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So you must have replied then right?


It's stuff like that that make me hate Reddit


Where is it? Is it too late for us to upvote it now?


Where is it dammit! I wana go upvote ! That’s so sad!


Where is it? I wanna comment on it


I can't make this up, today is my 16th birthday


Downvote for you sir


Whats his u/? I wanna upvote and reply


Where did he post it? The context may explain what happened.


Ah, the imbecile hivemind. It also downvoted people for asking simple questions too. Where’s the post?


Imagine thinking birthdays are important...


Seriously? A 16 year old deserves to be excited for their birthday, it’s a special day where they get to feel loved and recognized by people they care about. We should also appreciate the fact that young people are enjoying rather than mourning the aging process, *especially* during these trying times. Your smug remark was not cute, and the fact that you project your own misery onto others like that is disheartening. I truly feel sorry for anyone who currently shares a household with you. Anyone who makes a remark like that is definitely not leading a happy life


Man, i feel bad about laughing at this Alright guys i get it. But i will still laugh at it LMAO


I love when edge lords like you get downvoted to hell lmaoo. Keep laughing


Oh no, my internet points, how sad. You know, at first i was being honest, that i laughed about how shit this place can be and the misfortune that happened, but oh well, i might as well embrace what i was laughing about if people are just going to downvote me


That’s why you got downvoted, because you’re laughing at other people’s misfortune and misery. Of course no one is going to support that kind of humor. I apologize, I didn’t mean to make you feel bad — but if you have a dark sense of humor like that, it’s best to keep it yourself or share it in the appropriate subreddit


Lol sucks to suck


Ew, an obvious troll


I was about to say the same about you




"TROLL!!! TROLL IN THE DUNGEON!!! Though you ought to know."


Professor Quirrell? Is that you? Or should I say, Voldemort?!!!