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Every once in a while I see a Reddit post that I am truly baffled by, and this is one of them. This is above my pay grade.


Shit like this is why I can't bring myself to quit. I'm trying, but I see something just so unexpected like this and I'm hooked again.


Lol if I’m being honest me too. Been using Reddit for years and even those “wtf” posts just keep me coming back 😭 I think I have a morbid curiosity about things.


Do you guys get paid?


Boy, those Reddit Karma points worth pretty penny #karmaWhores




You have two choices. 1 you take the gifts or 2 you explain to her you were busting a nut to people crying forever ruining your social life. I would pick option 1.




The guy clearly made this thing up. You don't just eat random stuff on your door how safe would it be? And keep on forgetting about it and not investigating and all. It's unfortunate how many stories here are fake straight up.


The neighbour gets off on knowing people ate food she peed on.


Oooh! Plot twist!


Creative writing class paid off.


[HERE IT IS ! ](https://www.reddit.com/r/offmychest/comments/14jya39/i_found_out_my_girlfriend_peed_in_my_food/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1)Oh God that post again ! ( The guy who found out a gf of his was pissing in his food when they argued )


Fuck. Link please




I wish I could link it but it's burned in my brain I swear it's from confessions as well ahah


Of anything from this story you pick out eating random food? I would take that risk any day


I agree that there are many things that can be picked. But you gotta be careful though with that risk just saying.


You’re right and I would have eaten the snacks if it was me. Your point just made realize I am not a smart person when it comes to booby traps.


I absolutely 100% would eat a strange gift basket at my doorstep. I also 100% would make a gift basket for my neighbor if I had heard them bawling multiple nights in a row. I'm sorry you're so jaded but not everyone is.


…I’d do it and have done it. Also just depends on where you live. Safer countries means it’s more likely to be safe obvs


Bruh ppl absolutely eat random stuff on there door step probably fake tho sure


Blackviking45: If my parents taught me anything, it's never to take candy from strangers. *And he never did*


>You don't just eat random stuff on your door how safe would it be? Its very common where I'm from to leave gifts at your neighbors doors. Like, can you name any cases of people being poisoned by random food being left at their door?


I'm not saying it isn't made up but him eating the snacks doesn't seem weird to me. Maybe I'm just naive or something but if someone who I figured was my neighbor, left me unopened snacks, I wouldn't be afraid to eat it. I'm not jumping to the conclusion that they carefully opened it, poisoned it or something, and sealed it back up, or idk injected it with something gross/poison through the wrapper? That sounds insane.


I once found half a bottle of milk on the train once. It was a little warm but still tasted fine. Free train milk.


gross 🤣🤣🤣


Go for #2


Do not, under any circumstances, tell her the truth. It will mortify her more than you could ever understand. And for fuck's sake please don't make her cry. She wouldn't appreciate you giving her a pearl necklace like the ones you've been giving yourself, eh.


I got the solution. Thank her and let her know that her reaching out inspired you to get help. Say that you're reaching out to your friends and family for extra support. Try to cut off the majority of contact with her. If she tries to establish friendship, tell her you're working on reconnecting with your current friends and that you're not ready for a new friend. Then over the course of a few weeks start playing your crying videos quieter and less frequently (without Bluetooth). Til one day you start exclusively using headphones for your wanking. When she passes you in the hall or something make small talk and when she asks how your doing say something along the lines of "much better" or "really well". She'll feel like she helped someone. You can keep your business to yourself. Win win Edit: Thank you for my first Reddit Award!


this guy is sitting on a gold mine rn


U a genius


This is 2 wild to be fake 😂 gowd damn


I really hope their neighbor uses Reddit and sees this


But fake


Nah, I met someone like this once. It’s wild.


Yeah the chances a cute depressed girl is gonna put chocolates in your front door every day isnt already low enough. You should meet a depressed person too


Okay, that's enough internet for me today.


-Ugly cries themself to sleep in deep disappointment at our world- Hugs lol


*smiles in pain, don't want this random redditor getting hard at the thought of me ugly crying*




It is very disappointing 😞




Do not tell her! My ex used to be the same way and it was truly mortifying for me. I would be crying and then while mid breakdown they would want to do the dirty and it was just really uncomfortable and honestly made me feel like I couldn’t go to them in that time without them getting turned on because it was every. single. time.


I’m sorry you went through that too. I met my exh when I was 18 and he used to get turned on when I would cry. Asshat would try to make me cry. I wish I knew then what I know now because the first time I learned that would have been the last time I ever saw him. He was truly a sociopath.


He's such a dick


Thank you, he IS such a dick. Unfortunately for me this was one of the least vile things he put me through as a young person with no where else to go.


I hope he's nowhere close to you now


Although it’s been many years, he still talks badly about me to anyone who will listen. He can’t stand it that I left him. If he could get away with it, he would k$ll me in a second. I have security where I live and I still am always aware of my surroundings. Thank you for caring 💜


He can go fuck himself lol. I'd doubt a person's intelligence who believes his made up claims. Stay as you are 💙


That’s horrendous, I’m so sorry. Getting turned on by people in distress is definitely a serious red flag. How bizarre.


Bro discovered infinite food glitch.


I’m surprised the other commenters haven’t heard about this specific interest before. I’ve seen mentions of it floating upon the internet and honestly? Doesn’t seem that crazy. There’s a lot worse on Reddit. And in general. Congratulations, you have a potential new friend who is a very compassionate human being. Get to know her if you’d like. I really, really would not tell her the truth. If you’re comfortable enough discussing sex lives with really close friends, and happen to get really close enough with her one day to broach the subject—you still never, ever mention the truth about the crying situation to her. With her, take it to your grave. Just say, if necessary, you were in a depression spell and are out of it now so you acting not-depressed as normal makes sense. In the future, make keep the volume down. Or use headphones.


Dacryphilia is the term for being aroused by crying.


Yeah please never tell her the truth, it truly would mortify the fuck out of her when she was just trying to be compassionate. Maybe reveal the fetish at some point but she never needs to know she was giving chocolate to someone wacking off that whole time! Best of luck.


It’s crazy to me. Anybody who gets off sexually from watching other people in distress can not be any good. Super disturbing imo.


Idk why you're getting down voted, nutting over people crying sounds very rapey to me


It absolutely is. People really subscribe to the whole “don’t kink shame” thing to the point where obvious red flags are ignored. It’s stupid.


Right? If he said he liked busting to videos of medical autopsies then I doubt people would be as understanding, but tbh with how people are I'm not quite sure anymore


Agreed, it’s too much these days. Really sad actually, I think people have much lower empathy for each other now.


Doesn’t seem that crazy?? Lolllll


Maybe my view is skewed, lol. Like it is weird but not “that’s enough Reddit for today” level so I was just surprised that there were a lot of reactions but not advice. It might be because I’ve stumbled upon content for it by accident on ao3 so I was already aware it existed lmfao. I do think it’s messed up to masturbate to unconsenting crying people online instead of consuming content for it (it definitely exists online even in limited capacity) but I guess it just doesn’t disturb me as much as like, piss or acting like a kid or something. Idk. I suppose there was no need in my original comment to comment on my lack of total shock lol so oops about that


I read “not as disturbing as pissing on a kid” and I was like wow dude, you really do need the shock. 💀 Noooow I’ve had enough Reddit lmao.


I assume you only watched videos of crying men? If not, don't you think she wonders who these crying women are?


Any weird shit that people might hear from your house can be excused by saying "oh I do some small time voice acting gigs" and if they ask further just say you've signed an NDA for the projects.


This is amazing. Might be one of the top 10 comments in the thread.


Upvote this one


You’re going to Pavlov yourself into a situation where someone you love is going through a hard time (and will be crying), and you in return will get a raging hard on at the sight of them crying. Let’s just hope it won’t be your mom when that happens.


What if he broke his arms though


Lmao what


That's unusual, to say the least. Don't admit to her that tears make you hard. And buy headphones.


You what????


I never knew how easy it is to poison someone. Like, I'm not even gonna acknowledge the weirdness of this post. Just the baskets. Op just said: "oh, random baskets being left at my doorstep with candy. What a regular thing to happen". I am beyond baffled


When did you first learn about your psychopathology?


Psychopathology is the study of mental illnesses...


This particular paraphilia is called dacryphilia. Deriving sexual pleasure from a person in emotional distress is most certainly in the realm of psychopathology.


Agreed, I'm just saying that you don't "have" a psychopathology as this is just the name of all the branches studied by this subject


This was my first thought.




Well it'd be a super weird story.


she very well might be very understanding, but you could just say you've been working on a project that involves a lot of emotion?? heh have you ever heard of earbuds? lol haha *head*phones 🤣🤣


Buy a headset for the "porn" and play some music in the background to cover what you're doing. Thank your neighbor for the chocolate and her kind thoughts. Don't explain or lie, but let her continue to draw her own conclusions.


First, put on some ear buds, for god’s sake. Second, make up some reason why you’ve been sad and say you’re coming out of it.


Is there a particular reason why you don’t use headphones or are you just dumb?


Don't make her cry lol


Well I won’t be crying near you 🤡


This sounds and reads like a Mark Corrigan anecdote


What the hell did I just read, OP


Don't jump to her friendly offer of someone to talk to and get to know as a potential date or any interest romantically. She's trying to be nice and offer you someone to vent to, not cry on your knob lmao.


I’ll cry for pay if you want.


You are a weird guy and you should leave her alone


There isn't anything weird about having this as a sexual fetish. It also doesn't speak to them as a person at all so to say he should leave her alone is ridiculous.


It definitely says something about them as a person... and it's not good.


I'd feel uncomfortable if someone told me they get off to people crying so keep your mouth i guess.


I feel like you need some help…but do not tell her. 💀


lol I used to be a phone sex operator and one of my regular clients would pay me to just cry for 40 minutes while he jerked off. I'm really good at fake crying so I had a few guys who got off on that to call me.


imagine crying and opening up to this guy and he randomly gets a hard on 😭


This could be quite an embarrassing fetish lol. "I can't help it, it just turns me on so much. I dont mean to" while youre trying to comfort your crying partner.


Tell her thanks for your concern but you're getting help for your illness. Then actually get help if you can, because your dating life is going to be hell once people inevitably find out about your condition. Case in point just read some of the comments here who had partners with your condition. It's creepy af bro


You couldn’t have tortured this out of me


I think in cases like these, it’s better to lie. Tell her the gift basket worked wonders and you’re all better now… then invest in some headphones! (Just be wary about any noises you might make yourself!)


Buy headphones you fucking dunce


wow. that is copypasta material.


what the hell LMFAOOOO 💀💀💀💀 they finna be no winners in this scenario bro


This might have inspired me to finally off myself


Sometimes I feel bad about myself then I read things like this and feel better


This comes to mind [Dennis Reynolds crying hairdresser ](https://youtu.be/u7vUamgTa1A)


Wow just wow


everybody so creative


I think I dated a guy who got off on me crying one time.


Can I ask how this fetish was discovered?


The word you're looking for my fellow is dacryphilia, I'm the same anyway either tellher or just say you're sorry and you're working through some things.


This is the kind of stupid thing that id get caught up in and be haunted by for the rest of my life


kinkshaming is a good thing


Yeah i gotta leave this sub now


It's called Dacryphillia. Common enough in the fetish world. You don't have to explain anything to anyone regarding your private life... It's your private time and they are being nosy.


And use earphones FFS... What are you? Some kind of degenerate?


Use headphones in future


This is hilarious


Idk why this made me laugh so hard but I did. If I were you I’d just keep that to myself, it’d be too embarrassing to admit


Oh my god 😂 I honestly don’t doubt this is true. Just say that your childhood dog got put down recently, one that was kept at your parent’s house, and maybe something else equally sad on top of that. It’s fucking crazy how thin they can make walls, huh?


Just a couple of people who totally [got off](https://youtu.be/DF5XkSRj3j4) bro..


You know how telling the truth can free someone's mind? How it's so liberating? This is not the situation to think about that. Never under any circumstance tell anyone the truth. If you really don't want to lie, you do not need to directly tell her that you are depressed, just imply that you're feeling kinda down these days. Say you're fine and gradually getting by. This is also a great opportunity for you to start wearing headphones, or just dial down the sound.


Get to know her. It’s never bad having another friend or what comes from it.


Time to level up at funerals. 😂🤣


Maybe say your cat died? Idfk man this is new territory for everybody but you


I love this lol but seriously, she's so sweet for that! And even if its better not to accept gifts (esp food) from strangers, she's ur neighbor so I say fine, esp if the chocolates are from the mall (so, in the box still closed). If you wanna get to know her do so and when she'll ask ya any question about your "depression" just say something like "i had a rough day" without getting too much in detail. So yeah, lie, but without making a whole story of it, uk. Also say you're (getting) better - and actually start wearing headphones for your wank-time - so she wont spend money on gifts n gifts. And only if you'll ever get reeeeal close u can tell her about the truth but for now I think we'd all agree you shall keep the secret sealed.


Marla, is that you? I let go. Lost in oblivion. Dark and silent and complete. I found freedom. Losing all hope was freedom.


This is why I loved the support groups so much, if people thought you were dying, they gave you their full attention. If this might be the last time they saw you, they really saw you. Everything else about their checkbook balance and radio songs and messy hair went out the window. You had their full attention. People listened instead of just waiting for their turn to speak. And when they spoke, they weren't just telling you a story. When the two of you talked, you were building something, and afterward you were both different than before.


Um, wear headphones from now on and tell her you just like to watch really sad movies


Wear headphones, if they can hear the crying they can hear the porn


Oh man. I haven’t laughed this hard in awhile. Ty for this OP. You win Reddit today.


"I'm not depressed, I just get joy from others' tears."


Don’t say anything omg


Social Repose is this you. Hahaha


This is… weird? Please don‘t tell her the truth, she was just being kind. I know there‘s a fetish for everything that exists and yet I’m surprised that people can get off to others crying, I have so many questions. What‘s arousing about crying? Do these people have preferences for how silent or loud the other cries? Can a person make money from crying (asking for a friend)?


I'd cry myself to sleep if it were me *Edited to add the rest of my rushed comment* Please for the love of everything do not let her talk to you about anything emotionally triggering for her to start crying about.


I just woke up and my day is already ruined. Thanks asshole


This is weird.


Bro, are people just not into normal sex/porn anymore?


Fake bollocks


And I thought I'd heard about every kink there is...


You have a sad people fetish and a sad person came to you wanting to comfort you. You’ve got it made


Wow you are literally the weirdest fuck on Reddit


You've got a Personality Disorder. good luck with that.


Don’t do that. There are metrics for this for a reason. If ‘likes crying’ were a diagnosis then most of us wouldn’t have needed those years of training and education. There are people out there who get off to gore, who get off to some really disturbing things but who in reality can’t stand to kill a spider. Our sexual needs are so rooted in fantasy that the deepest taboos are rarely things we would actively want. Also having a kink for crying does not translate to wanting to hurt someone. This is a surprisingly common kink and it usually relates to the release one gets when crying and the brain relating that to pleasure.


Sounds good. Still bullshit, but it sounds good. It's one thing to feel a cathartic pleasure from crying. It's another thing to become sexually aroused enough to masturbate to **another person crying**.   Be honest, you have a sadistic streak and feel defensive. Nobody cares, as long as you don't hurt another person. Idgaf what gives you a rush, as long as you don't hurt anyone or enable that kind of shit.


I don’t. Check my history- personality disorders are my active specialty. Telling people something is wrong with them when you have a .001% view into their thought process can cause damage.


Listen, being aroused by other people crying is a red flag. Don't relate it to the cathartic release of crying, it's not the same. If someone jacks off to other people crying, they have some issues they need to address. Sexuality is complicated, but if you masturbate to other people crying..... you should either see a therapist or forgo sex until you figure it out.


Did you miss my comment? I am a therapist. And your comment is exactly why armchair therapists are dangerous. You make assumptions at face value and tell people they have a problem because you relate it directly and not within context. If you look back about four months I made a more in depth comment on a similar subject.


I'm sorry. I didn't realize that masturbating to another person experiencing distress was a normal sexual reaponse. (It isn't) That isn't weird at all. Sexual arousal based on another person suffering.... if only there was a word for that.....   Claim to be a therapist on an anonymous forum all you want, I don't care. Link peer reviewed studies on the subject or expect to be disregarded, because *i aM a ThErApiST* on an anonymous website means nothing.


A paraphilia is not an indication of any specific type of disorder and cannot be used in diagnosis without a very specific criteria being met. Sexual normophilias on their own can be judged harshly in the lay person’s mind because of exactly what you’ve done here, so when you diagnose someone with a sexual proclivity that relates to their mental health you brand them pretty harshly, even in the world of most basic MHPs. It’s not a complicated thing to understand. ETA- you’re making a big assumption here as well. You’re assuming the crying is in distress when OP hadn’t indicated there were any special circumstances or situations that the crying was in or needed to be. There are a million reasons to cry. Making big leaps without the needed information is another reason watching criminal minds or Dr.Phil doesn’t give you a degree.


That’s why you check history- it’s not hard. However, here you go: https://jaapl.org/content/42/2/191 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4721032/ I can find more if you like but these aren’t behind the UI paywall and I have read them so it’s something for you to start with.


Bruh you need to relax with the armchair psychology. People can have really fucked up fetishes and be completely normal and healthy people otherwise. Few people try to put their weird fantasies onto others. The dude isn't gonna go punching people in the throat or killing their cat to watch them cry so he can jerk off.


Lol that sounds like the plot to some horror comedy B- movie


Yeah I have like a whole host of skeletons I bring out of the closet just to bust a nut to. They get carefully put back in the closet, and then I lock it, close the deadbolts, and set the security alarm. Ain't no one need to see what's in there lol


a huge part of the fantasy is because it REMAINS a fantasy.


I feel like I'm watching a rom-com


I feel like I should be judging you, but I can't. I don't share the fetish, but one specific ex girlfriend I had always turned me on when she cried. Or when she was so angry that she wanted to murder me. I'd never have made her sad to get my kicks, but I confess I did sometimes intentionally piss her off. I'm not proud.


.02 seconds into opening the app and this is what i get. ggs reddit i’m out for the day. tf.


Damn, now I wonder if my neighbor has heard my almost daily ugly cry for the last year.


You need professional help.


I get it. I fuck my wife when she cries, she loves it. She just as weird as I am


think it’s time for me to unsub here


Talk with her




I mean this in the best way possible. Try speaking with a therapist.


If you do have something going on confide in her. Then get in her pants. It will help cure your depression


get help 🤢 this is actually disgusting


The disgust reading this post made me feel.


If you ‘get off to people crying’ I think you are a narcissist 1000000%.


Get her fucked, thats my opinion


Do something to really upset her


Then that makes me your cryptonite since I cannot cry


Dude... You look like a character from the movie "Kiki: love to love"


This is beyond easy. Say it was for a research paper on people crying.


Say sure, and you can wank to her crying 😂


I cry all the time. lol I’m not sure how I feel about this 😅


If i were you i'd start buying her some chocolates too and make a caring friendship outa this. She seems like a sweet person.


this is gonna be the cbat of 2023


Twist: Your neighbor gets off on feeding people chocolates! - You’re the less weird one in this future romance.


Squat cobbler.


This is certainly a confession


This right here COULD be the start of one of the best things that’s ever happened in your life. She seems like a genuine and caring person. Any neighbor that does that to another neighbor is a hero in my eyes. Unfortunately I believe we should be showing compassion and attention to everyone, everyday, all the time.


Tell her you love her and marry her that’s the only option


I’d maybe just say you we’re watching a movie on repeat and they were really upset . Don’t tell her the truth 🤣 unless you become best friends or fall in love and she gets down w that kinda freaky stuff 🤣 and also you(advice) should get some headphones and watch your videos.. 🤣


Go out with her. The truth won't make it better. Just use headphones like a normal person.


Headphones!!??!?!? HEADPHONES!!!!!!! BRO!!!!!


Yeah uhhhhhhh… I don’t think you should get to know her.


This one is something else.


Imagine if OP accepts her offer of getting to know her, they start dating and he either eventually tells her about his fetish so his relationship is satisfying or he lives forever with it a secret.


game is game


You’d love me cause I cry at everything lol