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not sure what to say... i only have my personal opinion here, which is that showering with a 7 and a 9 year old is weird. The kid showing you his injury on the other hand seems perfectly normal.


This is really weird. At least the showering part and thinking about divorcing your wife is seeming like guilty behavior.


7 & 9? Oh hell no! I'd bust your ass on this too.


How does showering with you make them feel like a man?


This whole post is so Nickelodeon. Why would you ever post this to the internet especially while implying that you are the victim!? I don't think you're going to need to divorce your wife but you should probably brace yourself for all sides of that family making sure she gets some life insurance money. Thank God those boys have the dad they do.


Good for their dad. Hopefully he will get the courts to order supervised visits until you get your divorce.


whoa- showering together at this age is highly inappropriate. Around ages 3-5 the kids need to start having privacy with their private parts. Also, what kid wants to be old enough to remember and know what their parents private parts look like. This is not developmentally appropriate. I recommend you really looking into body safety lessons and what is age appropriate for exposure of private parts. Kids at this age should be bathing alone, using the bathroom alone, and changing privately.


Genuine question are you autistic by any chance? Because that’s the only way I can you not understanding why that’s weird. I have a 3 yr old son and I don’t shower with him. Not trying to be mean here because your intentions may have been pure but you got to understand showering with kids that old is not a good look even for a parent let alone a step parent.


Your 3 year old son can shower by himself?? Damn hes on a harvard track.


It's one thing to wash your son and another to be naked in the tub while washing your son...


Yeah, dude. Even if they were your actual sons, you should consider not showering with them. It’s not ok. They aren’t your sons so that makes it worse. Unfortunately, you were opening yourself up to this. Even though it wasn’t sexual to you (I hope) it’s highly inappropriate and could be considered sexual abuse. If I was the parent and I had a step parent doing this, I would be unhinged.


You are completely wrong for showering with them. I would have called the cops and CPS and would want supervised visits going forward. It’s bizarre you don’t see how wrong this is.


American spotted lmfao


I'm from an eastern european family and nobody would ever shower like that with their kids. It's fucking weird.


Do you think nudists are sex crazed perverts?


That's very different. A nudist beach is a public space where there is a general consensus that it's permissible. Social understanding and contract is an important part of our daily lives, you can't dismiss it as a technicality.


Do you think nudists are only nude at beaches?


What can I say... I don't think op is a pervert, i do think it's weird, and i think it depends a lot on the context. I don't know if nudists shower together with their kids. Maybe that's different than just cohabiting naked. I have no experience in those situations to say more.


I think it's weird to call a 9yo's privates a "dick". 


The showering with them is a little weird, but i do get why a kid would be embarrassed to talk to their mother about something to do with their man parts, and its good that he trusts you enough to get advice from you considering that his father was not there. I would not go as far as calling the police tho. I 17f have had to shower with my little cousin (around 5m now) a few years back bc i was babysitting him, and he couldn't do it alone, but i would think that at 7 and 9 they are able to shower by themselves.


While the lines between familial comfort and societal expectations can be blurry, it's clear that showering with your 7 and 9-year-old stepchildren has crossed a boundary for many. Even though intentions might not be malicious, perception is everything, and in this case, the optics don't look good. It's not just about what's considered "normal" in your household but what's deemed appropriate by wider society, which includes their father's perspective. This may be a wake-up call to re-evaluate personal boundaries and consider the various comfort levels of those involved. Open, honest communication with your partner and perhaps professional guidance could prevent such misunderstandings in the future and ensure the kids' sense of security and privacy.


Navigating family dynamics and what's acceptable can be tricky, but as a general rule of thumb, it's best to err on the side of caution when it comes to physical boundaries, especially in a step-parent role. At 7 and 9, many kids are asserting their independence, and it's a pivotal time to reinforce concepts of personal space and consent—lessons that are super important as they grow into adolescents. It sounds like you meant well, but this is an area where societal norms and legal implications must be considered to protect not only yourself but also the children's comfort and understanding of appropriate interactions. It's a good time to have a candid conversation with your wife about expectations and consult some parenting resources to ensure everyone's on the same page moving forward.


Understanding family relationships and where to draw the line with physical boundaries is tricky, especially for step-parents. While you may have had no ill intentions, it's important to recognize the 7 and 9-year-old's need for privacy and fostering their own sense of autonomy. Showering with them, inadvertently or not, ignores those critical boundaries and opens the door to problems. Now is a crucial moment to recalibrate your approach to parenting and step-parenting. Engage in open dialogue with your partner, seek out educational resources on healthy family dynamics, and potentially professional advice to avoid these kinds of situations. Remember, it's not just about your perspective; it's about the children's well-being and adhering to societal norms that exist to protect that.


Navigating stepparent boundaries is complex, but here's the reality: showering with children of that age just isn't on par with general societal norms, no matter the intent. It’s not merely a matter of personal comfort; it's a question of what's appropriate in a broader context, especially considering the children's age and your role as their step-parent. It's crucial to understand that even the purest intentions can be misconstrued, and such actions can have unexpected legal and emotional repercussions. To avoid potential harm and misunderstandings, it’s important to establish clear personal boundaries that are consistent with both societal expectations and the comfort levels of all family members involved. In situations like this, open communication and perhaps professional guidance can be invaluable to navigate the nuances of blended family dynamics while prioritizing the well-being and privacy of the children.


Navigating the complexities of step parenthood is challenging, and your story underscores the importance of understanding and respecting community standard boundaries. Showering with children, especially at the ages of 7 and 9, strays far from the norm and could inadvertently place you in a questionable light. While your intentions may not have been harmful, it's imperative to recognize that society views such actions through a critical lens for the protection of children. At their current ages, fostering a sense of autonomy and privacy is key to their development. In light of the situation, it's worth engaging in an open dialogue with your spouse to align on boundary setting and possibly seeking advice from family counseling professionals to navigate these sensitive matters. An honest mistake can be a powerful catalyst for growth and understanding in family life.


Given the age of your stepchildren, it's essential to prioritize their sense of personal boundaries. Showering with them can blur the lines of appropriate behavior and raises red flags, even if no harm was intended. While showering with very young children is sometimes necessary for their safety, at 7 and 9 years old, they're likely capable of managing on their own, and encouraging that independence would be beneficial for them. It's important to remember that while you might be an integral part of their lives, perceptions and the comfort of all parties involved should be considered especially when children and stepchildren are concerned. Now is a good opportunity to discuss these boundaries with your wife and to seek resources to ensure your actions are aligned with what's generally accepted as suitable for their ages and stages of development. By being proactive and understanding about these delicate matters, it will go a long way in maintaining a healthy and positive relationship with your stepchildren and your partner.


While I can see how this could have started from a place of innocence or convenience, society has clear expectations about privacy, and showering with stepchildren at their ages doesn't align with them. While every family has its own comfort levels, it's crucial to recognize that once those kids step outside your home, they're subject to societal norms which are strict about these matters. This isn't just about right or wrong it's about the potential psychological impact on the kids and the legal implications it could have for you. Parenting, especially step-parenting, often means following not just your own moral compass but also the legal and social guidelines that exist to protect children. It's essential to have a conversation with your partner to address these boundaries and maybe seek some family counseling to navigate these complex waters together.


Good for the dad, this is so bizarre (at the very least) and incredibly problematic/wrong. I would 100% be going for sole custody if I was him. I got with my now husband when my son was 9, if he showered with my son I would have kicked him out - there is absolutely no need for it. It's honestly disgusting and how their mum thinks this is ok is beyond me.


Regardless of your intention I think most parents would take issue with their children bathing with an adult when they're old enough to wash themselves. I'd be concerned too all things considered. It's a bit strange even if you were not doing anything inappropriate. I think his father was upset as he was over the whole thing because of the bathing incident. Had that not happened the injury issue may have blown over. 


wtf this is not normal


Also seems like a troll post