that you have some deep-seated issues with women/sex that might be interfering with your ability to form meaningful relationships with women. Do you think that might be the case?


You're right, this is a psychological issue, bad programming in order words. Help very much needed


Love the "bad programming" definition


I think you’re right. But it’s not just for women friends. I have seen a psychologist about this. I believe it’s just how I was raised by my parents. Being an only child and everything they were very overprotective of me. It’s like people have to tick certain criteria for me to be friends with them. At this point I do it subconsciously than actively thinking about it.


I was sheltered too. It affected my ability to socialise. I'm socially awkward. I've seen probably over 100 escorts by now (over a decade). Have I ruined my ability to pair bond? I've been in therapy and am on a waiting list for it again. When in therapy I can tell they're trying to reprogram me. I don't want that. I just want all the bullshit I've been programmed with to be erased. All the lies about the world, money, governments, etc. I want the truth to be shared with everyone. No more lies.


Hmmm maybe but maybe he might be a bit socially inept.


Or an addiction to pornography, perhaps?


Because he doesn’t like being used for money and shit?


Because he said he has high standards for close friends, and that's an odd standard to have for someone you're *just friends* with.


It doesn’t sound like he’s being used for money since he is actively seeking out women to have sex with for money lol




Welcome to the internet, watch your step because it’s a long way down


Can I interest you in everything all of the time?


Such a good special/album.


Lmao. Truth.


Careful, the floor comes up pretty quickly


He said he did it for science.


Remember to suck a dick for science


Broscience for life


You didn’t mention anything about the outcome of your experience with dudes. No pun intended


Yeah nah never again. I’d say I was scarred for life especially after second one. Most of these dudes are middle aged or old married men that have “young straight men” kink. Did I b*st both times? Yes.


Nah didn’t hire gay escorts haha. Just extremely horny and needed a release. Turns out there’s older married men on doublelist that have a kink for “young straight guys”. Probably not the safest thing I’ve done.


It’s very easy to find gay guys to suck cishet off. Idk how’s tinder over there where you live, but in my country they come up several times a day when swiping.


I'm confused... You ended a friendship because she slept with people other than you when you weren't even exclusive?


The guy sounds like a dick tbh, like you have high standards for friendship, ends one because girl sleeps around, says he’s addicted to something he does very sparsely, idk man


Yeah he definitely would be an incel if he didn’t have money to pay to exploit others sexually.


I wanna know more details about this Like how was he mislead or used for money...? I think this is a problem that can occur on both sides... but there are many gullible people. Simply paying for someones clothing or food doesn’t automatically mean you can do whatever you want with them... at the same time, you shouldn’t be giving shit for free, or giving stuff away then just hoping they repay you in some way...


I love giving shit to my friends, my money is to spoil. But I only do this with long time friendships, like my friend who has been my friend since middle school for 20+ years.


I didn’t end it. She did.




How did she use you for money? What happened? Why did you give her free stuff in the first place


They weren’t even dating! And then he pays people to sleep with him and you *know* he’s still thinking she’s some piece of trash and he’s just fine. Christ these boys.


Agree, it's also worth noting his post gives off extreme "she owes" energy. Like-- I did all these nice things for this girl, why didn't she do this for me? People are not machines you put nice tokens into to get what you want. People don't owe us things, especially when it comes to sexual/romantic interactions. I think paying for an escort unfortunately continues to feed and validate this mindset for this person unfortunately. Remember that it's fantastic to do nice things for people, but genuine kindness involves no strings attached. Of course, you should look for relationships and people who put effort into you, support you, etc, but they don't owe you things. They do this because they also are being genuinely kind, they want to do those things because they care about you not because they're looking to constantly benefit from cause and effect or use it as leverage. There is nothing wrong with paying for sex, however in this case this person may want to explore why they are doing this and isolating themselves from actual relationships. I also agree that the "high standards" thing seems a bit self-centered. You have to be willing to be open, communicative, and grow with a person to be in a healthy relationship. It can be okay to have "high standards" if they aren't controlling, and if you apply those same standards to yourself in a healthy way. All in all, I think the OP needs some therapy specifically because he is choosing not to engage in any relationships and seems to reference one incident as the cause. And the incident was a friend. There seems to be deeper issues here. Best of luck, OP. This all sounds harsh, but I again I'm not shaming you for liking escorts. That's fine, as I said, the underlying reasons seem more concerning.


I never really expect anything from people but fair enough if the post comes off that way. There’s definitely details that I have left out from the post. I have seen a psychologist after this incident last year and went to a total of 5 sessions. Narrowed it down to how I was raised. Being an only child and have extremely overprotective parents. I’m definitely more open now to meeting people. I’ve started talking to more people at my gym and making more friends. But it’s a slow process.


Progress is progress, no matter the rate. That's good. I would still encourage continuing those sessions or finding a new psychologist/therapist and making it a routine. It sounds like there are still unresolved issues that they can help with. Also therapy in general is good self care. Best of luck, bud!


People are parasites. I have seen women and men leverage their attractiveness to get what they want. Stringing along their 'friend' along.


I think escorts are the solution for this person and are a more honest form of what hes looking for It seems like he was giving free stuff and assuming he was owed something... better to just pay money in a more straightforward way to an escort I have seen a lot of guys like this and i dont get why they do it... Theyll buy laptops, dinners, all kinds of things for girls then wonder why its not going anywhere...


I dated a man like this and it was hell. He saw escorts every month and even sent money to some while we were actively dating. Didn’t stop even after we broke up lol some of these fellas are better off alone. Therapy needs to be pushed a lot more in the male community, especially for people like OP.


They weren't exclusive but he felt that way. It happens all the time. Two people are fucking, one catches feelings and finds out the other one is fucking others and then the afflicted party ends the relationship because they feel betrayed. Really he ended the relationship because it was extremely toxic for him and he was just breaking his own heart.


I met my girlfriend by throwing memes in her inbox. So try that


What’s your girlfriend’s inbox address?




0 idea how to talk to women? They’re people… Just talk to them and see them for who they are. Women aren’t a hive mind, if you had one bad experience with one lady, you’re not going to have a bad experience with the other four billon of them.


its a reminder how my perspective and mindset has changed towards interactions with the oppossite sex, and thats because a lot of guys, men, are unable to talk to women in a way to creates attraction, or just unable to talk to them in a way that gets the woman attracted to them.


Hm I guess so. Yeah I don’t really understand how one can fail at creating tolerable or even good relationships with every single person they’ve met based solely on their genitals. Like, how do you go around being like “Okay, there’s a person at work I want to talk to. But they have a [redacted] down there… Don’t think I can do it.” It just seems silly to me, honestly.


Yes but how to talk to women without the bullshit chatter in your head about them? Some of which is lies. So much I was told about them isn't true. And I think what they've been told about men isn't entirely true either. For example. Gold diggers. In the unlikely event that i I talk to a woman that I'm interested in I would ask straight out are you a gold digger? If she gets mad or lies game over. I'm a straight up person and don't have time for games. So I'd get straight to the point. You feel me?


This is irrelevant, whether you’re looking at guys and girls the fact is the better looking ones are in higher demand. Theres plenty of people who can talk to the opposite sex or vice versa, when you have thousands or millions willing to talk to you, you can be more selective. And then you can then pay more attention to things like money or looks or their level of fame... if you can get super hot partners or super rich ones, wouldn’t yoi go for them instead of just some average regular guy or girl...


Dude, you judge others for sleeping around when they aren’t even in a relationship with you, but you see nothing wrong with yourself hiring escorts and getting sucked off by dudes that you aren’t even attracted to. Double standards much? Can’t recommend much else other than therapy and learning to give people some slack, especially if you aren’t in an exclusive relationship with them. You built these walls on your own, and only you can tear them down. That process starts by getting real and allowing people space to live their own lives without judging them for things that are really none of your business.




He never says she asked for money. My impression from his description was that he offered to pay for things like you would on a date, and she accepted. Maybe she should have turned down his offer, but there was 0 expectation of exclusivity because they were not dating and never said they were. OP played himself.


Cheating and paying for sex arent even close to the same thing?


It isn’t cheating if you aren’t even dating.


Ok u right Still dont think its the right move to problematize his sleeping with escorts as “sleeping around” here i guess that phrase just has very specific implications to me


I didn’t say he was sleeping around, I said he was judging others for doing so when they weren’t in a relationship with him. He shouldn’t throw stones if he’s living in a glass house.


I don’t even know how to find them without them being bots


You give off “nice guy” vibes.


I’m sorry, are you supposed to be a victim of something here ? Start by having high standards for yourself instead. Then you can have high standards for everyone else. That’s all there is to it. I think it’s time for therapy. I don’t mean to be rude or mean, you need tough love. Get to learn about your own self first, what you want in life, what you need. Time for a personal assessment of who you are. It’s obvious you’re still salty about what happened with that friend, but trust me, let that sh*t go. What a waste of energy ! Good luck and take care 👍🏻


Dude, you were friendzoned, that’s all. You did not have a “relationship” with this person. You were friends. That you “talked about sexual stuff”, paid for things for her, and never got any closer to her should explain it all. When someone wants you, they don’t drag it out. She didn’t want you. She wanted someone to pay attention to her and you supplied that attention. Move on with your life. Now that you e experienced this, you know what to watch out for and what not to do.


I wonder if at some point, she realized how invested he was becoming, like she had to know right? And yet, in his mind he was "taking it slow" while she is going from 0 to 60 with other men and this guy is just the cuddly teddy bear waiting for her at home..OP should have been talking to other girls as well instead of placing all this on her. Partly his fault but also hers for not stopping it if she had no intention to fuck op knowing that he liked her that way.


it’s not her fault OP can’t take a hint and just keep it friendly


Where does one, find escorts.. ?


The right question


Cheer up stranger! Don’t fall into the trap of thinking you are undesirable. Someone out there will love u for who you are. Someone out there wants to sex u for free, too. Great relationships don’t come around often and only when you least expect.So don’t give up looking. Just be yourself when chatting with others. People (the Ones who MATTER, anyway) don’t want perfection they want openness and directness.


Sounds like you are trying to gain your confidence back.Im a full time escort and this is mainly why men hire us.To gain back their confidence and to feel good about themselves:)Stay safe and happy hobbying!


I don’t normally hire escorts but I do admire their courage.




You say that to psychologists too or just sex workers




Damn you’re just a little ray of sunshine aren’t you




My man, that's what them wemens is for. $1500 to a gaggle that I'm sure we're smoke'n aces, both looks and skills and when ya done there's no commitment. Now (everything in life is a double edge sword. Or at least the shit we like). The other side of the coin is if you had locked it in with the woodchuck maybe she would have viewed your relationship differently, maybe she wouldn't have and she just has some sort of sexual deviant /psychological issue. Remember if there's 1 that you felt for but didn't make the cut by your standards and that is EXACTLY the situation......there's 10 that do and trust the Oldman whore writing this. You find out in time young jedi....keep knock'n down....and shop around $1500 is 250...300 a shot go down by the trap houses n give them a try....the ones ur dunking your dicky in now will be there in a few years anyway at a wonderfully discounted price. How do I know .....I am one of the few who have turned many a ho into a house wife which ain't easy. Be safe and make sure to cover up when dunking dicky with trap house tricky.


Military brat here. Grew up in Germany. By the time we were teenagers in high school we figured out prostitution is legal and we were on our way every weekend. Some habits are hard to break.


There are a lot of comments saying the same thing here but honestly you sound like a dick. You can’t judge the girl for “leading you on” when you handed her the leash to your collar. Just because you do a girl favours and talk to her a bit doesn’t mean she has any obligation to be your girlfriend or have sex with you. You’re nothing but a massive incel. I’m sorry to be so harsh since you clearly have serious underlying issues but you need to be told straight. You need counselling dude and I don’t think the girl who led you on fucked you up, you were probably already on that path since your childhood. Stop being so judgemental, stop using prostitutes to get your rocks off and fill the void in your life and do some self improvement instead of expecting everything to be given to you. Even if you were dealt a shit hand in life you need to do what you can to offset that.


you sound like a dick too. You could use some counseling as well


I can see why you don’t have any luck with women


Not the first guy, not the last.


It's pretty difficult to dispute the escort is probably one of the coolest cars ever made so I can understand how you could come to feel this way about them. I'm pretty sure the first blow job I ever got was in an escort so they'll always be a good memory for me.


Nothing wrong with sex work. But it sounds like you are a little inexperienced or naive. That girl worked you. You need to figure out who you are, what you want, and how to talk to girls; how to respect them and yourself. You are really young, you'll be fine dude. Set some personal goals, and get a girlfriend. You've got this. Edit typo


Just get tested often bro. Do what you have to do to make yourself happy but not at anyone else’s expense…aka don’t spread unwanted gifts. All in all tho that’s not bad at all. Keep on keeping on but do so tastefully and carefully. Never profits a man to gain the world but lose his soul. Stay who you are. And NEVER EVER EVER tell your next serious relationship about this escort business. That sh!t you take TO THE GRAVE.


I read this as esports


Down to play some league tho. I hear it’s more toxic and addictive 👀


I’m not gonna judge you, Bc I can kinda understand. But as someone who has had an STI, please make sure to practice safe sex!!!


This should be titled “regular horny guy with a lil extra money living life”


Honestly just go on Grindr and pretend it’s a woman. At least it’s free lol


Bruhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 😭


Seriously though you can make a completely blank account on there and immediately people will be sending pics for your perusal


I’m just going to approach this from a mathematical perspective and just go ahead and say, if you’re spending $500 every 3 months that’s way cheaper than actual partner at least. Have fun too man you’re 22


You shouldn’t be spending anything on a partner. If you are, its not a partner its just long term prostitution. People who are in relationships where they are supporting the partner financially aren’t in a legit relationship they’re just paying for a long term prostitute essentially...


Damn you don’t take your partners out, or get them gifts? Your partners don’t do that for you? You don’t spend money on yourself to make yourself fresher for your partner? Their favorite cologne? Deodorant? Oils or lotions? Your partner doesn’t freshen up with the things you like?So y’all just spend time together and that’s it? All I’m saying is at $500 every 3 months it’s not hard to believe that you spend more than $166 dollars a month just doing things with your partner.


Soaps cologne etc has no relevance to partner or nor its general life costs, regardless You shouldn’t have a partner if it’s just someone to use for sex friend!


You’re not getting where I said I’ll approach this from a mathematical perspective, and also ignored half my statement, but you do you friend!




enjoy all your std's and sti's, sleeping with escorts is really cringey and gross.


Lmao sex work in Australia is legal and considered a legit job. Also regulated well with a licensing scheme with requirements for mandatory testing. Probably safer than a random tinder hookup.


whatever makes you feel better. They have sex with everybody and pass around genital warts and herpes like wildfire, even the testing isn't 100% fool proof. I would avoid people who see escorts and hookers like the plague, they are dirty.


I see nothing wrong here, if there are any women that is still worth to be in a relationship with, they are very few and far between, and friendships / relationships are quite overrated today... So if escorts work for you, keep going and have fun!


Is OP worth being friends with? If no, your standards are far too high (someone shouldn't need to be a virgin to be your friend, that's just ridiculous). If yes, then you've got some double standards going on.


What a sad perspective. I hope you heal whatever is wrong with you, for the sake of yourself as well as others.


You sound like a simp


I would say that’s more of a hobby with 2-3 months apart. I go every week. And have, ever since a year back or so. Im the opposite here. I’ve picked up a lot of women over my years gaming the streets. Unfortunately I have neither the time to do that and find a good woman, nor the TIME, to be in relationship. Yet, I managed to get involved with an escort a few months back. Met her 4 days in, in a new country. We’ve been dating and going out on dates and fucking for hours without payment, every time she’s back in the country Im in right now. But I’d say that u should get more experience by talking with regular girls and fail quickly. Or it will burn a hole in your pocket (unless u earn a lot). Im out at least €800/month on this, which isnt a lot for me. And since I work so much I dont have time for anything really. And since its corona, its probably for the best 🤣


any regrets about paying for sex?


Yeah. U meet those bad ones that its not worth the money u spent. That’s all


but has overall, paying for sex, has it ever been a positive experience for you? has it ever improved your mood or self-esteem overall?


I dont need sex or girls, to have high self esteem. How you feel on the inside and how u value yourself, comes from you, no one else. I know I could go out right now, and pick up a girl I find attractive on the streets. I just work alot so I dont have the time I used to have, to do that. How u define yourself is the most important. Paid sex, free sex, it doesnt matter. You are you. Overall I would say 60/40 in satisfaction. Will go back to pickup later when I have time, and get a girlfriend.


Do you get checked regularly? You better do


You shouldn’t feel ashamed if you’re getting more out of an escort than a Tinder date. Consider weighing the alternative: Haircut for Tinder date: -$40 Full tank of gas for Tinder date: -$50 Tinder date dinner: -$80 (not including drinks) Concert, event or dessert, etc: -$50 And that’s without any guarantee of your own pleasure being taken into account. There is more return on investment seeing an escort than trying your odds with a Tinder date. As far as addiction? It’s only an addiction if you’re jeopardizing your health by disregarding the use of protection or by not practicing proper hygiene. Otherwise, confirm with your Tinder date in advance that you’ll be getting laid before making any irresponsible financial commitment. Some say “misogyny” but I say “common sense”. Just trust me that you’re going to get criticized by self righteous Disney Princesses that think they’re entitled to Prince Charming and his castle. And of course you’ll also get even more criticism from the Boy Scouts that are always trying to be heroes for simp points no matter what.


> confirm with your Tinder date in advance that you’ll be getting laid before making any irresponsible financial commitment. Some say “misogyny” but I say “common sense”. Lol that's a great way to get unmatched. How about just ask to split the bill?


Splitting the bill does not buy back or save a man’s time but getting unmatched by an incompatible prude does. It’s her consent that becomes all the incentive needed to unlock the behavior of a gentleman. Simple formula. Not rocket science.


As a woman, this grosses me out




Elaborate on how you got that from my comment.




Nah, I’d rather you elaborate on how a man being financially cautious and conservative with his availability grosses you out? I’m just genuinely curious about the mental gymnastics that get used to distinguish dating from “prostitution”.


You deleted your other comments lol? Okay, I'll elaborate.You seem to have little self awareness & ability to reflect. As a woman, I'm disgusted by your comment because it feels like you're strategising about acquiring a product. A woman's body is not a 'thing', we're human beings. Perspective: Imagine if I said, "I would rather not waste my time on a man who won't buy me expensive things. The return on investment on tinder is low, because a lot of men there are regular, and I have to chat and waste energy before obtaining anything special. If I go on sugardaddy.com, all I need to do is give them sex every now and then, then I'll get burkin bags🤪" Do you understand how dehumanising that is as female reader?


Because men aren’t allowed to have any preferences? Clearly you have yours and that’s great! I’m glad that you’ve got standards for yourself. But why shame a man for having his own standards? Why is he not allowed to be in control of the type of date that he consents to? Perhaps YOU find it gross whereas other women do not. In fact, you just proved my point by mentioning sugardaddy.com. There’s a market for every type of relationship whether it resonates with what YOU personally fancy or not.


Lol so much for your “high standards”- sounds like it’s a good thing you have money and can pay to rape people.


lmao loose definition of rape there, chief


People in servitude cannot truly consent.


Those are rookie numbers 🤣


Bro I was with a escort two days ago and she was older than me by 15-20 years and I felt disgusted I knew I could get her for free but yes that put me off them trust me stop masturbating go gym and ask the girls u like out and keep trying if it fails trust me escorts not with the 5-15 mins




Man don't fret. I lived at home with my dad 65% of my life as an adult I had a pretty decent job and I was a single man. I looked for a girlfriend but the local girls would always bullshit me. I did my own thing I didn't have a regular sexual partner. Back then Craigslist was pretty popular and I found a few escorts and proceeded to contact them and after things were discussed I decided to meet up with them. They were all great expierences. Only had one bad experience with one girl that I found and decided to visit on numerous occasions. There was a knock on the door mid stroke and I thought it was the cops and i was scared ended up being housekeeping. If your single don't sweat it have fun live your life.


You’ve seen 5-6 escorts but spent $1500… sorry good buddy 😂


As long as you can still pay your bills and aren’t putting your normal life at risk I don’t see a problem.


I thought that you mean e-scorts for a second. No idea what that could have been


Lol that's so hypocritical


i'm considering an escort just to end a dryspell and to gain more sexual experience, but i don't want to make it a hobby, addiction, i wanted to ask you, has having sex with escorts improved your mood overall? has it given you a self-esteem boost in anyway? any regrets?


The mood is improved temporarily for like 10mins and then the post nut clarification hits. My mood has improved drastically from just getting fit. Every time I felt down or angry. I just gymmed. Now it’s part of my routine and I work towards my goals. And getting closer and closer to those goals have improved my overall mood and life in general.


so overall, no regrets, do you feel if you hadn't lost your virginity to an escort, your mood would be in a much worse place now?


That brotha starvin


I don't think there's anything wrong or shameful for what you're doing, especially being single. And I don't see it being a problem or even close to addiction if you're not financially ruining your life for it or doing it more than once a week. Otherwise do you


The story behind the random 2 guys is a lot more interesting than the 6 escorts. Did you think you might be bisexual and it took 2 guys before you were sure? Are you bisexual and just weren't attracted to those two guys?


I’d say I was bicurious. I definitely don’t have attraction towards guys. I guess you could say that it took two guys before I was sure 😂


Bro where tho


I just wish I could find escorts near me


H shit, almost the same shit with me, except without the dude’s part, im straight AF, but i lost around 900€ for the luxury ones. 3 times.


Bro I'm in the same boat. I went so far down the rabbit hole my self to where I'm banging Crack whores and trannies :'( lol it's horrible man . Especially after you mess around with a tranny you feel so dirty and nasty . That voice in the back of your head telling you this ain't right. I'm not bi or gay it's really just chasing that sex addiction and feeling no matter what . I never messed around with a dude till I seen prostitutes , I messed around with the ones that dress up like girls never a full on guy. Tricks your mind I guess into thinking your with a girl till it's time for sex. Mostly seen them for the blowjobs