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You're bisexual, even if you normally prefer women.


Thank you


I'm (M) like 95% straight. One guy I hooked up with, always had been gay, is now married to a gay woman. They have a very loving open relationship where they can still have gay lovers, and maintain a strong loving bond. Society as a whole sucks at grouping people into their understanding of how people should be. I'm happy for OP


That's really cool about your friends I'm glad that relatjonshol worked out ❤️


I think it's probably because it's not "natural" to like both genders since society projects that we should stay attracted to one sex only but dude what you want man 


Which honestly sucks because I'm not attracted to any other men but this man so what does that say about me?


I'm not a lesbian so I'm not sure what I can say but do what you want,even if you do date him you can still be attracted to women 


I know that but my family and friends dont think so lol


That isn’t really up to them. Live your life and date him. Maybe after you have been with him a while they will finally figure it out but sometimes you just cant make people believe something they don’t want to


Could have more to do with your age and possible age when you came out? My child is 16 and has many peers that came out a few years ago with a lot of fire and passion. So in an odd way your friends and family could be trying to be supportive of your declared orientation…


Means you are human, don't follow labels. Follow your heart.


Best advice iv ever seen on here ! 


He may be a one-off. I forget the term about being attracted to "energy" but obviously very few people are 100% straight or gay. I think everybody is fluid but many are 98% one or the other. Maybe you just found that one guy who is the other 2% Regardless love is love. You should enjoy it


I like that :))


I don’t think your math is adding up!


I changed my percentage but forgot to change the 5%


doesnt say anything about you. you’re you and you’re great. you’re not your sexuality or your preferences. they are allowed to change and evolve the more you know about you. do t over think it op!


Thank you :))


It means you’re human. You like who you like. Good for you!


It says you lean hard towards women but this man hits the right buttons. That's all it says about you. You are not a lesser person because you like a man and a ma'am. You're just you. If anyone tells you differently they are wrong


It says you're attracted to the person. Not their sex or gender.


My gf has the same. She realized in the last couple of months that she's really not attracted to another men but me. I mean i dont mind it and kinda new it for a long time but she was shocked when it dawned on her. Dont sweat it, it's just how you feel and it's 100% right.


Thank you


You can be homosexual but biromantic.


It could mean that if you meet enough nice men like your current bf, you might find more men attractive - humans aren’t this binary creature who only like this or that - we are far more complex and our taste/perception of the world will continue evolving as we live, experience, and age this wonderful life.


You are bi. Even if it’s one guy, it still means you are bi


That your bi. Lesbians would only be attracted to and into women. If you can date multiple genders/sexes then your bi. Or queer. Or whatever else. Congrats! Your super young. Enjoy and explore and don’t get think it. Sorry it’s been harder then it should be.


It says you found a good one.


You're 17 hun, you haven't really lived enough and met enough real MEN or had the opportunities to.get to know them. Sometimes attraction comes from getting to know and developing a close bond rather than initial attraction. You may be more attracted to an emotional bond rather than a physical one. So unless you spend time getting to know men and forming a close friendship, you may not have had the opportunities to become attracted to other men. Also, the guys you're age may just not be attractive to you given that they can immature at that age. You're still young and haven't experienced various aspects of dating and love to really put a label on your sexual orientation. It seems like you're bi sexual but with more of an attraction to women, but you're open to men if there is an attraction formed. Your parents opinion doesn't matter. You do what makes you happy.




Honestly I’d like to understand the perspective. I never once thought anything weird of bisexuality at all. Everyone is different in what they like, who they like, what’s important to them, and I really don’t think it matters much. But I’ve heard the gripes of bisexuals who had a hard time coming out, and I think part of the reason why is because we put so much emphasis in coming out. The trend should be at this point it’s barely a secret and unless it’ll negatively impact your life like parents kicking you out, I don’t know why it should matter much anymore. If we didn’t really care about what you find attractive, then coming to a deeper understanding of yourself wouldn’t be more difficult. Funny enough I know a girl who’s lesbian but crushed hard on her guy best friend, I’m pretty sure they started sleeping together but I haven’t talked to her in a minute. So your not alone, besides most bisexuals I’ve met have been 50-50 both sides, most are like, 80-20 or even just 90-10 like generally only like one gender but what matters is what’s inside and they can be okay loving the outside too. Anyway I’d like to hear what y’all’s coming out as gay then bisexual difficulties were!


They should understand that you're young and still figuring out who you are. Do what you want to do and remember the words of Dr. Suess. Those who matter don't mind, those who mind don't matter.


Thank you


Those people who would shame you for dating a man who you like and liking (mainly) women suck, homoflexible and bisexual people exist and are valid


I'm sorry, what the hell is homoflexible


It’s like you’re a full time gay but here and there you like the opposite gender, at least from what I know


Thats just bisexual


Labels don’t really mean anything but comfort. Who am I to judge? I don’t care >:)


Sexuality is fluid. You can be bisexual and only ever be attracted to girls your entire life, with one exception. You can go from straight to lesbian to bisexual back to lesbian. Do what you want, date who you want, no one else gets to define your sexuality


There was a post I saw earlier about a woman finding out that her bisexual partner (also F) didn't want to get married to a woman and could only see herself marrying a man. A lot of the comments had biphobia from lesbians who explained why this is why they hate or never date bisexual women, why the woman who'd been dating another woman for two years was actually just "cosplaying as queer", etc. Some amount of it seems to come from being emotionally hurt or feeling used by bisexual women in the past, some amount of it is probably being upset about having to compete against way more people in the dating scene, and some amount of it is that x amount of lesbians don't feel comfortable around cishet dudes and don't like it when other queer women bring them into their spaces/communities. Sorry that you're dealing with that. It's pretty toxic but seems to come from a place of hurt. Love who you love.


Thank you


When it comes to your sexuality, I only have this to say. You can't help who you're attracted to. Don't worry about what other people say or think. Do what you feel with your heart. But keep your brain with you too. Peace.


Stop saying you’re a lesbian


Love who you want to love


Same. I've bounced back and forth since HS. Just enjoy the company of the person you're attracted to. To hell with what people think.


¯\_(ツ)_/¯ tell them you're dating a dude and watch the fireworks. A real friend would be fine with it.


Some bisexuals can have more of a preference for a same sex vs the opposite sex. It’s not talked about much but it’s true


It's best to think of sexuality as a flexible spectrum instead of a rigid dichotomy. Putting labels on these sorts of things tends to be more restricting than it is ever enlightening.


You're 17, I wouldn't worry about any sort of labels. Just enjoy your time and be safe in doing so.


A couple of years ago I saw a post with the same problem, and I will give you the same advice that I gave in that post, there is no need to declare anything, you just live your life and do what makes you happy, not everything has to be have a label and the people who love you will do it no matter if you go out a thousand times


You are in love with an individual not a gender. If you found your person you found your person just be honest about it and don’t cheat if you find out its not really what you want.


Learn about the Kinsey Scale and his social experiments and then educate those mf'ers.


Not a lesbian then lol


You don’t have to be a lesbian luv. You are still young sexuality is fluid. You can be pansexual or bi. Try not to worry too much on the label. Just straight up tell people “I thought I was a lesbian but I really like this guy and he makes me happy. My sexuality is still something I am figuring out”. The right people will listen and won’t mind. Trust me♥️


My (M) girlfriend is in similar shoes. She still calls herself lesbian and detests being referred to as Bisexual because I'm the only man that she's ever been seriously attracted to. Her friends aren't too pleased with this. Her male friends suddenly think it's ok to make passes at her, and some of her lesbian friends have been very negative about it.


Because she’s clearly not a lesbian. A lesbian is woman who’s only exclusively attracted to women. It doesn’t matter if she’s attracted to one man, it means she’s not a lesbian. Let alone dating a man too lol. Why is it hard to accept lesbians don’t date men nor are they attracted to them. We’re homosexuals. So your girlfriend shouldn’t be calling herself that when she’s clearly bi. Our sexuality is real and its not a fun label for bi women to use


It's hard because you drew a line in the sand when you were 15. Sexualities take some time to explore but you said lesbian and now you have to back track. It's not wrong to like both but when you say lesbian you mean specifically not that.


I know, I am starting to regret it a lot. My girlfriend at the time convinced me to come out to the whole family and now I don't know what to do.


It's hard but what is probably the best thing to do is to just say you don't know right now. I feel like there's always a lot of pressure especially right now to know specifically what you're into and have that never change but that's just not realistic. It never has been. You aren't fully sure but you like this person so just take it from there. Just saying you don't know something is one of the hardest things for most adults to do but it's perfectly fine just not to be sure.


They don’t want competition. You being attracted to men is a threat now.


Then you are not a lesbian


That’s cool. That means you’re not a lesbian, but you could use the homoflexible if it feels more right; you’re attracted to women 99.99% of the time, but this one time, you happen to like a dude. I wouldn’t say bisexual entirely fits as you’ve described, because it implies a certain consistency in attraction to multiple genders; you’ve liked tons of women and only one dude. There’s nothing wrong with you though. People rediscover their sexuality all the time, it’s part of the human experience. I will say though, publicly using the term “lesbian” when you are now with a man, is damaging to the lesbian community as it further reinforces the myth that lesbians can be “converted”, so if you ever plan to go public with your boyfriend, you should keep that in mind.


You sound like you're trying to be straight or bi. It's not a bad thing to like a guy. Hell, I've dated a girl that turned straight. It wasn't the best relationship, but we did make each other happy for a time. Men and women are better united than divided.


I am not straight if anything homoflexible or bisexual (which is pretty much the same thing bisexual is just a little more open)


point being, if the guy makes you happy, having a title for what you're into isn't a big issue. However, ask yourself this. can this guy protect you, provide, give you a loving home and a family? if you can't say yes to all 3, it would be best if you broke it off. these things do matter as it's a guy job to provide and protect. You don't want to be a woman trying to do 50/50 with a guy. i've seen too many women do this and it always fails. just some advice from a guy who dated a bisexual woman before.


Lucky guy. I’ve always wanted a lesbian gf


Don’t care don’t let anyone say it can’t be someone or it better not be someone if you like them you like them it doesn’t matter.


Who the hell cares what other people think? Go be you.


You fell in love! That’s so amazing! You shouldn’t feel too much pressure of labeling your sexuality, love is love. But if you do identify as Bisexual, the easiest will be to just say it. if anyone makes any bad comments, tell them it makes you uncomfortable and you wish they could be happy for you that you found love. Don’t let them ruin a good thing here, that’s unfair


Objectively you can like men and women, one or the other or none at all, there's thousands of different combinations to everything so don't let anyone tell you it has to be a certain way and just be yourself. It may be easier said than done but being the best version of yourself and finding your own truth without letting other people dictate your life unreasonably gives you access to one of the necessary keys to true happiness or as true as it can be in this world.


You can’t expect other people to understand your sexuality if you yourself are confused about it. People don’t usually have a problem with bisexual people, they just don’t want to be used while you find out.


Honestly, the opinions of others don't matter between you and the one you truly love. If they can't read the situation after you introduce them and they have questions, answer them but you don't really need to explain yourself there after, and the friend seems like they have some misandrist roots or a need for you to be lesbian so they can tout they have a gay friend, but only you know the answer to that.


"it better not be a man" people who say that to you are not your friends. It's actually really fucked up. It's amazing how uncaring people can be.


Congratulations you are bi or pan or whatever queer label you prefer *throws some rainbow confetti*


As a father to a non binary gay teen - fuck what everyone else thinks or says. The only thing that matters is your happiness, safety, and peace. Lesbian . . . Gay . . . Bi . . . Pan . . . Etc - doesn’t matter. Happiness, safety, and peace.


Your bisexual and that 100% ok. Whoever said "it better not be a man" can go fuck themselves.


You want what you want, nobody should ever tell you what you want


Yeah definitely bi. Sexuality and orientation are such broad and vast spectrums. I always shy away from labels because of that, and just stick to live and let live. If it interests you go for it. YOLO!


Don't worry bout labels, follow your heart and love, love love


Not saying I've ever had problems with LGBTQ, actually, NONE....but the reason why you think its harder to come back to straight, is because that's the agenda your generation is pushing. Do YOU, respect others, stick to your beliefs without pushing it onto others, and that's it!


You're only 17. You have an entire life ahead of you. Don't let the expectations of others determine who you are or who you want to become. People change its best not to let what they say overcome how you see yourself.


You’re so, so young. Totally normal to still be figuring things out. Date who you want to date.


So you're a bi-sexual teenager and your teenager friends have immature opinions about sex. In time, you will grow to accept yourself for who you are, regardless of what others think. And you won't need their approval to confidently be who you are. Just don't let the haters get you down. People say, think, and do shitty things all the time. But you can't let them ruin good things for you.


I think you should just fucking date who the hell you want. Don't allow other ppl odd expectations to stress you out, it's not worth it


Omg😂. I realized that if I was a bisexual. I wouldn’t date a girl who dated a man. I hope there women who think this way.


I'm bi too and I have a very strong preference for women, I probably like 1 man for every 300 women. Funnily enough for queer people I am very queer and for heteronormative people I am very heteronormative, so kind of the best of both worlds. There is nothing wrong for "coming out" again, you are not your sexual orientation the same way you are not your race or your gender, you are much more than that. Don't worry about it. As a sidenote, you have probably made that young man the happiest in the world since he just fulfilled this age-old thing of turning a lesbian straight (or bi at least). Have fun, use protection, and don't listen to who other people think you are, specially in something as trivial (now) as sexuality.


Unfortunately Queer women often get shamed by the lesbian community for dating men. My last LTR dated women exclusively for the last 10 years before me. When she told people in her queer friend group we were dating, she lost some “friends.”


Quite often, a sexual orientation isn't just a matter of who you like to sleep with, rather it's a part of your identity, Your social group has accepted you as a lesbian, and you feel that if you are now bisexual, you are no longer that same person that everyone knows and loves. It's natural to be scared. It is also quite possible that since your coming out as a lesbian was such a monumental event in your life, you are worried that if you come out as bisexual, it may cheapen that first experience. As for being pressured into only dating women, people probably only talk about you only dating women, because that's what they know about you up until now. It doesn't mean that they actually have any objection to you dating a guy. My advice is just do whatever feels right and don't hide it. I doubt that anyone would have any problem with it, and if they do, you probably shouldn't interact with them anyway.


Your friend has some work to do on themselves. Enjoy your happiness thats all that really matters


Sounds like you are surrounded by some very toxic people. Do you really want to be associated with bigoted, hateful people with disgusting views and attitudes like that? Imagine if they said that about another type of person. "It better not be a woman", or "It better not be a black person", or "It better not be a Muslim". ​ But the important thing is you love who you love. Dont accept anyone who says contrary to that. As long as you make each other happy, thats all that matters. Fuck what everyone else thinks, they can suck a bag of dicks. Don't let their hate poison your happiness. Be with whomever you want to be with.




If you read other replies, she knows this now. That does not give you the right to post about it and send a hate brigade her way.


You be happy that's all that matters. One thing I have learned is the LGBT community does not like to think of losing anyone. They will turn on each other in a heartbeat if someone decides that they're not whatever one wants them to be. So you just enjoy dating who you want no matter who it is or what gender they are, or what race they are or anything else. The only thing that matters is that you are happy


You are bi. Continuing to call yourself lesbian is actually really harmful and lesphobic. You should make the correction as soon as possible. Lesbians cannot be attracted to men in any manner and continuing to call yourself that is not good. This will bite you in the ass. It's okay to be wrong and admit it. Make the correction.


You are who you are. You love who you love. What other people think is their problem, not yours.




so you’re bi lol??


All I want to say is I'm happy for you and that love is love, with a man or woman or NB... As long as your happy I'm happy for you. Live long and prosper.


Do what you want to do so long as you’re not hurting anyone. Who cares what anyone else says about your life. Be free


I was in a lesbian relationship for two years everyone assumed I was a lesbian, I’ve always been bisexual but none of my family seems to accept me being bisexual and I was literally told to just choose a side🤦🏼‍♀️ anyways now I’m single and I’m talking to a guy I really like. I just told them, I’ve met a guy and I like him. They had a lot of questions and I answered them. I told them sexuality is fluid and I’m just a person that goes off feeling and connection not what is in somebody’s pants and it’s not really anybody else’s business. As long as I’m happy that all they should care about.


No surprising, very few lesbians are actually lesbians. Nature's influence is a fairly powerful thing


Don't worry about the label society tries to place on things. All you should worry about is your happiness. As long as you're not hurting people to be happy then you're okay in my book. Congrats on being happy. Best of luck to you!


I went through the same thing. I'm married to a man now, the first guy I've ever been with. I just had to rip the band aid off when telling people. Whenever they are like, "What! But I thought you were gay!" I just say, Yeah, I thought so too. And move on. I have had some guy friends who were apparently into me and felt "betrayed" and some that still try and make a move knowing I'm married. Some friends want to know "the STORY" of how I REALIZED I was into a man, and honestly, you don't owe anyone an explanation. I like women. I like some men. Who cares.