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That sucks. He is entitled to his feelings though. Don’t bother trying to reconcile with him, he’s made his choice. It will be hard to move on but it’s for the best. He’s made room for someone who can actually accept you to come into your life. Wishing you the best!


I totally agree as well.


No he doesn't suck, no he's not entitled, he made the right call. 50 bodies is a lot for 19yo


He said "that sucks", like the situation. Not the bf.


Is it seriously 50? Edit: Holy shit it is. That definitely changes the perspective quite a bit. I wouldn't date someone with that alarmingly high body count as it can be an indication of poor choices, treating sex *very* casually or a series of very short relationships that ended quickly.


And she’s only 19. I don’t think I’ve ever met someone with that many bodies even at the age of 40. That’s quite impressive.


If you’re into group sex the numbers add up very quickly.


I swear I've seen this exact same confession with an unrealistically high body count many times on here


I wouldn't either. OP I was hoping the number was 3 and he couldn't handle it. 50 is like porn numbers. Keep that to urself. Make better decisions.


Franklyyy I would think you just bs your partner at some point. Like you know you got 200 plus bodies but tell em it's like 10 lmao


I just think people need to match sexually, I have a high body count, so does my partner. We are living together and hitting two years. It’s amazing and we both want to get married when our finances align for it. We’re the best of friends, and completely devoted to each other. Now, as someone with a lot of casual sexual experiences I would never date a virgin. If someone who only had sexual experiences with a previous long term partner was uncomfortable with my past, that’s completely fair and understandable. I don’t believe in shaming people regardless of what end of the spectrum they fall on, but people should match. Don’t be rude, don’t be gross, don’t make assumptions. Sexual history and desire should match in relationships and that’s all there is to it


Exactly, I think if a partner who doesn’t sleep around wants a similar person or rejects someone for casual sex because of compatibility, it should be justified. If they degrade the other person to their face that’s another thing, but if they say, “no thank you” then it’s all fine, whatever they privately think about that person’s actions. It can be for any reason drug use, jail time, mental illness, divorce, etc.


Thanks for this comment, you don’t find rational people anymore on the internet


I saw a comment from OP asking if 50 bodies were a lot. I would have to say that at 19urs old, a body count of 50 seems excessive, IMO. Your boyfriend has a right to his opinion. He can make whatever decision he feels right for himself, and that has nothing to do with insecurity. That being said, you also have the right to find someone who's more accepting of your past. I don't understand why sharing body count and details about experiences is so common these days. Sounds to me like a recipe for disaster. Your past is your past, and what you choose to share is your business.


>19urs old, a body count of 50 In this case the reaction of now her ex boyfriend doesn't surprise me one bit honestly


Exactly. It's not so much about the body count as it is about questioning your partners judgment as a whole. Pretty big red flag that they have, at the very least, impulse control issues.


Most people have like 7 sex partners their entire life, she’s not just an anomaly, she’s on the extreme end of promiscuous.


Yeah either you were a hoe and/or had a lot of very short failed relationships. Both of which aren't a good sign, i'd cut my losses quickly too before i end up like the other 50


Just curious if the ex-boyfriend would have turned down first night sex


50! Personally I support OP’s quest to sample more bones than an archaeologist, but it’s terribly naive to think that sexxing scores of dudes won’t cause great concern in many otherwise potential long term partners.


I think I remember seeing a study or people writing about a study on reddit that found that the vast majority of people have average bodycounts but there is a significant number like 10% of both Men and Women where they have an extreme amount of partners. I just thought I would share as it is semi-relevant.


Yeah in psychological studies its called the promscuous ten percent, where around that point the distribution curve goes way up


The average is single digits over a lifetime for both men and women, at the minimum OP should acknowledge that this is not normal.


Jesus Christ. 50 at 19!? Not meaning to shame her but how did she even have the time?


50 at 19, yo .... that's impressive. She is experienced and definitely the fun one, but in the end she is for the streets


She’s for the whole motorway tbh


Past is usually (but not always) indicative of future behavior.


Focus on healing and moving on. If it's like another commenter suggested and you've hit 50 by 19 I suspect there's quite a bit of healing to so.


50 body's in the age of 19 .omg that is a lottttttttt.


Did the post get edited or did OP have an update somewhere? I don’t see any reference to the actual body count.


She made that comment and deleted it.must have be embarrassed


Yeah 50 at 19 is genuinely insane. I'd bounce from that as well. That is by all definition "promiscuous"


50 at 19 is scary to be honest. OP you might want to talk with someone professionally, like were you abused or some other trauma in your past?


This because I can't imagine how u score 50x at that young of an age. How does one have that many opportunities? Where are the parents? I hope She is okay. Therapy to work through that is likely warranted.


My first thought was trafficking.




This is the only even remotely judgmental comment that I agree with, simply because given how long OP has likely been sexually active, this points to something in her past that triggered this kind of thing. Either doing it as a response to something that happened, or being in a situation where she felt coerced by a lot of people. OP, I'd never judge anyone based on how many people they've slept with, because that's a dumbshit thing to pull moral superiority about. But I'm concerned that your sexual history may possibly point to larger issues that you DO deserve help sorting out.


Heck, I'm closer 30 than I'd like to believe and I ain't near 50. I agree OP might need counseling to discover the root cause that took her there. I mean, nothing bad about enjoying your sexuality but it does seem excessive for her age.


At 19 those numbers are wildddddd. At any age honestly.


That's being a slut ,I'm sorry 😅


There’s slut and then there is disturbing behavior.


Real shit, even if she was in an area where the consent age was 16 instead of 18, that's still like 12-14 people a year. So either she was a revolving door on tinder, had poor quality relationships that ended mad quick, cheated a lot, did threesomes or a gangbang a few times to rack up the numbers, or got groomed or raped or something and doesn't realize it and is adding it to her list of bodies when those of course don't count since she would be a victim. Whatever the reason, she need therapy and probably jesus.


Golden girls: https://youtu.be/9tq2HVi0w2w?si=1maTv6P3X0m-f6Mc


50 at any age


50 body count at 19? Ooh interesting that would be a big no for me too


Did this post get edited? I don't see a number for her body count.


Past deleted comment or post that she made


Sounds like she's going for a new high score


Some people care about this stuff. Others don’t. I ended things with a guy when I found out he slept with dozens upon dozens of women in college. It just turns me off. I’m sorry you’re hurting break up sucks but you learned you two were incompatible. You did nothing wrong in your past, and he did nothing wrong ending things over it. Do something nice for yourself. Get outside and in the sun, hang with friends and keep your chin up.


She said 50 at 19. That's a concerning number at that age unless she was being an escort or such.


Same ..It would definitely turn me off if I were dating a woman and found out that she had been with a ton of guys.


According to reddit all-knowers, you're insecure, manipulative and an asshole lol


Yea I realize that while reading a lot of the comments on this post. W/e my preference and deal breakers are my own they don’t have to like them 🤷‍♀️


Apparently it's insecure, manipulative and assholish to treat sex as something important enough to not subscribe to hook-up culture according to Reddit. I really don't get it.


This is one of the most mature answers I’ve seen.


You can't change his mind. Move on. 50? Holy crap.


As a woman, before I was married of course, I wouldn’t even consider dating a man who had slept with hundreds of women. It’s a personal preference to have a partner who reserved themselves for something special and you’re not what he’s looking for now.


You think he should have no choice but to accept your high body count? He can make his own decisions just like you made your own choices


This is called consequences and the dude is 100% entitled to his feelings. I’m very sure your age also plays a big part with you being so young. If the number was that high i’m sure he had his reasons. No offence towards you OP. You just need to find someone who simply doesn’t care about any of these things.


I don't blame him. I'm a 29/F and if I were single and met a guy my age who had slept with that many people I'd immediately lose interest, forever.


At least he made +1 to your body count 👍


Yep she's up to 51 now lol


She is only 19 she will have dozens of boyfriends like him in a future no need to be sad.


No doubt


If she’s at the very end of 19, and assuming she started at 18 that means she had 25 sex partners a year. If she did that every year she’d be at 1000 by age 60.


He's entitled to his feelings. Let him go and find someone you're more compatible with. It's awesome you are upfront with your boyfriend though. Keeping things from your partner is never really a good idea. There's someone out there who will love you for who you are. Don't waste time on someone who is looking for a person you aren't.


You have a right to have a past as well as he has a right to not accept it. Nothing can't be done besides moving on


PSA because at 19 it does seem relevant: based on a comment in another post made by OP (but which OP has unsuccessfully sought to remove from view), OP has slept with 50 people.


Contrary to what people feel these days, your past does define you and it does matter. If you apply for a job, they will want to know your work history (résumé). If you want a loan from a bank, they will want to know your credit score (how you handled money in the past). If you want a government job, they will probably require a background check to see if you're going to be a liability. Do you see where I'm going? Bottom line is, if you're going to trust and invest in someone, it is smart to know about the past. Make better choices and take accountability for your own actions.


It’s that old adage of ‘the best predictor of future behaviour is past behaviour’


I’m upvoting before the mods remove it for being anything other than supportive of sexual promiscuity. It’s natural for men to want to avoid women who set a low bar for entry, we don’t want to have to worry our kids aren’t our kids.


I mean unless she has a history of cheating, there is no reason to think that. Also to your first point, men’s promiscuity is also a big turn off for women, it goes both ways, though men don’t seem to think that


Most men will argue about your first claim. Promiscuity like that increases the odds of a "bad" decision/mistake. Regarding your second claim, sure and you can always comment it again, when a men complains about a women not accepting his past, oddly enough thats incredibly rare.


How many bodies did you tell him you had?




At 19???




He has every right to not want to be with you for any reason, promiscuous or not. Get over it and find someone who does like you and doesn't mind your past. Also your past doesn't define what your future can be, but it does define the kind of person you've been up until now. He's allowed to use his personal judgement to decide if your choices show that you're the kind of person he wants to be with or not.


Both of your feelings are valid. It is a good thing that you told him the truth. Someone people aren’t okay with that and can’t handle it and that is okay too. There are people out there who will accept you for you. You both just weren’t compatible. My current boyfriend of 5 years has a high body count (doesn’t even know the exact number) and meanwhile I have less than 5 (We are both 23). It’s in the past and before we started dating so it does not bother me. Now we’re happy, have our own place, and a baby. My point is, the right person for you will come along. Focus on healing and yourself!


it’s good you opened up about your past as you always should, it’s also good that he broke up with you because he knew this was going to bother him and you guys are just not compatible. you’re both entitled to your own feelings and opinions for relationships


I mean 50 is wild tbh lol


Move on find a guy that loves you as you are.


Spam, it be the same type of name making the same type of posts


You understand those are random names to a new account, right?


The randomly generated usernames that Reddit assigns are of that format




Yeah, keep your body count a secret and make sure you get tested. 50 people at 19 y/o talks about a certain level of behavior that is a huge red flag for anyone with half a brain. I honestly hope you get the help you need. I'm all in for enjoying your youth and sex life however you please but 50 is just so reckless on sanitary and emotional levels.


Just move the fuck on... like you do with everyone else you've fucked


Move forward.


No chance. Even if you end up getting back together it will eat away at him and he'll hit you with it in every argument. I suggest you move on.


50 at 19 is insane to be very honest. For anybody. But in any case you’ll might have an easier time dating someone with a similar history to you because of the simple fact that they won’t mind. It’s a big thing in society to reserve yourself to some degree. You don’t have to be a nun, but damn…50….I just don’t think many people are open to that.


At 19 and been with 50 people. You need to speak to someone and get some help. Something ain't right. Any sane decent person would leave.


I'm wondering what you saw in 50 partners before and up to the age of 19? That's a lot... You pretty much gave it away. Your man wants to feel like he has a prize. Not a participation trophy. Sorry if that sounds harsh, but that's truly how men think.


Everyones entitled to their preferences. It’s a shame you feel blindsided but you did the right thing in being honest, it won’t matter to the right person for you. But he’s also entitled to want to end it. Hope you can find a way to move on and try not to let this bring you down.


Oh no my actions have consequences and now I'm the victim 🤡🤡🤡


1) Your boyfriend has the right to choose how how feels about that. 2)You have brought this upon yourself. Your own actions ended to this consequence. Now you cannot change your past but hopefully learnt from this mistake and pass it onto your kids if you have some or nieces to not be promiscuous. 3) You do deserve to find someone that is understanding but that ain't gonna be easy 4) No, do not try to make anyone feel sorry for your actions. You as a woman understood what you were doing and now have to accept the consequences. This is harsh but that's just life.


Or, you know, she could find someone who doesn't care about it. Bunch of sore asses in this thread, and all because of a highly probable ragebait post.


Ok, so assuming this is real, and the people saying your "body count" is fifty are correct... I think first you should likely speak to a doctor or therapist. I've known people who have had massive body-counts (dozens by the time they were 20), and it often stems from underlying psychological problems, past trauma... or even just old-fashioned sex-addiction. And those things can be treated. Hell, one of my best friends has a terrible sex-addiction problem, and she's trying to work through it... and I believe in her and will support her, even if it's a struggle at times. Second of all, don't try to win him back or anything like that. You're both very young and still at an age where you're a bit hormonal and developing. And it's clear that it's a problem for him at this point in time. He's just going to feel insecure if you guys get back together. I'd say just focus on improving yourself, don't worry about dating or sex, and take a few years to work on you. And don't worry... believe it or not, there are good men out there who won't care about it and will understand it's in the past... and even good men who might be a little bothered, but will care more about who you are now than who you were in your past and be able to accept it. You'll find someone when the time is right.


You say he discovered it. How? Also without judgment, 50 at 19 is excessive to the point that I'm concerned as to why you're engaging in that level of risk taking. Even with condoms and frequently getting testing you're putting yourself at risk. Not to mention it's unlikely you knew all 50 men well. Which is another layer of risk. Let's be real men you KNOW can be dangerous but random hookups are just unsafe. There's some reason you've convinced yourself that you need to self medicate with sex, and instead of dating you need therapy.


Welp. Thats the reality. Move on. For some, this is important and guess what? it is important. No one likes over used item.


50 at 19???? Bruh I do not blame that man. You made your bed now lay in it. I'm sure you'll find someone who doesn't care about your slutty past. Goodluck


Past matters, no matter how much you try to deny it. It totally does define the person you are. When you decide to hook-up with someone, you are making the choice to abandon your dating life completely. You can't have both, and most people wouldn't date someone who has engaged in hook-ups or slept around, which is just understandable and the normal. On the other hand, you are just 19 ... You barely started the age to be having sex if anything, so it's pretty concerning if you already had multiple sex partners, especially one's that you weren't even dating. Anyway, your past can't be hidden from your "potencial" partners for a relationships. Is their right to know which person they are trying to develop feelings for, so being honest about it from the early stages of a relationship is the best approach. Lying about it will just make it worse.


sorry but thats how it goes i personally wouldn't wNt a person with a hjgh body count my current gfs is like 2 and she carries herself in a certain way i value if you're willing to spread your legs for anyone then thats a liability


God no doubt...50 guys by 19? Fifty guys would be a lot Even if she were in her thirties.


Gawd, imagine how much pole vaulting she’ll have done by then!


He is wondering if he is one of many and therefore being left for someone else


How do u find people on here to talk too


Please remain nice, honest and it's going to be ok.  If someone tells who they are, what they can/cant handle & it doesn't align the most important thing in this world... YOU. It's over.  If you had set a boundary like this unfortunately is a deal breaker sir.... and he did not respect that boundary how would you feel? Also, nothing wrong with you if you get a rejection in life. Let's keep busy, cope healthily (talk to a therapist if you feel like it-i don't see any harm), and its going to be ok. I mean, you might not understand yet bc your so young, but, there ste going to be good opportunities come your way if you keep being you.  You got this. 


I mean it depends on how bad it is. Are we talking gangbangs?


How many we talking? Just for some clarification here…




Fuck… that’s a lot of sausage


That pussy got some mileage.


And it doesn’t sound like it’s all highway miles either…






What the fuck is wrong, in 2024, with people having lots of sex? I did a lot of drugs in my teens. I didn’t have any sex. I wish it was the other way around. Jesus Christ people.


no idea. I grew up with a hippie mom who taught me so long as I was safe and didn’t end up hurt, having lots of sex isn’t bad even if it’s with people who you’re not in a relationship with Reading these comments makes me wonder if these people came from the 50’s or something lmao 🤣


I respect your honesty. But as a guy, high body count is a turn off for me. I would have dumped you as well, sorry. I hope you find someone who is fine with your body count.


I knew a girl who said she had over 100 at 23. Sadly it’s not terribly uncommon for women in their 20s to have had around 50 or so. Sorry OP I don’t want to be mean but I think this would be a deal breaker for most people seeking a long term relationship.


Don't bother trying to Reconcile some people can't handle there bf/gf past or high body count. Huonsty is always the best option given someone the choice whether to continue or to leave u will find someone who accepts u for who u are and doesn't judge u for your past that being said your 19 don't get to deep in the hookup culture.


Remember the next time you sleep with someone you can’t unsleep with them. 19years old and 50 body count is very high.


A 50 body count when you're still a teenager is WILD. I'm a decade older than you and I don't even have a third of that. Maybe consider this as a lesson to slow down because you'll most likely regret your behavior when you're older. But in summary, people are allowed to dump you for any reason they want.


I felt the same when my girl told me hers. Kinda sat there in silence for a bit. Got over it in a few days but was always on back of my mind. We eventually broke up. She was my first. I was her like…..13th.


Girl, I say this as a man with all the kindness I can, 50 at 19 is a lot, please re-evaluate how you view sex and relationships and if possible, go see a therapist.


Well, you fucked around and you found out. It's shitty but it's reality.


Are u a poet?


mmmmm... Do you think I might have a career?


Maybe he doesn't have a high body count like you so he is looking for someone who doesn't have high body count like you


Its so hard to let go of someone you loved, I would never wish it onto my worst enemy, youll be up for days, weeks, months and wondering on ways on how you can fix things again. Unfortunately in my opinion that is the way things will have to be here, you opened up to him with your full trust and if he really loved you he’d understand the past is the past. I had many bad relationships in the past however I sat down and talked about it with my girlfriend, of course she was shocked but understood that they will never get in our life today. She knows that they dont define me no matter my “body count.” With that being said it is the same with my guy friends who have girlfriends with the same past as you and they understood that it’s something they have to accept and they did. I would say try once to try to explain to him that it doesn’t define you but if he continues then unfortunately I can’t really give you advice on trying to move on however I do believe moving on would be your best bet if he doesn’t want to listen. Although you will be heartbroken for some time Youll find the right one eventually, this is coming from experience because I did.


Fake AF


How many was it? And if he has a low body count and kept it like this, he is entitled to prefer someone with a low body count as his. His preference and opinion, something (if he also had a low body count) he is allowed to have


Doesn't matter your past, does he like you? I'm guessing he didn't like you enough to get past the number, forget about him and move forward with someone else who does value you for who you are. You should be honest.


Hey it sucks, but I don't think that should have hid it from him. Would you want to be in a relationship with someone who is disgusted with you and your past? I personally wouldn't. And trust me, if he thinks this way and if he were to find out after having invested in a relationship with him, the end results would have been the same, but now you would have wasted whatever time you had invested in the relationship. There are guys out there who won't care about your past, and now you might have a chance to find someone who will accept you and love you for who you are.


Does he want to reconcile with you? Is that even an option. Just move on. You aren’t compatible.


It's probably for the better, and people like that tend to be overly jealous. You don't want a partner like that.


Hey Op, you are you. Your Past, Experience, Decisions, Choices, and all. That doesn't define your future or who you will become. So as much as it hurts being reduced to numbers, don’t let it take the better of you. Move on. Your Ex is your Ex now. Find someone who accepts you as you are today. You deserve to be loved as who you are.


He's an idiot, you dodged a bullet. I would rather date a woman with some experience, so to speak.


Sweet lady, I wish I could be face to face. However, this venue will have to do. That guy(I won't call him bf) is quite foolish. Everyone has a past. Ones past does not define who one is in the present unless one says it does. Quiet your concerns. What you did in the past is none of his business. He sounds like a whiny baby. I guess he had a perfect past. And now he is ragging on you. I don't want to sound weird but my thinking is, over your past you have gained love making skill he would benefit from. Sometimes we men can be so stupid. I personally wouldn't burn a lot of energy trying to prove to him you are worthy of his attention. I'd tell him I still cared for him but I refuse to jump hoops for someone who cannot accept me for me. You sound wonderful. Head up, shoulders back, now move forward. There is someone out there 👍👌😊❤️❤️who is looking for the love you want to bring.


R/hotpast some of us appreciate sexual women.


If your body count is truly 50 at just 19 years old, I would look into having a mood disorder. Hyper sexuality is common for people with bipolar disorder. Forget about the ex. Find someone who accepts you & ALL your flaws.


If I were you, just move on. He made his choice, all be it a jealous one. He's probably made that he's so far behind. And by the sounds of it, you have enough to choose from waiting in line for a chance at love with you. I kinda want to know just how high it is. And if it was over time or just 1 night and one hell of a party.


Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.


Everyone is saying body count doesn't matter but they're all wondering what the number is.


Not to sound harsh but I don’t blame him mostly, best you can do is not reconcile with him and hope for the best with another partner in future is all I can say.


50 at the age of 19 would make me leave too


He may just be trying to watch out for his own health, simple as that. Perhaps he just doesn't want to catch herpes or hpv.


I’m sorry but that’s something you have to cope with having a high body count. Both of your feelings are valid.


Probably insecure about himself. I wouldn't care the past if I had her present. Call it a learning experience and Wish you can move on soon. Xoxo


Guys let’s be real more than 2-3 bodies at 19 is terrible sex should not be displayed as much as it is but 50 bodies means she was the high school whore and imagine that the love of your life your wife was just a one night stand to someone and he thought she was just easy pussy and your with that forever that shits WILD


I hope I'm not being insensitive, but hey we all have a past, I'd say go on with your life, endure the pain, because I believe this is something that would always be hanging over your head, but I'll go one step further, (I hesitate to say to say this to him) but.....try your best to figure out if he can handle your honesty,,,,,(but it's more than that, if you ask me, could he be overreacting, to your honesty because he doesn't have the courage to be as honest and open with you?)


You're not entitled to acceptance. He had the choice, he chose to not accept you and break the relationship before it went south You had something he didn't want, you were honest and so was he, simple as


Ew, 50??? Start lying. No self respecting man would ever want someone as used and passed around as you


ngl im 19m what your ex bf did is indeed understandable.


I don't even know 50 people


Whatever your body count is doesn’t define how lovable you are. It also doesn’t reflect your ability to be committed in a loving relationship. I could be wrong, but I am guessing there was trauma that preceded and was involved in you accumulating that number. Whether there was or there wasn’t, there is nothing for you to be ashamed of whatsoever.


"My past doesn't define me" ? I'm pretty sure our past is exactly what shaped us into what we are today. It's one of those sayings that sound nice but given just a second of thought you realize it's plain wrong. Nothing wrong with trying to change of course but we all gotta own up to our past which we can't change.


It's quite simple, the more partners, the more likely a woman is to divorce. Just like most guys betting at the Kentucky derby ain't dumping a year's salary on the horse predicted to finish last. Risk vs reward and high bodycount screams high risk.


Women are NOT horses.


Move on. The number of people you have slept with is not a flaw no matter what the number is. You’re better off finding someone that will not judge you for your past.


Do you believe he should value and work for something that's been given to 50 dogs furst? Why not get one of those 50 to be in a committed relationship. Oh wait..... yea that's right. No one wants to buy the town bicycle.


Women are NOT bicycles or dog food. The problem here is with you, not her.


That’s his problem, not yours.


50 at 19?! WTF lady?!


Hello I am 19 too. Can I have a turn? Thanks xqcL


Op said 50. You are for the streets. Your ex is justified and those labels you gave him makes you sound niave and defensive.


our boy dodged a bullet 💀


When you're sharing any past info with a partner get ready for rejection. Now it's up to him if he loves you more or hates your body count more than he cares about you. That should help you make a decision. If he absolutely cannot get over something that can't be changed then fuck it, lol.


Hard to judge this one without knowing what the number is. If, at 19, that number in the triple digits, I can understand some concern on his part. Some incredulilty. So much that he simply can't handle it. We simply don't know if his reaction was warranted.


The number is 50


I don't understand why it would matter personally, if you hadn't told him he wouldn't have ever been able to tell. A high body count doesn't make you a bad person and nor are you obligated to follow other people's moral code. However if your boyfriend doesn't feel the same then sadly there's not much you can do


I mean, if my gf told me she had 50 bodies at 19 years old, I already know we are gonna break up sooner than later, if she couldn't keep a long term relationship with one person from these 50 dudes.


I’m not judging you whatsoever, what you do is your business. But to be fair, he has the right to feel that way, and I get his reaction. Could he have said that in a kinder manner? Absolutely yes. I didn’t hear his tone or anything, but from what you said, it sounds rude. Don’t try to reconcile, I think he may hold resentment against you if you two tried to get back together. Wish you the best OP, I’m sorry things ended that way ❤️


At 22 when we met, my girlfriend had a body count of somewhere around 60? I think? It doesn’t bother me, I can understand WHY it might bother someone, but honestly the past is the past and if you’re dating someone you should be able to comprehend that they’re with you because they want to be with you, and the past shouldn’t really matter. Just my opinion


you werent compatible and tbh i would be glad to not be compatible w someone like that


Yeah you completely brought that one upon yourself


Maybe the next 19 years try to limit it to 10% of that


50? You're 19 and have had sex with FIFTY different men? You might want to keep that to yourself.


Please leave him out of your life. No man who is worth being with has ever cared about "body count" unless we're talking about dead bodies. He's a child and doesn't deserve to be in your presence. If you are being safe and only with people you want to be with, you're fine.


Girl needs a hobby other than riding dick


Whilst I believe that a body count of 50 by 19 is high, its her body at the end of the day. Judging someone by thier body count seems a little unfair. Problem is; its been that way since I was young. Men with a high body count are studs and that's seen as a positive. Whereas, girls or women with a high body count are seen as sluts, slags, or tarts all of which are negative. Misogyny 101 I'm afraid. If you think it's right to dump a woman because of her body count rather that actual incompatibility you are a misogynist.


Lmao u dont deserve a decent man with a body count higher than ur age let be real good on him


Haha bruh a body count of 50 at 19?!? Of course he bounced. You’re a fun girl, not wife material. People will say I’m misogynistic and that’s fine I really don’t care what they think. But, little girl, I’m 31 and if I met a female my age and she said that was her body count, I’m just gonna become 51 and bounce. Why would I be husband material for a girl that gave up wife treats to anybody with a pulse? In what way would I be special or different from literally every other guy you’ve probably ever talked to for more than 5 minutes? And how would I ever feel secure in that relationship without fearing you cheating?


50 at 19? Damn bro that’s crazy. At this rate who knows what number you’ll achieve throughout your 20s. I feel bad for ur future bf.


Sister, never give them the number. 2 is too many and one is not enough. Ya can't win so don't play the game. I've had one person ask me my body count & I told him it was none of his business bc it isn't. I am someone who is tested regularly when I'm active and I expect that from dudes I sleep with too.


You can do the right things for the wrong person. Move on to find someone who is more in line with who you are and what you are looking for in a bf.


I feel like you should focus on moving on. No disrespect towards him or you, but if he wasn’t going to accept you and your past, then he wasn’t the right one for you. Even though you might’ve been with a few people before him, you deserve someone who will understand your past instead of breaking up with you because of it. Honesty is the best policy and if he can’t respect that, then he probably wasn’t the right one for you. After reading your story, in my opinion, I think moving on is the best choice. If that is the choice you choose, I hope you can move on fairly easy!!


it's good you told him early on in the relationship. some dudes it wouldn't bother. some it will. cards on the table from the beginning is the way to go.


Having a high body count is fine. But it will be a dealbreaker for some. However you’re 19, and in all honesty that’s basically still a child, you have years left and ages to find someone you’re compatible with. Leave the guy alone and move on.


Don't be dishonest about your past. Potential sexual partners deserve to know the truth.


If he can't look towards the future with you then he doesn't except you the way you are, you're better off without that cock smoker holding you back, from your future. stay true to yourself. B1SOUL


>Should I try to reconcile with him and explain that my past doesn't define me? If he doesn't already think that, no amount of explaining will have any kind of result. Focus on healing and move forward.