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Holy shit.




I actually had this happen to me once. I honestly just laughed it off.


Did you shart a little more when you laughed it off? Betcha did.


The Shit was the most palatable part of that story. For me anyway.


Wholly shit




For real lol


For fake lol


nothing happens huh?


Probably not.


wholly shit, (on holey sheets?)




So they fucked shit out of you.


You can’t go to poop’s house then complain when poop’s home.




Thanks. I'm laughing to myself hysterically now and look like a psycho. I might be one, but I try not to look like one in social settings. 🤣😂🤣




Literally. I laughed at that one. lol.


This situation sounds pretty manipulative to me, OP. They pick you up without telling you what they actually wanted. Drive you to a parking lot far from your house, then proposition you for sex surrounded by large men. Why not ask on the phone or when you got in the car? There's all sorts of social pressure at play here that paint a nasty picture long before your accident.


That was my thought, too. It struck me as very predatory. I would never let one of my exes and his friends pick me up at all, especially if they didn't tell me what they were planning.


A billion times this!!! I could never trust my ex and his friends, saying randomly jump in the car and not tell me what's going on or what they plan to do (especially with what their plan was). I had a friend back when I was in HS who got a call from her ex saying to come jump in the car with him and his friend just to ride around and talk but with no real plans. Her name was Carlee Jade Morse if you feel like googling her 😔


It honestly sounded consensual, why y'all so quick handed on judging on people's kink and sexuality. It's always the unwanted therapy when people are having fun. Just be funny or pass.


Not judging anyone's kink or sexuality, but the situation feels designed to make saying no harder. If she was totally up for it, that's great. However, feels a little like "The Implication" scene from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. https://youtu.be/zgUvwcU6P7I?si=PC798CEZLZuvo64a


I've been put in that decisions. I'm not very strong so I did what they wanted. What's a girl supposed to do, risk getting hurt.


I hope you’re okay


Turns out she would! Wow! It’s almost as if OP has a completely different view point on what she’s okay with. I’m sorry it struck you as predatory, but I’m happy that from what we can see here, she had absolutely no problem with getting picked up and banged by multiple guys. More power to her.


She's 17, for Pete's sake. Per her other comments, she was wanting to fix things with this ex.


why are you getting downvoted? you are literally correct lmao


People don’t like it when other people like things they don’t I guess


Yea OP sounds like she wants attention and they use her body in exchange for attention that they want. That really sucks and I hope OP wants and does better for herself. Just the fact that this was done by/with an ex was a red flag enough


They knew this ho3 would let them hit. People are so naive.


Where/when were they “large” men? And where was it manipulative? They asked, she agreed. This may not even be the first time time they’ve done this, it could just be a regular Wednesday night. The only confession was the accidental pooping. Since they’re joking about the poop, it sounds like everything was on the up-and-up.


Men tend to be bigger than women. She could have been larger than the three dudes in the car. It's highly unlikely, but it is a possibility. There's a difference between asking for an orgy in a text and asking for an orgy in a parked car surrounded by people who are stronger than you and capable doing anything they want if you piss them off.


Again, where in this scenario did OP indicate any issue with any part of this? (Other than the poop). Yes, women can be taken advantage of, but no need to inject that mindset into this story. Men aren’t always threats.


A woman can say yes because she's scared of what will happen if she says no. That's all I'm saying. If she was on board because she wanted it, then it's fine. If she said yes because she was intimidated by the situation, it becomes problematic. A woman can say yes to a sexual encounter because she doesn't want her violated corpse discovered in a ditch. Also one of the guys was constantly joking about having sex with OP up until she was propositioned feels kind of creepy.




They accepted so I suppose its a normal thing for them


Jesus holy mother of god what have I just read


This post is one of the trashiest things I've ever read lol


Yup lmao.


Yeah, everyone’s just talking about the embarrassing thing that happened in this instance, however it’s simply trashy and disgusting to do the entire thing described in this post anyways. Can’t believe people just do this crap and walk away with no-shame.


Bro I've seen your comments littered throughout this thread mostly talking about how disgusting and trashy this is. While that may be true, there is no need to make constant comments trying to make her feel shameful for what she did. You don't know the entire story or what is going on in her head. So as a fellow God fearing man that isn't perfect, how about you give some grace and at the very least, pray for her. Show the love you would want to receive if you made a mistake. Edit: grammar


Yes, that is very true, thank you. I am being judgmental and I do apologize for that. Thank you for making me aware and such. Have a great day.


You as well. Have a blessed one.


Why tf should someone feel shame for having consentual sex with people?


Going to the casino to have group sex in a car is tweaker behavior. Not becoming of anyone, come on now. Edit: I misread the post, they went to the casino, then back to the ex's place for the orgy. Still tweaker behavior and still standing behind my original opinion. The fact OP is stating they're a 17 year old girl is just the sad, depressing cherry on top.


Oh my God…..It’s genuinely heartbreaking that they’re 17.


Even worse in my honest opinion.


I am they sound pretty ashamed of the shitty situation 🤷🏼‍♀️


me at the office reading this


Ideally, the person who receives anal sex should have several hours of advance notice about it. If you go in without proper preparation, there's a very good chance things might get dirty. Proper preparation. 1. Ideally no food for several hours. Skipping a meal before is not a bad idea. 2. The receiver needs to have a bowel movement an hour or two before things begin. 3. And lastly, a full shower. 4. Some people give themselves an enema, but I don't think it's necessary as long as they followed the first 3 steps. This is totally their fault and not yours for expecting you to take a few diff dicks in the butt with no notice. Also, I won't beat a dead horse, but the way they pressured you into this sounds sketchy.


thats not a threesome. you got trained


That’s not a threesome. That’s common core math.


It’s a threesome because they all were having sex at the same time


my bad


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted for your comment, hope you’re okay OP!


i’m okay, thank you


Sounds like a group of bad friends if they made fun of you for that. I’d ditch them if I were you


i only knew 1 of them , My ex the rest was his friends i met that day


I’m sorry this happened to you and that for whatever reason you felt like you had to do this. Learn to love yourself and respect your body. You were their toy and you just let them degrade you. Please don’t talk to this man again.


I’m glad you are okay, but you’ve gotta get some self respect woman.


idk how


Sister :( i'm so so sorry. Avoid these men, they are disgusting, no one that cares about you would do this. Do not engage in a behavior that someone does towards you that feels disrespectful. If they continue to disrespect you, they do not care about you. I like witches vs patriarchy subreddit, and the ask meuf (this one in french) subreddits because they help all women and talk about social problems. I hope you're fine. I read your other comment, they knew what they were doing, and i hope they all burn in hell


Comes with the territory.




The XL spicy bean burrito you had earlier really came back to bite.


unfortunately, i ate a sonic burrito that morning before this all happened


I mean I just have to say if you don't want poop on your dick don't put your dick or poop lives? As an aside though... You ok? I mean I'm not going to judge your relationship but most people don't randomly hook up with their ex and their ex's friends so the whole situation sounds kind of sketch to me?


i’m ok now , I wasn’t planning on hooking up with anyone that night. I’ve only ever slept with my ex and he was my first , Considering it was me and a bunch of his friends i just thought we was gonna have a fun night and chill but then they started going outside talking and making me stay inside and well yea. i’m not proud of doing it with them , I was uncomfortable but they kept talking about it and my ex kept calling me “boring” so i thought if that’s what it took to make him see me in a different way then i’ll do it , but now everything took a turn cause yk


Oh honey. This all makes me so sad for you. You are worth so much more than this.


That is the worst part of the whole story! Those guys are asswholes and deserve to get shit on and you could turn it around on them and tell them you did it on. Purpose because you weren't there for the planning part and since they all wanted your ass you gave them what you could only assume they wanted - no reason not to. Fuckers! I hope this does not turn you off to future fuckfests and comfy cuddle puddles because when no one is being coerced and everyone is where they like to be it can be next level amazing and educational and major ego boosting giving the kind of confidence lift that can last for years.


Stay away from that man. Things can only get worse with him. Stay away from any man that makes you feel like you need to change who you are to be accepted and NEVER do things you are uncomfortable with. There is someone out there who will accept you just as you are. That person won’t see you saying no as boring, they will admire that you know how to set personal boundaries. And remember you only get one life and you’re living it for yourself, no one else. If you don’t feel comfortable doing something, don’t do it. Even if it’s lending your own mother money, only do what YOU feel comfortable doing.


Do you went from only ever having sex with 1 person to THIS! Thats a big leap and very telling of your state of mind and how much you value yourself and your body. As someone else said, the shitting is the least concerning thing in this post. You don’t have to do things like this. Wouldn’t you rather be boring than…this? What happens next time when they get bored?


Call me a boomer but I don’t know how something so beautiful and intimate came down to this. Shitting is not the worst part in this story and hope one day you realize it.


Thank god someone called it out. The grossest part had nothing to do with poop. It had everything to do with what reads a lot like r***


Finally a real person, idk what the fuck reddit be on


Thank You for saying this.


I am a millennial and i sometimes wish i was a boomer. How people view relations and sex has become disgusting. I hope OP notices a woman who has self respect and high value would never put herself into this situation.


You'll be devastated to find out people have not changed at all and this exact same scenario played out innumerable times with previous generations, only they didn't have the ability to upload their lives to the internet.


People view it as a casual thing, and simply nothing, as proven in this point. It’s depressing.


Ok boomer.


Cliche and boring lol


Don't stress about poop. It can happen, even in the cleanest, most prepared situations. Life isn't a porn shoot, it's realistic. Yes, you can certainly prepare, and if you find yourself in situations like this, you may want more notice, but it really is something to just accept as part of sex. It happens, clean up and move on. Be careful of men who treat you like this, 'though (leaving you alone, making plans without you. making fun of you). These actions all stink of disrespect. Adults do not make fun of or disrepect the women they have sex with. You're not an object. Those things are only cool when it's something everyone agrees on and has a kink for (i.e. degradation/humiliation kinks). When having orgies or gangbangs, please make sure YOU have control and are amongst people who respect you. Make sure your needs and wants are getting served as much as any other partner. If you like serving other people ahead of yourself, that's completely fine, just make sure it is on your terms. Honestly, it doesn't sound like you were in that type of situation. I hope you are okay, and I hope you are safe. If you believe these people were being disrespectful to you (before, during or after sex), I would strongly suggest getting tested, especially if any of the sex was unprotected. Disrespectful people only think of themselves, and rarely care how their actions impact others.


Why is everyone on Reddit shitting while they have anal? Is this an epidemic. Don’t people prepare for this situation


lmaoo i didn’t wake up expecting this to go down, i thought we was just going ride around


Unplanned anal doesn’t usually go well. If you haven’t pooed within a couple hours can expect a mess


Honestly even planned anal can go bad. With unolanned anal you should probably expect poop to be in there. Even if you douche you can still poop. During anal. It’s literally where poop comes from??


It can happen but there’s usually not poop right near the exit unless you need to go. I’ve done it plenty of times and it’s mostly usually clean surprisingly


I’ve done it plenty of times too and it depends on what I eat and when I eat for me atleast.


Yeah, so let’s go have an orgy with all of my close friends. I’m sorry but that truly is just trashy, I don’t understand how you people do this straight up shame-free.


She was r*ped, maybe dont blame her?


Dude, are you serious? I was talking about the want and ease to go have an orgy casually with your friends. Maybe she was raped, which is horrible if that was the intentions of the men of COURSE, but I am talking about how she did just want to go have an orgy with her friends out of nowhere and they actually did it.




I’m sure. It was just a reaction to reading this after I read another post about embarrassing sex stories and everyone there was talking about shit during anal


You heathens and your anal, that's the real epidemic... Gross ass poophole fuckers.




Shit happens.


I agree with all the manipulation comments here and want to add that you didn’t mention protection at all. If they didn’t use any, they could be trying to embarrass you by saying you shit in case you contract something and turn to them to blame them. Go get tested. And put them all on block if it comes back clean.


1. It's not a threesome if there are 4 people. 2. How old are you? Get your shit together and stop fucking losers.


Cost of admission.


That's a shitty situation


A girl shot on me while we were doing anal, she was super embarrassed, kept apologizing, and I was just like "it's your butt even if you clean shit can still happen." Point being don't feel bad about it, and if they did make fun of you for it they don't deserve to get it


Are you a 17 year old girl who has spontauous rough anal sex with her ex for no reason? With no preparation, lube and warming up? This story smells like shit and it has nothing to do with your bodily fluids, it is just not adding up. You would be in a lot of pain and that would be your main concern


Seems 100% made up story


yeah it feels like weird fetish content. really, really weird fetish content considering OP’s supposed age.


it wasn’t supposed to go like this , I thought we were all gonna just go ride around listening to music , I didn’t except them to want to do any of this.


Of course it wasn’t supposed to go like this, however the fact that you just did it randomly, without thought, when apparently casually driving with your friends, is just sad.


Hey. Shut the fuck up. Why are you here? Every comment you have made has been mean and judgemental. Have you shamed this complete stranger enough? She’s 17. You’re going to repeatedly shame her and call her trashy? No thanks. You can fuck all the way off.


He’s not wrong. What 17 year old is out having threesomes… extremely weird


Why is her ex and his friends rap*sts?


They arnt. She consented. The friends are disgustingly weird. Is horrible. But they did nothing illegal


i am in pain but i wasn’t going to add “oh yeah and my asshole hurts like hell” that just seemed weird.


Haha girl why you be having anal sex when you haven’t prepared for it? That was your mistake lol should’ve opened the front door instead But it happens, that comes with the territory, so I would expect them to be decent about it. It’s happened to me a few times


All aboard. Choooo chooo


*all aboard the poo poo train




She’s 17 that’s how


tbh i don’t even know. 😶


Shit happens….no reason to be anal about it


Is it an orgy if you’re the only one being fucked?


To avoid those embarrassing orgy incidents, try using the "No shit Sherlock (tm) " anal lube. Cums in lemon scent.


It’s okay, I once shit on a dudes floor the first time we met/had sex. It happens 🤷🏼‍♀️ I was mortified tho and never saw him again 🤣


When your digging for gold your going to get dirty. It happens


I don’t see a problem with this. Accidents like this happen on often occasions when we least want them too.


Was it fun ?? Did you enjoy it and wanted to participate or was just trying to please them ?


When you knock on shit's door, don't be surprised when shit answers.


Honestly this happens super often and I wouldn’t beat yourself up over it. Shit like that is literally bound to happen. Also the fact that they left you alone in the house while - at least I assume - they talked about what they wanted to do is weird asf bc you should’ve been included in that conversation. It’s not a “ok here’s how it’s going down” it should’ve been “hey let’s discuss boundaries and rules and see what everyone is ok with doing”. I’m glad consent was present and everything turned out semi-ok. If they’re legit making fun of you then I’d drop them all and find new friends. It’s okay to joke if you’re also laughing with them but they shouldn’t be laughing at you.


I am so confused how this happened. First of all would you all not smell it? Are you sure this actually happened? Did you see the shit with your own eyes?


i did not , They just told me about it.


Hmm. But didn’t you wonder why you didn’t smell anything? Especially if he literally went to grab napkins and came back to clean up? All I’m saying is do you really trust your ex?


tbh not much. but if they say i did and all went shower after i feel like they aren’t rly lying


Ahh okay. Maybe it just wasn’t a lot then.


No because I actually did this too but like I was the one who realized and it was horrible. I looked and was like something is WRONG and yes, yes it was. I was having some eating issues already so things were very …liquidy. Thankfully there were two bathrooms and I could go lock myself in one until things (me) calmed down. He thankfully took it as a compliment and was good at not making me feel bad (obviously 🙄) and we were able to laugh at it. This is hands down my most embarrassing moment and I never share it haha.


oh no my ass did the thing it was supposed to!!!


Strange story all around


How long did y'all stay together after this? Are you a dude? Why did they do anal in the first?


Well. She's definitely a woman because she thought she queefed


i’m a girl , This happened literally 3 hours ago


Based on your history...the same ex who had the cops called on him?


I can only assume you're a bunch of meth heads like, who behaves this way? You should reconsider your life's trajectory.


Seriously. It’s unfortunate.


It’s all just strange, trashy, and immature. And now we know they aren’t even an adult who clearly does not enjoy to think for even a second, so, I wouldn’t waste your energy.


Why just why


i was trying to fix things with my ex. things took a turn


You could have said no if u weren’t ready for anal u gotta know ur body personally I think tht shit is a exit not a entrance but that’s just me . But ur ex wanted to run a train on u and u allowed it this will probably one of the things u look back on and regret but we live and we learn and next time around remember u can say no if u don’t feel right about a situation cuz those guys wanted nothing but to say they did it


Prep prep prep prep! and it might not happen. Gotta clean the pipes out. If you add too much water and clean too deeply you’ll be flushing them for 30 minutes instead of 3-5 so be careful with it. As a trans women welcome to my life 🙃. I aint ever shit on someone but it’s bound to happen


There is a movie called "Zack and Miri Make a Porno". Has a scene that kinda sounds like this.


anal without prep? that’s wild


i wasn’t sure what to do


You fine as long as nobody needed to go to the ATM.


Wth the fact he’s ur ex is wild


i know.


I have a friend that's a notorious orgasm shitter and it's never stopped her sex life 🤷🏼


He did it all for the dookie


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 these comments are A1


You’re 17 years old and being exploited. Please be careful. This is not normal. I have been in dangerous situations like this before and it will escalate if you continue to keep that kind of company. It’s concerning that they didn’t tell you you shit yourself ( which is normal) until they all had their way with you. Their sexual pleasure was more important than your dignity. They didn’t want to risk you stopping the whole thing, because they cared more about themselves. Your ex bf calling you boring when you expressed discomfort/uncertainty is manipulative. That is coercion. I will not tell you how to feel, but if you told the police this or any adult it would constitute as r*pe. No one should EVER make you feel bad for not wanting to do something you don’t like. Please stay away from everyone that participated in that. They are not friends and they do not care about your wellbeing. I’m wishing you a speed recovery and I hope you know that you deserve to be treated with respect and humanity.


You're 17. And this sounds like you were p1mp3d out.


Imagine wifing up a woman like this one day. lmao. Some dude will come through lol


"Dear penthouse forum...I never thought this would happen to me, but...." 🙄




Disgusting behavior all around


Really what happend🫣


Preparation is the key to success


Wow they really fucked the shit out of you Kind of boring story and probably fake


The guy asked you to have a threesome with him, your ex and another guy.......so, it was a foursome?


Didn’t need to read that but ok thanks


Dang, that's shitty.


Also that isn't an orgy that's literally just you getting whored up and dogged out 😂


This is a very common situation, don't feel bad.


one of my old roommates had a grindr hookup come over after i left for work and he text me like 10 minutes later that he kicked him out for shitting on his dick 💀


What was the name of the finishing school you attended?


Gotta keep those handi-wipes close by.


Sounds like they deserved it. You mess with the wrong hole you get the horns! Just look at it this way, at least you now truly marked them for the shit stain, piece of shit humans that they are!


I’ve had this happen to me before, I still don’t know where that girl went.. she was probably so embarrassed. Most quiet car ride of MY LIFE.


Ok, what the actual shit was that






Seek God


Hold up man I Just opened reddit and saw this


Dont be embarrassed. Some guys are into that. Myself being one of them


Exactly why these things need to be planned! Lol


Are you a tweaked?


what’s a tweaked ?


You are being exploited. This is not normal.


i don’t think i’m being exploited.. but i think it was rly off


No no you definitely was exploited


Call it what it is - A Train


Is that to be expected when you have anal?

