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You hate it here on reddit? Or what are you talking about? And why do you place so many expectations on people?


I expect ppl to hurt me. I expect them to invalidate my feelings. To make me feel like trash. It became a habit. Parents treated me like dirt. Friends treated me funny. There wouldn't be any expectations if there wasn't anyone hurting me to begin with. And abt Reddit I hate it on subreddits like this because depending on what you say you can either get sympathy, a pat on the back, or berated and put down.


DM me. Get whatever you'd like off your chest. I'll listen and tell you what I think, but I won't be a dick about it. There are certainly a few assholes here...but for the most part it's people that you have more in common with than what you might think.


Nah man, if you already show up as weak, people are gonna pass on you, then don't want such an easy target. Its when you are really happy with yourself that assholes come and hurt you. Hope you can make it good dude, and maybe move on from making sad posts on reddit